

招 标 编 号 :KCFZ-2016-535

昆明晨晟招标有限责任公司(以下简称“招标机构”)受云南烟草国际有限公司(以下简称“招标人”)委托对下列服务进行国际公开竞争性招标,于2016年7月1日 在(www.chinabidding.com/)、商务部必联网(http://www.ebnew.com)、()、云南省招标投标信息网(www.ynbidding.net)、云南中烟工业有限责任公司网站(www.ynzy-tobacco.com)、云南烟草国际有限公司网站(www.ytichina.com.cn)和昆明晨晟招标有限公司网站(www.kmcsn.com)公告。本次招标采用传统招标方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。





法国Palais des Festivals et des Congrès

1 boulevard de la croisette

F - 06414 CANNES Cedex


根据发包人提供的展厅设计图及施工图,提供展厅效果图(面积19.73平米),按照附件(TECHNICAL E-MANUAL)所列的技术要求向展会主办方进行展厅施工申报审批、展厅制作、运输(包括必要的跨境运输)、展厅搭建及维护、撤展、相关宣传促销物料的制作及其他零星设计和制作。








(一) 投标人为合法注册的公司

(二) 投标人须为具有或等同具有广告、宣传、制作执行经营资格的企业(国内企业用营业执照证明;境外企业用同等有效的文件证明),在人员、设备、资金、语言沟通等方面具有履行服务内容的能力;并能承担运输(包括必要的跨境运输)、制作、布展和撤展的协调及组织能力。

(三) 企业近三年(2013年度-2015年度)承担过类似项目(需提供合同或所服务过公司提供的服务证明文件)。

(四) 投标人近三年财务状况良好,未处于被责令停业、资产被冻结状态。

(五) 本项目采用的资格审查方式:资格后审。

(六) 本次招标不接受联合体投标。


4.1请于 2016 年 7月1日至 2016年7月7日(国家法定节假日、公休日除外),每天上午9时00分至11时30分,下午14时00分至17时00分(北京时间),到昆明晨晟招标有限责任公司(昆明市盘龙区世博路12号 ,世博生态城IN的家一楼)进行报名,报名时持(1)国内企业用营业执照证明;境外企业用同等有效的文件证明(复印件加盖公章);(2)单位介绍信或法定代表人授权委托书原件;(3)法定代表人授权委托书署名的经办人身份证原件。若投标人属昆明外埠企业,可将以上原件或盖有单位公章的复印件扫描后发至招标代理机构邮箱。


4.3如需邮购,可以书面形式通知招标代理机构,并另加邮寄费每套 100 元(人民币),招标代理机构在收到邮购款(含手续费)后1日内以快递方式向投标人寄送招标文件。


5.1递交投标文件截止时间为:2016 年7月21 日10时00分











地 址:昆明市盘龙区世博路6号

联系人: 和姸宏

电 话:139*****158


办公地址:昆明市盘龙区世博路12号 ,世博生态城IN的家一楼





Bidding Announcement for Exhibition and Arrangement of WORLD EXHIBITION & CONFERENCE (France) of

Yunnan Tobacco International Co., Ltd

Upon commission by Yunnan Tobacco International Co., Ltd, (hereinafter referred to as “the tenderee”), Kunming Transcend Tendering Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as the “tendering organization”) will perform international open competitive bid for the following services, and on 01 (DD)07 (MM) 2016,it will give announcement via China International Bidding Netwok (www.chinabidding.com/), ebnew Network of Ministry of Commerce (http://www.ebnew.com), website of China Procurement and Bidding (), website of Yunnan Bidding Information (www.ynbidding.net), website of Yunnan China Tobacco Co., Ltd (www.ynzy-tobacco.com), website of Yunnan Tobacco International Co., Ltd (www.ytichina.com.cn) and website of Kunming Transcend Tendering Co., Ltd (www.kmcsn.com). The traditional tendering way is used for the tender. Now, eligible bidders will be invited to participate in the bid.

1. Tendering Conditions

For Bidding Announcement for Exhibition and Arrangement of WORLD EXHIBITION & CONFERENCE (France) of Yunnan Tobacco International Co., Ltd Yunnan Tobacco International Co., Ltd, the tenderee will be Yunnan Tobacco International Co., Ltd, with the tendering agent as Kunming Transcend Tendering Co., Ltd. This project has the tendering conditions. Now there will be the open bidding.

2. Summary of the Project and Procurement Demands

2.1 Site for project implementation

Palais des Festivals et des Congrès,

1 boulevard de la croisette,

F - 06414 CANNES Cedex, France

2.2 Procurement Demands

Based on the stand design drawing and construction drawing provided by the contract issuing party, (with an area of 19.73 square meters), it is required to provide a stand effect picture, perform review and approval of the application for stand construction, stand preparation, transportation (including necessary cross-border transportation), stand setup and maintenance, exhibition withdrawal, production of promotion materials for related advertisement and other fragmentary design and production by the organizer of the exhibition subject to the technical requirements set forth in the appendixes (Technical e-manual).

2.3Period of Project Service

90 calendar days after the contract is entered into (with the effective period of the contract as 180 days)

2.4Procurement Mode

Open bidding

2.5Prices Marked at Procurement Box

RMB320, 000.00

3. Requirements for Bidders’ Qualification

(I) The bidders shall be legally registered companies

(II) The bidders must be companies that must have the qualification for advertisement, publicity and production operation or the equivalent thereto (business license certificates used by domestic enterprises; or equally effective documentation used by overseas enterprises), the ability to perform the service content in personnel, equipment, capital, language communication and other aspects; and the ability to coordinate with and organize transportation (including necessary cross-border transportation), production, exhibition arrangement and exhibition withdrawal.

(III) Similar projects undertaken by enterprises over the past three years (from 2013 to 2015) (required to provide the contracts or the documentation for the services provided for companies).

(IV) The financial standing of the bidder over the past three years is good, and is not in the state of being ordered to shut down and having their assets frozen.

(V) The mode of qualification review used for this project: post-review of qualification.

(VII) Joint bidding will be unacceptable for this tender.

4. Registration and Acquisition of Tendering Documents

4.1 You are requested to be registered with Kunming Transcend Tendering Co., Ltd (1/F, IN’s Home, World Expo Eco-Center, 12 World Expo Road, Panlong District, Kunming) from 01(DD) 07 (MM) 2016 to 07(DD) 07 (MM) 2016 (except national statutory holidays and festivals and legal holidays) from 9:00 to 11:30, and from 14:00 to 17:00 (Beijing Time). During registration, it is required to hold (1) business license certificates used by domestic enterprises; or equally effective documentation used by overseas enterprises (duplicated copies affixed with common seals); (2) originals of letters of recommendation or letters of authorization of legal representatives; and (3) original identity certificates of persons handling the case as signed by letters of authorization by legal representatives. If the bidder is an entity outside Kunming, it may send the aforesaid originals or copies with common seals to the mailbox of the tendering agent organization.

4.2 The selling price of each set of tendering documents will be RMB600, which will not be refunded after its sale.

4.3 In the case of necessary purchasing by mail, written notice may be given to the tendering agent organization, with the payment of additional postage at RMB100 per each set. The tendering agent organization will mail the tendering documents to the bidder by express delivery within 1 day after receipt of the payment for purchase by mail.

5. Submission of Bidding Documents

5.1 The deadline of the submission of the bidding documents shall be: 21_(DD) 07 (MM) 2016 at 10_ (hour) _00_ (minute)

5.2 The place for the deadline of the delivery of bidding documents: Conference Room, of the Conference Center of Yunnan China Tobacco Industrial Co., Ltd (6 World Expo Road, Panlong District, Kunming).

5.3 Any bidding documents subject to overdue service or failure to be serviced to the designated place will be rejected bythe tenderee.

5.4 Bid opening for this tender project will be held openly at the same time and place as that of the aforesaid bid. Legal representatives of the bidders or their authorized proxies shall attend the same in a timely manner.

6. Bid

Eligible bidders will perform site presentation and reply with connection with their own conditions, service plans, project organization agencies and other contents. Different biddersmay prepare corresponding documents (such as PPT, etc.), with the time for such representation to be controlled within 10 minutes, (with personnel in charge of the project of domestic enterprises to attend the bid presentation. And for overseas enterprises, the personnel in charge of the project will be required to record the videos of the content in the bid presentation, which will be taken to the bid opening site by their authorized agents)

Note: Bid presentation will be arranged after preliminary review. Bid presentation will be limited to the eligible bidders.

7. Media for Releasing the Announcement

The tender announcement for this project will be simultaneously released via China International Bidding Netwok (www.chinabidding.com/), ebnew Network of Ministry of Commerce (http://www.ebnew.com), website of China Procurement and Bidding (), website of Yunnan Bidding Information (www.ynbidding.net), website of Yunnan China Tobacco Co., Ltd (www.ynzy-tobacco.com), website of Yunnan Tobacco International Co., Ltd (www.ytichina.com.cn) and website of Kunming Transcend Tendering Co., Ltd (www.kmcsn.com). This Company will not assume any liability for the announcement reproduced by other websites or media and any content therein.

8. Contacts

The tenderee: Yunnan Tobacco International Co., Ltd

Address: 6 World Expo Road, Panlong District, Kunming

Contact person: He Yanhong

Tel: 139*****158

Tendering agent organization: Kunming Transcend Tendering Co., Ltd

Office address: 1/F, IN’s Home, World Expo Eco-Center, 12 World Expo Road, Panlong District, Kunming

Postcode: 650001

Contact persons: Huang Qiushuang (130*****117), Cao Ran (138*****934)

Fax: (0871) ********

E-mail: ********6@qq.com

标签: 烟草 展览会 参展








