



Ⅰ Project Background


Hangzhou is a city renowned for its historical and cultural heritage, innovative vitality, and ecological civilization; it stands as a modern international metropolis that radiates cultural depth in every aspect. In Hangzhou, culture endows this ancient city with a soul, activating a profound force that deeply touches people’s hearts.


Over the years, Hangzhou has consistently benchmarked againstthe international advanced cities in order topromote thedevelopmentand quality ofpublic cultural services. The Hangzhou Future International Performing Arts Center (including the Hangzhou Concert Halland the Yuhang Grand Theater), not only is a representative project for Hangzhou to build a top-notch cultural landmark, but also carries the citizens’ expectations for a superiorand beautiful life. With the opportunity brought by buildingtheimportant new urban center in Hangzhou, we are committed to creating a world-class, high-standard venue for artistic performance to illuminate the high-quality waterfront “Art Lounge” at the southern end of the axis.


Ⅱ Overall Positioning


This project adheres closely to professionalism and high-quality standards, anchoring itself to “international first-class levels”.It aims to build a concert hall capable of hosting international standard performances and a leading comprehensive performing arts center at home and abroad. It continually enhances the combined benefits of “PerformingArts + Cultural Exchange + Art Education”, striving to make this project shine brightly as a dazzling jewelon the world-class axis in Hangzhou important new urban center.


Ⅲ Project Profile


This project is located at the core node at the southern end of the central axis of the new urban center of Hangzhou, adjacent to Mengxi Water Town, 7km away from Hangzhou West Lake Scenic Area, 4km away from Xixi National Wetland Park, and 4.5km away from Hangzhou West Railway Station.

项目用地位于创景路以西,水乡北路以南文化地块,规划总用地面积约10.3公顷(约154.5亩),规划指标为容积率≤0.85,建筑密度≤50%,绿地率≥25%,建筑限高≤55 米(1985 国家高程基准)。

Thisproject,with the totalplanningland area of about 10.3 hectares (about 154.5 acres), will belocated in the land for cultural buildings onthe west of Chuangjing Roadandsouth of Shuixiang North Road. The planning indicators includeFloor Area Ratio ≤ 0.85, Building Density ≤ 50%, Green Space Rate ≥ 25%,andBuilding Height Limit ≤55 meters (according to 1985 National Elevation Benchmark).


The total construction area of the project is approximately 153,000 square meters (including 87,000 square meters above ground). The Hangzhou Concert Hall plans to build a main hall (about 1,600-1,800 seats) and an auxiliary hall (about 600-800 seats); the Yuhang Grand Theater plans to build a main hall (about 1500-1,600 seats),a multi-functional hall with about 600-800 seatsand commercial facilities. The totalinvestment is estimated to be approximately 3.479 billion yuan, of which constructioncostsand settlement allowances are approximately 2.938 billion yuan.


Ⅳ Essential Requirements


1.The application firm should be a legal entitywhichregistered domestically or internationallyApplications by individualsor design teams composed of individualsare not accepted.


2.Applicants registered in China must haveClass-A Engineering Design Integrated Qualification ,

or Class-A Qualification in Engineering Design and Construction Industry, or Class-A Qualification in Engineering Design and Construction Industry(construction engineering)issued by Chinese administrative authorities,orthey are architectural design firmswith Class-A Qualification.


3.Applicantsregistered overseas (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) should generally have legal registration certification documents from the country or region where they are registered.Design firms registered overseas (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan)can apply through their branch office in China, but proof of the affiliation between the applicant and the overseas design firm mustbe provided.


4.The applicantsmust have undertakenthe designwork forat least one concert hall or theater-type building.


5.This competition does not accept applications from consortiums.


ⅤApplication Methods



2.申请材料递交时间:征集公告发布之日起至2024年 5 月 24日17时30分(北京时间,以申请指定邮箱收到时间为准,逾期不予受理)。

(1) Online application (recommended):

1. Designated email addressfor applications: **********@qq.com.

2. Submission time forapplication materials: from the release date of the announcement to 17:30 on May 24, 2024 (Beijing Time; The time of receiving the application email shall prevail, and no overdue applications shall be accepted)



2.联系人:周勇武 朱秋瑜,联系电话:130*****973


(2) On-site application:

1.Submission location for application materials: Office 303, Building 7, AngleVillage, No.999 Jingxing Road, Yuhang District, Hangzhou City

2. Contact person: Zhu Qiuyu;Contact number: 130*****973.

3. Submission time forapplication materials: from the release date of the announcement to9:00 to 12:00 am, 2:00 to 5:30 pm on May 24, 2024 (excluding weekends and statutory holidays)(Beijing time; no overdue applications shall be accepted).



2.收件人:周勇武 朱秋瑜,联系电话:130*****973

3.申请材料邮寄时间:征集公告发布之日起至2024年5 月 24 日17时30分(北京时间,以邮寄材料送达时间为准,逾期不予受理)。

(3) Application by mail:

1. Mailing address: Office 303, Building 7, AngleVillage, No.999 Jingxing Road, Yuhang District, Hangzhou City

2. Recipient: Zhu Qiuyu;Contact number: 130*****973.

3. Submission time forapplication materials: from the release date of the announcement to 17:30 on May 24, 2024 (Beijing Time;Thetime when the mail is delivered shall prevail,and no overdue applications shall be accepted)


Ⅵ Compulsory materials



2. 以上相关内容如采用外文的均要求提供中文译本的扫描件。

(1) Online application

1. The "Application Form " (see Attachment 1 for details, which needs to be filled in as required) and its relevant attachmentsshall be providedand duly stamped as required. All documents shall be scanned and sent to the designated email address(**********@qq.com).

2. If any of the documents is in a foreign language, the corresponding Chinese version shall be scanned and provided.




(2) On-site/mail application

1. The "Application Form " (see Attachment 1 for details, which needs to be filled in as required) and its relevant attachmentsshall be providedand duly stamped as required, as well as scanned copiesof all thesematerials.

2. If any of the documents is in a foreign language, the corresponding Chinese version shall be provided.


Ⅶ Shortlisting and Selecting


Shortlist selection


1. After the deadline for submission of application materials, the agency will conduct a preliminary review, and then the organizerfor this solicitationactivity will set up a shortlist selection review committee to review the certificates and qualifications of the applicantsand theirproposed designerpersonnel, their design performance insimilar projects, awards, honors, etc. After evaluation and comparison, eight firmswill be shortlisted and no explanation will be given to those who are not shortlisted.


2. The organizer will issue a “Notification Letter ofShortlisting”to notify the shortlisted firms. If the application firmthat receives theNotification Letterfails to respond in time as required, it will be deemed to have automatically given up the qualification, and the organizerwill select the best among the non-shortlisted applicantsas a substitute.


Application review


After the shortlisted firms submit their proposal documents, the organizer will set up an expert review committee. Upon carefully studying and scrutinizing each proposal, the committee will recommend three outstanding firms. Ultimately, the organizer will comprehensively consider and decide on one final selected firm from the recommended ones.


Ⅷ Main Timelinefor SolicitationActivities(Temporary)









Shortlisting and Selecting


May 31, 2024



On-site inspection


June 6, 2024



Medium-termmeeting for design result report


July 5, 2024



Submitting proposal documents


July 29, 2024



Expert Review


August 4, 2024


Ⅸ Compensation fees


It is planned to arrange the payment of compensation fees to the shortlisted applicants who submit valid application documents in this solicitation activity (the fees include tax, and the currency is RMB) as follows:


1. The final selected firmwill receive a compensation fee of 2 million yuan and another2million yuanfor deepening the plan.


2. Unselected outstanding firmswill receive a compensation fee of 1.5million yuanper firm.


3. The rest of shortlisted firms that submit valid proposal documentswill receive a compensation fee of 1million yuanper firm.


Ⅹ Others

1. 接到《应征入围通知书》后,应征入围单位须及时提交应征保证金(人民币5万元),未按要求提交应征保证金的应征入围单位,将视为自动放弃应征入围资格。如最终交纳应征保证金的应征入围单位不足3个的,则取消本次征集活动。

1.Uponreceiving the "Notification letter of Shortlisting”, the shortlisted firmsmust submit an application deposit (RMB 50,000) in a timely manner. Those whofail to submit the application deposit as required will be deemed to have automatically given up their qualifications. If there are less than 3 shortlisted firmsthat finally pay application deposit, this competition will be cancelled.

2. 在本次征集活动中,应征单位自身发生的差旅费、交通费、劳务费、文本费、税金等一切费用自行承担。

2.All expenses including travel, transportation, labor, text, taxes and etc. incurred tothe participating design firms during the competition period will be covered by themselves.

3. 征集单位提供的所有基础资料(包括:文字、图纸、电子数据等)的版权均受法律保护,除为本次征集活动使用外,不得作其它用途,任何未经征集单位同意的拷贝、修改、传播、公开发布等行为都将承担相应的法律责任。

3.The copyright of all basic materials (including text, drawings, electronic data, etc.) provided by theorganizer is protected by law and shallnot be used for any other purpose except for this solicitation activity. Without the consent of the organizer,copy, modification, dissemination, public release and other activities will be prohibited; otherwise, the corresponding party will be investigated for legal liability.

4. 应征入围单位所提交的设计成果的设计署名权归相应的应征单位所有,版权归双方共有。入围单位需提交设计成果、后续意向设计服务内容及报价清单。征集单位或其授权单位有权公开展示设计成果,并通过传播、媒介、专业杂志、书刊及其它形式介绍、展示、评价设计成果。所有应征文件在评审后不予退还。若确有需要,应征单位或其授权单位可在本项目中使用本次提交的方案成果。

4.Theright of signatureof the design results submitted by the shortlisted firmsbelongsto the corresponding firms, whilethe copyright belongs to both firms and organizer. The shortlisted firmsshall submit the design results, the content for follow-up design service and the quotation list. Theorganizeror its authorized institutionshas the right to publicly display the design results and introduce, publishand evaluatethem through communication, media, professional magazines, books, periodicalsand other forms. All application documents will not be returned after review. If necessary, the applicant or its authorized institutionscan use the submitted program results in this project.

5. 其他具体内容和要求详见征集文件,本征集公告与征集文件有不一致之处,以征集文件为准。

5.For other specific contents and requirements, please refer to the solicitation documentsfor details. If there is any inconsistency between this solicitation announcement and the solicitation documents, the solicitation documents shall prevail.

6. 结合实际应征申请情况,征集单位有权调整征集公告内容,并酌情延长申请材料的递交时间。

6.Based on the actual application situation, the organizerhas the right to adjust the solicitation announcement content and may extend the submission time forapplication materials as appropriate.

7. 征集单位拥有本次征集活动的最终解释权,解释以中文为准。

7.The final right to construe thissolicitation activityresides in the organizer, while the interpretation in Chinese shall be final.


Ⅺ Contact




Organizer: Hangzhou Yuhang Urban Development and Investment Group Co., Ltd.

Contact Person: Zhou Yongwu、Zhu Qiuyu

Contact Number: 130*****973





Agency: Yaohua Construction Management Co., Ltd.

Contact Person: Wu Xiaojun

Contact Information: 133*****800

E-mail: **********@qq.com




2024年5月16 日

Host: The Office for the Hangzhou Future International Performing Arts Center(the Hangzhou Concert Halland the Yuhang Grand Theater)

Organizer: Hangzhou Yuhang Urban Development and Investment Group Co., Ltd.

Agency: Yaohua Construction Management Co., Ltd.

May 16,2024



标签: 概念性方案设 国际征集





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