

阀体自动加工柔性生产线国际招标项目 - 国际 招标公告

煤炭工业规划设计研究院有限公司受招标人委托对下列产品及服务进行国际公开竞争性招标,于2024-11-15在中国国际招标网公告。 本 次招标采用传统招标方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。 1、招标条件 项目概况:北京天玛智控科技股份有限公司因业务发展需要,计划建设一条阀体自动加工柔性生产线,集成精密卧式加工中心、托盘自 动化系统、上下料单元、总控系统,实现工件装夹后智能全自动加工,并配置打标及扫码装置,阀体自动加工柔性生产线总控系统及机床数 控系统开放信息化接口,能够与天玛智控DNC联网系统、MES系统、刀具管理系统及AGV物料输送系统集成,实现远程监控和信息采集,实 现阀体类零件柔性混线高效生产。 资金到位或资金来源落实情况:本项目已获得主管部门审批,资金来源已落实。 项目已具备招标条件的说明:已具备。 2、招标内容: 招标项目编号:4679-244*****5640 招标项目名称:阀体自动加工柔性生产线国际招标项目 项目实施地点:中国北京市 招标产品列表(主要设备): 序 号 产品名 称 数 量 简要技术规格 备 注 1 阀体自 动加工 柔性生 产线 1 阀体自动加工柔性生产线,集成精密卧式加工中心、托盘自动化系统、上下料单元、总控系统,实现工件 装夹后智能全自动加工,并配置打标及扫码装置,阀体自动加工柔性生产线总控系统及机床数控系统开放 信息化接口,能够与天玛智控DNC联网系统、MES系统、刀具管理系统及AGV物料输送系统集成,实现 远程监控和信息采集,实现阀体类零件柔性混线高效生产。 无 3、投标人资格要求 投标人应具备的资格或业绩:除第一章 投标人须知“2.合格的投标人”要求的资格之外,投标人还应满足下列投标人资格: (1)投标人信 誉要求: ①境内投标人:截至投标截止时间,未被国家公共信用信息中心“信用中国”(https://www.creditchina.gov.cn/)列入失信被执行人 或税收违法黑名单,请提供最新下载的信用报告。 ②境外投标人:提供信誉承诺书,格式自拟,须加盖公司公章或法定代表人或法定代表人 授权人签字。 (2)投标人所投设备不是投标人制造的,则必须提供该设备制造商出具的授权函正本彩色扫描件;投标人如为制造商授权中 国总代理或中国区域代理,须提供总代理授权书或区域代理授权书复印件。 (3)销售业绩要求:投标人近三年(2021年7月1日至今)销售 卧式加工中心柔性生产线的套数≥1套,其中卧式加工中心的品牌与本次投标设备为同一品牌,规格参数满足X轴行程≥900mm、Y轴行程≥90 0mm、Z轴行程≥1000mm,具有双交换工作台且工作台带第四轴,产线由至少2台卧式加工中心组成,具备多种产品混线生产的能力并已在 用户现场完成验收,否则在本次招标中视为无效业绩。须附相关业绩证明材料,包括合同及验收报告扫描件,合同扫描件须至少包含合同买 卖双方盖章页、合同签订日期、设备名称型号及关键技术参数等信息(如果合同中不体现上述信息,须提供与合同对应的技术协议或其他证 明材料)。业绩以合同签署时间为准,经销合同、代理合同等非因使用需求而签署的销售合同不属于有效业绩。 (5)是否接受联合体投 标:不接受联合体投标。 是否接受联合体投标:不接受 未领购招标文件是否可以参加投标:不可以 4、招标文件的获取 招标文件领购开始时间:2024-11-15 招标文件领购结束时间:2024-11-25 是否在线售卖标书:否 获取招标文件方式:现场领购 招标文件领购地点:https://cg.ccteg.cn/cms/index.htm(中国煤科电子采购平台) 招标文件售价:¥200/$28 其他说明:投标人先行在必联网和中国煤科电子采购平台进行注册。汇款后将标书费汇款凭证上传至中国煤科电子采购平台,经工作人 员审核后,自行下载电子版招标文件。汇款时务必备注“GHY-***** 标书费”。5、投标文件的递交 投标截止时间(开标时间):2024-12-06 10:00 投标文件送达地点:北京市西城区六铺炕二巷甲6号(纸质版)和https://cg.ccteg.cn/cms/index.htm(电子版)) 开标地点:中国煤科电子采购电子采购平台https://cg.ccteg.cn/cms/index.htm 6、联系方式 招标人:北京天玛智控科技股份有限公司 地址:北京市顺义区林河南大街27号 联系人:任雷强 联系方式 :135*****701 招标代理机构:煤炭工业规划设计研究院有限公司 地址:北京市西城区六铺炕二巷甲6号 联系人:李嘉平 联系方式 :157*****965 7、汇款方式 招标代理机构开户银行(人民币): 光大银行北京德胜门支行 招标代理机构开户银行(美元): 账号(人民币): 350*****000****** 账号(美元): 8、其他补充说明 其他补充说明: 所有潜在投标人在购买标书时必须提供2023年1月1日以后与招标人就加工中心柔性生产线签署的技术保密协议。 请投标 人在汇款时务必注明所购买招标项目的招标编号(GHY-*****)及用途等。否则,因款项用途不明导致无法及时认款等后果由投标人自行承担

Valve body automatic processing flexible production line international biddin g project

CCTEG COAL INDUSTRY PLANNING INSTITUTE entrusted by the purchaser, invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers home and ab road for the supply of the following goods and/or service by way of International Competitive Bidding. The tender notice was released on w ww.chinabidding.com on 2024-11-15. 1.Bidding Conditions Overview:Due to the needs of business development, Beijing Tianma Intelligent Control Technology Co., Ltd. plans to build a flexible automatic valve body processing production line, which integrates precision horizontal machining center, pallet automation system, loading and unloading unit, and total control system to realize intelligent automatic processing after workpiece clamping, and configure marking an d scanning devices. Valve body automatic processing flexible production line total control system and machine tool numerical control syste m open information interface, can be integrated with Tianma intelligent control DNC networking system, MES system, tool management sy stem and AGV material conveying system, to achieve remote monitoring and information collection, to achieve flexible and efficient product ion of valve body parts. Source of Funds: This project has been approved by the competent department, the source of funds has been implemented. Description of The Prepared Bidding Conditions:yes 2.Bidding Content: Bidding No:4679-244*****5640 Project Name:Valve body automatic processing flexible production line international bidding project Place of Implementation:Beijing List of Products: N O. Produ ct Na me Q u a n ti Main Technical Data R e m a t y k s 1 Valve body autom atic m achini ng fle xible li ne 1 Valve body automatic processing flexible production line, integrated precision horizontal machining center, pallet automation system, loading and unloading unit, total control system, to achieve intelligent automatic processing after workpiece clamping, and configure marking and scanning device, valve body automatic pr ocessing flexible production line total control system and machine tool numerical control system open infor mation interface, It can be integrated with Tianma Intelligent control DNC networking system, MES system, tool management system and AGV material conveying system to realize remote monitoring and information collection, and realize flexible and efficient production of valve body parts. T h e r e is n o 3.Qualification Requirements For Bidder Qualifications or Performance:In addition to the qualifications required in Chapter I Instructions to Bidders "2. Qualified Bidder", the bi dder shall also meet the following bidder qualifications: (1) The bidder"s reputation requirements: Bidders in (1) : by the tender deadline, not by the national public credit information center "credit China" (https://www.creditchina.gov.cn/) in breach of the person subjected to executi on or tax illegal blacklist, please provide the credit report of the latest download. ② Overseas bidders: provide letter of credit commitment, i n the format to be prepared by the company, with the official seal of the company or the signature of the legal representative or the person authorized by the legal representative. (2) If the equipment submitted by the bidder is not manufactured by the bidder, the original color sca nning copy of the authorization letter issued by the manufacturer of the equipment must be provided; If the bidder is the manufacturer"s aut horized general agent in China or regional agent in China, it must provide a copy of the general agent authorization letter or regional agent authorization letter. (3) Sales performance requirements: In the past three years (from July 1, 2021 to now), the bidder has sold more than 1 set of flexible production line of horizontal machining center, among which the brand of horizontal machining center is the same brand as the bidding equipment, the specification parameters meet the X-axis stroke ≥900mm, Y-axis stroke ≥900mm, Z-axis stroke ≥1000mm, with double exchange table and the table with the fourth axis. The production line is composed of at least 2 horizontal machining centers, with t he ability of mixed production of a variety of products, and has been completed at the user site acceptance, otherwise it will be regarded as invalid performance in this tender. Relevant performance certification materials shall be attached, including the scanned copy of the contra ct and acceptance report. The scanned copy of the contract shall contain at least the stamped page of the contract buyer and seller, the da te of signing the contract, the name and model of the equipment and key technical parameters and other information (if the contract does n ot reflect the above information, the technical agreement or other certification materials corresponding to the contract shall be provided). Th e performance of the contract signing time shall prevail, distribution contract, agency contract and other sales contracts signed not due to t he use of demand are not valid performance. (5) Whether to accept the consortium bid: The consortium bid is not accepted. Joint Bids:NOT Available Bid without the bidding documents:NOT Available 4.Acquisition of Bidding Documents Beginning of Selling Bidding Documents:2024-11-15 Ending of Selling Bidding Documents:2024-11-25 Sell bidding doc online or not:No To Obtain:On-site Purchase Place:https://cg.ccteg.cn/cms/index.htm Price of Bidding Documents: ¥200/$28 Additional Instructions:The bidder first registered in BiInternet and China Coal Science electronic procurement platform. After the remi ttance, the tender fee remittance voucher will be uploaded to the electronic procurement platform of China Coal Science. After the staff revi ew, the electronic version of the tender document will be downloaded by itself. Be sure to note "GHY-***** tender fee" when transferring money. 5.Bid Submission Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (Beijing Time):2024-12-06 10:00 Place of Bid:Beijing xicheng district six PuHang two lane no. 6 (print) and https://cg.ccteg.cn/cms/index.htm (electronic)) Place of Bid Opening:https://cg.ccteg.cn/cms/index.htm 6.Contact Details Purchasers:Beijing Tianma Intelligent Control Technology Co., Ltd. Add.:27 Linhe Henan Street, Shunyi District, Beijing Contact:Ren Lei-Qiang Tel:135*****701

Bidding Agency:CCTEG COAL INDUSTRY PLANNING INSTITUTE Add.:No. 6, Lane 2, Liupu Kang, Xicheng District, Beijing Contact:Li Jiaping Tel :157*****965 7.Remittance Approach Bank(RMB): Beijing Deshengmen Branch of Everbright Bank Bank(USD): Account NO.(RMB):350*****000****** Account NO.(USD): 8.Additional Instruction Additional Instruction:All potential bidders must provide a technical confidentiality agreement signed with the tenderer for the machining center flexible production line after January 1, 2023 when purchasing the tender. The bidder must indicate the bidding number (GHY-2464 0) and the purpose of the purchased bidding project when making the remittance. Otherwise, the bidder shall bear the consequences such as failure to acknowledge the payment in time due to the unknown purpose of the money



标签: 国际招标 柔性生产 阀体





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