

日 期:2017年5月19日


1、 中华人民共和国已申请一笔德国促进性贷款,用于支付利用德国促进贷款黔南民族医学高等专科学校项目的费用,并计划将一部分贷款用于土建工程合同项下的合理支付。所有符合德国复兴信贷银行采购指南中规定的合格的投标人均可参加投标。




3、 投标人资质要求:

1) 国内投标人必须具有独立法人资格并具备建设行政主管部门颁发的建筑装修装饰工程总承包或专业承包壹级以上(含壹级)资质,并具有与本项目类似的施工业绩,须提供有效的营业执照及国际质量管理体系认证证书复印件;国内投标人的注册资本金应不少于壹亿元人民币;




















Invitation For Bids

Date:May 19, 2017


1. The Government of the People’s Republic ofChina has applied for financing from Germany through KfW Bank towards the costof “Qian’nan Medical College forNationalities Utilizing German Promotional Loan Project (Package 04: LibraryCivil Work)”. The Borrower intends to apply a portion of the funds toeligible payments under the Civil Engineering contract. In line with the KfWprocurement guidelines, all eligible bidders may submit a bid.

2. CITICInternational Tendering Co., Ltd. (the Procurement Agent) has beenauthorized by Qian’nanMedical College for Nationalities (The Executing Agency) toinvite the sealed bids from eligible bidders for the construction, completionand defects remedy of the following civil works. The tender will apply International competitive bidding (ICB)procurement.

Contentsof the contract and the works shown as below:

Project Name

Contents of Construction

Qian’nan Medical College for Nationalities Utilizing German Promotional Loan Project (Package 04: Library Civil Work)

The work content of this project includes the following parts: Masonry and lintels, ring beam, structural column, floor decoration, Wall column beam surface decoration, ceiling decoration, Insulation parts, Roof waterproof and protective layer parts, doors and windows and curtain wall parts, all railing decorative parts and outdoor steps, apron, steps, ramps, bathroom accessories and parking related decoration, electric parts, HVAC parts, Water supply and drainage parts.

Does not include the following parts: Basement retaining wall waterproof and protective layer, Basement floor waterproofing and waterproofing protective layer, Weak and intelligent equipment engineering, Elevator Engineering, Main structure engineering, Roof truss works, Civil air defense door.

3. Qualificationlevel and performance requirement of bidder:

(1) Domestic biddersshall be independent legal entity with Grade I or above (Grade I included)qualification of general contracting or specialist contracting of buildingdecoration issued by the construction administrative departments, and have theconstruction experience on the similar projects. The copy of a valid businesslicense and the international quality management system certificate shall beprovided. The domestic bidder shall have a registered capital of no less thanRMB 100 million yuan;

Foreign bidder shall provide business license orlegally registered documentary evidence in the bid and the owners equity inthe previous financial year (2015) shall not be less than EUR 3 million orequivalent value. The Bidder shall provide valid quality management systemcertificate such as ISO9000 series certification or of equivalent level.

(2) Within the lastfive years (2011-2015), Bidders shall have minimum average annual constructionturnover of RMB 180 million yuan or equivalent Euro,calculated as total certified payments received for contracts in progress orcompleted.

(3) During the past 5years (2011-2015), the bidder shall have successfully completed orsubstantially completed 3 or more (at least 1 project financed by foreign loan)similar house and building construction projects in China, and at least 1contract value shall be not less than RMB 50 million yuan, and these contractsmust have the similarities on the project size, nature of works, region orcountry, complexity, methods, technology or other characteristics with thisproject. The bidder shall provide the corresponding Notification of Contractaward and construction contracts (copies of cover page, first page indicatingthe contract scope, signature page of Contract, noting End-user’s contract person,telephone and fax number ), and the completion certificate issued by theemployers or acceptance certificate issued by the Quality InspectionAuthorities. The originals of above documents shall be prepared for check. Withgood bank credit and business reputation; property was not in receivership,freezing or bankruptcy status;

(4) If the bidder isthe enterprise outside Guizhou Province, the bidder shall input basicinformation of enterprise and the information of personnel in Guizhou in thewebsite “Submission of Construction Enterprise Information System for theEnterprise outside Guizhou Province Entering Guizhou on the Platform of GuizhouProvince Construction Market Regulationand Credit Information Integration” (“Submissionof Information System” in short), and the bidder shall providecertificate documents in the bid to prove that the bidder has completed theoperation of entering the enterprise database on the “Platform of GuizhouProvince Construction Market Regulationand Credit Information Integration ”;

(5) All partiesinvolved in a procurement process financed under German Financial Cooperationmust ensure a fair and transparent competition and at least observe those ILOCore Labor Standards that have been ratified by the developing country. Thismust be documented by a corresponding declaration of undertaking of all partiesinvolved in the bidding process. The Bidder is required to submit a Declarationof undertaking (Please see Section 4 ELI-2 for the format).The declaration ofundertaking must be signed in a legally binding manner by duly authorizedrepresentatives of the bidder. Failure to submit this declaration andnon-compliance with the requirements will lead to exclusion from the tender.

4. Qualificationlevel of project manager: Should have engineer or above titles and shall havecompleted at least one similar house and building construction project withinthe last 5 years (2011-2015). The project manager of domestic bidders shallhave the national registered first-class construction engineer certificate andsafety production assessment certificate.

5. Bids submitted by a joint venture are not allowed.

6. Bidders can accessand purchase the bidding documents from the procurement agent office (3/F,No.17th Unit, Su Yuan, Beijing Friendship Hotel, No.1 South ZhongguancunStreet, Haidian District, Beijing) for more detailed information in the period:from May 19, 2017 to June 2, 2017 daily (except holidays) 9:30-11:30 a.m, 14:00-16:00p.m (Beijing time).

7. The Bidding Documents may be purchased by thebidder and upon payment of a non-refundable fee RMB 5,000 yuan or EUR 600 from May 19, 2017 to June 2, 2017 daily (except holidays) 9:30-11:30 a.m,14:00-16:00 p.m (Beijing time) from CITIC International Tendering Co., Ltd.(3/F, No.17th Unit, Su Yuan, Beijing Friendship Hotel, No.1 South ZhongguancunStreet, Haidian District, Beijing). For postage, bidder can notice in writingto CITIC International Tender Co., Ltd., and purchase with an extra fee of RMB500 yuan or EUR 50 per set. The tender agent shall send the bidding documentsin express to the purchaser in the day while the purchasing fee includingpostage has been received.

8. All bids must be delivered to the followingaddress before 10:00a.m. on July 4, 2017(Beijing Time). Bid Open Ceremony will be held at 10:00a.m. on July 4, 2017(Beijing Time) at Meeting Room of CITIC InternationalTendering Co., Ltd. 2/F, No. 17 Unit, Su Yuan,Beijing Friendship Hotel, No.1South Zhongguancun South Street, Haidian District, Beijing, China. Bids will beopened in the presence of Bidders representatives who choose to attend.

9. In addition to thepublication in China, this Invitation for Bids will be published in relatedGerman media (GTAI) www.gtai.de.

TheProcurement Agent:

CITICInternational Tendering Co., Ltd.

Address:3/F, No.17th Unit, Su Yuan, Beijing FriendshipHotel, No.1 South Zhongguancun Street, Haidian District, Beijing, China

Postcode: 100873



ContactPerson: Ye Yanling, MaYing,

E-mail: yeyl@biddingcitic.com ,may@biddingcitic.com


标签: 土建工程 图书馆 学校





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