序号 | 货物名称 | 数量 | 交货期 | 交货地点 |
1 | 特种合金膜镀膜机 | 壹台 | 合同生效后150天 | 境外提供货物的目的港:CIP重庆机场。 |
本次购买的特种合金膜镀膜机,采用电子束蒸发方式成膜,主要用于高频声表面波(SAW)器件(工作频率达到3.5GHz)换能器金属薄膜的成膜,满足高频、宽带和高功率的声表面波器件制作要求。特种合金膜镀膜机主要制作铝铜合金(AlCu)、铝(Al)、铜(Cu)、钛(Ti)等金属薄膜,适用于标准4英寸和6英寸片的镀膜, 蒸发的入射角满足剥离工艺(Lift-off Process)的成膜要求,适用于金属膜剥离工艺,最小线宽0.25微米。
2.1 投标人或所代理的产品的制造商为中华人民共和国境外,且产品为全新产品。如为境内代理商,需具备法人资格,并提供有效的营业登记等许可经营的证明文件,必须获得制造商的合法授权,提供制造商授权书。
2.3 本项目不接受联合体投标。
2.4 投标人必须向招标代理机构购买招标文件并进行登记才具有投标资格。
2.5 接受委托参与项目前期咨询和招标文件编制的法人或其他组织不得参加投标。
3.1 凡有意参加投标者,请于2017年6月30日至2017年7月6日(法定公休日、法定节假日除外),每日上午09时至11时,下午02时至04时(北京时间,下同)购买招标文件。
3.2 招标文件售价:每包1000元人民币或150美元(招标文件售后不退)。
4.1 投标文件递交的截止时间(投标截止时间,下同)为2017年7月21日09时00分,递交地点为重庆市南岸区南坪花园路14号会议室。
4.2 逾期送达的或者未送达指定地点的投标文件,招标人不予受理。
招标代理机构: | 北京国科军友工程咨询有限公司 |
地 址: | 北京市海淀区中关村南大街31号8号楼二层 |
邮 编: | 100081 |
联 系 人: | 侯丽娟 |
电 话: | 010—******** |
传 真: | 010—******** |
电子邮件: |
特种合金膜镀膜机has been qualified for bid invitations. The project funded all by state funding which has been in place. The Tendereeis Institute of China electronics technology group co., LTD. 26. Entrusted byInstitute of China electronics technology group co., LTD. 26(Tenderee),Beijing Guoke Junyou Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd.(Tendering Agent) is responsible for international competitive bidding procurement on this project.
Name, Quantity and main technical parametersof the bidding product
1.1 Schedule of Product Demands
No. | Product Name | Quantity | Due Date | Place of Delivery |
1 | 特种合金膜镀膜机 | one set | 150 daysafter the contract comes into effect | Destination port for goods offered from outside PRC customs territory: CIP Chong Qingairport in China. |
1.2 Main technical parameters:
Use instructions
The purchase of special alloy film coating machine, using electron beam evaporation film, mainly used for high frequency surface acoustic wave (SAW) devices (working frequency is 3.5 GHz) transducer metal film film, satisfy the high frequency, broadband and high power requirements of making the surface acoustic wave devices. Special alloy film coating machine mainly produced aluminum copper alloy (AlCu), aluminum (Al), copper (Cu), titanium (Ti), such as metal film, applicable to the standard 4 inch and 6 inch piece of film coating, evaporation of the incidence Angle meet stripping Process (Lift - off Process) film requirements, apply to the metal film stripping Process, the minimum line width of 0.25 microns.
The above indicators are only part of the bidding documents.
1.3 Bidding No.:GKJY-217048ZH-9102。
2. Qualification Requirements for Bidder
2.1The manufacturer of a tenderer or agent is outside the territory of the Peoples Republic of China, and the products are brand new products. As agents for the domestic, need to have the legal person status, and provide a valid proof of business registration and permission to operate the, you have to get the manufacturers authorized, provide the manufacturer authorization letter.
2.2.1 In the past five years, in the semiconductor industry sales 1 (including) above adopts the dual-source coevaporation method aluminum copper alloy plating film (including Cu weight than content < 4%) of the product, and must be supplied product for the bid products produced by the manufacturer. It should provide valid proof materials including but not limited to user contact (phone) performance lists, contracts, acceptance reports, etc., otherwise it is considered a non-substantive response. In the above mentioned materials, such as the relevant sub-item quotation amount and other trade secrets can be covered by corresponding covering; However, the name of the purchasing unit, supplier name, product name, relevant model and other key supporting documents must be kept.
2.3The project does not accept bids from the consortium.
2.4The bidder must purchase the tender documents from the procuratorial agency and register to be eligible for the bid.
2.5The legal person or other organization that has been entrusted to participate in the pre-project consultation and bidding documents shall not participate in the tender.
3. Acquisition of IFB (Invitation For Bids) Documents
3.1 For those who wish to participate in this bidding activity, please purchase the IFB documents at 9:00 am to 11:00 am or 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm (Beijing Time, the same below) each business day on Jun.302017.Jul6, 2017(except Statutory weekend and holidays).
3.2 Prices of IFB documents: RMB 1,000 or US $ 150for one complete set of package. 8th
3.3 Place of purchasing IFB documents:Second floor, the 8thBuilding, 31th, Zhongguancun south street, HaidianDistrict, Beijing, China.
4. Bid Submission
4.1 Deadline for Bid Submission (Tendering deadline, the same below) is at 9:00am, Jul.21, 2017. Add.:Conference room 14 nanping garden road, nan-ping district of chongqing municipality.
4.2 Overdue or not to the designated location that IFB documents are submitted, the Tenderee will not accept the bid document.
5. Bid Opening
The bid opening time shall be submitted to the tender documents at the time of submission of bid documents.
6. Medium of Bidding Announcement
This bidding announcement shall be issued on “www. Chinabidding.com”and “www. Chinabidding.com.cn”.
7. Contact
Tendering Agent: | Beijing Guoke Junyou Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. |
Add.: | Second floor, the 8thBuilding, 31th, Zhongguancun south street, Haidian District, Beijing, China. |
Zip Code: | 100081 |
Contact: | Hou Lijuan |
Tel: | 010-******** |
Fax: | 010-******** |
Email: |
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