万达酒店管理有限公司采用邀请招标方式邀请有兴趣的合格投标人(以下简称“投标人”),就2017--2018年度常州万达嘉华酒店茶之旅服务项目的供货和服务,提交有竞争性的投标文件。详细内容参见附件。 投标文件递交要求:所有的投标文件须于2017年10月20日(招采平台系统要求截标时间,北京时间)之前上传到万达集团招采平台管理系统网站。如果时间有改变将提前通知,逾期提交的投标文件将被拒绝(判定为废标)。不接受邮寄方式提交投标文件。 如果投标人对招标文件及招标清单内容有疑问,请与常州万达嘉华酒店联系。联系人:范荣 通信地址:常州市武进区湖塘镇武进万达广场1幢,万达嘉华酒店 联系电话:0519-8630 8888(转) 传 真:0519-8630 8889
Wanda Realm Hotel uses this bidding invitation system to attract qualified tenderers (“tenderer” for blow). Each tenderer will have to submit valued tender to Realm hotel in order to become a vender that provides necessary products and services for tea of hotel from 2017 to 2018. For more details please see attachment. Tender submit requirements: All tenders must be uploaded to Wanda Group purchasing system before 2017/10/20 (the deadline of the system). Moreover, will inform tenderers if the deadline is changed, and tender will not be accepted if it is overdue (consider as non-qualified). Also email is not acceptable. Please contact Wanda Realm Hotel Changzhou if tenderer has any question about the bidding file. Contact: Fanrong Address: Building No. 1 of Wujin Wanda Plaza, WujinDistrict, Changzhou, Jiangsu Province 213151, P.R. China. Tel: (86)519-8630 8888 Fax :(86)519-8630 8889
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