? 欧盟《关于限制在电子电器设备中使用某些有害成分的指令》(RoHs)、 《关于建立能源相关产品的生态设计要求框架指令》(ErP)等生态设计指令以及相关法规;
? 美国《H.R.2420:电气设备环保设计法案》EDEE法案、《电子废弃物再生法案》等;
? 我国《电器电子产品有害物质限制使用管理办法》、《中国制造2025》、《“十三五”生态环境保护规划》、《生产者责任延伸制度推行方案》及《关于建立统一的绿色产品标准、认证、标识体系的意见》等政策文件
? 电视产品生态设计技术指南
? 冰箱产品生态设计技术指南
? 洗衣机产品生态设计技术指南
? 空调产品生态设计技术指南
? 电脑产品生态设计技术指南
? 手机产品生态设计技术指南
? 我国电器电子产品生产企业生态设计评价体系研究报告
2) 国内外电器电子产品生态设计政策研究以及实施效果评估报告(中英文);
a) 应具有中国计量认证资质(CMA);
b) 承担过工业产品设计、产品中化学品管理等相关领域研究工作;
c) 熟悉国内外电器电子产品生态设计政策法规、管理规定等,承担过相关领域国际项目者优先;
d) 熟悉产品中化学品管理规定,承担过POPs领域项目者优先;
e) 具有产品全生命周期评价相关工作经验者优先;
f) 具有为国家有关部委、地方政府以及企业提供决策支撑服务工作经验者优先。
b) 参与本项工作的人员应不少于12人,至少3人具备环境、化学、电子工程等有关领域博士或高级及以上职称;
c) 熟悉国内外电器电子产品生态设计/化学品管理相关规定;
d) 具备国际交流经验者优先;
e) 熟悉斯德哥尔摩公约的要求,具有电器电子产品POPs方面研究背景者优先。
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Bidding announcement on management and technology policies research on ecological design of electric and electronic equipment products in China under GEF E-waste project
In order to fulfill relevant requirements of National Implementation Plan under the Stockholm Convention (NIP), effectively reduce the release of POPs to the environment within the life cycle of electric and electronic equipment products and protect the ecological environment, the Foreign Economic Cooperation Office (FECO) of the Ministry of Environmental Protection collaborated with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) on the development of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Project “Reducing of POPs and PTS release by environmentally sound management throughout the life cycle of electrical and electronic equipment and associated wastes in China”. The planned implementation period of this project is 4 years, and the total budget is $58.65 million, of which the GEF grants is $11.65 million.
The FECO, as the National Implementing Agency of this project, is responsible for the overall coordination and management. The project will improve policy standards, strengthen regulatory capacity and carry out the demonstration of ecological design, recycling system and disposal technology and other activities through the whole life cycle analysis of electric and electronic equipment products, thus promoting the perfection of the environmentally sound management system and technical standard system for electric and electronic equipment products in China.
According to the project design, it is planned to employ a qualified institution to research domestic and foreign policy and technology experiences on the ecological design of products, analyze 6 kinds of electric and electronic equipment products such as television, refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners, computers and mobile phones in the “Catalog of waste electronic and electric equipment products for treatment (2014)”, explore the management modes and technical routes for reducing the release of pollutants of global concern such as POPs and PTS in the whole life cycle of products by centering on the emission reductions of major POPs/PTS, complete the suggestion draft on the ecological design guidance for 6 kinds of electric and electronic equipment products and ecological design evaluation system for the manufacturing enterprises of electric and electronic equipment products, guide the enterprises to demonstrate implementation and validation, support the government to make relevant decisions and enhance the enterprises ecological design level and green product development capability.
Work Contents
In order to achieve the objectives determined by the terms of reference, the following activities should be carried out (including but not limited to):
1) Carrying out the policy research of domestic and foreign ecological design of electric and electronic equipment products and the implementation effect evaluation
Based on literature retrieval and expert meeting, the legislative situation and regulation system on electrical and electronic equipment management in US, EU and other developed countries should be systematically summed up. To research the concept of product ecological design, comb the present development status and development trend of and the management measures for product ecological design in national and international electric and electronic equipment industry, compare the policy environment of and the implementing measures for and the results of implementing the ecological design of electric and electronic equipment products at home and abroad, analyze the gaps and problems concerning Chinas implementation of the ecological design of electric and electronic equipment products; complete the report on policy research and implementation effect evaluation for the ecological design of electric and electronic equipment products at home and abroad. In order to complete this activity, the following documents should be included but not limited to:
? European Union eco-design directive and related regulation such as Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS), Enter-related Products
? America Environmental Design of Electrical Equipment Act (EDEE), Electronic Waste Recycling Act
? China Regulation of restriction on use of harmful substances in electrical and electronic products, China Manufacturing 2025, The 13th Five-Year Plan for Ecological Environment Protection, The Implementation Plan for the Extended Producer Responsibility System, The Opinions on Establishing a Unified Standardization, Certification, and Labeling Framework for Green Products , etc.
2) Carrying out detection, analysis and investigation of chemicals in Chinas electric and electronic equipment products
Based on the literature retrieval and investigation, centering on 6 kinds of electric and electronic equipment products such as TV sets, refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners, computers and mobile phones in the “Catalog of waste electronic and electric equipment products for treatment (2014)” and aiming at POPs, high-risk chemicals listed in the REACH regulation of EU and other state-specified harmful substances that may be contained in these products, the application of chemicals in the printed circuit boards, displayers, shells, coating materials, thermal insulation materials and other components and parts of 6 kinds of main products, and the related information on recourses, energy and economy should be combed preliminarily.
Several representative brands and mainstream types of products at the Chinese market (at least 2 kinds of representative products should be selected for each kind of product in the catalog, and 3 product samples should be selected for each representative product) should be selected. According to the application of chemicals in 6 kinds of main products, the POPs, PTS and other priority chemicals of concern in their production process and finished goods should be investigated, sampled, tested and analyzed. The test should include the testing research on the content of at least 6 kinds of chemical substances (including Lead and its compounds, mercury and its compounds, Cadmium and its compounds, Chromium IV compounds, PBB, PBDE) in key components such as electronic circuit boards, displayers, shells, coating materials and thermal insulation materials of the above-mentioned 6 kinds of products.
3)Carrying out environmental impact analysis in the whole life cycle of 6 kinds of typical electric and electronic equipment products
Based on the above information, the environment in the links of product use and waste disposal should be simulated so as to test the amount of potential toxic and hazardous material released in the links of product use and waste disposal. Based on the test results, the products potential risks of chemical release in the links of production, use and waste disposal should be assessed, and the environmental risk assessment report on POPs and toxic and hazardous chemicals in Chinas electric and electronic equipment products should be compiled and completed.
Using the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) analysis tool recognized at home and abroad, the basic data on environmental impact should be collected in each link of the product life cycle, the quantitative analysis can be carried out mainly in terms of environment, energy and economic. According to the analysis result, the emphasis and concrete scheme for improving the ecological design of 6 kinds of products can be put forward, and the life cycle assessment report of electric and electronic equipment products can be prepared in China.
Consolidating the above information, the research on alternative products and raw materials to POPs, PTS and other priority chemicals of concern in 6 kinds of products should be carried out, the potential of POPs and PTS reduction in the whole life cycle of electric and electronic equipment products should be assessed, combined with energy consumption, economic and other factors, the overall technology roadmap of replacement should be put forward.
4)Carryingout the research on ecological design evaluation system and product technical guide for the manufacturing enterprises of electric and electronic equipment products
In combination with the development demand for green transformation of Chinas electric and electronic equipment industry and the results of LCA evaluation and environmental risk assessment, centering on the above 6 kinds of main electric and electronic equipment products, the resources, energy, environment, qualiy and other factors in the production of electric and electronic equipment products should be considered, in combination with the national standards on eco-smart design, including, inter alia, General Principles for Eco-design Product Assessment,the technical guide for 6 products should be put forward preliminary. In combination with implementation of China pilot projects on eco- design of industrial products, the ecological design evaluation system for the manufacturing enterprises of electric and electronic equipment products should be put forward preliminary.
Assist FECO in guiding related enterprises in their product production and design, track the ecological design activities progress of the demonstration enterprises under this project, combining the objectives of The Opinions on Establishing a Unified Standardization, Certification, and Labeling Framework for Green Products, guide the demonstration enterprises under this project to complete the eco-design of electrical and electronic equipment products with less energy-consuming, low pollution emission, low toxicity and less hazardous substance, easy recycling and reuse, high quality and other characters, check and inspect the technical research and development activities of the demonstration enterprises, and put forth suggestions and opinions so as to ensure the technical feasibility of demonstration activities. At the same time, the assessment report on demonstration enterprises ecological design should be completed.
Combined with the activities conducted by the project demonstration enterprises, based on the tracking and empirical evaluation of the ecological design made by pilot enterprises, the above technical guide and ecological design evaluation system should be verified and improved, the evaluation procedure and evaluation methods should be put forward, thus providing a reference for the various enterprises within the industry and improving the ability of ecological design of electric and electronic equipment products in China.
Reports on technical guide for ecological design of 6 kinds of products and the research reports on ecological design evaluation system for the manufacturing enterprises of electric and electronic equipment products in China will be formulated, including:
? The technical guide for ecological design of television
? The technical guide for ecological design of refrigerators
? The technical guide for ecological design of washing machines
? The technical guide for ecological design of air conditioners
? The technical guide for ecological design of computers
? The technical guide for ecological design of mobile phones
? The research report on the evaluation system of ecological design for the manufacturing enterprises of electric and electronic equipment products in China
5) Carrying out the study of policy recommendations on ecological design of electric and electronic equipment products in China
To analyze relevant domestic and foreign policies and standards about the design for electrical and electronic equipment production, make strict requirements on the quantity limits of main concentration chemicals in electric and electronic equipment products in China, summarize the development, implementation process and effect of and the existing issues concerning the policy system for legislation and management of product ecological design in China, put forward the countermeasures for China to implement the ecological design of electric and electronic equipment products and formulate, combination with the newly issued and implemented policy and standards on industrial products eco-design, concentrating on development demand for green development of Chinas electric and electronic equipment industry during the next five years and even further, formulate the draft on policy recommendations for China to implement ecological design and promote its issuance and implementation.
6) Completing other related work
To summarize the researches on ecological design and the development experience of demonstration enterprises, and compile the book “Research and Application of Ecological Design of Electric and electronic equipment products in China” (in Chinese).
To assist and cooperate with the national project team in completing other work relating to ecological design activities and provide technical support, participate in related working conferences under the project on schedule, prepare PPT according to the requirements, as well as make speeches at the meetings; promptly reply relevant questions and suggestions for revision proposed by GEF, UNDP and FECO; and accept the project teams inspection and audit for the completion of work..
Output Report
According to the contents of activities, at leastone sealed hard copy andone PDF scanned copy in electronic edition of the following reports should be submitted in written form.
1) Detailed implementation plan (in Chinese);
2) The report on policy research and implementation effect evaluation for the ecological design of electric and electronic equipment products at home and abroad(both in English and Chinese);
3) The environmental risk assessment report on POPs and toxic and hazardous chemicals in Chinas electric and electronic equipment products (both in English and Chinese)
4) The Life Cycle Assessment report for six kinds of electric and electronic equipment products (both in English and Chinese);
5) The technical guide for ecological design of six kinds of electric and electronic equipment products (both in English and Chinese);
6) The research report on the ecological design index system for the manufacturing enterprises of electric and electronic equipment products in China (both in English and Chinese);
7) The draft on policy recommendations for China to implement the ecological design of electric and electronic equipment products (both in English and Chinese);
8) The book “Research and Application of Ecological Design of Electric and electronic equipment products in China” (in Chinese)
Work Schedule Requirement
All the work contents should be completed during the period from the Contract Signing Date to May 31, 2018. The concrete contents shall be subject to the implementation plan submitted.
Requirements on Consultancy’s Qualification
The institution or association that undertakes this consulting service needs to have at least the following qualifications:
The institution or association that undertakes this consulting service needs to have at least the following qualifications:
a) Should have China Metrology Accreditation (CMA);
b) Undertook the ecological design of industrial products, management of chemical in products and research work in related fields;
c) Being familiar with relevant domestic and foreign documents of policies and regulations and management provisions concerning the ecological design of electric and electronic equipment products, those which undertook related international projects are preferred;
d) Institutions which are familiar with the management provisions of chemicals in industrial products and undertook projects in the field of POPs are preferred.
e) Institutions which have the related experiences on life cycle assessment of products are preferred.
f) Institutions which have the ability to provide relevant state ministries and commissions, local governments and enterprises with decision-making support services are preferred;
The core members of project should be composed of the persons with the following qualifications:
a) The project leader should have a PhD degree or the title of a senior professional post or above and at least 5 years of working experience in the fields of the ecological design of electric and electronic equipment products, environmental protection and the chemicals management;
b) Team members shouldn’t less than 12, at least 3 people should have a PhD degree or the title of a senior professional post or above in the environment, chemistry, electronic engineering field and related fields;
c) Being familiar with domestic and foreign provisions related to the ecological design of electric and electronic equipment products/the chemicals management;
d) Those who have the ability to conduct international communication are preferred;
e) Those who are familiar with the requirements of the Stockholm Convention and related research background in the field of POPs in electric and electronic equipment products are preferred.
RFP can be obtained at the address below during office hours 09:00 to 18:00 (Beijing time).
Attn: Shi Shengnan, Project Management Division V, Foreign Economic Cooperation Office
Add: 5 Houyingfang Hutong, Xicheng District, 100035, Beijing, China
Tel: 86-10-82268959
Proposal must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person, or by mail or by express) by May 23, 2017 (Beijing time), the time at which proposal received. Offeror must submit the original and 6 copies of proposal with official seal (including technical proposal and financial proposal), technical proposal and financial proposal should be sealed separately. No late proposals will be accepted.
Foreign Economic Cooperation Office
Attn: Shi Shengnan, Project Management Division V, Foreign Economic Cooperation Office
Add: 5 Houyingfang Hutong, Xicheng District, 100035, Beijing, China
Tel: 86-10-82268849
Fax: 86-10-82200517
Package Requirements: The package of proposal should be composed of an outer sealed bag and two inner sealed bags. The outer bag shall indicate the name of the project, the name of the unit and the address, contact name and Tel. The two inner bags should be tagged “technical proposal” and “financial proposal”; Outer bag and inner bag should be intact and stamped with official seal.
Curriculum Vitae Requirements:Project members listed in proposal should submit personal information with autograph. Please see attached Curriculum Vitae format.
Technical Proposal Requirements: Please according to the TOR prepare the technical proposal, and elaborates the technical routes, technical methods and work plans, which are important assessment factors. Technical proposal without contents described above will not be accepted.
Proposal should be prepared under the requirements of Bidding Law of the Peoples Republic of China and project management documents. If irregularities, it would be dealt with severely according relevant regulations.
Foreign Economic Cooperation Office, Ministry of Environmental Protection
April 26, 2017
Curriculum Vitae Format
1. position under this project:_______________________
2. Name:____________ Date of Birth:______________
3. Education:__________ Years of Working:_____________
4. Title:_________________________________________________
5. Education background and other training experience:________________________________
6. Awards:_________________________________
7. articles published:_________________________________
8. Linguistic competence (abilities in listening, speaking, reading and writing: Well, generally, or worse ):
Chinese)________________ English___________________
9. work experience ( employment situation: time, institution name and title):
From (year):__________ To (year):______________
institution name:______________________________
10. experience of relate project:(experience of relate project,can choose three most representative projects]
Project name_______________________________________
Project competent department__________________
Position under this project___________________
Main task undertaken___________________________
11. specific work undertaken in this project:[List the specific work undertaken] _______________________________________
I sign here, above CV correctly describe myself, my qualifications and my experience. And I promise that I will participate this project according work plan of proposal ifbidder nameselected as the project undertaking unit。
______________________ signature Date :______________________
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