People’s Republic of China
Lushan Earthquake Recovery and Risk Reduction Project
LoanNo.: 8647-CN
Assignment Title: Project Management and Construction Supervision
Reference No.: TA-5
The Government of the People’s Republic of China has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Lushan Earthquake Recovery and Risk Reduction Project, and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.
The consulting services (“the Services”) include project management and construction supervision. The Project is distributed in 7 counties/district in Ya’an City, Sichuan Province, namely Yucheng District, Mingshan District, Lushan County, Tianquan County, Baoxing County, Yingjing County, and Shimian County. The activities under the Project cover roads, bridges, embankments, emergency shelters, water supply plants and networks, and drainage networks, etc. The services are expected to last from 2017 to 2022.
Sichuan Urban Environment Project Office and Ya’an PMO now invite eligible consulting firms (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services. The shortlisting criteria will consider the following qualifications of the firm:
i) Experience of the firm for project management: The firm should, since 2009, have successfully (completed or 80% completed) performed project management consulting services (preferably with a value of contract not less than USD 1.2 million) for urban municipal infrastructure and/or post-disaster reconstruction and infrastructure risk reduction projects. It would be preferable if the firm has executed contracts under projects financed by international financial institutions.
ii) Experience of the firm for construction supervision: the firm should, since 2009, have successfully (completed or 80% completed) performed similar construction supervision contracts (preferably with a value of contract not less than USD 1.2 million) for urban municipal infrastructure and/or post-disaster reconstruction and infrastructure risk reduction projects.
iii) The firm’s capacity to mobilize a team for the execution of these services.
The Consultant may associate with other firms in the form of a joint venture, or select a proper sub-consultant to enhance their qualifications. Inbridual domestic consultant or any domestic partner in case of joint venture, or domestic sub-consultant should have Class-A Qualification or above of Construction Supervision for Municipal Public Projects issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of China. This requirement is not applicable to foreign firms.
It would be preferable that the consulting firms should have experience in low impact development (LID), disaster risk management, asset management, and traffic safety audit.
Documents required include the following, but not limited thereto:
i) Legal name of the firm and its business licenses;
ii) Contact person and details (address, phone numbers, and email address);
iii) Firm"s general profile, or brochures;
iv) Description of its organization structure, staffing situation and facilities;
v) General listing of projects experiences for the last ten years, including the completed and the on-going projects;
vi) Other documentation as firm finds necessary to demonstrate its capability and competency to the assignments;
vii) Intention to form a Joint Venture.
The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to paragraph 1.9 of the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants by World Bank Borrowers dated January 2011 and revised July 2014 (“Consultant Guidelines”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest. In addition, please refer to paragraph 1.9 of Consultant Guidelines for conflict of interest related to this assignment.
A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) method as described in the Consultant Guidelines.
Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours from 08:30 to 12:00 and 14:00 to 17:30 hours (Beijing time) from Monday through Friday.
Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below (by mail or by e-mail) by February 28th, 2017.
Attn: Mr. Li Xiangcheng
Sichuan Urban Environment Project Office
Address: 10th Floor, Nongzi Building, No.10 East Jinli Road, Qingyang District,
Chengdu 610041, Sichuan, P.R.China
Tel: 0086-28-********/********
Fax: 0086-28-********/********
Email: suep2006@163.com
贷款编号: 8647-CN
参考号: TA-5
1) 项目管理:咨询公司2009年以来,成功(完成或完成80%)实施过至少一个合同金额不低于120万美元的类似城镇市政基础设施和/或灾后恢复重建和基础设施减灾项目管理咨询服务合同。公司执行过国际金融机构贷款项目下合同为宜。
2) 工程监理:咨询公司2009年以来,成功(完成或完成80%)实施过至少一个合同金额不低于120万美元的类似城镇市政基础设施和/或灾后恢复重建和基础设施减灾项目工程监理合同。
3) 咨询公司有能力调动团队执行本服务。
i) 公司名称和营业执照;
ii) 联系人及其详细信息(如地址、电话号码、E-mail地址等);
iii) 公司的总体介绍或宣传册;
iv) 公司组织机构、人员和设施情况的描述;
v) 过去10年完成的项目情况表,包括已完成和正在执行的项目;
vi) 公司认为能体现完成本项目的能力和公司竞争力的其他必要文件;
vii) 联合体意向协议。
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