海南国际旅游岛先行试验区概念规划国际方案征集 - 资格公告 - 资格预审 - 海南省招标投标监管网
当前位置:首页 >> 资格预审海南国际旅游岛先行试验区概念规划国际方案征集时间:2016-11-09 13:22:08
项目名称 | 海南国际旅游岛先行试验区概念规划国际方案征集 |
招标人 | 海南国际旅游岛先行试验区管理委员会 |
项目所在地 | 陵水 |
投资属性 | |
预审公告 | 海南国际旅游岛先行试验区概念规划国际方案征集公告 一、综述 为充分发挥海南省经济特区、国际旅游岛和生态省建设“三大”优势,用足用好国家给予海南服务贸易创新发展试点、全域旅游创建省等支持政策,海南国际旅游岛先行试验区将围绕国家赋予海南国际旅游岛包含特殊支持政策试验、开发模式试验、体制机制试验、产品创新试验、投融资模式试验这五个方面开展先行先试,为国际旅游岛建设提供经验,发挥示范和引领作用。海南国际旅游岛先行试验区管理委员会组织征集《海南国际旅游岛先行试验区概念规划国际方案》,为实现海南国际旅游岛先行试验区高标准开发建设,使其成为海南国际旅游岛建设的示范区和引领区。 本次征集活动采取公开征集的方式,面向全球公开邀请具有类似项目成功经验的规划设计机构或由上述规划设计机构与国内外知名的产业研究咨询机构组成的联合体来参加资格预审,通过资格预审选取3家应征申请人参与本次方案征集活动。 二、项目概况1.项目名称:海南国际旅游岛先行试验区概念规划国际方案征集。2.项目编号:GXTC-CZ-*******3.项目地点规划区位于海南省陵水县东南部,毗邻三亚,地处北纬18°,东面与南面皆临海,西面与新村镇相邻,北接三才镇、椰林镇和陵水县城。本次规划范围北至东高岭,东至黎安外海,南至南湾自然保护区,西至高速公路。 4.规划层次及范围规划层次为总体层面概念规划。规划研究面积115.21平方公里,其中先行试验区规划控制范围64.72平方公里为重点规划范围,其它区域为规划研究与协调范围。 5.征集方式:国际公开征集6.主办单位:海南国际旅游岛先行试验区管理委员会7.承办单位:雅克设计有限公司8.组织单位:国信招标集团股份有限公司三、应征申请人资格条件1.应征申请人须为设计公司(或咨询公司)、或设计事务所、或设计院,并在国内外取得合法执业资格的独立法人。2.应征申请人须具有城乡规划编制甲级资质。境外规划或设计机构须具有所在国颁发的从事城市规划设计或建筑设计的相应资质。3.上述具有相应资质的规划或设计机构可单独提出应征申请(但境内机构法定代表人为同一人的两个或以上法人,母公司、全资子公司及其控股公司或机构,不得同时参加应征);也可组成联合体共同提出应征申请,但需以联合体协议书明确联合体牵头单位和各自职责。4.应征申请人须具备产业规划能力,若应征申请人自身不具备产业规划能力,则应聘请国内外知名的产业研究领域的咨询、科研机构作为规划设计的顾问单位,以达到完成项目在产业发展层面的咨询工作任务。5.应征申请人近5年应承担过类似项目设计。6.应征申请人参加本次活动的设计人员应是其总部在册人员,首席设计师或主创设计师须由应征申请人单位中主持过类似规划项目的设计师担任。四、征集活动时间安排1.资格预审阶段(2016年11月9日~2016年12月2日)2016年11月9日至11月22日17:00前 报名、获取资格预审文件。 2016年11月28日17:00前 应征申请人编制资格预审申请文件并递交至规定地址。 2016年12月1日前 完成资格预审评审,并向获得前三名的入围应征申请人发出邀请函。 2016年12月2日前17:00前 入围应征申请人书面回函确认应征,发出征集文件。 2.应征方案设计阶段(2016年12月3日~2017年3月3日)2016年12月5日17:00前 入围单位提交现场踏勘人员名单及应征保证金。 2016年12月12日 项目介绍会、现场踏勘(海南)。 2017年1月10日 项目中期汇报。 2017年2月28日17:00前 递交征集成果。 2017年3月1日 举行方案技术初审。 2017年3月2日至3月3日 举行方案专家评审会。 公告中的时间除特别说明外,均为北京时间。 以上时间为计划时间,可能调整,应征申请人应以具体通知的时间为准。 特别提示:境外应征申请人负责本项目主要人员请提前做好签证准备,以便入围后按期赴海南参加项目介绍会及现场踏勘。 五、入围单位数量应征申请人通过报名并经资格预审,选定排名前3的应征申请人作为入围单位参加方案征集。 六、征集活动奖金应征方案经评审,获得第一名的入围单位奖金150万元人民币(含税);获得第二名的入围单位奖金100万元人民币(含税);获得第三名的入围单位奖金50万元人民币(含税)。 七、报名及获取资格预审文件1.应征申请人于2016年11月22日17:00前,在本公告发布网站免费下载报名表格,填写报名表格并加盖单位公章或法人代表签字或盖章,另附购买资格预审文件的银行转账凭证,均扫描(.pdf格式)以电子邮件的形式发送给组织单位。2.组织单位收到报名表并确认应征申请人的报名资格后,以电子邮件方式回复应征申请人“海南国际旅游岛先行试验区概念规划国际方案征集资格预审文件”电子版。3.应征申请人也可持报名表到组织单位现场购买资格预审文件。4.资格预审文件每套售价人民币200元,文件售后不退。5.未报名的单位不得参与应征。6.购买资格预审文件账户信息:户名:国信招标集团股份有限公司海南分公司 银行名称:招商银行海口分行 账号:8989 0011 1410 701 八、资格预审申请文件的递交1.请应征申请人于2016年11月26日17:00前,先提交资格预审申请文件的电子文件(扫描成.pdf格式)。于2016年11月28日17:00(递交截止时间)前,将资格预审申请文件(文本文件及电子文件)送达组织单位。2.递交地址:海南省海口市龙华区金贸西路诚田国际商务大厦5层。九、公告发布媒体1.陵水县人民政府网(http://www.lingshui.gov.cn)2.海南国际旅游岛先行试验区管理委员会官方网(http://www.hsyq.cn/index1.php)3.中国政府采购网(http://www.ccgp.gov.cn)4.中国海南政府采购网(http://www.ccgp-hainan.gov.cn)5.海南省招标投标监管网(http://ztb.hainan.gov.cn)6.(http://www.chinabidding.cc)十、其它条款1.应征申请人的应征设计方案的使用权归主办单位。主办单位有权利用应征人提供的设计方案,在征集活动后可以通过新闻媒介、杂志、书刊或其它形式介绍、展示等。2.对于此次概念规划国际征集资格预审活动,每个应征申请人只应选择自己单独或作为联合体成员的方式之一来参加应征申请人资格预审。3.本次征集活动中的所有文件及往来信函均应使用中文或中英文对照书写。当同一内容的中文与英文发生歧义时,以中文为准。4.应征申请人所获的奖金的税金和在征集过程中发生的一切费用自理。5.参加本次活动的应征申请人均被视为承认本公告的所有条款。6.海南国际旅游岛先行试验区管理委员会拥有本次公告的解释权。7.本次征集活动本身及与本次活动相关的文件所适用的法律和法规仅为中华人民共和国的法律和法规。十一、联系方式海南国际旅游岛先行试验区管理委员会 联系人:刘先生 联系电话:188-8940-3817 地址:海南省陵水黎族自治县椰林南大道233号陵水县文化馆 邮政编码:572400 电子邮件:********6@qq.com">********6@qq.com 雅克设计有限公司 联系人:周先生 联系电话:182-8966-5512 地址:海南省海口市龙华区玉沙路19号城中城A座4楼 邮政编码:570125 电子邮件:********9@qq.com">********9@qq.com 国信招标集团股份有限公司 联系人及电话:路先生,136-9897-1291 李小姐,188-8979-0773 地址:海南省海口市龙华区金贸西路诚田国际商务大厦5层 邮政编码:570100 主办单位:海南国际旅游岛先行试验区管理委员会 承办单位:雅克设计有限公司 组织单位:国信招标集团股份有限公司 日期:2016年11月9日 Invitation for Conceptual Planning Proposal for Hainan International Tourism Island Pilot Zone I. Overview In order to give full play to Hainan province’s three significant advantages of the special economic zone, the international tourism island, and the ecological province concept, as well as to make full use of national supporting policies on establishing whole-province tourism and developing service trade innovation plot, Hainan International Tourism Island Pilot Zone is planning to firstly test and develop trials in special supporting policies, developing mode, system and mechanism, product innovation, investment and financing mode, so as to to provide experiencesand set examples for the construction of international tourism island. Hainan International Tourism Island Pilot Zone Management Committee is now inviting “Conceptual Planning Proposal for Hainan International Tourism Island Pilot Zone”in the aim of developing and constructing Hainan International Tourism Island Pilot Zone with high standard, making it to be a demonstration area and guiding area. This invitation is public for global market. All these international design institutes with similar successful experiences may solely, or in the mode of establishing a joint venture with a domestic well-known industry research advisory institute, apply for preliminary qualification. There will be 3 finalists selected from the qualified applicants to submit proposals. II. Project introduction1. Name of Project: Invitation for Conceptual Planning Proposal for Hainan International Tourism Island Pilot Zone 2. Number of Project:GXTC-CZ-******* 3. Location of Project: The planning area is located in the southeast of Lingshui County, Hainan Province, adjacent to Sanya. The geographic coordinate is north latitude 18 degree. It is surrounded by sea in the East and South. It is adjacent to Xincun Town in the West and neighboring Sancai Town, Yelin Town and Lingshui Town in the North. The range of planning area is: Donggaolin to the North, Li’an coast to the East, the South Bay Nature Reserve to the South, and high way to the West. 4. Planning level and scope The planning level is overall level of conceptual planning. The planning research area of 115.21 square kilometers, of which the pilot zone planning control area of 64.72 square kilometers as the focus of the planning area, other areas for planning research and coordination. 5.Invitation Mode: International public 6.Organizer: Hainan International Tourism Island Pilot Zone Management Committee 7.Undertaker: APCE Design Co., Ltd. 8.Agency: Guoxin Tendering Group Co., Ltd. III. Qualification requirements1.The applicant shall be an independent legal person who is a design company (or consulting firm), or a design office, or a design institute, and is eligible for legal practice at home and abroad.2.The applicant shall have the Grade A Qualification for Urban and Rural Planning.The overseas applicant shall have the corresponding qualifications of the host country to engage in urban planning and design or architectural design.3.The aforementioned qualified planning or design institutes may apply for preliminary qualification solely (domestic institutions with the same legal representative, or the parent company ant its wholly owned subsidiary, shall not participate simultaneously in the candidates); or participate in the form of joint venture, submitting a joint-venture agreement stating clearly the led unit and their respective duties.4.The applicant shall be capable for industry planning. In case the applicant does not have its own industry planning ability, domestic and foreign well-known industry research consulting & research institutions shall be invited as design consultants, to complete the project in the level of industrial development level. 5.The applicant shall have similar experience within the recent 5 years.6.The applicant shall have all its proposed design personnel as registered headquarter staff, the chief designer or major designer shall have hosted similar planning project before.IV. Invitation schedule1.Preliminary qualification (Nov. 9,2016 ~ Dec. 2,2016)Nov. 9,2016 ~ till 17:00, Nov. 22, 2016: Register and obtain Preliminary Qualification Document. Till 17:00, Nov. 28, 2016:Preliminary Qualification Application Document shall be prepared and submitted to designated address. Till Dec.1, 2016: Preliminary qualification shall be performed and invitation for proposal shall be issued to the top three finalists. Till 17:00, Dec. 2: The finalists shall turn in confirmation in written form. The Document for Invitation shall be released. 2.Designing stage of Planning Proposal (Dec. 3,2016 ~ Mar. 3,2017)Till 17:00, Dec. 5, 2016: The finalists shall submit name list for on-site reconnaissance and proposal security. Dec. 12, 2016: Project introduction meeting, on-site reconnaissance (Hainan) Jan. 10, 2017: Mid-term report. Till 17:00, Feb. 28, 2017: Delivery of Proposal. Mar. 1, 2017: Preliminary examination of technical proposal. Mar. 2, 2017 ~ Mar. 3, 2017: Expert view meeting. If only mentioned in special note, all the scheme time is Beijing time. The above mentioned scheme may be adjusted. The final scheme shall refer to official notification. Special Note: Visa of the main personnel for the project of overseas applicants shall be prepared in advance according to the arrangement of project introduction meeting and on-site reconnaissance. V. Quantity of FinalistThere will be 3 finalists for proposal selected through preliminary qualification. VI. BonusThe bonus for the first-place proposal is RMB 1.5 million yuan (including tax); the second place will win RMB 1 million yuan (including tax); the third place will win RMB 500 thousand yuan (including tax). VII. Registration and Obtaining of Preliminary Qualification Document1.The applicant shall download for free the application form on the websites mentioned below before 17:00, November 22, 2016. The fulfilled and stamped application form shall be scanned into PDF. format and sent to the agency by E-mail. Bank transfer voucher for procurement of Preliminary Qualification Document shall also be sent to the agency by E-mail. 2.The electronic edition of Preliminary Qualification Document of “Conceptual Planning Proposal for Hainan International Tourism Island Pilot Zone”will be sent to applicants by E-mail after the application form is received and registration confirmed. 3.Applicant may also obtain the Preliminary Qualification Document at the agency’s company.4.The unit price of Preliminary Qualification Document is RMB 200 Yuan. No refund after sale. 5.No proposal without registration.6.Account information:Account Name: Guoxin Tendering Group Co., Ltd. Hainan Branch Bank Name: China Merchants Bank Haikou Branch Account No.: 8989 0011 1410 701 VIII. Submission of Bids for Preliminary Qualification 1.Applicants shall submit the electronic edition (PDF format) of Bids for Preliminary Qualification before 17:00, Nov. 26, 2016. The written form and electronic edition of Bids for Preliminary Qualification shall be submitted to the agency before the deadline of 17:00, Nov. 28, 2016. 2.Address of submission: 5thfloor, Chengtian International Commercial Building, Jinmao West Road, Longhua District, Haikou City, Hainan Province. IX. Media 1.http://www.lingshui.gov.cn2.http://www.hsyq.cn/index1.php3.http://www.ccgp.gov.cn4.http://www.ccgp-hainan.gov.cn5.http://ztb.hainan.gov.cn6.http://X. Miscellaneous Clause 1.The right to use the design proposal of the applicant shall belong to the organizer. The organizer has the right to use, as well as to introduce or display by news media, magazines, books and other medias, the design proposal after the proposal invitation activity.2.Each applicant shall only choose to apply for preliminary qualification solely or as a member of a joint venture.3.All documents and correspondence in this activity shall be written in Chinese or in English and Chinese. When the same content of Chinese and English ambiguity occurs, the Chinese version shall prevail.4.The tax of the bonus and all the expenses that occurred during the collection process shall be borne by the applicant itself.5.To participate in this event, the applicant shall be deemed to have recognized all the terms and conditions of this announcement.6.Hainan International Tourism Island Pilot Zone Management Committee has the right to interpret the announcement.7.Laws and regulations applicable to the relevant documents of this activity and the activity itself are only the laws and regulations of the Peoples Republic of China .XI. Contact InformationHainan International Tourism Island Pilot Zone Management Committee Contact person: Mr. Liu Contact No.: 188-8940-3817 Address: Lingshui Cultural Center, No. 233, Yelin South Road, Lingshui Li Autonomous County, Hainai Province. Post code: 572400 E-mail: ********6@qq.com APCE Design Co., Ltd. Contact person: Mr. Zhou Contact No.: 182-8966-5512 Address: 4thFloor, Building A, No. 19, Yusha Road, Longhua District, Haikou City, Hainan Province Post code: 570125 Fax: ****-******** E-mail: ********9@qq.com Guoxin Tendering Group Co., Ltd. Contact person and Contact No.: Mr. Lu 136-9897-1291; Miss Li,188-8979-0773 Address: 5thfloor, Chengtian International Commercial Building, Jinmao West Road, Longhua District, Haikou City, Hainan Province. Post code: 570100 E-mail: guoxin_tendering@163.com Organizer:Hainan International Tourism Island Pilot Zone Management Committee Undertaker:APCE Design Co., Ltd. Agency: Guoxin Tendering Group Co., Ltd. Date:Nov. 9, 2016 |
预审文件 | 147*****961.zip" target="_blank">http://ztb.hainan.gov.cn/upload/zgys/2016/11/147*****961.zip |
发布日期 | 2016-11-09 13:39:56 |
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