

项目编号2017-2457-CPMC-1910一. 招标条件本 工程建设项目 已按要求履行了相关报批及备案等手续,资金已落实,具备招标条件,现对其进行 公开招标 。二. 概况与招标范围 II. Project Overview and Scope of Tender 2.1项目概况:2.1 Project Overview莫斯科中国贸易中心项目位于莫斯科市东北区威廉?皮克街14号,综合体由五星级商务酒店、甲级写字楼、公寓以及多功能裙楼组成,总建筑面积为10万平方米。而在与其毗邻的特殊自然保护区内所兴建的中式建筑园林工程是莫斯科中国贸易中心项目的一个有机组成部分,其设计建筑面积近5000平方米,占地52500平方米,绿化面积40378.5平方米,水体面积1099平方米,其主要功能用途为包括文化展厅、中餐厅、茶艺轩、亭、桥、水榭等在内的开放型中式园林。The Chinese Business Center located at No.14, Wilhelm Pieck Street, North-Eastern Administrative Okrug, Moscow consists of five-star business hotels, Grade A office buildings, apartments and multifunctional podiums, covering a total area of 100,000 m2. The Chinese-style architectures and park to be constructed in the adjacent special nature reserve is an integral part of the Chinese Business Center in Moscow, covering an area of 52,500 m2, including a designed building area of about 5,000 m2, a landscaping area of 40,378.5 m2, and a water area of 1,099 m2. It is designed as an open Chinese-style park including cultural exhibition halls, Chinese restaurants, tea houses, pavilions and bridges.
2.2招标范围:2.2 Scope of Tender招标范围主要包括以下几个方面:The scope of this tender includes the following sections:1)施工图设计:建筑、结构、工艺、机电、弱电、照明、消防、室外管线、室外建筑小品、池塘、溪流、小桥、凉亭等。1) Construction drawings: buildings, structures, technology, mechanical and electrical facilities, weak electric engineering, lighting, firefighting devices, outdoor pipelines, outdoor accessorial furniture, ponds, rivulets, bridges, pavilions, etc.2)中式建筑施工:4894.5平方米的文化展厅、中餐厅、茶艺厅、游廊、园林杂物房,室内机电系统(包括1部电梯、3部升降梯)、技术用房精装修;2) Construction of Chinese style architectures: cultural exhibition halls, Chinese restaurants, tea houses, verandas, and storage rooms, covering a total area of 4,894.5 m2; indoor mechanical and electrical systems (including 1 elevator and 3 lifts) and elaboration decoration of process rooms;3)园林绿化:总体规划、现有地下基础拆除,现存孔子基座及月台拆除、硬质地面拆除及垃圾清运、约430棵树木及约1690株灌木恢复、池塘及溪流施工(含3个小桥)、29051平方米草坪施工、5724平方米道路辅设、建筑小品施工、孔子像保护及其基础基座施工、围栏施工、休闲区设施施工、7万立方米土壤置换等;3) Landscaping: overall planning, removal of existing underground foundations; removal of the foundations and extensions of existing Confucius statues, removal of hard floors, and garbage/waste removal; pruning of about 430 trees and 1,690 shrubs; construction of ponds and rivulets (including 3 bridges); laying of 29,051 m2 lawn; paving of 5,724 m2 roads; construction of street furniture; protection of Confucius statues, construction of their foundations and bases; construction of fences; construction of facilities in leisure areas; replacement of 70,000 m3 soil, etc.;4)室外管线工程施工:给排水、热力、电力、通讯、照明、地表水、喷灌等。4) Engineering construction of outdoor pipelines: water supply/discharge, heating, electricity, communications, lighting, surface water, sprinklerirrigation, etc.;2.3施工地点:俄罗斯莫斯科市,东北区,威廉?皮克街14号。2.3 Construction site: No.14,Wilhelm Pieck Street, North-Eastern Administrative Okrug, Moscow, Russia.2.4预计完工日期:2018年5月30日。2.4 Estimated date of completion: May 30, 2018.三. 投标人资格要求III. Qualification Requirements for Tenderers3.1必须具备在俄罗斯联邦实施相关工程的设计资质与施工资质;3.1 The Tenderer must have design and construction qualifications necessary for performing the required works in the RF;3.2本项目不接受联合体投标;3.2 A joint tender will not be accepted;3.3本项目执行地为莫斯科,与本工程相关所有活动均需依照莫斯科法律法规执行;3.3 This project will be carried out in Moscow. All activities involved in this project shall be carried out according to the laws and regulations of Moscow;3.4格式要求:必须按指定格式提交投标文件,文件必须使用英语和俄语编写。英语文件与俄语文件不一致的,以俄语为准。3.4 Format requirementsA tender shall be submitted in the designated format and shall be prepared in English and Russian. In case of any inconsistency between the English version and the Russian version, the Russian version shall prevail.四. 招标文件的获取招标文件发售开始时间:2017-02-17 08:30:00.0
招标文件发售结束时间:2017-02-21 17:00:00.0IV. Procurement of Tender Documents4.1 凡投标者,请于2017年2月17日至 2017年2月21日,上午 8 时 30分至 11时 30 分,下午 2 时 00 分至 5 时 00 分,在中国石油物资公司(北京市西城区鼓楼外大街5号)911房间,持法人授权委托书及被授权人身份证原件领取招标文件。 4.1 Each Tenderer is required to procure the tender documents at Room 911, China Petroleum Materials Corporation (No.5, Gulouwai Street, Xicheng District, Beijing) on a date between February17, 2017 and February 21, 2017,8:30-11:30 a.m. or 14:00 to 17:00 p.m.by showing a power of attorney and the original ID card of the authorized agent.五. 投标文件的递交投标文件递交截止时间:2017-03-27 10:00:00.0V. Submission of Tenders5.1投标文件递交截止时间(当地时间):2017年3月27日10时00 分,投标文件递交地点:俄罗斯联邦莫斯科市康德拉丘克大街3号。5.1 Deadline for submission of tenders (Local Time):March 27, 2017, 10:00 a.m.; place for submission of tenders: No.3, Kondratiuk Street, Moscow, Russian Federation.5.2 逾期送达的或者未送达指定地点的投标文件,招标人不予受理。5.2 A tender that fails to be submitted prior to the deadline or fails to be submitted to the designated place will not be accepted. 六. 开标 招标人:中国华油集团公司
开标时间: 2017-03-27 10:00:00.0 开标地点: 俄罗斯联邦莫斯科市康德拉丘克大街3号
地址: 北京市西城区鼓楼外大街5号 邮编: 100029
联系人: 冯罡、李庆红Feng Gang and Li Qinghong
电话: ***-********、5716 传真: ***-********
电子邮件: liqinghong1@cnpc.com.cn
开户银行: 中国农业银行北京北太平庄支行
账户名: 中国石油物资公司 账号: ****************0


标签: 园林 国贸





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