




招标编号: ****-********3803

日 期:2016年8月6日

1、 借款人已通过德国复兴信贷银行(KfW)向德国政府申请一笔贷款用于南昌轨道交通工程配套设施项目的费用,并计划将一部分用于该项目2号线自动售检票系统设备采购、施工安装及系统集成工程下设备与相关服务合同项下的合格支付(剩余款项将由招标人通过自筹资金支付)。

2、 中信国际招标有限公司受南昌轨道交通集团有限公司的委托,就下述货物和/或服务的国际竞争性招标,邀请中国境内和境外的所有合格投标人进行密封投标。本项目资金来源为总部位于德国法兰克福的德国复兴信贷银行(KfW)提供的促进性贷款以及招标人自筹资金。

3、 拟采购的货物与数量:



4、 有兴趣的合格投标人可从招标公司处进一步了解有关信息,并从2016年8月6日至2016年9月1日每天上午9:00-11:00及下午1:00-4:00(节假日周末除外)在招标机构办公室查阅招标文件。每套招标文件售价3000元人民币或 400欧元,售后不予退还。如邮购,需额外支付500 元人民币或70欧元。

5、 投标文件纸质版一正4副,电子文件U盘1个。但签订合同前,中标人应再额外提供7份投标文件纸质版。

6、 所有投标文件应于北京时间2016年9月22日上午10:00时之前递交至:中信国际招标有限公司第3会议室(北京市海淀区中关村南大街1号友谊宾馆苏园17单元2层,如有变动,另行通知),迟交的投标将不予接收。

7、 开标将于北京时间2016年9月22日上午10:00时在中信国际招标有限公司第3会议室(北京市海淀区中关村南大街1号友谊宾馆苏园17单元2层,如有变动,另行通知)进行,并邀请投标人代表参加。

8、 选择性报价或具有附加条件的报价将按否决投标处理。仅提交电子投标不予接受。

9、 只有从招标机构购买招标文件并按规定在中国国际招标网www.chinabidding.com注册的投标人提交的投标才能被接受。

10、 所有投标必须随附80万元人民币或12万欧元的投标保证金。电汇、转帐形式的投标保证金须在投标人须知规定的截止时间前到达招标人指定帐户;银行保函形式的投标保证金须随同投标文件并作为投标文件的一部分提交。

11、 招标人保留在合理范围内调整本包货物与相关服务的数量的权利。

12、 招标人不一定必须接受最低报价的投标或在本包下授标。

13、 招标文件的解释和招标过程的争议遵循中国法律法规。招标投标活动应符合中国的法律法规及KfW银行的采购导则。

14、 详情请登录中国国际招标网www.chinabidding.com;投标人必须在中国国际招标网上注册。本投标邀请将同时公布在德国媒体(Gtai)、中国国际招标网(http://www.chinabidding.com)、中国(http://)、南昌轨道交通集团有限公司网站(http://www.ncmtr.com/)。


地址:中国 南昌市红谷滩新区赣江南大道新天地一号


电话:+86 791 ********





电话:+86 10 ********

传真:+86 10 ********


电子邮件: zhangyc@biddingcitic.comwangs@biddingcitic.com

********2"> Invitation for Bid

Auxiliary Facilities of Nanchang Rail Transit Project Utilizing German Promotion Loan for Nanchang Metro Line 2: Equipment Procurement, Installation and System Integration of Automatic Fare Collection System

Bid No.: ****-********3803

Date: August 6, 2016

1. The Borrower has applied to the German government for a loan through KfW as the expense of Auxiliary Facilities of Nanchang Rail Transit Project, and intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this loan to the eligible payment under the equipment and relevant service contract of Nanchang Metro Line 2: Equipment Procurement, Installation and System Integration of Automatic Fare Collection System for this project (the remaining payment will be made through self-raised fund).

2. CITIC International Tendering Co., Ltd., commissioned by the Nanchang Rail Transit Group Co., Ltd., invites all Chinese or foreign eligible Bidders for Sealed Bids regarding the International Competitive Bidding (ICB) of the following goods and/or services. Source of Funds of this project is the promotion loan provided by KfW with its headquarters located in Frankfurt, Germany and self-raised funds provided by the Tenderee.

3. Goods and the quantity proposed to procure:

One control center AFC system (including access ACC); Metro Line No. 02 Phase I and the station AFC system of line 2 Nanyan line project (excluding the Metro Building and the Bayi Square); One AFC system for rolling stock depot (including the Training Center and the comprehensive maintenance base)

(See the Technical Part of Volume II for more information)

The Bidder shall prepare and submit its Bid regarding all items under this package, and such Bid shall be rejected in case the Bid includes only partial of the items.

4. Any eligible Bidder interested in this project may contact the Tendering Agent for further information, and read the Bidding Documents in the following office between 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. and between 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. every day (excluding holidays and weekends) during the period from August 6, 2016 to September 1, 2016. A complete set of Bidding Documents of each package may be purchased by any interested Bidder upon payment of a non-refundable fee of CNY 3000 or EUR 400. Additional CNY 500 or EUR70 shall be paid for any mail order.

5. Hard copy Bid Documents shall come in one (1) original and four (4) copies, while the electronic version shall be included in one USB flash memory. However, prior to signing of the Contract, the successful Bidder shall provide seven (7) additional hard copies of Bid Documents.

6. All Bid Documents shall be delivered to the following address before 10:00 a.m. September 22, 2016 (Beijing time): No.3 meeting room of CITIC International Tendering Co., Ltd.(2/F, No. 17th Unit, Su Yuan, Beijing Friendship Hotel, No.1 South Zhongguancun Street, Haidian District, Beijing ; subject to change with prior notice), and late Bid shall be rejected.

7. Bid opening will be held at 10:00 a.m. September 22, 2016 (Beijing time), at No.3 meeting room of CITIC International Tendering Co., Ltd.(2/F, No. 17th Unit, Su Yuan, Beijing Friendship Hotel, No.1 South Zhongguancun Street, Haidian District, Beijing ; subject to change with prior notice), while presence of Bidders’ representatives are welcome.

8. Any alternative bid or any bid price with additional condition will be rejected. Bid Documents consisting of only electronic Bid shall be rejected.

9. Only Bid submitted by the Bidder purchasing the Bidding Documents from the Tendering Agent and having registered at www.chinabidding.com as required shall be accepted.

10. All Bids shall be attached with a Bid Security of CNY800,000 or EUR120,000. Any Bid Security in the form of telegraphic transfer or transfer shall be transferred to the account of Tenderee before the deadline specified in ITB; any Bid Security in the form of bank guarantee shall be submitted together with the Bid Documents and deemed as part of the Bid Documents.

11. The Tenderee reserves the right to adjust the quantity of the goods and related services in this package within a reasonable range.

12. The Tenderee is not bound to accept the Bid with the lowest bid price or award the Contract under this package.

13. Interpretation of the Bidding Documents and dispute settlement during the bidding process shall follow the laws and regulations in China. Tender and bid activities shall be in accordance with the laws and regulations in China and the Procurement Guidelines of KfW Bank.

14. For more information, please visit www.chinabidding.com; the Bidders shall register on www.chinabidding.com. This Invitation for Bids will also be advertised on the following websites simultaneously: Gtai, http://www.chinabidding.com, http://, http://www.jxtb.org.cn/, http://ggzy.jiangxi.gov.cn/, website of Nanchang Rail Transit Group Co., Ltd. (http://www.ncmtr.com/).

Tenderee: Nanchang Rail Transit Group Co., Ltd.

Address: No. 1, Xintiandi, Ganjiangnan Avenue, Honggutan New District, 330000 Nanchang,China

TEL: +86 791 ********

Contact person(s): Luo Suyan

Tendering Agent: CITIC International Tendering Co., Ltd.

Address: Room 61734, Floor 3, Unit 17, Suyuan, Beijing Friendship Hotel, No. 1 South Zhongguancun Street, Haidian District, 100873, Beijing

TEL: +86 10********

Fax: +86 10 ********

Contact person(s): Zhang Yuchen, Wang Shuai,

E-mail: zhangyc@biddingcitic.com, wangs@biddingcitic.com,

标签: 施工 系统集成








