

澄清或变更简要说明:敬启者:海口美兰国际机场二期扩建工程空管工程多点定位系统采购项目(招标编号:0724-1740A12W0724)澄清问题回复及招标文件修改如下:一、澄清问题回复 1.招标文件“第五章 邀请”第4条: “将于2017年10月10日上午9:30(北京时间)在上述交标地点公开开标。” 请澄清:投标截止日期,10月12日还是10月10日?回复:招标文件“第五章投标邀请”第4条修改为: 4.将于2017年10月12日上午9:30(北京时间)在上述交标地点公开开标。 2.招标文件“第六章 投标资料表”的“*”条款*2中的2.9): 2.9)投标人必须是从事同类电子设备生产与销售3年以上(含3年)的独立生产厂商,所投多点定位系统从2009年至今应至少有3个现场实施项目实例的合同,每个现场实施项目有10个(含)以上的远端站址,投标人必须提供合同。请澄清:一个合同中包括多套具有10个以上远端站的系统是否满足要求?同一个合同里有三个机场现场,是否满足要求? 回复:按招标文件要求。解释如下:投标人必须是从事同类电子设备生产与销售3年以上(含3年)的独立生产厂商,所投多点定位系统从2009年至今应至少有3个现场实施项目实例,每个现场实施项目有10个(含)以上的远端站址,每一个现场实施项目实例投标人必须提供独立合同。 3.招标文件“第八章 货物需求一览表及技术规格”的“2.2项目清单”中的(一) 多点定位系统 规格型号 单位 数量 3 △参考基准站 塔台合装 1套站点。由投标方于现场勘察时按照现场实际情况确定设备安装环境。若时间同步采用时钟精度达到10-6s或者原子钟的的集中同步方式,其参考基准站点须更换成接收站或收发一体站。 套 1 请澄清:参考基准站的“塔台合装”是指参考基准站必须放在塔台?回复:是的。 4.招标文件“第八章 货物需求一览表及技术规格”的“2.3项目实施界面”中的“*”条款“*投标人须参加业主组织的设计图评审会,讨论及确定工艺需求。业主只提供设计人员能出图的工艺安装件,投标人必须负责审核设计图纸,保证设备需求完整全面。设计内容若缺失导致投标人安装需求受损,由投标人承担费用解决。” 请澄清:“投标人须参加业主组织的设计图评审会”,设计图评审会在何时召开,还是中标人参加。回复:在签订合同后执行,由业主通知时间。 5.招标文件“第八章 货物需求一览表及技术规格”的“3.13时间同步”: “MLAT系统需采取以下时间同步方式,且系统运行性能必需满足本标书要求。若时间同步采用时钟精度达到10-6s或者原子钟的的集中同步方式,其参考基准站点须更换成接收站或收发一体站。? 系统集中同步方式、GNSS同步方式和参考应答同步方式;? 时钟精度达到10-6s的内部时钟或者原子钟方式的系统集中同步方式;? 时钟精度达到10-6s的内部时钟或者原子钟方式的系统集中同步方式和GNSS同步方式;? GNSS同步方式和参考应答同步方式;? 原子钟同步方式和参考应答同步方式。采用中央授时方案的远端站点可不配GPS天馈系统,但是多点定位系统的工作精度必须符合标书要求” 请澄清:四种时间同步方式,是否为满足其中一种即可。回复:MLAT系统需采取以下时间同步方式,且系统运行性能必需满足本招标文件要求。若时间同步采用时钟精度达到10-6s或者原子钟的的集中同步方式,其参考基准站点须更换成接收站或收发一体站。 6.招标文件“第八章 货物需求一览表及技术规格”的“4.7障碍物灯”: “若远端单元的安装区域有特殊高度要求,投标人应根据用户需求对20个远端单元应提供至少30个符合国际民航组织附件14的高度警告障碍物灯。若远端单元超过20个,超过部分的每1个远端单元配置2个高度警告障碍物灯。投标人应提供每个安装地点的高度要求。” 请澄清:20个远端单元具体指哪20个?回复:“4.7障碍物灯”调整为:若远端单元的安装区域有特殊高度要求,投标人应根据用户需求对15个远端单元应提供至少20个符合国际民航组织附件14的高度警告障碍物灯。 7.招标文件“第八章 货物需求一览表及技术规格”的“5.1.1中央处理站部件组成”原文为“f) 数据链路单元” 请澄清:数据链路单元指的是什么?回复:数据传输链路。 8.招标文件“第八章 货物需求一览表及技术规格”的“8.1备件”的原文为 多点定位系统 规格型号 单位 备件数量 1 接收站 接收站配置整机2套,厂家可以按照自身产品,配置一体机(必需满足标书对环境温度、平均无故障时间等技术要求)或者配置机柜式远端单元(必需满足标书对环境温度、平均无故障时间等技术要求)。 1.有散热能力的一体机:含接收天馈系统、GPS天馈系统、接收主机、UPS、网络设备、供电设备及相关安装配件 2.配置机柜的远端单元(按室外型配置):含接收天馈系统、GPS天馈系统、接收主机、室外型机柜或室内型机柜(谈判中确定)、UPS、空调、网络设备、供电设备及相关安装配件 套 3 请澄清:“接收站配置整机2套”与备件数量的3套是什么关系?回复:“8.1备件”调整为接收站配置整机3套,收发一体站配置整机2套。 9. 室内型机柜和室外型机柜是根据现场情况进行选配,还是每个基站必须配置两种机柜?回复:选用室外型机柜或室内型机柜在合同谈判中确定。 10.中央数据处理系统和NTP服务器支持双电源,是指双交流、交流和直流? 回复:双交流,或者1个交流和1个直流。 11.招标文件“第八章 货物需求一览表及技术规格”的“2.3项目实施界面”的原文为 4. △ 避雷结构 避雷针、铜包钢接地极、绝缘避雷引下线、铜带 负责高于5米的支撑杆、易折杠或铁塔的避雷针安装。 负责负责高于5米的支撑杆、易折杠或铁塔的避雷针安装负责铜包钢接地极、绝缘避雷引下线、铜带的安装。请澄清:项目实施界面表格中避雷结构,投标方任务是负责高于5米的支撑杆、易折杆或铁塔的避雷针的安装,此处是否应该为低于5米杆?回复:“2.3项目实施界面”表格中“避雷结构”调整为投标方任务是负责低于5米的支撑杆、易折杠或铁塔的避雷针安装。 12.招标文件“第八章 货物需求一览表及技术规格”的“*”号条款“2.6*安装调试服务”的原文为序号 安装站点 安装时间 备注(原因、前提条件)第3次安装 编号2、3、13、14、15: 待业主通知,工期3个月 招标文件“第八章 货物需求一览表及技术规格”的“*”号条款“14*交货”的原文为“系统在合同签订后6个月内具备工厂验收条件。工厂验收完成后,卖方应在15个工作日内发货。货物到达现场并具备安装条件后,卖方应在2个月内完成安装调试。以上均以合同签订时间开始计算。” 请澄清:在招标文件中2.6(55页) 安装调试服务节,第三次安装中安装时间为待业主通知,工期3个月;在招标文件中第14节,交货。系统在合同签订后6个月内具备工厂验收条件。工厂验收完成后,卖方应在15个工作日内发货。货物到达现场并具备安装条件后,卖方应在2个月内完成安装调试。以上均以合同签订时间开始计算。两条款以谁为参考。回复:招标文件“第八章 货物需求一览表及技术规格”的“*”号条款“14*交货”调整为“系统在合同签订后6个月内具备工厂验收条件。工厂验收完成后,卖方应在15个工作日内发货。安装调试时间以4次安装2次调试的原则,在合同谈判中协商议定。以上均以合同签订时间开始计算。” 13. 招标文件“第八章 货物需求一览表及技术规格”的“*”号条款“2.4*远端站点安装位置”及“2.5*系统覆盖能力与精度要求”的两张附图是否可以提供清晰版本?回复:因相关规定,无法提供CAD图,建议在互联网查找。 二、招标文件修改 1. 招标文件“第六章 投标资料表”的26.4.7的c)原文为:技术规格书中标注“▲”号的为一般技术参数,因一般技术参数负偏离而导致评标价调整的总量不能超过其投标价的10%,调整方法如下… 现在修改为:技术规格书中标注“△”号的为一般技术参数,因一般技术参数负偏离而导致评标价调整的总量不能超过其投标价的10%,调整方法如下… 2. 招标文件“第八章 货物需求一览表及技术规格”的“*”号条款“*1.6”原文为: … 技术规格书中标注“▲”号的为一般技术参数,对这些一般技术参数的负偏离将导致评标价调整,但偏离调整总量超过10%(不包括10%),将导致废标。 … 现在修改为: … 技术规格书中标注“△”号的为一般技术参数,对这些一般技术参数的负偏离将导致评标价调整,但偏离调整总量超过10%(不包括10%),将导致废标。 … 本条款其他内容不变。 本澄清回复及招标文件修改构成招标文件的一部分。

Clarify or change:Dear Sirs: Haikou Meilan International Airport Phase II expansion project air traffic control project multi-point positioning system procurement project (tender number: 0724-1740A12W0724) to clarify the problem reply and tender documents are amended as follows: First, to clarify the problem reply 1. Tender documents "Chapter V Invitation" Article 4: "Will be held on October 10, 2017 at 9:30 am (Beijing time) in the above auction location open. Please clarify: the deadline for submission of tenders, October 12 or October 10? Reply: the tender documents "Chapter V tender invitation" Article 4 amended as follows: 4. will be open on October 12, 2017 at 9:30 am (Beijing time) at the above-mentioned crossings. 2. "1." in the "*" clause * 2 of the Tender Document "Chapter 6 Billing Document"): 2.9) Bidders must be independent manufacturers of similar electronic equipment production and sales for more than 3 years (including 3 years). The multi-point positioning system should have at least three on-site implementation projects from 2009 to date. On-site implementation of the project has 10 (including) more than the remote site, the bidder must provide a contract. Please clarify: Does a contract include multiple sets of systems with more than 10 remote stations to meet the requirements? Are there any three airports in the same contract that meet the requirements? Reply: According to the requirements of the tender documents. Explained as follows: Bidders must be engaged in similar types of electronic equipment production and sales of more than 3 years (including 3 years) of independent manufacturers, the proposed multi-point positioning system from 2009 to date there should be at least three on-site implementation of the project examples, Implementation of the project has 10 (inclusive) or more remote site, each site implementation project examples Bidders must provide an independent contract. 3. In the "2.2 List of Items" of the "Eighth Item Requirement List and Technical Specifications" of the Bidding Documents (A) multi-point positioning system specifications Model Unit number 3 △ reference base tower assembly 1 set of sites. By the bidder in the field investigation in accordance with the actual situation to determine the equipment installation environment. If the time synchronization using the clock accuracy of 10-6s or atomic clock of the centralized synchronization, the reference site must be replaced by a receiving station or transceiver station. Set 1 Please clarify: reference base station "tower assembly" means that the reference base must be placed on the tower? Re: yes. 4. The "*" clause of the "2.3 Project Implementation Interface" of the "Eighth Item Requirement List and Technical Specifications" of the Bidding Documents * The bidder shall participate in the design review meeting of the owners organization, discuss and determine the process requirements. The designer must be responsible for reviewing the design drawings to ensure that the equipment needs a complete and complete design content if the lack of lead to the installation of the bidders damaged, by the bidders bear the cost to solve. Please clarify: "Bidders must participate in the owners of the organizations design review will be", when the design review will be held, or the successful bidder to participate. Reply: after the implementation of the contract signed by the owners to inform the time. 5. Tender documents "Chapter VIII of the demand list and technical specifications" and "3.13 time synchronization": "The MLAT system needs to take the following time synchronization mode and the system performance must meet the requirements of this tender.If the time synchronization using the clock accuracy of 10-6s or atomic clock of the centralized synchronization mode, the reference site must be replaced by a receiving station or transceiver station. ? system centralized synchronization mode, GNSS synchronization mode and reference response synchronization mode; ? clock precision to 10-6s of the internal clock or atomic clock system centralized synchronization mode; ? clock precision to 10-6s of the internal clock or atomic clock mode of centralized synchronization and GNSS synchronization mode; ? GNSS synchronization mode and reference response synchronization mode; ? atomic clock synchronization mode and reference response synchronization mode. The use of the central timing program of the remote site may not be equipped with GPS antenna system, but the multi-point positioning system must meet the requirements of the tender requirements " Please clarify: four time synchronization mode, whether to meet one of them can be. Re: MLAT system to take the following time synchronization mode, and the system performance must meet the requirements of this tender documents. If the time synchronization using the clock accuracy of 10-6s or atomic clock of the centralized synchronization, the reference site must be replaced by a receiving station or transceiver station. 6. The "4.7 Obstacle Light" of the Bidding Documents "Chapter 8 List of Goods Requirements and Technical Specifications" "If the installation area of the remote unit has a special height requirement, the bidder shall provide at least 30 high-warning obstruction lights to ICAO Annex 14 for 20 remote units according to user requirements. If the remote unit exceeds 20 , Each of the remote units is equipped with two height warning obstruction lights. The bidder shall provide the height of each installation site. " Please clarify: 20 remote units specifically refers to which 20? Response: "4.7 Obstacle lamp" is adjusted to: If the installation area of the remote unit has a special height requirement, the bidder shall provide at least 20 high warning barriers to ICAO Annex 14 for 15 remote units according to user requirements Lights. 7. "5.1.1 Central processing station component composition" of the "Bidding Document" Chapter 8 List of Goods Requirements and Technical Specifications "is the" f "data link unit" Please clarify: what is the data link unit Reply: Data transmission link. 8. The original document of the "8.1 Spare Parts" of the "Eighth chapter of the demand list for goods and the technical specifications" Multipoint Positioning System Specifications Model Number of spare parts 1 receiver station configuration machine 2 sets, the manufacturers can follow their own products, configure the machine (must meet the tender on the ambient temperature, the average time between failures and other technical requirements) or configure the cabinet-type remote unit (must meet the tender on the ambient temperature , The average time between failures and other technical requirements). 1. One of the cooling capacity of the machine: Including receiving antenna system, GPS antenna system, receiving host, UPS, network equipment, power supply equipment and related installation accessories 2. Configure the remote unit of the cabinet (by outdoor): UPS, air conditioning, network equipment, power supply equipment and related installation accessories 3 (including the receiving antenna), GPS antenna system, receiving host, outdoor cabinet or indoor type cabinet (negotiated) Please clarify: "Receiver configuration machine 2 sets" and the number of spare parts of the three sets of what is the relationship? Re: "8.1 spare parts" adjustment for the receiving station configuration machine 3 sets, send and receive one station configuration machine 2 sets. 9. Indoor cabinets and outdoor cabinets are based on the scene to match, or each base station must be configured two cabinets? Re: selection of outdoor cabinets or indoor cabinets in the contract negotiations to determine. 10. Central data processing system and NTP server support dual power, refers to dual AC, AC and DC? Re: Dual AC, or 1 AC and 1 DC. 11. The original text of the "2.3 Project Implementation Interface" of the "Bidding Documents and Technical Specifications" of Chapter 8 of the Bidding Documents 4. △ Lightning protection structure lightning rod, copper clad steel grounding, insulation lightning strike line, copper belt is responsible for more than 5 meters of support rods, easy to break the bar or tower lightning rod installation. Responsible for more than 5 meters of support rods, easy to break the bar or tower lightning rod installation Responsible for copper clad steel grounding, insulation lightning strike line, copper belt installation. Please clarify: project implementation interface form lightning protection structure, the bidder task is responsible for more than 5 meters of the support bar, easy to bend or tower lightning rod installation, should it be less than 5 meters? Re: "2.3 Project Implementation Interface" form "lightning protection structure" adjustment for the tender side of the task is responsible for less than 5 meters of support rods, easy to fold or tower lightning rod installation. 12. The original text of the "*" clause "2.6 * Installation and Commissioning Service" of the "Bidding Documents" and "Technical Specifications" No. Installation Site Installation Time Remark (Reason, Prerequisites) the 3rd time Installation number 2,3,13,14,15: to be the owner notice, Duration of 3 months The original text of the "*" Article "14 * Delivery" in the "Eighth Freight Requirement List and Technical Specifications" is "The system has the factory acceptance conditions within 6 months after the signing of the contract. After the factory acceptance is completed, the seller shall Within 15 working days, the seller shall complete the installation and commissioning within 2 months after the goods arrive at the site and have the installation conditions, all of which are calculated at the time of signing the contract. Please clarify: in the tender documents 2.6 (55 pages) installation commissioning service section, the third installation of the installation time for the owners to notice, duration of 3 months; in the tender documents in Section 14, delivery. The system has factory acceptance conditions within 6 months after the signing of the contract. After the factory acceptance is completed, the seller should ship within 15 working days. After the goods arrive at the site and have the installation conditions, the seller should complete the installation and commissioning within 2 months. Above are calculated at the time of signing the contract. Who is the two terms for reference. Reply: The "14 * Delivery" of the "*" Terms "14 * Delivery" of the "Eighth Freight Requirement List and Technical Specifications" of the Bidding Documents is adjusted to "the system has the factory acceptance conditions within 6 months after the signing of the contract. After the factory acceptance is completed, Should be shipped within 15 working days. Installation and commissioning time to 4 times the installation of the principle of 2 commissioning in the negotiation of the negotiations agreed. The above are the time to start the contract to calculate. 13. Whether the two drawings of the "* *" clause "2.4 * remote site installation location" and "2.5 * system coverage and accuracy requirements" of the "Eighth chapter of the demand list for goods and technical specifications" can provide clarity version? Re: Due to the relevant provisions, can not provide CAD drawings, it is recommended to find on the Internet. Second, the tender documents to amend 1. Bidding documents "Chapter VI of the tender information table" 26.4.7 of the c) Original: Technical specifications marked "▲" for the general technical parameters, due to the general technical parameters of the negative deviation caused by the total price adjustment can not exceed the tender price of 10%, the adjustment method is as follows ... Now modified as: Technical specifications marked "△" for the general technical parameters, due to the general technical parameters of the negative deviation caused by the total price adjustment can not exceed the tender price of 10%, the adjustment method is as follows ... 2. The "*" clause of the "Eighth chapter of the demand for goods and the technical specifications" of the Bidding Documents "* 1.6" ... In the technical specifications marked "▲" for the general technical parameters, the negative deviation of these general technical parameters will lead to evaluation price adjustment, but deviate from the adjustment of the total amount of more than 10% (excluding 10%), will lead to rejection. ... Now modified as: ... In the technical specifications, the "△" is the general technical parameter. Negative deviations from these general technical parameters will result in the adjustment of the bid price, but the deviation from the total amount of adjustment exceeds 10% (excluding 10%). ... The rest of the Terms remain unchanged. The clarification of the reply and the modification of the tender documents constitute part of the tender documents.


标签: 定位系统 空管 扩建工程





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