序号 | 产品名称 | 数量 | 简要技术规格 | 备注 |
1 | 热膨胀仪 | 1台 | (1)仪器结构:水平推杆式膨胀仪,炉体全自动开合 Instrument structure: Horizontal pushrod dilatometer,furnace guidance moved by motor (2)炉体安装:主机同时安装双炉体,不同炉体切换无需硬件拆装 Furnace installation: Two furnace are installed on the main machine at the same time, operated laterally by motor to take up two furnace systems ★(3)温度范围:-180℃~1600℃(低温炉体:-180℃~500℃;高温炉:室温~1600℃)Temperature range: -180℃~1600℃(low temperature furnace:-180℃~500℃;high temperature furnace:ambient~1600℃) (4)线性升温速率范围不小于0.001 ~50K/min The linear heating rate range shall not be less than 0.001 ~50K/min (5)温度精度:≤±0.1℃ temperature precision: ≤±0.1℃ (6)温度分辨率:≤±0.01℃ temperature resolution: ≤±0.01℃ (7)温度稳定性:≤ ±0.02℃(恒温) Thermal stability: ≤ ±0.02℃(isothermal) ★(8)样品测试数量:双样品测试系统,可同时测试2个样品 Number of samples tested: Dual sample test system, test 2 samples simultaneously ★(9)可测样品长度范围不小于1~50mm The measurable sample length range shall not be less than 1~50mm 可测样品直径范围不小于1~6 mm The measurable sample diameter range shall not be less than 1~6 mm ★(10)位移变化范围:≥±22mm Displacement variation range: ≥±22mm (11)传感器类型:光电传感器 Sensor type: opto-electronic displacement system ★(12)位移分辨率:≤0.1nm Displacement resolution: ≤0.1nm (13)自动测量样品原始长度 Automatic sample length detection (14)静态力范围不小于0.01~3 N,步长≤0.2mN Static force range shall not be less than 0.01~ 3N, step size ≤0.2mN ★(15)力分辨率:≤0.001mN Force resolution: ≤0.001mN (16)测试气氛:惰性、氧化;静态或动态 Atmosphere: inert, oxidizing; static or dynamic (17)内置气体质量流量计,软件设置流量 MFC gas control block for installation, for software control and registration of the gas flows (18)标配软化点测试/保护功能,样品软化后系统自动复位 Softening point test/protection function is standard, and the system automatically resets after the sample is softened (19)吸放热测试功能:测试膨胀系数的同时,获得差热信号,同时用于仪器温度校正 Heat absorption or release test functions:simultaneous analysis of length changes and endothermal/exothermal effects. It can also be used for temperature calibration (20)中英文可自由切换的操作界面,包含密度测试功能、吸放热功能、速率控制烧结功能、自动分析和智能鉴别功能等 Operation interface: Free switching between Chinese and English,Identify、Heat absorption or release test、Rate-Controlled Sintering、Auto evaluation、Identify |
标签: 热膨胀仪
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