

建 设 单 位 :
长沙市规划管理局 项 目 类 型 :市政类设计方案
项 目 地 址 : 长沙市湘江以西 招标结束时间 : 2008-2-20
用 地 面 积 :1200平方公里资 质 要 求 ↓
建 筑 面 积 : N/A具有国家甲级规划设计资质(境外设计单位应具有相应资质)

近期,长株潭城市群“两型社会”综合配套改革试验区获国家批准,面对这一千载难逢的发展机遇,长沙市委市政府决定规划建设 “两型社会”综合配套改革试验区长沙市大河西先导区(暂名,以下简称先导区),进行机制体制创新的先行先试。



1、项目名称: “两型社会”综合配套改革试验区长沙市大河西先导区规划。







































联系地址: 长沙市雨花区曙光中路165号长沙市勘测设计院601


联系人:李华 137*****675

刘振宇 139*****670

电话:****-******* 传真:****-*******

E—mail:李华lihua422126@126.com , 刘振宇lzy@hnup.com

International Solicitation Bulletin for “Two-oriented Society” Comprehensive Supporting Reform Testing Zone Changsha Dahexi Pioneer Zone Planning (Draft)

Recently, Changsha Tancheng City"s “Two-oriented Society” Comprehensive Supporting Reform Testing Zone has passed the approval of the government, in this case, Changsha Municipal Committee and Government determined to plan and construct the “Two-oriented Society” Comprehensive Supporting Reform Testing Zone Changsha Dahexi Pioneer Zone (temporary name, abbreviated as Pioneer Zone), in order to conduct the advance test on mechanism innovation.

To plan and construct the characteristic and typical “Two-oriented Society” Pioneer Zone, Changsha Municipal Planning & Administration Bureau, commissioned by Changsha Municipal Committee and Government, is in charge of organizing the international solicitation for Changsha Dahexi"s pioneer zone planning, and now, we welcome domestic and overseas renowned planning institutions to participate into our international solicitation activities.

I. Project Profile

1. Project name: “Two-oriented Society” Comprehensive Supporting Reform Testing Zone Changsha Dahexi Pioneer Zone Planning.

2. Three layers within planning scope:

Scope of planning zone (1,200 square kilometers);

Scope of core zone (about 400 square kilometers );

Scope of starting zone (120 square kilometers).

3. Ultimate goal

To drive the entire province and cover the entire country, in order to construct the pioneer zone into “Four Zones and One Pole” - two-oriented society"s demonstration zone, high-tech industry"s centralization zone, rural & urban coordination sample zone, residents-focused new city zone, as well as growth pole for sustainable development.

4. Planning Guideline

To comprehensively fulfill the scientific outlook on development, adhere to basic strategy of urban and rural coordinative development, take mechanism innovation as the driving source, give priority to ecology and environment; to leverage modern science and technology, greatly boost new industrialization, new urbanization, agricultural modernization, as well as promote resource intensive utilization, urban intensive development, in order to advance regional integer competitiveness, construct ecological, livable, civilized and harmonious city.

5. Main items in planning:

1) Strategic concept in planning zone;

2) Urban design in starting zone;

3) Urban design plan in central zone;

4) Planning and research of important infrastructure (particularly comprehensive transport system).

II. Qualification

Applicants intentionally participating into our activities should have State Level-A Planning and Design Qualification (Overseas design unit should have equivalent qualification), in addition to enjoying strong technical strength, high design level, sound design quality and good social credit, as well as design experience of the same kind. Application documents below should be submitted (all in Chinese edition apart from qualification document duplicate):

1. Letter of intention for this project

2. Company profile

The applicant"s basic information, organizational structure, scope of business and technical qualification certification (with duplicate).

3. Business performance and experience

To briefly introduce previous planning and design projects of the same kind, covering: project name, project address, design items charged with, project scale (floor space); contract fulfillment, project owner"s name, mailing address, fax and telephone; your chief designer, project responsible person, and their duties and roles in this project, as well as project profile.

4. Project team introduction:

Including: the project responsible person"s basic profile and business performance in designing similar projects over the past three years, the project designer"s quantity, quality and profession, and the project participants" background data.

5. Design and planning to the project

6. Contact person and contact method for this plan solicitation (including telephone, fax, and email);

III. Application Date and Method:

The applicants should fill in Application Document according to the above mentioned, and then submit the document to Changsha City Planning & Administration Bureau by fax, express or email before 17:30 on February 20, 2008 Beijing Time. The application date for express subjects to the arrival date and the late documents will not be accepted.

IV. Notice

1. Design unit which is intentionally participating into should fill in Application Document factually, and follow the bulletin"s required date, method and address to submit one document to Changsha City Planning & Administration Bureau (Base on actual condition to form design joint entity to participate into this international solicitation, while the design joint entity is only limited to two units" cooperation).

2. The sponsor will examine the application document, in order to screen out the design units according to their strength, credit, design level, and related design experience etc., and select the qualified design units. The sponsor will send letter of invitation to the qualified design units in the third ten days of February, in addition to issuing the bid-award unit bulletin onhttp://www.hnup.com.

3. After the qualified design units receive the letter of invitation, they should submit the letter of confirmation. After the letter of confirmation has been submitted, the sponsor will send the project solicitation document to the design units.

V. Awarding Method

Different bonus will be given to Level-I Prize (one design unit), Level-II Prize (one design unit) and Level-III Prize (one design unit). The design unit that has submitted the required plan but failed to obtain the prize will be given the plan design fee, while the bonus and plan design fee will be determined in the plan solicitation document.

VI. Others

1. The invited design units shall bear all fees in the design process.

2. The participants keep the right of authorship for this solicitation, while the sponsor has the right to freely use the design fruit.

3. All participants in this activity shall be deemed as approval to this bulletin"s clauses.

4. Changsha City Planning & Administration Bureau has the explanation right to this solicitation bulletin.

VII. Contact Method:

Contact address: Room 601, Changsha Institute of Survey and Design, No. 165, Middle Shuguang Road, Yuhua District, Changsha City

Postcode: 410007

Contact person: Li Hua 137*****675

Liu Zhenyu 139*****670

Tel: ****-*******Fax: ****-*******

E-mail: Li Hua lihua422126@126.com, Liu Zhenyu lzy@hnup.com







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