Announcement on the International Conceptual Design Competition for Yuhang Culture and Art Center
Hangzhou is the cradle of the Chinese civilization and one of China’s seven ancient capitals. Yuhang District, located at the southern end of the Grand Canal, is steeped in history as the site of the Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City, the “Holy Land of Chinese Civilization”, and the birthplace of the Liangzhu Culture. It houses numerous ancient relics and ruins.
Benchmarking itself against internationally advanced cities in recent years, Hangzhou has moved faster to drive the high-quality development of public cultural services. Yuhang’s cultural industry has also flourished, forming a diversified cultural industry system integrating cultural tourism, cultural creativity, and digital culture, etc., and showcasing its unique cultural charm and vitality.
To advance the construction of a comprehensive national science center, actively shape the spatial framework of a new type of megacity, and build itself into a Socialist modern international metropolis, Hangzhou has initiated the timely construction of an important new urban center after the establishment of the Wulin Hubin Center and the Qiantang Riverfront Center, marking the beginning of an era with three major urban public centers in Hangzhou. Located in Yuhang, Hangzhou’s important new urban centeris not only Hangzhou’s hub for sci-tech innovation but also a global source of sci-tech innovation, and focuses on undertaking the functions such as sci-techinnovation, headquarters R&D, conference and exhibition, financial office, transportation hub, cultural leisure, etc., forming an innovation center that radiates the region and leads innovative development.
Yuhang Culture and Art Center, as a cultural icon of Hangzhou’s important new urban center, is focused on contributing to the city"s new key center development, with an aim of becoming a high-quality cultural landmark and a premier riverside art living room at the southern end of the new center’s core area. It embodies the citizens" aspirations for a high-standard cultural venue and a refined cultural life.
二、总体定位Ⅱ Overall Positioning余杭文化艺术中心是杭州城市重要新中心中轴线上的复合型、景区型文化设施地标,采用了“文化馆+非遗馆+综合文化空间”的组合形式,在保证文化馆群艺活动和文化展陈功能的基础上,与城市时尚发布、文化配套空间等功能进行结合。
Yuhang Culture and Art Center is a composite, scenic cultural facility landmark situated along the central axis of Hangzhou’s important new urban center. It combines “a cultural hall, an intangible cultural heritage exhibition hall, and comprehensive cultural space”. While ensuring cultural hall mass art activities and cultural exhibitions & displays, it integrates with functions such as urban fashion launches and cultural facility space.
1.The cultural hall positionsitself as a "national pioneer in modernizing public cultural services", and features cultural facilities that match provincial-level cultural resources.
2.The intangible cultural heritage hall will dynamically showcase Yuhang"s intangible cultural resources in a "1+N" format, where "1" represents Yuhang"s core intangible cultural heritage exhibition hall, and "N" refers to a number of live experiences and exhibitions scattered throughout the Project"s public spaces, commercial spaces, and outdoor spaces.
三、项目概况 Ⅲ Project Profile本项目选址于杭州市余杭区未来科技城单元的YH******-06地块,位于杭州城市重要新中心2.5公里的世界级中轴线南端、余杭区千年文化发展轴与湿地湖链交汇之处的国际滨水文化区范围内,南邻梦溪水乡,与杭州西湖风景名胜区距离约7km,与西溪国家湿地公园距离约4km,与杭州西站距离约4.5km。该中轴线区域已经集聚了包括国际体育中心、杭州音乐厅、余杭区大剧院等重要公共设施。
The Project is located at Plot YH******-06, within the Future Sci-Tech City unit in Yuhang District, Hangzhou. Positioned at thesouthern end of the world-class central axis, which is 2.5 kilometersfrom Hangzhou’s important new urban center (central axis) and within the International Waterfront Cultural Zone, which is the intersection of the Millennium Cultural Development Axis and Wetland Lake Chain in Yuhang District, it is bordered by the Cloud Lake and Mengxi Water Town to the south, approximately 7 km from the West Lake Scenic Area, approximately 4 km from Xixi National Wetland Park, and approximately 4.5 km from Hangzhou West Railway Station. The central axis area has already attracted key public facilities such as the International Sports Center, Hangzhou Concert Hall, and Yuhang Grand Theater.
The Project covers aland area of approximately 13.74 hectares (actual area to be measured). The capacity building area isapproximately 48,000 square meters, while the underground operationalbuilding area doesnot exceed 15,000 square meters (excludingfacility buildings such asunderground garages, civil defense facilities, and equipment). And the functionsinclude a cultural hall, an intangible cultural heritage hall, comprehensive cultural space,etc.
Yuhang Cultureand Art Center isconstructed in two projects: Acultural hall (includingan intangible cultural heritage hall) and comprehensivecultural space.
四、应征申请单位的基本要求 Ⅳ Essential Requirements1.应征申请单位(以下简称“申请单位”)应为境内外合法注册的法人实体,不接受自然人或自然人组成的设计团队的申请。
1.The application firm should be a legal entitywhichregistered domestically or internationally. Applications by individuals or design teams composed of individuals are not accepted.
2.The application firm should have been responsible for the chief design work of at least one large-scale public cultural building.
3.This competition does not accept applications from consortiums.
五、应征申请方式ⅤApplication Methods(一)网络申请(推荐使用)Online application (recommended)
1.申请指定邮箱: **********@qq.com。
2.申请材料递交时间:征集公告发布之日起至2024年 9 月 9日17时30分(北京时间,以申请指定邮箱收到时间为准,逾期不予受理)。
1. Designated email addressfor applications: **********@qq.com.
2. Submission time forapplication materials: from the release date of the announcement to 17:30 on September 9th, 2024 (Beijing Time; The time of receiving the application email shall prevail, and no overdue applications shall be accepted).
(二)现场申请 On-site application
2.联系人:吴晓君 ,联系电话:133*****800。
1.Location for submitting application materials:Unit 2, Building 3, Huiyin Center, No. 77 Lianchuang Street, Yuhang District, Hangzhou City.
2. Recipient: Wu Xiaojun, tel: 133*****800
3. Submission time forapplication materials: from the release date of the announcement to9:00 to 12:00 am, 2:00 to 5:30 pm on September 9th, 2024 (excluding weekends and statutory holidays)(Beijing time; no overdue applications shall be accepted).
(三)邮寄申请Application by mail
3.申请材料邮寄时间:征集公告发布之日起至2024年9月 9 日17时30分(北京时间,以邮寄材料送达时间为准,逾期不予受理)。
1. Mailing address:Unit 2, Building 3, Huiyin Center, No. 77 Lianchuang Street, Yuhang District, Hangzhou City.
2. Recipient: Wu Xiaojun, tel: 133*****800
3. Submission time forapplication materials: from the release date of the announcement to 17:30 on September 9th, 2024 (Beijing Time; The time when the mail is delivered shall prevail, and no overdue applications shall be accepted).
六、应征申请资料要求Ⅵ Compulsory Application Materials(一)网络申请Online application
2. 以上相关内容如采用外文的均要求提供中文译本的扫描件。
1. The "Application Form " (see Attachment 1 for details, which needs to be filled in as required) and its relevant attachmentsshall be providedand duly stamped as required. All documents shall be scanned into PDF file with page numbers. The PDF file together with the Application Information Summary List (see Attachment 2) in editable EXCEL formatshall be sent to the designated email address(**********@qq.com).
2. If any of the documents is in a foreign language, the corresponding Chinese version shall be scanned and provided.
(二)现场/邮寄申请 On-site/mail application
1. The "Application Form " (see Attachment 1 for details, which needs to be filled in as required) and its relevant attachmentsshall be providedand duly stamped as required and be bound into one bookwith page numbers, as well as a USB flash drivefilled with a PDF file of the above materials and the Application Information Summary List (see Attachment 2) in editable EXCEL.
2. If any of the documents is in a foreign language, the corresponding Chinese version shall be provided.
1.意向申请单位可通过邮箱索取入围遴选阶段设计任务书及附件,请将附件3《入围遴选阶段设计任务书资料索取申请表》盖章扫描件发送至邮箱:competition@ehow.net.cn ,征集代理机构将在1-2个工作日内发送资料至申请单位邮箱。
1.Firms who are interested in applying for the competition can request for the Design Brief of the Shortlist SelectionStage and attachments by email. Please send a stamped and scanned copy of the “Application Form for the Design Brief of the Shortlist SelectionStage”to competition@ehow.net.cn, and the agency will email the documents to the application firms within 1-2 working days.
2.Download link for Application Form, Application Information Summary Listand Application Form for the Design Brief of the Shortlist Selection Stage:
七、入围和评选方式 Ⅶ Shortlisting and Selecting(一)入围遴选Shortlist selection
1. 1ststage selection:After the deadline for submission of application materials, the agency will conduct a preliminary review, and then the organizerfor this competitionactivity will set up a shortlist selection review committee to review the certificates and qualifications of the applicantsand theirproposed designerpersonnel, their design performance insimilar projects, awards, honors, etc. After evaluation and comparison, fifteen firmswill be shortlisted to enter the 2ndstage selection bythe open ballot method.
2.2ndstage selection:The fifteen firms shortlisted in the 1ststage will submit concept proposals based on the Design Brief of the Shortlist Selection Stageoutlined in the appendix of this announcement without any compensation. The organizer will then form a review jury for the 2ndstage to evaluate and compare these fifteen concept proposals. Using an open ballot method, the jury will select the top six firms to be officially shortlisted. Additionally, two more firms will be chosen as alternates (in ranked order) to replace any qualified firm who chooses to withdraw from the application, according to the order they are ranked in.
3. The organizer will issue a“Notification Letter of Shortlisting” to notify the shortlisted firms. If the applicationfirmthat receives theNotification Letterfails to respond in time as required, it will be deemed to have automatically given up the qualification, and the organizerwill fill the vacancy with one of the two alternate firms in their ranked order.
(二)应征评审Scheme review
After the shortlisted firms submit their proposal documents, the organizer will set up an expert review committee. Upon carefully studying and scrutinizing each proposal, the committee willadopt the open ballot method to select three outstanding firms. Ultimately, the organizer will comprehensively consider and decide on one final selected firm from the recommended ones.Before finalizing the selected firm, the organizer has the right to request that the three outstanding firms further optimize their proposals based on opinions and recommendations from the review jury and the organizer. This optimization period will not exceed 3 weeks.
八、征集活动主要时间节点Ⅷ Main Timeline for Competition Activities序号 No. | 事项 Activities | 计划时间 Deadline |
1 | 应征申请截止 Application deadline | 2024年9月9日 September 9, 2024 |
2 | 入围遴选第一阶段评审 1ststage selection review | 2024年9月13日(暂定) September 13, 2024 (tentatively) |
3 | 概念提案编制 Concept proposal preparation | 2024年9月14-23日 September 14-23, 2024 |
4 | 入围遴选第二阶段评审 2ndstage selection review | 2024年9月24日(暂定) September 24, 2024 (tentatively) |
5 | 统一现场踏勘和发布会 Site visit and kickoff meeting | 2024年9月29日(暂定) September 29, 2024 (tentatively) |
6 | 征集提疑 Querydeadline | 2024年10月12日前 Before October 12, 2024 |
7 | 征集书面答疑 Written Q&A | 2024年10月16日 October 16, 2024 |
8 | 中间成果汇报 Mid-term report | 2024年10月25日(暂定) October 25, 2024 (tentatively) |
9 | 提交应征成果文件 Deliverables deadline | 2024年11月23日 November 23, 2024 |
10 | 方案评审 Scheme review | 2024年11月24日(暂定) November 24, 2024(tentatively) |
It is planned to arrange the payment of compensation fees to the shortlisted applicants who submit valid application documents in this competition activity (the fees include tax, and the currency is RMB) as follows:
1. The final selected firmwill receive a compensation fee of 1.8 million yuan and another1.8 million yuanfor deepeningthe scheme.
2. Unselected outstanding firmswill receive a compensation fee of 1 million yuan per firm.
3. The rest of shortlisted firms that submit valid proposal documentswill receive a compensation fee of 0.8 million yuanper firm.
十、其他 Ⅹ Others1.若应征入围单位因非不可抗力因素中途退出或最终放弃应征的,征集单位有权拒绝该单位参加征集单位或其相关单位组织的其他任何项目的征集活动。
1. If a shortlisted firm withdraws midway or ultimately abandons the application for reasons except for force majeure, the organizer has the right to reject the firm’s participation in any future project solicitations organized by it or relevant entities.
2. 在本次征集活动中,应征单位自身发生的差旅费、交通费、劳务费、文本费、税金等一切费用自行承担。
2.All expenses including travel, transportation, labor, text, taxes and etc. incurred tothe participating design firms during the competition period will be covered by themselves.
3. 征集单位提供的所有基础资料(包括:文字、图纸、电子数据等)的版权均受法律保护,除为本次征集活动使用外,不得作其它用途,任何未经征集单位同意的拷贝、修改、传播、公开发布等行为都将承担相应的法律责任。
3.The copyright of all basic materials (including text, drawings, electronic data, etc.) provided by theorganizer is protected by law and shallnot be used for any other purpose except for this competition activity. Without the consent of the organizer,copy, modification, dissemination, public release and other activities will be prohibited; otherwise, the corresponding party will be investigated for legal liability.
4. 入围遴选第二阶段中15个应征申请单位提交的概念提案,其版权归相应的应征申请单位所有。正式入围后应征单位所提交的设计成果的设计署名权归相应的应征单位所有,版权归双方共有。征集单位或其授权单位有权公开展示设计成果,并通过传播、媒介、专业杂志、书刊及其它形式介绍、展示、评价设计成果。所有应征文件在评审后不予退还。
4. The copyrights of the concept proposals submitted by the 15 shortlisted into the 2ndstage selection belongs to the corresponding design firm. Theright of signatureof the design results submitted by the shortlisted firms belongsto the corresponding firms, whilethe copyright belongs to both firms and organizer. Theorganizeror its authorized institutionshas the right to publicly display the design results and introduce, publishand evaluate them through communication, media, professional magazines, books, periodicalsand other forms. All application documents will not be returned after review.
5. 其他具体内容和要求详见征集文件,本征集公告与征集文件有不一致之处,以征集文件为准。征集活动相关文件、合同履行中若发生争议,双方应友好协商解决;协商不成时,向征集单位所在地人民法院提起诉讼。
5.For other specific contents and requirements, please refer to the competition documentsfor details. If there is any inconsistency between this competition announcement and the competition documents, the competition documents shall prevail.In the event of any dispute arising in the relevant documents and the contract performance of the competition event, the two parties should resolve the dispute through amicable negotiation; if the negotiation fails, a lawsuit should be filed to the people"s court at the place where the Organizer is located.
6. 结合实际应征申请情况,征集单位有权调整征集公告内容,并酌情延长申请材料的递交时间。
6.Based on the actual application situation, the organizerhas the right to adjust the competition announcement content and may extend the submission time forapplication materials as appropriate.
7. 应征入围单位需确保其项目负责人和主创设计师始终参与本设计工作,参加现场踏勘活动、答疑、中期沟通、方案汇报等相关会议时需自带中文翻译。
7. Shortlisted firms should ensure that their project leader and chief designer remain consistently involved in this design work, and bring their own translator when attending relevant meetings such as site visits, Q&A sessions, mid-term communications, and proposal presentations.
8. 征集单位拥有本次征集活动的最终解释权,解释以中文为准。
8.The final right to construe thiscompetition activityresides in the organizer, while the interpretation in Chinese shall be final.
十一、组织机构及联系方式 Ⅺ Organizations and Contacts征集单位:杭州市余杭区文化和广电旅游体育局
联系电话:0571-******** 、152*****880(北京时间周一至周五 9:00-12:00, 14:00-18:00)
Organizer: Hangzhou Yuhang District Bureau of Culture, Radio& Television, Tourism and Sports
Hangzhou Yuhang City Development and Investment Group Co., Ltd.
Contact Person: Wu Bin,Xu Wenhao
Tel: 0571-******** 、152*****880 (Monday to Friday 9:00-12:00, 14:00-18:00Beijing time)
联系电话:133*****800、189*****133、185*****232(北京时间周一至周五 9:00-12:00, 14:00-18:00)
Agency: Yaohua Construction Management Co., Ltd.
(Shenzhen Ehow R&D Center)
Contact Person: Wu Xiaojun
Tel: 133*****800(Monday to Friday 9:00-12:00, 14:00-18:00Beijing time)
E-mail: **********@qq.com
2024年8 月30日
Organizer: Hangzhou Yuhang District Bureau of Culture, Radio& Television, Tourism and Sports
Hangzhou Yuhang City Development and Investment Group Co., Ltd.
Agency: Yaohua Construction Management Co., Ltd.
(Shenzhen Ehow R&D Center)
August 30,2024
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