利华(宁波)羊毛工业有限公司出售制条厂旧设备项目 招标公告 公告日期:2016年8月8日 一、招标条件 1、宁波市国际招标有限公司受利华(宁波)羊毛工业有限公司的委托,就本招标项目编号的下列货物进行公开招标,现邀请合格的投标人提交密封投标。 二、招标内容 1、招标项目编号:NBITC-******** 2、招标项目名称:利华(宁波)羊毛工业有限公司出售制条厂旧设备项目 3、招标出售设备的名称、规格型号、数量及产地品牌: 子包号 | 货物名称 | 规格型号 | 数量 | 起购数量 | 产地品牌 | 一 | 梳毛机 | CA6 | 10 | 1 | THIBEAU | 二 | 并条机 | GC12 | 1 | 1 | NSC | 三 | 小饼捆扎机 | ATI EL01 | 1 | 1 |
三、投标人资格要求 1、来自中华人民共和国或是与中华人民共和国有正常贸易往来的国家或地区的、在法律上和财务上独立、合法运作的企业或组织。 2、本项目不接受联合体投标。 3、未购买招标文件的不得参加投标。 四、招标文件的获取与投标文件的递交 1、招标文件售价:售价为:子包一:600元人民币或100美元,子包二、三:每子包300元人民币或50美元;招标文件售后不退。如需邮购或网上购买,请另付50 元人民币或 10美元特快专递费或信息服务费,并请按下述开户银行及帐号汇款(汇款单上应注明汇款用途及招标项目编号、子包号),本公司不对邮寄过程中的遗失负责。 网上购买标书流程:进入“宁波市国际招标有限公司”网站(网址:http://www.nbbidding.com/a/),点击招标公告栏目的“MORE”,在“标题”栏里找到本项目的招标公告,点击公告标题进入对应项目的招标公告界面,再点击“网上购买标书申请”按钮,进入购买申请界面,按照系统提示进行操作。 2、购买招标文件开始时间:2016年8月8日起,每天(节假日除外)北京时间08:30—11:30、14:00—17:00。 3、购买招标文件截止时间:2016年9月5日。(北京时间08:30—11:30、14:00—17:00) 4、购买招标文件地点:宁波市国际招标有限公司305室(宁波市江北区正大路正大巷32号) 5、投标截止时间:所有投标文件应于2016年9月7日09:00(北京时间)之前递交到宁波市国际招标有限公司四楼开标大厅(宁波市江北区正大路正大巷32号),迟到的投标文件和未购买招标文件者的投标将被拒绝接收。 6、开标时间和地点:定于2016年9月7日09:00(北京时间)在宁波市国际招标有限公司开标大厅开标,届时请参加投标的投标人代表出席开标仪式。 五、其他注意事项 1、本次招标项目的评标办法采用综合评标法 2、招标代理公司不组织投标单位统一到货物(设备)现场看货,各投标人可提前预约自行安排至利华(宁波)羊毛工业有限公司现场看货,投标单位根据确认的货物设备状况结合自身需求进行报价。 六、联系方式 1、招标人:利华(宁波)羊毛工业有限公司 地址:宁波小港江南中路50号 联系人:陈瑞菲联系电话:****-*********299 联系人:江涛联系电话:****-*********206 2、招标代理机构:宁波市国际招标有限公司 地址:宁波市江北区正大路正大巷32号 联系人:张建国吴婧黄健敏 联系方式:****-********、******** 联系传真:********
开户银行及帐号: 户名:宁波市国际招标有限公司 银行帐号:人民币:上海浦东发展银行宁波分行江北支行:****************1 美元:中国银行宁波分行:********2674 欧元:中国银行宁波分行:********2742 日元:中国银行宁波分行:********2747
Used equipment from Reward (Ningbo) Wool Industry Co. Ltd. tender announcement Date: August 8, 2016 1. General tendering conditions: Ningbo International Tendering CO., LTD, entrustedby Reward (Ningbo) Wool Industry Co. Ltd., holds anpublic tender for the following goods and services and invites eligible bidders to submit their sealed bidding offer. 2. Bidding information of Goods (equipment) 1. IFB No.:NBITC-******** 2. Name of the project: Used equipment from Reward (Ningbo) Wool Industry Co. Ltd. 3. Equipment name, quantity and main specification: Sub-package number | Serial number | Descriptions of Goods for bidding | Mode | Quantity | Quantity per Purchase | Manufacturer | 一 | 1 | Wool comber | CA6 | 10 | 1 | THIBEAU | 二 | 2 | Drawing machine | GC12 | 1 | 1 | NSC | 三 | 3 | Strapping machine | ATI EL01 | 1 | 1 |
3.Qualification of bidders 1. The invitation of this tendering activity is open to all legal business organizations from People’s Republic of China and to any other legal business organizations from other countries or areas, which have regular relations with People’s Republic of China. 2. Bidders must be legally and financially independent of both tendering agent and tenderers. 3.Bidders, who fail to purchase the tendering document, are not permitted to participate in this tendering activity. 4.Acquisition of Tendering documents and Submission of bidding Documents 1. Price of tendering document for sub-package1 is RMB 600 or USD 100.Price of tendering document for sub-package2 orsub-package3 is RMB 300 or USD 50. All types of payment arenon-refundable.For mail order or Online order, bidders are required to add RMB 50 or US $ 10 for each set of tendering document. All tender submission shall be clearly marked out its usage, the tendering number on the remittance sheet. Ningbo International Tendering CO., LTD is not responsible of any loss in the post. Procedure of Online purchasing tendering documents: (1) Login into http://www.nbbidding.com/a/. (2) Click “MORE “at tendering announcement. (3) Select “Title” at tendering announcement. (4) Enter interface of tendering announcement by click your tendering title then click “Application of Online Purchasing tendering documents” button to enter application interface. (5) Follow the prompts to complete the application. 2. Beginning time of purchasing tendering documents: August 8th, 2016 (Beijing time 08:30AM-11:30AM、14:00PM-17:00PM) exclusive of the statutory holiday. 3. Closing time of purchasing tendering documents: September 5th, 2016 (Beijing time 08:30AM-11:30AM、14:00PM-17:00PM) 4. Location of purchasing tendering documents: Room 305, Ningbo International Tendering CO., LTD. (No.32, Zhangda Lane, Jiangbei, Ningbo, China) 5. Closing time of submission: All tendering document must be deliver to the tendering lobby (Fourth floor) at Ningbo International Tendering CO., LTD. before 9:00AM, September 7th, 2016 (Beijing time). Any late tendering documents will not be accepted. Any bidders, who fail to purchase the tendering document, are not allowed to participate in this tendering activity. 6. Opening time and Location: The tendering activity will be opened in the presence of bidders representatives who choose to attend at 9:00AM, September 7th, 2016 (Beijing time) at Ningbo International Tendering CO., LTD. (No.32, Zhangda Lane, Jiangbei, Ningbo, China) 5. Others 1. Comprehensive valuation method will be used in this tendering activity. 2. The Tendering Agent is not responsible of inspection of the goods(equipment). bidders can make appointment with Reward (Ningbo) Wool Industry Co. Ltd for inspection of the goods(equipment) separately.After checking the status of goods(equipment), bidders are recommended to give a quotation after checking the status of goods(equipment) based on their practical demands. 6. Contact Information 1.Name of the Employer: Reward (Ningbo) Wool Industry Co. Ltd. Address: No. 50, Jiangnan Central Road, Ningbo, China Contact person: Ruifei Chen Tel: +86-574-86177765*299 Contact person: Tao Jiang Tel: +86-574-86177765*206
2. Name of Tendering Agent: Ningbo International Tendering CO., LTD. Address: No.32, Zhangda Lane, Jiangbei, Ningbo, China Contact person: Ms.Wu Jing, Mr. Jianmin Huang,Mr. Zhang Jianguo Tel. No: +86-574-87388504 : +86-574-******** Fax No.:+86-574-********
Bank of Deposit and Account Number.: Name of Account: Ningbo International Tendering Co., Ltd Shanghai PuDong Development bank Ningbo Branch: Account Number (RMB): ****************1 Bank of China, Ningbo Branch:Account Number (USD): ********2674 Bank of China, Ningbo Branch: Account Number (EUR): ********2742 Bank of China, Ningbo Branch: Account Number (JYP):********2747 |