中山大学附属第七医院(深圳)采购64排CT机 国际招标公告 | |
深圳市东方招标有公司受招标人委托对下列产品及服务进行国际公开竞争性招标,于2017年01月23日在中国国际招标网公告。本次招标采用传统招标方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。 1. 招标条件 项目概况:64排CT机采购项目进行国际招标 资金到位或资金来源落实情况:已落实 项目已具备招标条件的说明:已具备 2. 招标内容: 招标项目编号:1243-174OTC170001 招标项目名称:中山大学附属第七医院(深圳)采购64排CT机 项目实施地点:中国广东省 招标产品列表(主要设备): 序号 | 产品名称 | 数量 | 简要技术规格 | 备注 | 1 | 64排CT机 | 1台 | 技术规格详见招标文件第二册第八章 |
3. 投标人资格要求 投标人应具备的资格或业绩:1.投标人必须具备独立法人资格,并在中国国际招标网(www.chinabidding.com)、注册成会员。境内投标人须提供营业执照复印件加盖投标人公章(投标人为境外企业除外)。 2.投标人必须是制造商或制造商有效授权的合法代理商。(提供授权书复印件并加盖公章)。 3.国内投标人需具有《中华人民共和国医疗器械生产许可证》或《中华人民共和国医疗器械经营企业许可证》(提供证书复印件并加盖投标法人公章,投标人为境外企业除外)。 4.投标人所投设备必须具有《中华人民共和国医疗器械注册证》(提供证书复印件并加盖投标法人公章)如是进口设备,需进口医疗器械注册证及注册登记表(提供复印件并加盖公章)。5、本项目不接受联合体投标,不允许分包。6、本次公开招标不接受货物制造商和该货物制造商的授权代理商的同时投标。两家以上投标人的投标产品为同一家制造商或集成商生产的,按一家投标人计算。对两家以上集成商使用同一家制造商产品作为其集成产品一部分的,按不同集成商计算。7、投标人须在中国境内(含港、澳、台地区)设有售后服务机构;8、参与政府采购项目投标的供应商近三年内无行贿犯罪记录(无需提供证明材料)。 是否接受联合体投标:不接受 未领购招标文件是否可以参加投标:不可以 4. 招标文件的获取 招标文件领购开始时间:2017-01-23 招标文件领购结束时间:2017-02-10 获取招标文件方式:现场领购 招标文件领购地点:深圳市福田区新闻路59号深茂商业中心13楼A、H座 招标文件售价:¥800/$ 140 其他说明:2017年1月23日起至2017年2月10日(法定节假日除外)北京时间每日9:30至11:30,14:30至17:00在深圳市东方招标有公司购买招标文件。
5. 投标文件的递交 投标截止时间(开标时间):2017-02-22 09:30 投标文件送达地点:深圳市福田区新闻路59号深茂商业中心13楼A、H座 开标地点:深圳市福田区新闻路59号深茂商业中心13楼A、H座 6. 投标人在投标前需在中国国际招标网上完成注册。评标结果将在中国国际招标网公示。 7. 联系方式 招标人:中山大学附属第七医院(深圳) 地址:深圳市光明新区光明街道圳园路628号 联系人:陈工 联系方式:***-********转8839 招标代理机构:深圳市东方招标有公司 地址:深圳市福田区新闻路59号深茂商业中心13楼A、H座 联系人:杨林明 联系方式:****-******** 8. 汇款方式 招标代理机构开户银行(人民币):招商银行深圳景田支行 招标代理机构开户银行(美元): 帐号(人民币):*************** 帐号(美 元): 9.其他事项:户名:深圳市东方招标有公司
注:购买招标文件时,投标人经办人需提供如下文件: ①法人授权委托书原件; ②境内投标人须提供营业执照复印件加盖投标人公章(投标人为境外企业除外)(加盖公章,原件备查); ③国内投标人需具有《中华人民共和国医疗器械生产许可证》或《中华人民共和国医疗器械经营企业许可证》(提供证书复印件并加盖投标法人公章,投标人为境外企业除外); ④投标人所投设备必须具有《中华人民共和国医疗器械注册证》(提供证书复印件并加盖投标法人公章)如是进口设备,需进口医疗器械注册证及注册登记表(提供复印件并加盖公章) ORIENTAL TENDER CO., LTD. entrusted by the purchaser, invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers home and abroad for the supply of the following goods and/or service by way of traditional bidding. The tender notice was released on www.chinabidding.com on 2017-01-23. 1.Bidding Conditions Overview:The 64 row CT machine Source of Funds:Already have Description of The Prepared Bidding Conditions:Already have 2.Bidding Content: Bidding No:1243-174OTC170001 Project Name:The 64 row CT machinefor The Seventh Affiliated Hospital,Sun Yat-sen University Place of Implementation:Guangdong List of Products: NO. | Product Name | Quantity | Main Technical Data | Remarks | 1 | The 64 row CT machine | 1 set | Technical Specifications See “Volume Two of the The Tendering Documents” |
3.Qualification Requirements For Bidder: Qualifications or Performance:1) The bidder must be a legal enterprise and a registered member of www.chinabidding.com. The bidders in China must present the copy of the business license with company’s stamp. 2) The bidder must be the manufacturer or the legal authorized agent. 3) The home bidder must also present the registered certificates of Medical Devices for Production, and the business permit for Medical devices from China State Food & Drug Administration. 4) The bidder must possess the registered certificate of Medical Devices from China State Food & Drug Administration. 5) Subcontract will not be accepted. 6)The public bidding does not accept the goods manufacturers and the goods manufacturers authorized agent bidding at the same time. Two or more bidders bid for the same manufacturer or integrators production, press computation of a bidder. For more than two integrators using the same manufacturers products as part of its integrated products, calculated at different integrators.7)Bidder shall within the territory of the Peoples Republic of China (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) established after-sales service agencies.8)Participate in government procurement projects bidding suppliers in nearly three years no bribery crime record (do not need to provide proof materials) All documents and copies mentioned above should be certified with bidder’s company stamp.The absence of any documents mentioned above will lead to an invalidated bid. Joint Bids:NOT Available Bid without buying the bidding documents:NOT Available 4.Acquisition of Bidding Documents Beginning of Selling Bidding Documents:2017-01-23 Ending of Selling Bidding Documents:2017-02-10 To Obtain:On-site Purchase Place:Room A & H, 13/F., Shenmao Commercial Centre, 59 Xinwen Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, PRC. Price of Bidding Documents: ¥800/$140 Additional Instructions: Any eligible bidder who is interested in this procurement may obtain the bidding documentsbetween 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM, and 14:30 PM to 17:00 PM (Beijing Time) from January 23 2017 to February 10, 2017 (Except for Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays)at ORIENTAL TENDER CO., LTD. 5. SubmissionofBids Deadline for the submission of the bidding documents( Time for bidding meeting):2017-02-22 09:30 (Beijing Time) Place of Bid:Room A & H, 13/F., Shenmao Commercial Centre, 59 Xinwen Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, PRC. Place of Bid Opening:Room A & H, 13/F., Shenmao Commercial Centre, 59 Xinwen Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, PRC. 6. The bidder must be a registered member of www.chinabidding.com before bidding. The evaluation results will be released on www.chinabidding.com. 7.Contact Details Purchasers:The Seventh Affiliated Hospital,Sun Yat-sen University Add.: Shenzhen guangming district street garden road 628 curriculum, Guangdong, P.R. China Contact:Mrs. Chen Tel:***-******** to 8839 Tendering Agent:ORIENTAL TENDER CO., LTD. Add.:Room A & H, 13/F., Shenmao Commercial Centre, 59 Xinwen Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, PRC. Contact:Linming Yang Tel :****-******** 8.Method of remittance Bank (RMB): China Merchants Bank, Shenzhen Branch, Jingtian Sub-branch Bank (USD): Account No. for RMB: *************** Account NO. (USD): Additional: Account Name: ORIENTAL TENDER CO., LTD.