


艾尔玩具店 (TSL)

(编号:********)1. 招标条件



招标人提供100%资金(资金来源为国有企业占57%,外商投资占43%),艾尔玩具店 (TSL) (以下简称“工程”) 目前已具备招标条件,现进行公开招标。

2. 项目及工程阐述



工程名称:上海迪士尼乐园项目 – 艾尔玩具店(TSL)



招标范围简述:工程范围包括,但不限于为上海迪士尼乐园项目玩具总动员片区内的一家零售商店 (356号设施)的上部钢结构,机电系统,室内外装修装饰工程提供深化设计(基于雇主的方案设计),制作,供应至现场,场外预组装服务以及上述建筑工程的其他现场安装服务。并就所提供的服务与玩具总动员项目雇主的总承包商(“总包”),总包的分包商以及雇主的其他专业承包商进行协作。

中标的投标人将被要求与雇主直接签署并履行有关设计和制作工程的合同, 同时与玩具总动员项目的总承包商签署分包合同以提供现场的安装服务。







3. 投标人的资质及经验 3.1投标人应满足以下资质要求:

· 国家住建部颁发的建筑工程施工总承包三级或以上资质。


· 在上海本地拥有充足且有经验的专业技术人员为此项目提供服务;

· 近五(5)年内无“重大事故”或“不诚信企业”记录;

· 在过去五(5)年内财务状况良好(见第三章第4.1.17条及第七章第1.1部分附件I)




·具备10年以上(含10年)经证实的相关工作经验,并且近五(5)年内作为项目经理领导完成过至少一个单个合同金额不低于人民币贰仟万元(RMB 20,000,000.00)的类似工程项目;投标人在投标文件中须提供相关证明文件(相关证明文件指能反映年限、合同金额和人员名字等相关信息内容的合同文件或业主出具的用户证明文件,招标人保留与项目业主联络进行核实的权利);






3.4 本项目不接受联合体投标。

********6">4. 投标报名



ii. 被委托人身份证原件及复印件;

iii. 营业执照复印件(原件提供复核);

iv. 上述3.1条所述的相关资格证书复印件(原件提供复核);


vi. 雇主保密协议原件,中英文各一式二份,填写完毕并加盖公章及法定代表人章;



5. 领取招标文件5.1凡通过上述报名者,请于2017年3月31日至4月7日(法定节、假日除外)上午9:00-11:00时、下午13:00-16:00时(北京时间)携带招标公告上规定的资料前往上海市延安西路358号美丽园大厦14楼招标代理处购买招标文件。5.2招标文件(中文版)收取壹仟元(RMB 1000.00)元(人民币)工本费,此项费用恕不退还。5.3所有投标人在领取招标文件之前应先签署招标人提供的员工权益声明、保密协议并加盖公章。拒绝签署员工权益声明、保密协议则视为放弃投标。6. 投标时间表6.1现场考察 时间: 2017年4月13日上午10点30分(北京时间)地点:上海迪士尼乐园项目现场,上海浦东新区申迪北路753号考察时需自带:安全帽、防护眼镜、反光衣及安全鞋6.2标前会议 时间:2017年4月13日上午9点00分(北京时间)地点:上海迪士尼乐园项目现场办公室,上海浦东新区申迪北路753号 6.3投标文件提交 投标截止日期及时间: 2017年5月16日上午10点00分(北京时间)递交至:上海市延安西路358号美丽园大厦20楼第七会议室, 邮编:200040任何迟于上述截止时间或未送交至上述提交地点的投标文件将被拒绝。7. 公布媒体


8. 联络方式:



地址:上海市延安西路358号美丽园大厦14楼, 邮编:200040

联系人:吴越, 张璟

电话:86 21 ********-***传真:86 21 ******** – 181 手机:139*****906(张)

电子邮箱:rebeccawu@shabidding.com; zhangjing@shabidding.com

Shanghai Disneyland Project

Al’s Toy Barn (TSL)

(No.: ********


The Shanghai Disneyland Project (the “Project”)has been approved by the National Development and Reform Commission. TheProject is jointly funded by Shanghai Shendi Tourism and Resort DevelopmentCompany Limited and WD Holdings (Shanghai), LLC.

The Employer, Shanghai International Theme Park Company Limited, has engaged Shanghai International Theme Parkand Resort Management Company Limited (the “Management Company” or “MC”) torepresent it in the development of the Project. The Management Company willconduct tendering for the Works with the assistance of the Employer’s appointed Tender Agent andinvites interested prospective tenderers (the “Tenderers”) to submit sealedtenders.

100% funded by the Employer, (includingState-owned enterprise 57% and Foreign Enterprise 43%), the Al’s ToyBarn Merchandise Shop Design, Fabrication and Installation package (the “Works”) satisfies all conditions fortendering and is now opening to public tender.


Total Project Site Area:238 m2

ProjectLocation: A-1 Land Parcel in Core Area of ShanghaiInternational Tourism and Resorts Zone

Package Name: Shanghai Disneyland ProjectAl’sToyBarn (TSL)

PackageNo.: ********

Location of the Works:A-1 Land Parcel in Core Area of Shanghai International Tourism andResorts Zone

Brief Scope of Works being tendered:

Scope includes, but is not limited to designdevelopment (based on Employer’s preliminary design), fabrication, delivery tosite, off-Site pre-installation assembly and provide on-Site supplementary services including erection of superstructuresteel, MEP installations, interior and exterior fit-out and decoration andcoordination with Employer’s General Contractor (GC), GC’s subcontractors andEmployer’s specialized Other Contractors for a merchandise shop (Facility 356)located in Toy Story Land of Shanghai Disneyland Project.

The successful Tenderer will be required toexecute a design and fabrication contract with the Employer and provide on-siteinstallation services under a separate sub-contract with Employer’s GC for theToy Story Land Project.

A more detailed scope of works is provided inChapter 6 Part 2, Employer’s Particular Requirements, and on the TenderDrawings and Specification.

PlannedPeriod of the Works:

Anticipated Date for Commencement of the Works: May31, 2017

Scheduled Works Completion Date: Feb. 5, 2018

Contract Period: 251 calendardays

A more detaileddescription of the Works Programme is provided in Chapter 6 Part 2 Employer’s ParticularRequirements.

********6">3. QUALIFICATIONAND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS OF TENDERERS 3.1Tenderers shall have the following qualification:

· BuildingConstruction General Contractor Grade III or higher issued by Ministry ofHousing and Urban-Rural Development of the PRC (国家住建部颁发的建筑工程施工总承包资质三级或以上资质).

3.2Tenderers shall also meet all of the following requirements:

·Adequatesuitably qualified and experienced professional staff located in Shanghai for the Project;

·No “MajorAccident” record and Dishonest Enterprise record in Recent Five (5) years;

·Strongfinancial performance in last five (5) years.

3.3Tenderers’ proposed project team shall havethe following qualifications and project experience and meet the followingrequirements.3.3.1 Tenderer’sProject Manager

·National project manager qualification (Grade I) recognized by Ministryof Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the PRC;

·Shall have a minimum of ten (10) years of proven experience and havecompleted at least one project as the lead project manager with single contractvalue in excess of RMB 20 million in last five (5) years (Tender shall provide hard copy of the proofissued by the client,which reflects information of the projects, e.g. contract period, contractamount, names of personnel and theEmployer reserves the right to contact the client to verify);

· Be experienced in scheduling of fabrication, pre-installation assemblyand on-Site installation activity;

·The proposed project manager shall not have any other ongoing projects;

·Shall be available for the entire duration of the Works and shall not beremoved or replaced without the written approval of the Project Manager.

3.3.2 Othermembers of Tenderer’s Project Management Organization

·Other personnel in the tenderer’s project management organization shallpossess relevant acceptable qualification certificates and meet therequirements as provided in Chapter 6 Part 2 Employer’s ParticularRequirements.

3.4Consortium or Joint Venture Tenderers are not acceptable. ********6">4. TENDERAPPLICATIONS

Interested Tenderers shall apply to Tender Agent between 09:00-11:00 and 13:00-16:00 (Beijing Time) from Mar. 31, 2017 to Apr. 7, 2017 (excludingpublic holidays).

Note: If there are more than 8 qualified applicants, the Employerreserves the right to conduct pre-qualification.) The Tenderer’s representativewho signs up should present thefollowing documents:

i.Original power of attorney;

ii.Original and copy of ID of the authorized representative;

iii.Copy of Business License (Original also carried for checking);

iv.Copy of related Qualification Certificates identified in item 3.1 above(Originals also to be presented for checking);

v.Workers Rights Declaration (1 original) completed and chopped withCompany chop and Legal Representative’s chop;

vi.Employer’s Confidentiality Agreement completed and chopped with Companychop and Legal Representative’s chop (English and Chinese, two originals each);

vii.Copies of contracts or letters of award and proof of the projectexperience mentioned in the first 2 items 3.2 above (originals also to bepresented for checking);

All the above documents shall be chopped withcompany seal. Any late submission or submission inconsistent with the aboverequirements will be deemed as abandoning of the tender applicationregistration.

5. OBTAININGTENDER DOCUMENTS 5.1Qualified applicants can obtain Tender Documents from the Tender Agent between09:00-11:00 and 13:00-16:00 (Beijing Time)from Mar. 31, 2017 to Apr. 7, 2016 (excludingpublic holidays). The applicant’s representative should bring the documents listed in the Public Notice and goto the Tender Agent’s office at 14F Mei Li Yuan Mansion, No. 358 Yan An WestRoad, Shanghai to purchase the Tender Documents.5.2The cost of obtaining Tender Documents (Chinese Version) is RMB 1,000.00 which isnon-refundable.5.3A ConfidentialityAgreement and Workers’ Rights Declaration providedby the Employer shall be signed and chopped by all Tenderers before obtainingthe Tender Documents. Refusal to sign such ConfidentialityAgreement and Workers’ Right Declaration willbe deemed as giving up eligibility to tender.********8">6. TENDERINGSCHEDULE6.1Site Visit:Time: 10:30 am (Beijing Time), Apr. 13, 2017 Venue: Shanghai Disneyland Project located at No. 753 North Shendi Road, Pudong New Area, ShanghaiTenderer shall bring their own safety helmets, safety glasses,reflective vests and safety boots.6.2Pre-Tender Meeting:Time: 9:00 am (Beijing Time), Apr. 13, 2017 Venue: Shanghai Disneyland Project Site Office6.3Submission of Tenders: Deadline: 10:00am (Beijing Time), May 16, 2017 Venue: Meeting Room 7, 20F Mei Li Yuan Mansion, No. 358 Yan An WestRoad, Shanghai Tendersreceived after the deadline or not delivered to venue stated above will not beaccepted. 7. MEDIA FOR PUBLICATION

This Invitation to Tender is published on .

********9">8. CONTACTDETAILS

The Tender Agent: Shanghai International Tendering Co. Ltd.

Address: 14/F, Mei Li YuanMansion, 358 Yan An Road (West), Shanghai 200040

Person: Ms. Wu Yue, Ms. Zhang Jing

Tel: 86 21 ********-*** Fax: 86 21 ********-***Cell:139*****906(Zhang)

Email: rebeccawu@shabidding.com, zhangjing@shabidding.com


标签: 玩具 艾尔 乐园





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