2.4 采购拦标价:人民币报价的拦标价为100万元(美元报价的拦标价以开标当日中国银行汇率外管局中间价计算,请投标人充分考虑汇率波动带来的风险,计算结果超过人民币报价的拦标价的后果由投标人自行承担),超过该拦标价的投标文件将被否决。
4.1凡愿意参加投标的投标人请持法定代表人身份证明书;法定代表人授权委托书;法定代表人或委托代理人身份证(原件)于2016年12月01日至2016年12月07日 ,每日上午9:00时至12:00时,下午13:30时至17:00时(北京时间,法定节假日除外)到云南中咨海外咨询有限公司(前兴路中天融域17幢1单元4楼前兴路与广福路交叉口)查询和购买招标文件。
招 标 人:云南烟草国际有限公司
地 址:前兴路中天融域17幢1单元4楼(前兴路与广福路交叉口)
联系 人:应文豪 联系电话:****-********转6029
传 真: ****-********
开户银行:中国工商银行昆明南市区支行 账号:****************802
开户银行:中信银行广福路支行 账号:********137*****450
Announcementof Invitation to Bid
Announcement of Invitation to Bid forConsumers and Purchasing Behavior Research in duty free channel
Project No.:ZA15295-QGF********
1.Bidding Conditions
With regard to the invitation to bid forconsumers and purchasing behavior research in duty free channel, the tendereeis Yunnan Tobacco International Co., Ltd., and the bidding agency is CIECCYunnan Overseas Consulting Co., Ltd.. The project satisfies bidding conditions.The tenderee hereby invites qualified bidders to participate in the publicbidding for the project.
2.Project Overview and Services
2.1 Project Name: Consumers and PurchasingBehavior Research in Duty Free Channel.
2.2 The scope of the tender: through investigatingconsumers and their purchase behaviors in duty free channel, the researchshould deeply analyze consumers purchase motivation of buying Chinesecigarettes, purchase decision-making process, the main factors affecting theirpurchase decision, and to finally provide research recommendations and thefuture improvements. The research results should effectively guide YunnanTobacco International Co., Ltd to carry out the brand promotion, marketing, andproduct development. For details of research requirements and objects, pleaserefer to Chapter IV Technical Standards or Service Requirements.
2.3 Service term: The final research reportshall be submitted (in multiple formats, including PPT, Word and EXCEL and soforth) within 8 months upon execution of the contract.
2.4 Price ceiling: The price ceiling in RMBis RMB 1 million (the price ceiling in USD shall be calculated at the centralparity rate published by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on the bidopening date; the bidder is requested to sufficiently take into considerationrisks arising out of exchange rate fluctuation and are liable for anyconsequence resulting from excess of the calculation over the ceiling price inRMB). Any bid exceeding the price ceiling will be rejected.
3.Bidder Qualification Requirements
3.1 The bidder shall be a company legallyregistered in or out of the People’s Republic of China.
3.2 The bidder shall provide the businesslicense or (in the case of a foreign enterprise) an equivalent certificate(such as enterprise registration certificate).
3.3 Achievements of the enterprise for thepast three years (2014 - 2016) in consumer research in duty free industry(contracts or the documentary evidences of service provided by companies towhich the bidder has offered services shall be submitted).
3.4 The bidder shall have a good financialposition for the past three years and is not subject to a business suspensionorder or asset freezing.
3.5 The bidder shall provide documentaryevidences proving its business strength.
3.6 Qualification review method for theproject: Post-qualification.
3.7 No joint bids will be accepted for thisbidding.
4.Registration for Bid and Obtaining of Bidding Documents
4.1 Any bidder who is willing to participatein the bidding is requested to inquiry about and purchase the bidding documentsin CIECC Yunnan Overseas Consulting Co., Ltd. (address: 4F, Unit 1, Building17, Zhongtian Rongyu, Qianxing Road (at the intersection of Qianxing Road andGuangfu Road)) from 9 am to 12 am and 1 pm to 5 pm, between December 1 and7,2016 (Beijing Time, excluding Statutory holidays), with the certificate ofidentity of the legal representative, the power of attorney for the legalrepresentative, the ID card (original) of the legal representative orauthorized agent.
4.2 Selling price of the bidding documents:RMB 600/copy or USD 90/copy (in the case of purchase by mail, plus RMB 100.00).The selling price paid is not refundable.
4.3 ★ Any bidder who fails to register for participating in the projectaccording to the specified time and address is not allowed to participate inthe bidding. (For the specified time and address, please refer to Article 4.1of this Announcement).
5.Submission of Bids
5.1 Deadline for submission of bids (bidsubmission deadline, hereinafter the same): 10 am on December27, 2016 (Beijingtime).
5.2 Bid opening time, bid submissiondeadline and bid opening place: Yunnan Tobacco International Co., Ltd. (MeetingRoom, 14F, Zhongzhou Yangguang Office Building, Jinchen Street, PanlongDistrict, Kunming).
5.3 Any bid which is not submitted prior tothe deadline or the designated place or fails to comply with requirements willnot be accepted by the tenderee.
6.Media for Publishing Announcement
This Announcement of Invitation to Bid is published on the ChinaInternational Bidding Website (www.chinabidding.com/), the ebnew website of theMinistry of Commerce (http://www.ebnew.com), the China Procurement and BiddingWebsite (), the Official Website of China Tobacco YunnanIndustrial Co., Ltd. (www.ynzy-tobacco.com), Yunnan Tobacco International Co.,Ltd. (http://www.ytichina.com.cn/) and Yunnan Bidding and Bid InformationWebsite (www.ynbidding.net).
7.Contact Information
Tenderee: Yunnan Tobacco International Co.,Ltd.
Bidding agency: CIECC Yunnan OverseasConsulting Co., Ltd.
Address: 4F, Unit 1, Building 17, Zhongtian Rongyu, Qianxing Road(at the intersection of Qianxing Road and Guangfu Road)
Contact person: Ying Wenhao Contact number:****-******** ext 6029
Fax: ****-********
RMB account:
Deposit bank: Industrial and Commercial Bankof China, Nanshi District Branch, Kunming
Account No.: ****************802
Dollar account:
Deposit bank:Guangfu road, China citic bank branches
Account No.:********137*****450
Date: December 1,2016
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