1. 项目背景
2. 项目目标
3. 咨询目标
4. 工作内容
4.1. 总结中国新能源公交车推广的政策、现状和存在的问题;
4.2. 总结评价新能源车辆、设施性能及运营管理的常用方法;
4.3. 参加《新能源公交车辆运营评估体系及数据采集标准研究》课题的评审会,并对项目的各期研究报告提出评审意见;
4.4. 评估指导新能源公交车评估体系、数据采集和数据库构建;
4.5. 参加《新能源公交车辆运营评估体系及数据采集标准研究》课题的国际研讨会,并做主旨演讲。
5. 工作成果
5.1. 在2017年5月31日前提交《中国新能源公交车发展现状报告》;
5.2. 在2017年7月31日前提交《新能源车辆与充电设施性能评价方法综述报告》;
5.3. 提交《新能源公交车辆运营评估体系及数据采集标准研究》课题的开题、中期和最终报告的修改意见。
6. 任务期限
7. 任职资格要求
电话:86-10-6529 9095,86-10-6529 9094
传真:86-10-6529 9094
GEF Large-CityCongestion and Carbon Reduction Project
Terms ofReference for Consulting Service of
New Energy Bus Operation Big Data analyst
1. Project Background
With rapideconomic development and acceleration of urbanization, the urban motorizationof Chinese cities entered into a boost period. Civil car ownership in China hasreached 279 million by the end of 2015. The fast growth of cars in many cities,such as Beijing and Shanghai, has led to severe traffic congestion, rapidincrease of pollutants and carbon dioxide emissions, and decrease of the livingquality of the urban residents, and caused enormous economic loss and seriousconstraint to sustainable urban development. Therefore, to ease congestion inlarge cities and reduce the carbon emissions has become a major challengefacing municipal governments at all levels. Governments at both the nationaland the local levels and all relevant departments have regarded “addressingglobal climate change” as the fundamental development strategy of the nationand included it into the relevant medium- and long-term development planning.
Ministryof Transport (MOT), as the central government department responsible for guidingthe urban passenger transport, has taken the traffic congestion and carbonemissions reduction as one of the top priorities. In the face of hugechallenges of increasingly serious traffic congestion and carbon dioxideemissions in large cities, it is urgent to learn from the internationalpractical experience, formulate effective laws and policies and take reasonabletechnical and economic measures so as to guide the scientific development ofurban transport in China to ease traffic congestion and reduce the carbonemissions.
Under suchbackground, the GEF-funded Large City Congestion and Carbon Reduction Projecthas been approved. MOT is the central executing agency of the Project; theSuzhou, Harbin and Chengdu municipal government is the local executingagencies; the project management office of Ministry of Transport (hereinafterreferred as “National PMO”) and the three local project management office(hereinafter referred as “Local PMO”) are responsible for respective Projectswhile the National PMO is to provide the technical support and thecoordination. The World Bank is one of the implementing agencies of GEF.
The project iscomprised of five components: (1)"Synergy Policy Study of Citys MasterPlanning and Urban Transport Planning", "Urban Transport Hub Layoutand Function Optimization", "Monitoring and Evaluation System forUrban Transport Carbon Emissions and Pilot City Evaluation","Research on China Urban Intelligent Public Transport System Developmentand Application", "Technical Standard and Mechanism of InformationStatistics and Evaluation Method"; "Guidelines Study for UrbanIntelligent Public Transport System Development and Application","Technical Standard and Mechanism of Information and Service for UrbanIntegrated Transportation Hub", which are carried out by TPRI, CATs andRIOH; The “TransFORM” platform and knowledge dissemination activities carriedout by “China Transportation News”(CTN). “Manual of Urban TrafficDemand Management in China”,"Concept Paper for13th Five-Year Plan of Transportation Development”, “Green Transport FinancingStrategy Study”, “New Energy BusOperation Evaluation Framework Study”, and “Study on Connection Standards between Highways and UrbanRoads”;(2) Conduct consulting service on concerning trafficcongestion and carbon reduction in Suzhou;(3) Conduct consulting service onconcerning traffic congestion and carbon reduction in Chengdu;(4)Conductconsulting service on concerning traffic congestion and carbon reduction inHarbin; (5) Conduct capacity building, project supervision and projectmanagement.
2. Project Objectives
The ProjectObjective is to provide consulting service for GEF “Large-City Congestion andCarbon Reduction Project” which is to establish policy framework, guideline andstandard of public transport development and transport demand management foralleviating traffic congestion and reducing GHG emissions in large cities inChina, and demonstrating benefits of such policy framework in pilot cities.
3. Consulting Objective
The Consulting Objective is to sum up the development status, policy environment andtechnical level of the promotion of new energy buses in China; to review thecommon methods for evaluating the performance and operation management of newenergy vehicles and facilities; evaluate and instructthe New Energy BusOperation Evaluation Framework Study project (sub-project of the GEF-funded Large-City Congestion andCarbon Reduction Project) to ensure that the research roadmap and researchmethods are reasonable and feasible and the conclusions of the study arescientific and objective..
4. Consulting Tasks
4.1 Summarize the policy, the status quo and problems to promote Chinasnew energy bus;
4.2 Summarize the common methods to evaluate the performance and operationmanagement of new energy vehicles and facilities;
4.3 Participate in the review workshops ofthe New Energy Bus Operation Evaluation Framework Study and review output reports at each stage.
4.4 Evaluate and instruct the research of the new energy busevaluation system, data acquisition and database construction;
4.5 Participate in the international symposium of the New Energy Bus Operation EvaluationFramework Study and give a keynote speech.
5. Outputs
5.1 Submit the Report on theDevelopment Status of New Energy Bus in China by 31 May, 2017;
5.2 Submit the Review Report on New Energy Bus and ChargingFacilities Performance Evaluation Methods by 31 July, 2017;
5.3 Reviewed and commented the output reports at eachstage of the New Energy Bus OperationEvaluation Framework Study.
6. Duration and Timing
Theconsultant will work in the field 3months. The assignment will be conducted from February 2017 to January 2018.During this period, the consultant will work closely with all relevant staffand agencies during the project.
7. Qualifications
The consultant with at least 10 yearsworking experience in urban transport or transport energy related policy and technology research;responsible for 2 or more similar newenergy vehicle performance analysis or new energy vehicle application researchprojects; responsible for 1 or more similar Chinas urban green transport development orenergy-saving emission reduction related research projects; having in-depthunderstanding of Chinas new energy bus development status and relatedpolicies, familiar with the research theories and methods on the performances ofnew energy vehicles; have good research in the papers and patents and otheraspects. International research background is preferred.
Further information can be obtained at the address below during officehours 09:00 am to 17:00 pm on working days only.
Expressions of Interest (EOIs) must be delivered in a written form tothe address below in person or by e-mail before 16:00 pm, December 22, 2016.
Project Management Office, GEF Large City Congestion and CarbonReduction Project
Comprehensive Planning Department, Ministry of Transport, P.R. China
Mr. Zhou Geping, Procurement Specialist
Address: 7th floor, TongLian Mansion, No. 240 HuiXinli Jia, ChaoyangDistrict, Beijing, P.R. China
Postcode: 100029
Tel: 86-10-6529 9095; 86-10-6529 9094
Fax: 86-10-6529 9094
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