中国电子进出口总公司受招标人委托对下列产品及服务进行国际公开竞争性招标,于2017-06-05在中国国际招标网公告。 本次招标采用传统招标方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。 |
1、招标条件 |
项目概况:第10.5代薄膜晶体管液晶显示器件(TFT-LCD)项目生产线设备采购 |
资金到位或资金来源落实情况:资金已到位 |
项目已具备招标条件的说明:具备招标条件 |
2、招标内容: |
招标项目编号:0714-164HFBOEDT01/259 |
招标项目名称:第10.5代薄膜晶体管液晶显示器件(TFT-LCD)项目 |
项目实施地点:中国安徽省 |
招标产品列表(主要设备): |
序号 | 产品名称 | 数量 | 简要技术规格 | 备注 | 0714-164HFBOEDT01/259 | Pad Cleaner&Bonding AOI(Type C6-PH2)(端子清洗机&压接检查装置) | 3台 | 本设备主要用于【液晶面板端子清洗&光学检测】。要求该设备结构设计合理,采用先进成熟技术,保证系统具有良好的动态品质。所选控制系统执行元件精度高,可靠性好,响应速度快。设备使用、操作、维修方便,造型美观,结构紧凑,整机运行稳定可靠,售后服务优良。 | 0714-164HFBOEDT01/260 | COF Bonder(Type C6-PH2)(液晶面板COF贴附装置) | 3台 | 本设备主要用于【液晶面板COF贴附】。要求该设备结构设计合理,采用先进成熟技术,保证系统具有良好的动态品质。所选控制系统执行元件精度高,可靠性好,响应速度快。设备使用、操作、维修方便,造型美观,结构紧凑,整机运行稳定可靠,售后服务优良。 | 0714-164HFBOEDT01/261 | PCB Bonder(Type C6-PH2)(印刷电路板压接装置) | 3台 | 本设备主要用于【液晶面板PCB贴附】。要求该设备结构设计合理,采用先进成熟技术,保证系统具有良好的动态品质,在操作过程中操作者的视线要好。所选控制系统执行元件精度高,可靠性好,响应速度快。设备使用、操作、维修方便,造型美观,结构紧凑,整机运行稳定可靠,售后服务优良。 | 0714-164HFBOEDT01/262 | Auto Dispenser(Type C6-PH2)(自动涂胶机) | 3台 | 本设备主要用于【液晶面板银胶涂布及UV胶涂布】。要求该设备结构设计合理,采用先进成熟技术,保证系统具有良好的动态品质。所选控制系统执行元件精度高,可靠性好,响应速度快。设备使用、操作、维修方便,造型美观,结构紧凑,整机运行稳定可靠,售后服务优良。 | 0714-164HFBOEDT01/263 | MMT Inspection(Type C6-PH2)(点灯检查机) | 3台 | 本设备主要用于【液晶面板点灯检查】。要求该设备结构设计合理,采用先进成熟技术,保证系统具有良好的动态品质。所选控制系统执行元件精度高,可靠性好,响应速度快。设备使用、操作、维修方便,造型美观,结构紧凑,整机运行稳定可靠,售后服务优良。 | 0714-164HFBOEDT01/264 | POL Attacher(Type C6-PH2)(偏光板贴付装置) | 1台 | 本设备主要用于【TFT LCD偏光板贴付装置】。要求该设备结构设计合理,采用先进成熟技术,保证系统具有良好的动态品质。所选控制系统执行元件精度高,可靠性好,响应速度快。设备使用、操作、维修方便,造型美观,结构紧凑,整机运行稳定可靠,售后服务优良。 | 0714-164HFBOEDT01/265 | Auto Clave(Type C6-PH2)(自动除泡机) | 1台 | 本设备主要用于【TFT LCD模组段自动除泡机】。要求该设备结构设计合理,采用先进成熟技术,保证系统具有良好的动态品质。所选控制系统执行元件精度高,可靠性好,响应速度快。设备使用、操作、维修方便,造型美观,结构紧凑,整机运行稳定可靠,售后服务优良。 | 0714-164HFBOEDT01/266 | Panel Indexer(PH2)(装卸机) | 5台 | 本设备主要用于【TFT LCD偏振片前液晶屏CST自动装卸】。要求该设备结构设计合理,采用先进成熟技术,保证系统具有良好的动态品质。所选控制系统执行元件精度高,可靠性好,响应速度快。设备使用、操作、维修方便,造型美观,结构紧凑,整机运行稳定可靠,售后服务优良。 | 0714-164HFBOEDT01/267 | Panel Robot(PH2)(机器手) | 5台 | 本系统主要用于机器人搬运LCD液晶玻璃。要求该设备结构设计合理,采用先进成熟技术,保证系统具有良好的动态品质,在操作过程中操作者的视线要好。所选控制系统执行元件精度高,可靠性好,响应速度快。设备使用、操作、维修方便,造型美观,结构紧凑,整机运行稳定可靠,售后服务优良。 | 0714-164HFBOEDT01/269 | Module Microscope(PH2)(光学显微镜) | 2台 | 本设备主要用于【TFT LCD不良真因的分析】。要求该设备结构设计合理,采用先进成熟技术,保证系统具有良好的动态品质,在操作过程中操作者的视线要好。所选控制系统执行元件精度高,可靠性好,响应速度快。设备使用、操作、维修方便,造型美观,结构紧凑,整机运行稳定可靠,售后服务优良。 | 0714-164HFBOEDT01/270 | In-Line Open Cell System(Type C6-PH2)(在线面板检查设备) | 3台 | 本设备主要用于【在线面板检查】。要求该设备结构设计合理,采用先进成熟技术,保证系统具有良好的动态品质。所选控制系统执行元件精度高,可靠性好,响应速度快。设备使用、操作、维修方便,造型美观,结构紧凑,整机运行稳定可靠,售后服务优良。 | 0714-164HFBOEDT01/271 | POL Cleaner(Type C6-PH2)(偏振片前清洗机) | 1台 | 本设备主要用于【TFT LCD 偏振片前清洗机】。要求该设备结构设计合理,采用先进成熟技术,保证系统具有良好的动态品质。所选控制系统执行元件精度高,可靠性好,响应速度快。设备使用、操作、维修方便,造型美观,结构紧凑,整机运行稳定可靠,售后服务优良。 |
3、投标人资格要求 |
投标人应具备的资格或业绩:投标人应是响应招标、已在招标机构处领购招标文件,并参加投标竞争的法人或其他组织。凡是来自中华人民共和国或是与中华人民共和国有正常贸易往来的国家或地区的法人或其他组织均可投标。 |
是否接受联合体投标:不接受 |
未领购招标文件是否可以参加投标:不可以 |
4、招标文件的获取 |
招标文件领购开始时间:2017-06-05 |
招标文件领购结束时间:2017-06-12 |
获取招标文件方式:现场领购 |
招标文件领购地点:中国电子进出口总公司北京市海淀区复兴路17号国海广场A座新中电大厦21层 |
招标文件售价:详见招标文件 |
5、投标文件的递交 |
投标截止时间(开标时间):2017-06-27 10:00 |
投标文件送达地点:中国电子进出口总公司北京市海淀区复兴路17号国海广场A座新中电大厦19层 |
开标地点:中国电子进出口总公司北京市海淀区复兴路17号国海广场A座新中电大厦19层 |
6、投标人在投标前需在中国国际招标网上完成注册。评标结果将在中国国际招标网公示。 |
7、联系方式 |
招标人:合肥京东方显示技术有限公司 |
地址:安徽省合肥市新站区新站工业园内A组团E区15幢综合楼 |
联系人:罗婷 |
联系方式 :86-****-******** |
招标代理机构:中国电子进出口总公司 |
地址:北京市海淀区复兴路17号国海广场A座新中电大厦 |
联系人:张凯 |
联系方式 :86-***-******** |
8、汇款方式 |
招标代理机构开户银行(人民币): |
招标代理机构开户银行(美元): |
账号(人民币): |
账号(美元): |
CEIEC entrusted by the purchaser, invites sealed bids from eligiblesuppliers home and abroad for the supply of the following goods and/orservice by way of International Competitive Bidding. The tender notice wasreleased on on 2017-06-05. |
1.Bidding Conditions |
Overview:Hefei BOEDisplay Technology Co., Ltd Project of G10.5 TFT-LCD |
Source of Funds:OK |
Description of The Prepared Bidding Conditions:OK |
2.Bidding Content: |
Bidding No:0714-164HFBOEDT01/259 |
Project Name:Project ofG10.5 TFT-LCD |
Place of Implementation:Anhui Province,China |
List of Products: |
NO. | Product Name | Quantity | MainTechnical Data | Remarks | 0714-164HFBOEDT01/259 | Pad Cleaner&Bonding AOI(Type C6-PH2) | 3 setS | The system is mainly used for 【cleaning panelbond lead area, COF shift check, and ACF conductive ball check】. This systemis required to be reasonable in design, with advanced technology to ensurethe system an excellent kinetic performance. The action elements selectedfor the control system shall be of high accuracy, good reliability andrapid response. The machine shall be convenient for use, operation andmaintenance, be artistic in configuration, compact in structure, stable inperformance and satisfactory in after-sale service. | 0714-164HFBOEDT01/260 | COF Bonder(Type C6-PH2) | 3 setS | The system is mainly used for【COF Bonder】. This systemis required to be reasonable in design, with advanced technology to ensurethe system an excellent kinetic performance. The action elements selectedfor the control system shall be of high accuracy, good reliability andrapid response. The machine shall be convenient for use, operation andmaintenance, be artistic in configuration, compact in structure, stable inperformance and satisfactory in after-sale service. | 0714-164HFBOEDT01/261 | PCB Bonder(Type C6-PH2) | 3 setS | The M/C is mainly used for【PCB bonding】 to admitsignal at the panel during the TFT LCD Module process. This system isrequired to be reasonable in design, with advanced technology to ensure thesystem an excellent kinetic performance. The action elements selected forthe control system shall be of high accuracy, good reliability and rapidresponse. The machine shall be convenient for use, operation andmaintenance, be artistic in configuration, compact in structure, stable inperformance and satisfactory in after-sale service. | 0714-164HFBOEDT01/262 | Auto Dispenser(Type C6-PH2) | 3 setS | The M/C is mainly used for【PCB bonding】 to admitsignal at the panel during the TFT LCD Module process. This system isrequired to be reasonable in design, with advanced technology to ensure thesystem an excellent kinetic performance. The action elements selected forthe control system shall be of high accuracy, good reliability and rapidresponse. The machine shall be convenient for use, operation andmaintenance, be artistic in configuration, compact in structure, stable inperformance and satisfactory in after-sale service. | 0714-164HFBOEDT01/263 | MMT Inspection(Type C6-PH2) | 3 setS | The system is mainly used for【PanelInspection】. This system is required to be reasonable in design,with advanced technology to ensure the system an excellent kineticperformance. The action elements selected for the control system shall beof high accuracy, good reliability and rapid response. The machine shall beconvenient for use, operation and maintenance, be artistic inconfiguration, compact in structure, stable in performance and satisfactoryin after-sale service. | 0714-164HFBOEDT01/264 | POL Attacher(Type C6-PH2) | 1 setS | The system is mainly used for【TFT LCD POLAttacher at the panel during the TFT LCD Module process】. This systemis required to be reasonable in design, with advanced technology to ensurethe system an excellent kinetic performance. The action elements selectedfor the control system shall be of high accuracy, good reliability andrapid response. The machine shall be convenient for use, operation andmaintenance, be artistic in configuration, compact in structure, stable inperformance and satisfactory in after-sale service. | 0714-164HFBOEDT01/265 | Auto Clave(Type C6-PH2) | 1 setS | The system is mainly used for【TFT LCD AutoClave at the panel during the TFT LCD Module process】. This systemis required to be reasonable in design, with advanced technology to ensurethe system an excellent kinetic performance. The action elements selectedfor the control system shall be of high accuracy, good reliability andrapid response. The machine shall be convenient for use, operation andmaintenance, be artistic in configuration, compact in structure, stable inperformance and satisfactory in after-sale service. | 0714-164HFBOEDT01/266 | Panel Indexer(PH2) | 5setS | The system is mainly used for【TFT LCD PanelRobot Loader at the panel during the TFT LCD Module process】. This systemis required to be reasonable in design, with advanced technology to ensurethe system an excellent kinetic performance. The action elements selectedfor the control system shall be of high accuracy, good reliability andrapid response. The machine shall be convenient for use, operation andmaintenance, be artistic in configuration, compact in structure, stable inperformance and satisfactory in after-sale service. | 0714-164HFBOEDT01/267 | Panel Robot(PH2) | 5setS | The system is mainly used for TFT LCD of Robot Systemto transfer Panel This system is required to be reasonable in design, withadvanced technology to ensure the system an excellent kinetic performance.The action elements selected for the control system shall be of highaccuracy, good reliability and rapid response. The machine shall beconvenient for use, operation and maintenance, be artistic inconfiguration, compact in structure, stable in performance and satisfactoryin after-sale service. | 0714-164HFBOEDT01/269 | Module Microscope(PH2) | 2 setS | This equipment is to help to 【analyze TFT-LCDdefect for defect root cause】. This system is required to be reasonable in design,with advanced technology to ensure the system an excellent kineticperformance. The action elements selected for the control system shall beof high accuracy, good reliability and rapid response. The machine shall beconvenient for use, operation and maintenance, be artistic inconfiguration, compact in structure, stable in performance and satisfactoryin after-sale service. | 0714-164HFBOEDT01/270 | In-Line Open Cell System(Type C6-PH2) | 3 setS | The system is mainly used for【Open CellInspection】. This system is required to be reasonable in design,with advanced technology to ensure the system an excellent kineticperformance. The action elements selected for the control system shall beof high accuracy, good reliability and rapid response. The machine shall beconvenient for use, operation and maintenance, be artistic inconfiguration, compact in structure, stable in performance and satisfactoryin after-sale service. | 0714-164HFBOEDT01/271 | POL Cleaner(Type C6-PH2) | 1 setS | The system is mainly used for【TFT LCD POLCleaner at the panel during the TFT LCD Module process】. This systemis required to be reasonable in design, with advanced technology to ensurethe system an excellent kinetic performance. The action elements selectedfor the control system shall be of high accuracy, good reliability andrapid response. The machine shall be convenient for use, operation andmaintenance, be artistic in configuration, compact in structure, stable inperformance and satisfactory in after-sale service. |
3.Qualification Requirements For Bidder |
Qualifications or Performance:Bidders are legal persons or other organizations who participate inbidding. This Invitation for Bids is open to all suppliers from within thePeoples Republic of China (hereinafter abb. as "PRC") and allcountries/areas which have regular trade relations with PRC. Bidders must payfor the bidding documents and register for the record, otherwise the bidderhas no qualification to attend the bid. |
Joint Bids:NOT Available |
Bid without the bidding documents:NOT Available |
4.Acquisition of Bidding Documents |
Beginning of Selling Bidding Documents:2017-06-05 |
Ending of Selling Bidding Documents:2017-06-12 |
To Obtain:On-sitePurchase |
Place:BiddingDocuments Selling Counter, Level 21, New CEIEC Building, No. 17 Fuxing Road,Haidian District, Beijing, P. R. China |
Price of Bidding Documents: see bidding documents |
Additional Instructions: |
5.Bid Submission |
Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (Beijing Time):2017-06-27 10:00 |
Place of Bid:China NationalElectronics Import & Export Corporation, Level 19, New CEIEC Building,No. 17 Fuxing Road, Haidian District, Beijing, P. R. China |
Place of Bid Opening:China National Electronics Import & Export Corporation, Level 19,New CEIEC Building, No. 17 Fuxing Road, Haidian District, Beijing, P. R.China |
6.The bidder needs to register before the tender And the evaluation results will be released on |
7.Contact Details |
Purchasers:Hefei BOEDisplay Technology Co. LTD |
Add.:Block 15group-A zone-E of Industrial park in Hefei New Station, Hefei city,Anhui-province, P.R. China |
Contact:Lou Ting |
Tel:86-****-******** |
Bidding Agency:CEIEC |
Add.:New CEIECBuilding, No. 17 Fuxing Road, Haidian Di |
Contact:Zhang Kai |
Tel :86-10-52579300 |
8.Remittance Approach |
Bank(RMB): |
Bank(USD): |
Account NO.(RMB): |
Account NO.(USD): |