

Indonesia Jinchuan and WP&RKA Laterite Nickel Project – Piling Works Construction

Tender Bulletin

1. 招标条件
Bidding Conditions

本招标项目印尼金川WP&RKA红土镍矿项目已由甘肃省国资委以甘国资发规划 [2016]171号批准建设,招标人为PT.Wanatiara Persada(印尼金川WP红土镍矿项目公司),建设资金来源为:30%自筹,70%贷款。项目已具备招标条件,现进行印尼金川WP&RKA红土镍矿项目—桩基工程公开招标,特邀请有意的潜在投标人(以下简称申请人)提出投标申请。
The bidding project Indonesia Jinchuan and WP&RKA Laterite Nickel Project has been approved by the SASAC of Gansu Provincial Government by issuing the document numbered in GGZFGH [2016] No. 171, and the Tenderee is PT. Wanatiara Persada (Indonesia Jinchuan and WP Laterite Nickel Project Company). The construction capital source is from: 30% self-financing and 70% loan.Meeting requirements for bid invitation, the Indonesia Jinchuan and WP&RKA Laterite Nickel Project – Piling Works is now for open tender to invite potential bidders interested (hereinafter referred to as the Applicant) to apply for the bidding.

2. 项目概况与招标范围
Project Overview and Bidding Scope

2.1 项目建设地点:印度尼西亚北马鲁古省奥比岛(Pulau Obi),距离印度尼西亚雅加达约2400公里。到达项目建设地点的参考路径:广州—印度尼西亚首都雅加达(乘飞机);印度尼西亚首都雅加达—印度尼西亚特尔纳特(乘飞机);印度尼西亚特尔纳特—巴占岛(乘船);巴占岛—奥比岛(Pulau Obi)(乘船)。
Location of construction site:Obi Island (Pulau Obi), North Maluku Province, Indonesia, which is about 2,400 kilometers from Jakarta, Indonesia.Reference route to the construction site of the Project:Guangzhou - Indonesia capital Jakarta (by plane); Indonesia capital Jakarta – Ternate, Indonesia (by plane); Ternate, Indonesia – Bacan Island (by ship); Bacan Island - Obi Island (Pulau Obi) (by ship).

2.2 项目建设概况:
Project overview on construction:

The Indonesia Jinchuan and WP&RKA Laterite Nickel Project is mainly composed of the smelting plant area, the power plant area, the office and living quarter and public and auxiliary facilities.The project has been designed meeting national standards of both countries (China and Indonesia), which is provided with 3 sets of 50MW condensing steam turbine generator units respectively, and it forms a small power system in combinattion with the smelting plant; additionally, four RKEF technology production lines are applied in the smelting process.The Project is located on seaside, which should be provided with necessary anti-corrosion measures.

2.3 招标范围:项目桩基工程,依据现地勘资料,预估工程量为冲(钻)孔灌注桩桩径?800、?600 约900根。桩基地基土工程地质特征,详见招标文件。
Bidding Scope: Based on the field geological survey data, quantities of the piling works should be 900 pieces punching (bored) concrete piles with diameters of ?800 and ?600 according to estimation.Specific conditions of the pile foundation subsoil engineering geological characteristics are indicated in the bidding document.

3. 项目计划工期:本项目桩基工程计划开工日期2016年12月25日,计划竣工日期2017年3月20日。
Project Schedule: Referring to the piling works, the planned commencement date should be on December 25th, 2016, and the planned completion date should be on March20th, 2017.

4. 申请人资格要求
Requirements on Applicant Qualifications

(1) 具有独立企业法人资格(中国或印尼),可以按计划开工日期在印尼进行桩基施工。
The Applicant should have an independent business entity qualification (in China or Indonesia), who should be capable to carry out pile foundation construction in Indonesia according to the planned commencement date.

(2) 中国企业应具有有相应的《中华人民共和国对外承包工程资格证书》;有《企业境外机构证书》(印尼);具备在印尼境内开展建设施工服务资格(印尼注册有效的代表处或分公司且印尼境内参险证书齐备);具备报关、外贸、商检等物资出口备案登记条件。
China enterprises should have a corresponding Qualification Certificate of People’s Republic of China on Contract Foreign Project and Enterprise Overseas Entities Certificate (Indonesia) and be eligible to provide construction services in Indonesia (with valid representative office or branch registered in Indonesia and effective insurance certificate in Indonesia territory) with export registration status, including customs clearance, foreign trade and commodity inspection.

(3) 中国企业应具有中国国内地基基础工程专业承包壹级及以上资质。印尼企业应具备印尼政府颁发的桩基工程专业承包资质。
Chinese enterprises should have Chinas domestic foundation foundation engineering contracting Yiji and above qualifications.Indonesian enterprises should have the piling works specialized contractor qualification issued by the Indonesian government.

(4) 具有有效的企业安全生产许可证;
The Applicant should have effective enterprise safety production license;

3.1.2 财务要求:具有良好的银行资信、财务状况和商业信誉
Requirements on financial affairs:The Applicant should have good bank credit, financial condition and business reputation.

3.1.3 企业业绩要求:投标企业应提供2013年1月1日至今在印度尼西亚累计合同金额在人民币5000万元及以上砼灌注桩基工程施工项目业绩,以上业绩均须提供合同复印件。。
Requirements on enterprise performance: Bidding enterprise should have concrete filling piling works construction performance reaching RMB 50 million according to the accumulative contract amount in Indonesia from January 1st, 2013, and relevant contract copies should be provided.

3.1.4 信誉要求:2013年6月1日~2016年5月30日(近3年)没有与骗取合同有关的犯罪或严重违法行为而引起的诉讼和仲裁;申请人在最近三年内不曾在任何合同中违约或被逐或因任何原因而使任何合同被解除。
Requirements on reputation:The Applicant should not be involved in litigation and arbitration caused by crime or serious violations of law relating to contract fraud between June 1st, 2013 and May 30th, 2016 (recent 3 years), or experience dissolution of contract due to breach of contract or expel or any other reasons in the past three years either.

3.1.5 拟派驻项目经理资格:拟派驻现场的项目经理聘用单位名称与申请人名称一致,需具备15年以上类似项目管理工作经验,8年以上项目经理工作经验,良好的职业道德,并在2016年11月 至2017年4月期间无在建工程。
Qualification of Project Manager planned to dispatch to the construction site:Name of the working unit of the Project Manager palnned to dispatch to the construction site should be consistent to that of the Applicant, and the Project Manager should have similar project management working experience of 15 years or more and project manager working experience of 8 years or more with good professional ethics, who shall not work on any project under construction in the period between November 2016 and April 2014.

3.1.6 拟派驻项目经理业绩:项目经理在2011年6月1日~2016年5月30日(近5年)(具体以竣工验收报告、初步验收报告、竣工验收表或质量检验评定表等中的竣工时间为准)期间承担过同类工程施工业绩。
Performance of Project Manager planned to dispatch to the construction site:The Project Manager should have accomplishment of working on similar engineering constructions between June 1st, 2011 and May 30th, 2016 (recent 5 years) (specific time should be subject to the time of completion indicated in completion acceptance report, preliminary acceptance report, completion acceptance certificate or quality inspection and assessment).

3.1.7 其他要求:项目技术负责人具备高级技术职称、项目五大技术人员(造价员(造价工程师或预算员)、施工员、质量员、安全员、材料员)具备中国或印尼建设行政主管部门核发的有效上岗证。设备、资金等方面具备相应的施工能力。
Other requirements: The project technical director should a technician of the five major specialities (the cost member (cost engineer or budgeter), the construction member, the quality specialist, the safety supervisor and the materialman) with senior technical titles and a valid work license issued by Chinese or Indonesia official construction administration department.Equipment, capital and other aspects should be good enough for construction.

3.2 本项目严禁转包及非法分包。
Outsourcing and illegal subcontracting should be strictly prohibited in the Project.

5. 资格审查方法
method for qualification examination

postqualification is adopted for the invitation of bids.

6. 招标文件的购买
Acquisition of Bidding Document

6.1 申请人于2016年11月9日至2016年11月15日,每日上午9:00时至 12:00时,下午14:00时至17:30时(北京时间,下同)购买招标文件。其中注册地在中国的投标单位,到江西省南昌市红谷滩新区前湖大道888号B230室持授权委托书或单位介绍信购买招标文件;注册地在中国大陆地区以外的投标单位可直接与招标代理机构电话联系购买招标文件电子版。
The Applicant can buy the bidding document between November 9th, 2016 and November 29th, 2016, and the work hour is 9:00 to 12:00 and 14:00 to 17:30 (Beijing Time, and similarly hereinafter).To be specifically, tenders registered in China can buy the bidding document with letter of authorization or company recommendation in Room B230, No. 888, Qianhu Avenue, Honggutan New Area, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, and tenders registered outside Mainland China can directly contact the bidding agency by phone to buy the electronic version of bidding document.


The price for each set of the Bids is RMB ?3500 , and is non-returnable after sale. The purchasing for the Bids by mail requires additional handling fee (postage included) of RMB ?50. Bidding agencies shall post the Bids within2days upon receipt of letter of authorization or letter of introduction and postage (handling fee included).

7. 投标文件的递交
Submission of Bid Document

7.1 递交招标文件截止时间(投标截止时间,下同)为2016年11月29日10时00分(北京时间),地点为印度尼西亚雅加达,公司地址: PT Wanatiara Persada, Graha Indochem. JL. Pantai Indah Kapak Boulevard Kav.SSB/E Lantai 3 Jakarta 14470, Indonesia, 与Mr. James Kartono. 或王先生+********58963联系。

Deadline for submission of bidding document (deadline for bid submission, and similarly hereinafter) is 10 O’Clock Sharp a.m., November 29th, 2016 (Beijing Time), and the location is PT Wanatiara Persada ,Graha Indochem.JL.Pantai Indah Kapak Boulevard Kav.SSB/E Lantai 3 Jakarta 14470, Indonesia,contact with Mr. James Kartono or Mr. Wang +********58963;)

7.2 逾期送达或者未送达指定地点的投标申请文件,招标人不予受理。
Bid documents of late delivery or delivered to places other than the designated location should not be accepted by the Tenderee.

9. 联系方式
Contact Information

招 标 人:PT.Wanatiara Persada(印尼金川WP公司)
Bid Inviter: PT. Wanatiara Persada (Indonesia Jinchuan WP Company)

地 址:: PT Wanatiara Persada, Graha Indochem.JL.Pantai Indah Kapak Boulevard Kav.SSB/E Lantai 3 Jakarta 14470, Indonesia(印度尼西亚雅加达)

联系人及电话: 李贵仁189*****199;王来存189*****158

James Kartono ********2962;Arif Tiammar ********9603

Contact and telephone: Li Guiren 189*****199; Wang Laicun 189*****158;

James Kartono ********2962;Arif Tiammar ********9603

电子邮箱: Lgr @jnmc.com; wlaicun@jnmc.com;

Email: Lgr @jnmc.com; wlaicun@jnmc.com;

Bidding agency: China Nerin Engineering Co., Ltd.

地 址:南昌市红角洲前湖大道888号中国瑞林B230招标室
Address: Room B230, NERIN, No. 888, Qianhu Avenue, Hongjiaozhou District, Nanchang City

联系人及电话:欧阳旭 ****-********/ 136*****160
Contact and Telephone: Ouyang Xu ****-********/ 136*****160

Email: ********1@qq.com

传 真:****-********
Fax: ****-********

November 9th, 2016


标签: 桩基 镍矿





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