Wind Turbine Foundation Construction Project (section II) for Putian Pinghai Bay Offshore Wind Power Farm Phase II Project 莆田
Wind Turbine Foundation Construction Project (section II) for Putian Pinghai Bay Offshore Wind Power Farm Phase II Project 莆田
Project Name:Wind Turbine Foundation Construction Project (section II) for Putian PinghaiBay Offshore Wind Power Farm Phase II Project (hereinafter referred to as the“Project”).
Tendering No.: PHWFD-II-ZB-025.
1、 Bid invitationconditions
Fujian Tendering Center Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the BiddingAgency"), entrusted by Fujian Zhongmin Offshore Wind Power Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Tenderee”), now holds a public tendering forthe Wind Turbine Foundation Construction Project (Section II) of the PutianPinghai Bay Offshore Wind Power Farm Phase II Project for decidingcontractors. The Project accepts the bids of eligible enterprises from themember contries of “BRICS”.
2、 Projectoverview and tendering scope:
2.1Project overview
The Putian Pinghai Bay Offshore WindPower Farm Phase II Project is situated in Pinghai Bay, Xiuyu District, PutianCity. The project neighbors Daitou Peninsula on the west, Nanri Island on thenorth and Meizhou Island on the southwest. It is about 12km far from PinghaiTown and covers part areas of Zone B and Zone C of the Putian Pinghai BayOffshore Wind Power Farm. A total of 41 sets of wind turbine generator unitswith an individual capacity of 6MW are proposed to be installed, including 20sets in Zone B and 21 sets in Zone C. The total installed capacity will reachabout 246MW.
2.2Tendering scope:
The tendering scope coversconstruction of foundation and ancillary facilities of 21 wind turbines in AreaC. These include: Foundation construction andancillary facilities installation for 21 wind turbines and engineering safetymonitoring, special recording of vedios on all site construction processes of PhaseII Projects (including Cormorant island Wharf, Booster Station, Phase II MarineLaying and Phase II Foundation Construction, etc.) , except the Basicconstruction and fan installation of I section and the installation of Phase IIWind Turbine . For details, please refer to relevantcontents, tendering drawings and Bill of Quantities set out in Clause 1.2 andClause 1.3, Volume II Technical Part of the tendering document.
3、 Schedule requirements:
Proposed total construction period: 480 calendar days,the planned commencement date is July 2018, the specific date of commencement shallbe subject to the written notice of the Tenderee.
4、 Bidding qualification
4.1Units who are capable to undertake the Tendering Project and meet the specificrequirements for qualifications can bid for the Project.
4.2The Project adopts a Post-qualification review mode for qualification examination of the Bidders, and contents andstandards of the qualification examination are as follows:
(1) The bidder shall bean independent legal entity registered in the territory of the Peoples Republicof China. Foreign legal entities registered in other BRICS countries canparticipate in the tendering, but they need to set up independent legalentities within the territory of the Peoples Republic of China as theirbidders;
(2) The bidder is not within the duration of its penalty ofdisqualfication by competent administrative department in the industry from thesubmission of its bid;
(3) TheBidders must have one of the following qualifications required by this bidinvitation:
1) Grade 2and above general contracting qualification for port and waterway engineeringconstruction;
2) Grade 1professional contracting qualfication for port and coastal engineering
3)First-grade qualification of specialized contracting for offshore oilengineering;
4) Third-grade qualification ofgeneral contracting for power engineering construction and above.
(4) The Bidders shall have undertaken at least 1 wind turbineunit foundation construction project of an offshore wind power farm over thepast five years (five years before the deadline of the bidding, similarlyhereinafter) (The Bidders shall provide bidding documents that includeconstruction contracts for their relevant performance, quality appraisalcertificates or handover (completion) acceptance certificates and othersupporting materials, the completion time of their projects shall be thatspecified in the supporting materials);
(5) The proposed project manager of the Projectfrom the Bidders shall have a valid first-class certified constructorqualification and a senior engineer title and above, and hold a valid Class Bsafety production assessment certificate;
(6) The Bidders shall have a valid SafetyProduction License of Construction Enterprise, the ISO9000 quality managementsystem certificate, environmental management system certificate andoccupational health and safety management system certificate;
(7) The bidder shall have a good financialposition, bank credit and business reputation; also, it is not within one ofthe following states until the deadline for submission of bids: ordered by thecompetent administraive department and the judicial authority to stop doingbusiness, having its property taken over, frozen, bankrupt; and its workingcapita can meet the needs of this project;
(8) Units that share a same principal or therelationship of share holding or management, and other units that cannotparticipate in the bidding at the same time according to laws and regulationsshall not participate in the bidding at the same time, otherwise, their biddingshall be invalid.
4.3 The consortium bid is notaccepted in the tender.
5、 Access totendering documents
TheTenderee will sell the tendering document daily from 09:00 to 11:00 and from 15:00 to 17:00 on 9 April, 2018 through 15 April , 2018 at BusinessDepartment of Fujian Tendering Center Co., Ltd. (Address: Room 628, Tower C,Tendering Building, No. 68 Hongshanyuan Road, Gulou District, Fuzhou City). The tendering documents (including electronic documents) are each priced at RMB300,the other information are each priced at RMB1700, and thisamount is non-refundable. If it is required to purchase the tendering documentat any other place, the purchase price for such tendering document shall beremitted into the account of the Tendering Agency and the remittance evidenceshall be faxed to the Agency and the purpose of remittance, name of entity,contact person, address and telephone number, email address, etc. shall beindicated so as to facilitate receipt of the tendering document in both electronicand printed versions.
6、 Bid evaluationmethod
Acomprehensive evaluation method is adopted under this bidding project.
7、 Payment of bidbond
7.1 The bid bond shall be paid by: deadlinefor bid submission;
7.2 Way of paying the bid bond: Thebid bond shall be paid through telegraphic transfers or bank transfers from theBidders corporate basic account of a bank in the domicile of the Bidder to thebid bond account designated by the Tenderee in the bid invitation announcement;
7.3 The bid bond amount shallbe: SAY RMB EIGHT HUNDRED THOUSAND ONLY.
8、 Submission ofbidding documents
8.1Deadline for submission of bidding documents is 9:30 on 3 May , 2018 (Beijingtime), the place for submission is: Project Bidding Room, 4F, Tower A,Tendering Building, No. 68 Hongshanyuan Road, Gulou District, Fuzhou City.Recipient: Ms. Chen, Mr. Lin.
8.2 When submitting thebidding documents, the bidder’s representative shall submit the original of thepower of attorney (it is not needed to be provided for the legal representative)and produce the original ID card of the authorized representative (or legalrepresentative). The project manager that the bidder intends to send shall takehis/her National Certified Constructor Practicing Certificate (original) andoriginal ID card to the site for verification and registration. The projectmanager and the authorized representative may be the same person.
8.3 The bidding documents that failto be delivered on time or to the appointed place will be rejected by theTenderee.
9、 Time and place for bid opening
The Tenderee shall open the bid on the same time and place as theabove-mentioned ones.
10、 Media of publishing bidinvitation announcement
This announcement is made on websites including"Fujian Public Resources Trading and Electronic PublicService Platform" (, "Fujian Tenderingand Procurement Website" (, "China Procurement and TenderingWebsite" ( .cn), China International Tendering Website.( and the official website of New Development Bank(, etc. Tendering Q & A, supplementary notices and bidpublicity will be released through the the "Fujian Public ResourcesTrading and Electronic Public Service Platform".
11. Contact information
Name ofTenderee: Fujian Zhongmin Offshore Wind Power Co., Ltd.
Address: 14F BinhaiBuilding, No. 1099 Licheng Avenue, Chengxiang District, Putian City, FujianProvince
Contact person: WuFengyun
Nameof the Tendering Agency: Fujian Tendering Center Co., Ltd.
Detailed address: Room628, Tower C, Tendering Building, No. 68 Hongshanyuan Road, Gulou District,Fuzhou City
Tel, Fax: 0591-87538104
Contact person: Lin Xian,Chen Si
Bank account number ofbid bond:
Account Name: Fujian Tendering Center Co., Ltd.
Opening Bank: Fuzhou Ximen Branch ofIndustrial Bank Co., Ltd.
Account No.: 118080100100104492
Name of supervisory authorities:Discipline inspection andsupervision department of Fujian Investment &Development Group Co., Ltd.
Tel: 0594-87542194
11、 招标条件
12、 项目概况及招标范围:
13、 工期要求:
计划总工期:480日历天,计划2018年 7 月开工,具体开工日期以招标人书面通知为准。
14、 投标资格条件
4) 电力工程施工总承包叁级及以上资质。
15、 招标文件的获取
招标人发售招标文件的时间为2018年 4月9日起至2018年 4月15 日,每天上午9时00分至11时00分,下午3时00分至5时00分;出售地点为福建省招标中心有限责任公司业务部(地址:福州市鼓楼区洪山园路68号招标大厦C座628室)。招标文件(包括电子文档)每份人民币300元,其他资料每份1700元,售后不退。若需异地购买招标文件,请将购标费用汇入代理机构账户,并将汇款凭证传真至代理机构,注明汇款用途、单位名称、联系人、地址及电话号码、电子邮箱等,以便接收电子版和纸质招标文件。
16、 评标办法
17、 投标保证金的提交
18、 投标文件递交
8.1投标文件提交的截止时间为2018年 5月3 日9时30分(北京时间),提交地点为:福州市鼓楼区洪山园路68号招标大厦A座四楼本项目开标室,接收人:陈女士、林先生。
19、 开标时间、地点
20、 发布招标公告媒介
地 址:福建省莆田市城厢区荔城大道1099号滨海大厦14层
联 系 人:吴风云
详 细 地 址:福州市鼓楼区洪山园路68号招标大厦C座628
电 话、传 真: 0591- 87538104
联 系 人:林锨、陈思
账号: 118080100100104492
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