

I、Project overview

Item number:XJCG250*****388166
Project name:炼钢、炼铁、技术质量部双向齿轮泵等询价单
project type:Directional procurement
Issued by:PT. Dexin Steel Indonesia
Released by:Supplies and Spare Parts Department

II、Bidder must log inthe cloud procurement bidding platform Be sure to complete the registration and obtain bidding qualification before the bid opening to conduct bidding and bid opening activities. The bid winning situation will be announced on this website.

III、Online bidding method: For specific steps, please refer to the "Service Guide" on the homepage of the website.

IV、quotation deadline:2025-02-26 12:00:00,Bidders shall successfully submit all electronic bidding documents on the cloud procurement bidding platform before the bid deadline, and overdue will not be accepted.

V、attachment information

Title Relevant documents

VI、Clarification attachment

Title Relevant documents

、Target information

material code material name specification and model Unit of measurement purchase quantity used by Requirement note
911.07.001.***** 电磁阀 SCG531C018MS 双线圈 24V DC; PIECE 个 10 ???DSI-SS 炼钢事业部 设备科 ???
911.07.001.***** 电磁阀 型号:4M320-08 单线圈 电压: 24VDC; PIECE 个 8 ???DSI-SS 炼钢事业部 设备科 ??? 双线圈、线圈电源DC24V
911.02.001.***** 双向齿轮泵 CBS-E310 (电液推杆使用,附带溢流阀、节流阀。整套泵组) SET 套 5 ???DSI-IM 德信铁焦事业部-炼铁分厂 ???
909.01.001.***** 螺杆泵 电机一体泵 HSNH80-46-YX3-100L1-4- 2.2kW(自带安全阀) SET 台 1 ???DSI-IM 德信铁焦事业部-炼铁分厂 ???
907.07.001.***** 滤芯 G-143×640 精度20um PIECE 个 30 ???DSI-IM 德信铁焦事业部-炼铁分厂 ???
907.07.001.***** 滤芯 FAX-630×10 PIECE 个 30 ???DSI-IM 德信铁焦事业部-炼铁分厂 ???
912.02.005.***** 蓄能器充气阀 QXF-5; PIECE 个 20 ???DSI-IM 德信铁焦事业部-炼铁分厂 ???
921.02.001.***** 电磁阀 OTS AC220V 5.5VA PIECE 个 2 ???DSI-TQ 技术质量部 ???
987.07.001.***** 气阀箱 QKO4L INA PIECE 个 1 ???DSI-SS 炼钢事业部 设备科 ???
912.03.002.***** 气缸 SC80*75-S; PCS 件 2 ???DSI-SS 炼钢事业部 设备科 ??? 活塞杆螺纹:M20*1.5
907.07.001.***** 滤芯 150×330×100 PIECE 个 10 ???DSI-SS 炼钢事业部 设备科 ??? 接口螺纹规格:M32*2
907.07.001.***** 机油滤芯 WD1374; PIECE 个 10 ???DSI-SS 炼钢事业部 设备科 ??? 过滤精度:50目
911.02.007.***** 电动润滑泵阀芯 DRBI-P120Z SET 台 5 ???DSI-SS 炼钢事业部 设备科 ??? 带过滤网,厂家江苏启东市利合润滑有限公司
907.04.006.***** 移动式滤油小车 型号:UC-16,油泵压力小于0.5Mpa,吸程≤5M; SET 台 1 ???DSI-SS 炼钢事业部 设备科 ???
911.02.007.***** 电动润滑泵 DRBZ2-P120Z SET 台 2 ???DSI-SS 炼钢事业部 设备科 ???



标签: 双线圈 电磁阀 炼钢





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