

一. 招标编号:NBITC-********
二. 招标出售设备的名称、规格型号、数量及产地品牌:
子包号 货物名称 规格型号 数量 产地品牌 使用年份
一 洗毛生产线B
台湾福丰 解包机 1台 1994年
开毛机 1台
给毛机 1台
洗槽 6个
烘箱 滚筒式 1台
清毛机 1台 TEMAFA
联合给毛机 1 台湾福丰 1999年
二 洗毛生产线C
台湾福丰 解包机 1台 1994年
开毛机 1台
给毛机 1台
洗槽 6个
烘箱 滚筒式 1台
清毛机 1台 TEMAFA
三 羊脂分离机系统
MZDP311DJ-03 羊脂分离机 3台 南京绿洲 2000年
沉淀槽 1个 定制
控制系统 1台 南京绿洲
热交换器 2台 定制
污水预处理系统 沉淀槽 30m3 2个 定制 2012年
预处理槽 1个
调配槽 2个
硫酸储罐 1个

梳毛油调配桶 2个
小毛仓 2个 定制 1998年
碳化钠储罐 T201 2个 定制 1993年
移动龙门架 1个 定制  1998年
上绞干罗拉 304 3个  
羊脂桶 43个  
梳毛油 43桶 2008年
五 120碳化生产线 解包机 1台 台湾 1997年
开毛机 1台
给毛机 1台
洗槽   6个
中间平廉 1个
酸槽   2个
预备碳化机 运毛链 1台
清毛机及平廉 1台
碳化机 运毛链 1台
碳前给毛机 1台
碳后给毛机 1台
压碳机 4台
清毛机 5台
中和槽 4个
漂白槽 1个
烘箱 滚筒式 1台
挑毛平廉 1个
送毛系统 1个
3米毛仓 8个
抓毛机 3米 2台 TEMAFA
六 180碳化生产线

解包机 1台 台湾 2007年
称重机 1台 台湾
开毛机 1台 台湾
给毛机 1台 台湾
洗槽 6个 台湾
酸槽 2个 台湾
预备碳化机 滚筒式 1台 FLEISSNER
平廉 1个
碳化机 滚筒式 1台 FLEISSNER
碳前给毛机 1台
碳后给毛机 1台
压碳机 4台
清毛机 5台
中和槽 4个
漂白槽 1个
烘箱 滚筒式 1台
挑毛平廉 1个
送毛系统 1个
全自动打包机 1台 GUALCHIERANI 2007年
储气罐 1M3 1个 2014年
4米毛仓 8个
抓毛机 4米 1台 TEMAFA
成品处理系统 给毛机 1台 2007年
开毛机 1台
输送平帘 1个
控制柜 1个
超声波清洗机 清洗机4台
控制器1个 4台 台湾 2007年
不锈钢滚筒 1.8M 3个 定制 2007年
清毛机 1.8M 1台 FLEISSNER 2007年
绞干罗拉机架 1.8M 1个 定制 2010年
风叶 3个
七 漂洗水处理回用系统 1套 ANDA 2002年
电子地上衡-1T KK3190-A9 2台
MZDP311DJ-03 羊脂分离机 5台 南京绿洲
沉淀槽 50立方 1个 定制
控制系统 1个 南京绿洲
2011 沉淀槽 30 M3 1个
沉淀槽 20 M3 1个
沉淀槽 10 M3 1个
调配槽 1个
PAC储罐 1个
螺旋板式换热器 S-II 1台 江苏换热器厂 2012年
八 压碳罗拉 26个
压碳机备品 1个
PVC平廉 27个
竹平廉 6个
钉廉 2个
锡林 6个
橡胶罗拉 1个
绞干罗拉 13个
开毛机格栅 11个
清毛机格栅 31个
九 硫酸储罐 4个 宁波 2007年
双氧水储罐 3个 宁波 2007年
集尘系统 3套 台湾 2007年
十 毛条防缩处理生产线一线 进条系统 1个 FLEISSNER 2002年
巴索兰处理系统 1个
防缩处理槽 8个
烘箱 1台
出条系统 1个
中控系统 1个
化学站 1套
冷冻机 3台
并条机 GC13 (编号S2-1) 1台 NSC
并条联合打饼机 GC12 (空心球) 1台 NSC
并条机 R4L10 (编号S1-1) 1台
成球机 GC12 (编号S3-1、S3-2) 2台 NSC
并条机 GC12 (前道T-1) 1台 NSC
十一 毛条防缩处理生产线二线 进条系统 1个 台湾福丰 2004年
巴索兰处理系统 1个
防缩处理槽 8个
烘箱 1台
出条系统 1个
中控系统 1个
并条机 GC12 (编号S2-2) 1台 NSC
成球机 GC13 (编号S3-4) 1台 NSC
成球机 GC12 (编号S3-3) 1台 NSC
并条联合打饼机 GC13 (空心球) 1台 NSC
并条机 R4L10 (编号S2-2) 1台
并条机 GC12 (前道T-2) 1台 NSC
打包机 1台
空心球打包机 编号S3-10 1台
储气罐 1个
十二 毛条防缩处理生产线三线 进条系统 1个 FLEISSNER 2006年
防缩处理槽 8个
烘箱 1台
出条系统 1个
中控系统 1个
化学站 1套
冷冻机 3
并条机 GC12 (前道T-3) 1台 NSC
并条机 GC12 (后道S2-3) 1台 NSC
并条机 R5L10 1台
并条联合打饼机 GC12
(空心球S-6、S3-7) 2台 NSC
并条机 GC12 1台 NSC
毛球打包机 1台 邯郸纺机
储气罐 1个

1、中国境内企业(含在中国境内注册的港、澳、台或外国独资、合资或合作企业)的投标人:必须具有独立法人资格,注册资金≥ 300万元人民币;
四、招标文件发售时间:自招标公告发布日期起至2016 年11月14日17时止(休息日及法定节假日除外,工作时间8:30-11:30,14:00-17:00)。
1、招标文件售价为 :每子包500元人民币,招标文件售后不退。如需邮购或网上购买,请另付50 元人民币特快专递费或信息服务费,并请按下述户名、开户银行及账号汇款(汇款单上务必注明汇款用途及招标编号、子包号),本公司不对邮寄过程中的遗失负责。

地 址: 宁波市江北区正大巷32号
邮 编: 315020
电 话: 0574-****************
传 真: 0574-********
电子邮件: bidfive@163.com
联 系 人: 张建国 吴婧 黄健敏

联系人:陈瑞菲 联系电话:****-*********298
联系人:江 涛 联系电话:****-*********206


Date:October 17, 2016

Ningbo International Tendering CO., LTD, entrusted by Reward (Ningbo) Wool Industry Co., Ltd. holds an public tender for the selling old equipments of wool scouring, carbonization, non-shrinkable project and invites eligible bidders to submit their sealed bidding offer.
一. IFB No.:NBITC-********
二. Descriptions, specifications, quantities & manufacturer of the equipments
Sub-package No. Descriptions of equipments for bidding specifications Qty. Manufacturer Start using in
一 Wool washing production line B
Fufeng Taiwan Unpacking machine 1 1994
wool opener 1
For hair machine 1
Wash tank 6
Oven Tumbling type 1
Wool cleaning machine 1 TEMAFA
Combined wool machine 1 Fufeng Taiwan 1999
二 Wool washing production line C
Fufeng Taiwan Unpacking machine 1 1994
wool opener 1
For hair machine 1
Wash tank 6
Oven Tumbling type 1
Wool cleaning machine 1 TEMAFA
三 Suet Separation system
MZDP311DJ-03 Suet separator 3 Oasis, Nanjing 2000
Settling tank 1 customization
Control system 1 Oasis, Nanjing
heat exchanger 2 customization
Sewage pretreatment system Settling tank 30m3 2 customization 2012
pretreatment tank 1
Mixing tank 2
Sulfuric acid tank 1

The barrels of oil blending 2
Small warehouse 2 customization 1998
Sodium carbide storage tank T201 2 customization 1993
shift gantry 1 customization 1998
On a twisting roller 304 3
Suet bucket 43
carding oil 43 2008
五 120 Carbonization production line Unpacking machine 1 Taiwan 1997
wool opener 1
For hair machine 1
tank-washer 6
The middle of Conveying belt 1
acid tank 2
Preparation carbonization machine Transport the wool of chain 1
Wool cleaning machine and Conveying belt 1
Carbonization machine Transport the wool of chain 1
Carbon former hair machine 1
Carbon after hair machine 1
Carbon press 4
Wool cleaning machine 5
Neutralization tank 4
bleaching tank 1
Oven Tumbling type 1
Choose wool Conveying belt 1
Wool delivering system 1
Semi-automatic packing machine JADETREEFTG20 1 GUALCHIERANI 1995
3 meters wool warehouse 8
Grab the machine of wool 3 meters 2 TEMAFA
六 180 Carbonization production line

Unpacking machine 1 Taiwan 2007
Weighing machine 1 Taiwan
wool opener 1 Taiwan
For hair machine 1 Taiwan
Wash tank 6 Taiwan
For hair machine 1 FLEISSNER
acid tank 2 Taiwan
Preparation carbonization machine Tumbling type 1 FLEISSNER
Conveying belt 1
Carbonization machine Tumbling type 1 FLEISSNER
Carbon former hair machine 1
Carbon after hair machine 1
Carbon press 4
Wool cleaning machine 5
Neutralization tank 4
bleaching tank 1
Oven Tumbling type 1
Choose wool Conveying belt 1
Wool delivering system 1
Full automatic packing machine 1 GUALCHIERANI 2007
Gas storage tank 1M3 1 2014
4m wool warehouse 8
Grab the machine of wool 4 meters 1 TEMAFA
Product processing system For hair machine 1 2007
wool opener 1
Conveying flat curtain 1
control cabinet 1
Ultrasonic cleaning machine 4pcs of cleaning machine & 1pc of controller 4 Taiwan 2007
Stainless steel roller 1.8M 3 customization 2007
Wool cleaning machine 1.8M 1 FLEISSNER 2007
Ground roller frame 1.8M 1 customization 2010
Blade 3
七 Rinse water treatment and reuse system 1 ANDA 2002
Electronic weighbridge -1T KK3190-A9 2
Suet Separation system
MZDP311DJ-03 Suet separator 5 Oasis Nanjing
Settling tank 50 cube 1 customization
Control system 1 Oasis Nanjing
Sewage pretreatment system
customization 2011 Settling tank 30 M3 1
Settling tank 20 M3 1
Settling tank 10 M3 1
Mixing tank 1
PAC storage tank 1
spiral-plate heat exchanger S-II 1 Jiangsu heat exchanger factory 2012
八 Pressed carbon roller 26
Carbon pressure machine spare part 1
PVC Conveying belt 27
bamboo Conveying belt 6
spike lattice 2
Cylinder 6
Rubber roller 1
Twisting roller 13
Open hair machine grid 11
Cleaning machine grid 31
九 Sulfuric acid tank 4 Ningbo 2007
Hydrogen peroxide storage tank 3 Ningbo 2007
dust-precipitating system 3 Taiwan 2007
十 The shrinkproof processing production line NO.1 ingoing sliver system 1 FLEISSNER 2002
Basolan processing system 1
Sanforizing slot 8
Oven 1
strip cutting system 1
Central control system 1
Chemical Station 1
Refrigerator 3
Drawing machine GC13 (No.S2-1) 1 NSC
A joint drawing machine GC12 (hollow sphere) 1 NSC
Drawing machine R4L10 (No.S1-1) 1
ball forming mill GC12 (No.S3-1、S3-2) 2 NSC
Drawing machine GC12
(Front T-1) 1 NSC
十一 The shrinkproof processing production line No.2 ingoing sliver system 1 Fufeng Taiwan 2004
Basolan processing system 1
Sanforizing slot 8
Oven 1
strip cutting system 1
Central control system 1
Drawing machine GC12 (No.S2-2) 1 NSC
ball forming mill GC13 (No.S3-4) 1 NSC
ball forming mill GC12 (No.S3-3) 1 NSC
A joint drawing machine GC13
(hollow sphere) 1 NSC
Drawing machine R4L10 (No.S2-2) 1
Drawing machine GC12
( FEOL T-2) 1 NSC
wrapping machine 1
Hollow ball wrapping machine No.S3-10 1
Gas storage tank 1
十二 The shrinkproof processing production line NO.3 ingoing sliver system 1 FLEISSNER 2006
Sanforizing slot 8
Oven 1
strip cutting system 1
Central control system 1
Chemical Station 1
Refrigerator 3
Drawing machine GC12
( FEOL T-3) 1 NSC
Drawing machine GC12
(BEOL S2-3) 1 NSC
Drawing machine R5L10 1
A joint drawing machine GC12
(hollow sphere S-6, S3-7) 2 NSC
Drawing machine GC12 1 NSC
hit shaped bread machine 1 GUALCHIERRANI
Ball wrapping machine 1 Handan textile machinery
Gas storage tank 1

三、Qualification of bidders
1.Bidder within the territory of China (including registered in the territory of Chinese Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan or foreign owned enterprises, joint ventures or cooperation) must have the qualification of independent legal person, the registered capital of not less than 3 million Chinese Yuan.
2.Bidders outside of China shall be an enterprise of the legal and financial independence and lawful operation which is registered in the state or region of having normal trade with the peoples Republic of China.
3.The bidder shall carry out business activities in accordance with the law, and there are no record of major violations and major event of default within 3 years before the date of the announcement.
4.It is not accepted for any consortium biding.
5. Bidders, who fail to purchase the tendering document, are not permitted to participate in this tendering activity.
四、Beginning time of purchasing tendering documents: from the tender announcement date of release until November 14, 2016 at 17:00 (rest days and statutory holidays excluded, working hours 8:30-11:30, 14:00-17:00)
五、The tendering documents available form, price and place of purchase, contact telephone:
1. Price of tendering documents for every sub package is RMB 500 or USD 80. It is non-refundable for the tendering documents fee. For mail order or Online order, bidders are required to add RMB 50 or US $ 10 for each set of tendering document. All tender submission shall be clearly marked out its usage, the tendering number on the remittance sheet. Ningbo International Tendering Co., Ltd is not responsible for any loss in the post.
2. No required to submit any documents before buying the tendering documents:
3.Bidding agency only sell the tendering documents in the form of electronic text.
ACCOUNT NAME: Ningbo International Tendering Co., Ltd
BANK: Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, Ningbo Branch:
ACCOUNT NO. (RMB): ****************1
Procedure of Online purchasing tendering documents:
(1) Login into http://www.nbbidding.com/a/. (2) Click “MORE “at tendering announcement. (3) Select “Title” at tendering announcement. (4) Enter interface of tendering announcement by click your tendering title then click “Application of Online Purchasing tendering documents” button to enter application interface. (5) Follow the prompts to complete the application.
4. Location of purchasing tendering documents: Room 305, Ningbo International Tendering Co., Ltd.
Tel. No: +86-574-87386429
Fax No.: +86-574-87642508
Reminder:Upon payment of the bidder, the bidder shall promptly send the remittance by fax to my companys finance department for the major sale of tender,and at the end of the list indicated the need to purchase the tender unit name and item number and sub package,if not according to the operation requirements,bidders may not be able to receive the verification code to download the tendering documents in a timely manner,please cooperate.
六、Closing time of submission: Before 9:00AM, November 16, 2016 (Beijing time). Any late tendering documents will not be accepted. Any bidders who does not meet the requirements of the tendering document, are not allowed to participate in this tendering activity.
七、Closing Location: Ningbo International Tendering Co., Ltd. (No.32, Zhangda Lane, Jiangbei, Ningbo, China).
八、Opening time: Before 9:00AM, November 16, 2016 (Beijing time)
九、Opening Location: Ningbo International Tendering Co., LtdD. (No.32, Zhangda Lane, Jiangbei, Ningbo, China).
The Tendering Agent is not responsible of inspection of the goods(equipment). bidders can make appointment with Reward (Ningbo) Wool Industry Co. Ltd for inspection of the goods(equipment) separately. After checking the status of goods(equipment), bidders are recommended to give a quotation after checking the status of goods(equipment) based on their practical demands.

Name of Tendering Agent: Ningbo International Tendering Co., LtdD.
Address: No.32, Zhangda Lane, Jiangbei, Ningbo, China
Contact person: Ms.Wu Jing, Mr. Huang Jianmin, Mr. Zhang Jianguo
Tel. No: +86-574-******** : +86-574-********
Fax No.: +86-574-********

Name of the Employer: Reward (Ningbo) Wool Industry Co. Ltd.
Contact person: Chen Ruifei Tel: +86-574-86177765*298
Contact person: Jiang Tao Tel: +86-574-86177765*206
Address: No. 50, Jiangnan Central Road, Ningbo, China



标签: 旧设备 工业 羊毛





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