上海国际招标有限公司受招标人委托对下列产品及服务进行国际公开竞争性招标,于2018-04-16在中国国际招标网公告。 本次招标采用传统招标方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。 |
1、招标条件 |
项目概况:分析测试仪器 |
资金到位或资金来源落实情况:本次招标所需的资金来源已经落实。 |
项目已具备招标条件的说明:本次招标所需的资金来源已经落实 招标文件已完善,已具备招标条件。 |
2、招标内容: |
招标项目编号:****-********5802/01 |
招标项目名称:分析测试仪器 |
项目实施地点:中国上海市 |
招标产品列表(主要设备): |
序号 | 产品名称 | 数量 | 简要技术规格 | 备注 |
1 | 包件一:快速溶剂萃取仪 | 1套 | 2.2 性能指标 * 2.2.1 单套设备一次(20-30分钟内)同时完成6个样品的萃取,8小时内可处理96个样品,保证样品时效性(当天即可处理完成); * 2.2.2 温度设定范围:30-200℃;压力设定范围:50-150bar;两个参数用户都可以自行调节,便于开发新的萃取方法。 * 2.2.3 设备配置中文液晶操作面板,可直观显示萃取过程图形、萃取参数、各个位置的工作状态及参数;设备自身可存储不小于100种萃取程序及20种溶剂信息(其中10种为固定溶剂,10种为客户自设溶剂);独特的Eco功能模式,萃取完成后自动关闭加热功能,节约能源、成本并确保安全。 *2.2.6 收集器直接兼容1ml定量浓缩管,可在多样品快速浓缩仪上进行蒸发浓缩,无需转移样品;可以直接使用旋蒸瓶,使用旋转蒸发仪浓缩时无需转移样品,防止萃取物转移损失,最大萃取体积240ml样品。 *2.2.10 单个萃取池上下只有4个密封件,大大减少装样时间,不同的萃取池耗材通用减少实验成本。仪器内嵌式密封圈,萃取池全自动密封技术,保证了密封的一致性,避免人工手工操作造成的漏液和误差; 2.3 基本配置: 2.3.1 平行快速溶剂萃取仪1台(套) 不锈钢萃取池(40m,带螺塞和金属过滤片)30个萃取池架(6位)5个 收集瓶240ml(带瓶盖和隔片)12个 进样工具盒:包括柱塞和刷子,夹子和漏斗等1个 上下备用密封圈 每种12个 上下纸滤片每种200个 金属过滤片25个 备用螺塞 2个 接头和卡套每种10个 吸入过滤器 2个 FEP管5米 溶剂瓶(1L) 1个 石英砂 2.5kg 用于干燥和混合样品的硅藻土1kg | 预算:RMB 620,000 预算编号:18-07520 | 2 | 包件二:吹扫捕集仪 | 1套 | 1 捕集阱 *1.2 捕集阱加热方式:捕集阱壁即为加热材质的自体直接电阻加热(非传导加热方式), *1.3 最高使用温度:≥420℃。 *2.1旋风式除水装置,采用温度差+密度差脱水方式,不在吹扫时脱水,保证所有吹扫产物直接进入捕集阱,室温脱水,避免低温冷阱对VOCs物质的吸附。 不使用脱水吸附材质,不会吸附包括极性物质在内的VOCs物质。源于高脱水效率,完全不需要使用干吹过程,延长捕集阱寿命。 *3.1 加热器:红外线吹扫管样品加热器。 *4.1标配泡沫过滤器(可升级三级泡沫保护装置,包括泡沫传感器,泡沫破碎器和泡沫过滤器,防止管路污染。泡沫破碎采用热的金属尖端刺破泡沫,不用外加消泡剂以防引入污染。) *5.2 捕集阱:室温至420℃以上(吹扫、脱附、烘焙三个阶段控温)。 *6.5 可编制和存储250个运行方法。 *7.3 可连接2台吹扫捕集仪主机使用。 *7.4 标配具有2个内标/替代标样加入模块,最多可选配到4个。 *8.1 数据采集1台 配置: I7 CPU 、1T硬盘、8G内存、23寸显示器、独立显2G显存 配有双网卡接口 (兼容两个网络端口的连接) | 预算:RMB 590,000元 预算编号:18-07519 | 3 | 包件三:气相色谱-质谱联用仪 | 1套 | 1.1气相色谱-质谱联用仪 *压力设定范围:0~100Psi, 精度0.001Psi *最低检测限:<1.4pg碳/秒(丙烷) *最大数据采集速率:500Hz *1.2.3分析器:整体镀金石英双曲面四极杆,独立温控(106~200)℃ *1.2.8灵敏度:全扫描灵敏度(电子轰击源EI):1pg八氟萘(OFN),信/噪比:≥1500:1 选择离子检测(电子轰击源EI)最低检测限:10fg *1.2.10最大扫描速率: 不小于20,000amu/秒 *1.2.12选择离子模式检测(SIM)最多可有100组,每组最多可选择60个离子 *样品进样位数:大于165位 *2.3数据终端和数据输出 数据终端1台 配置: I7 CPU 、1T硬盘、8G内存、23寸显示器、独立显2G显存 配有双网卡接口 (兼容两个网络端口的连接) 数据输出 1台: 双面打印、支持网络接口、支持复印、扫描功能 *3资料及培训 3.1供应商应提供能够证明仪器符合标准的合格产品证明文件 3.2供应商应提供详细的仪器使用说明书或操作手册 3.3供应商在国内必须设有分析仪器教育中心,提供每套仪器3个名额4天的系统气相色谱-质谱上机培训,为用户提供仪器的基本原理、操作、日常维护及基础分析仪器理论课程 | 预算:RMB 780,000元 预算编号:18-07521 |
3、投标人资格要求 |
投标人应具备的资格或业绩:1)必须是具有独立法人资格的法人或其他组织,并具有相应的经营范围; 2)投标单位须为投标设备及耗材的制造商或经投标设备正规销售体系中唯一授权参加本项目投标的代理商; 3)根据《上海市政府采购供应商登记及诚信管理(暂行)办法》已登记入库的供应商(本条款仅适用于中国境内的代理商); 4)投标人须在投标截止期之前在国家商务部指定的为机电产品国际招标投标活动提供公共服务和行政监督的网上平台(以下简称招标网,网址为:http://www.chinabidding.com)上完成有效注册。 |
是否接受联合体投标:不接受 |
未领购招标文件是否可以参加投标:不可以 |
4、招标文件的获取 |
招标文件领购开始时间:2018-04-16 |
招标文件领购结束时间:2018-04-23 |
是否在线售卖标书:否 |
获取招标文件方式:现场领购 |
招标文件领购地点:中国上海延安西路358号美丽园大厦14楼 |
招标文件售价:¥300/$50 |
5、投标文件的递交 |
投标截止时间(开标时间):2018-05-08 10:00 |
投标文件送达地点:中国上海延安西路358号美丽园大厦14楼上海国际招标有限公司第一会议室(或当日14楼电梯厅显示器上显示的其他会议室) |
开标地点:中国上海延安西路358号美丽园大厦14楼上海国际招标有限公司第一会议室(或当日14楼电梯厅显示器上显示的其他会议室) |
6、投标人在投标前需在中国国际招标网上完成注册。评标结果将在中国国际招标网公示。 |
7、联系方式 |
招标人:上海市环境科学研究院 |
地址:上海市钦州路508号 |
联系人:张海蓉 |
联系方式 :86-21-********-**** |
招标代理机构:上海国际招标有限公司 |
地址:中国上海延安西路358号美丽园大厦14楼 |
联系人:徐迪、阮相儒 |
联系方式 :86-21-********×120、199 |
8、汇款方式 |
招标代理机构开户银行(人民币): 招商银行上海分行曹家渡支行 |
招标代理机构开户银行(美元): PING AN BANK CO., LTD |
账号(人民币): *************** |
账号(美元): ********81394 |
Shanghai International Tendering Co., Ltd. entrusted by the purchaser, invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers home and abroad for the supply of the following goods and/or service by way of International Competitive Bidding. The tender notice was released on www.chinabidding.com on 2018-04-16. |
1.Bidding Conditions |
Overview:Analytical instrumentation kits |
Source of Funds:The source of funding for this tender has been implemented. |
Description of The Prepared Bidding Conditions:The source of funding required for this tender has been implemented. The bidding documents have been improved and the bidding conditions have been met. |
2.Bidding Content: |
Bidding No:****-********5802/01 |
Project Name:Analytical test instruments |
Place of Implementation:Shanghai |
List of Products: |
NO. | Product Name | Quantity | Main Technical Data | Remarks |
1 | Package One:Rapid Solvent Extractor | one set | 2.2 Performance Indicators * 2.2.1 One set of equipment can complete the extraction of six samples at a time (within 20-30 minutes), and 96 samples can be processed within 8 hours to ensure the timeliness of the sample (the processing can be completed on the same day); * 2.2.2 Temperature setting range: 30-200?C; Pressure setting range: 50-150bar; Both parameters can be adjusted by users to facilitate the development of new extraction methods. * 2.2.3 Device configuration Chinese LCD operation panel can directly display the extraction process graphics, extraction parameters, working status and parameters of each position; the device itself can store no less than 100 kinds of extraction programs and 20 kinds of solvent information (10 of which are fixed Solvents, 10 types of solvents for the customer"s own; a unique Eco function mode, automatic shutdown of the heating function after the completion of the extraction, save energy, cost and ensure safety. *2.2.6 Collector is directly compatible with 1ml quantitative concentrator tube. It can be evaporated and concentrated on multi-sample rapid concentrator without transfer of sample. Rotary flask can be directly used. Concentration with rotary evaporator does not need to transfer sample to prevent extract transfer. Loss, maximum extraction volume 240ml sample. *2.2.10 There are only 4 seals above and below the single extraction cell, which greatly reduces the loading time. Different extraction pool consumables generally reduce the experimental cost. Instrument embedded sealing ring, extraction tank automatic sealing technology to ensure the consistency of the seal, to avoid leakage caused by manual manual operation and error; 2.3 Basic configuration: 2.3.1 Parallel Fast Solvent Extractor (set) Stainless steel extraction tank (40m, with screw plug and metal filter) 30 Extraction Cell Holder (6-digit) 5 Collection Bottle 240ml (with cap and spacer) 12 Sampling Tool Box: Includes Plunger and Brush, Clip and Funnel, etc. Up and Down Spare Seals Each of 12 200 pieces of paper filter 25 metal filter plates Spare screw plug 2 Joints and ferrules of each 10 Suction filter 2 FEP tube 5 meters Solvent Bottle (1L) 1 Quartz sand 2.5kg Diatomite 1kg for Drying and Mixing Samples | Budget: RMB 620,000 Budget Number: 18-07520 | 2 | Package Two:Purge trap | one set | 1 trap *1.2 Trap heating method: The trap wall is a self-heated direct resistance heating material (non-conductive heating method), *1.3 Maximum operating temperature: ≥420°C. *2.1 Cyclonic water removal device adopts the temperature difference + density difference dehydration method. It does not dehydrate during purging, and ensures that all purging products directly enter the trap and dehydrate at room temperature to avoid adsorption of VOCs by cryogenic cold traps. Do not use dehydration adsorption material, will not absorb VOCs substances including polar substances. Due to the high dehydration efficiency, there is no need to use a dry blowing process to extend the life of the trap. *3.1 Heater: infrared purge tube sample heater. *4.1 Standard Foam Filter (Upgradable tertiary foam protection device, including foam sensor, foam breaker and foam filter, to prevent pipeline pollution. Foam crushing uses hot metal tip to pierce foam without external anti-foaming agent Prevent pollution.) *5.2 Trap: Room temperature to above 420°C (temperature control during purging, desorption, and baking). *6.5 250 operating methods can be programmed and stored. *7.3 It can be used to connect 2 units of purge and trap. *7.4 Standard with 2 internal standard/alternative standard addition modules, up to 4 optional. *8.1 Computer Desktop 1 Configuration: I7 CPU, 1T hard drive, 8G memory, 23-inch monitor, independent 2G memory Dual NIC interface (compatible with two network ports) | Budget: RMB 590,000 Yuan Budget No.: 18-07519 | 3 | Package Three:Gas chromatography mass spectrometry | one set | 1.1 Gas chromatography-mass spectrometer * Pressure Setting Range: 0~100Psi, Accuracy 0.001Psi * Minimum Detection Limit: <1.4 pg Carbon/sec (Propane) * Maximum Data Acquisition Rate: 500Hz *1.2.3 Analyzer: The overall gold-plated quartz hyperboloid quadrupole, independent temperature control (106 ~ 200) °C *1.2.8 Sensitivity: Full scan sensitivity (electron bombardment source EI): 1pg octafluoronaphthalene (OFN), signal/noise ratio: ≥1500:1 Select ion detection (electron bombardment source EI) Minimum detection limit: 10fg *1.2.10 Maximum scan rate: Not less than 20,000 amu/s *1.2.12 Select ion pattern detection (SIM) up to 100 groups with up to 60 ions per group * Sample injection number: more than 165 bits *2.3 Computers and Printers Computer desktop 1 Configuration: I7 CPU, 1T hard disk, 8G memory, 23-inch monitor, independent display 2G memory with dual network interface (compatible with two network ports) Multi-function Printer 1 set: Double-sided printing, support network interface, support for copying, scanning function *3 Information and Training 3.1 The supplier shall provide certified product certification documents that can prove that the equipment meets the standards 3.2 The supplier should provide a detailed instrument instruction manual or operation manual 3.3 The supplier must have an analysis instrument education center in the country to provide three days of system gas chromatograph-mass spectrometry training for each instrument, providing users with basic theory, operation, daily maintenance and basic analytical instrument theory courses. | Budget: RMB 780,000 Budget Number: 18-07521 |
3.Qualification Requirements For Bidder |
Qualifications or Performance:1) Must be a legal person or other organization with an independent legal personality and have a corresponding business scope; 2) The bidder shall be the manufacturer of the bidding equipment and consumables or the only agent authorized to participate in the bidding of the project through the formal sales system of bidding equipment; 3) According to the "Shanghai Municipal Government Procurement Vendor Registration and Integrity Management (Provisional) Measures" registered suppliers to the warehouse (this clause applies only to agents in China); 4) The Bidder shall provide an online platform for the provision of public service and administrative supervision for the international tendering and bidding of mechanical and electrical products designated by the Ministry of Commerce before the deadline for submission of bids (hereinafter referred to as the bidding website at http://www.chinabidding.com ) Finish valid registration. |
Joint Bids:NOT Available |
Bid without the bidding documents:NOT Available |
4.Acquisition of Bidding Documents |
Beginning of Selling Bidding Documents:2018-04-16 |
Ending of Selling Bidding Documents:2018-04-23 |
Sell biddingdoconlineornot:No |
To Obtain:On-site Purchase |
Place:14th floor, Meiyuan Building, No. 358 West Yan"an Road, Shanghai, China |
Price of Bidding Documents: ¥300/$50 |
Additional Instructions: |
5.Bid Submission |
Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (Beijing Time):2018-05-08 10:00 |
Place of Bid:The first meeting room of Shanghai International Tendering Co., Ltd. on the 14th floor of Meiyuan Building, No. 358 West Yanan Road, Shanghai, China (or other meeting rooms displayed on the display of the elevator hall on the 14th floor of the day) |
Place of Bid Opening:The first meeting room of Shanghai International Tendering Co., Ltd. on the 14th floor of Meiyuan Building, No. 358 West Yanan Road, Shanghai, China (or other meeting rooms displayed on the display of the elevator hall on the 14th floor of the day) |
6.The bidder needs to register before the tender on www.chinabidding.com. And the evaluation results will be released on www.chinabidding.com. |
7.Contact Details |
Purchasers:Shanghai Academy of Environmental Sciences |
Add.:508 Qinzhou Road, Shanghai |
Contact:Zhang Hai Rong |
Tel:86-21-********-**** |
Bidding Agency:Shanghai International Tendering Co., Ltd. |
Add.:14th floor, Meiyuan Building, No. 358 West Yan"an Road, Shanghai, China |
Contact:Xu Di/ Ruan Xiang Ru |
Tel :86-21-********×120、199 |
8.Remittance Approach |
Bank(RMB):China Merchants Bank Shanghai Branch Caojiadu Branch |
Account NO.(RMB):*************** |
Account NO.(USD):********81394 |