

尊敬的女士/先生Dear Potential Buyers,
我司是(位于山西省长治市城北西街191号)专业生产大型电机的主要制造厂家之一。现我公司欲就内部一些闲置设备及相关物品举行公开拍卖招标。We, as one of leading manufacturers, located at No.191, Chengbei West Street, specialize in producing different types of large drive motors. Here we’ll publicly organize the auction/bidding for some idle machines and the related things.
? 参加拍卖竞买者须知
Auction/bidding Participants Attention, Auction Principle&Procedure
1) 各意向买家收到本拍卖招标通知后,如竞买人愿意参加我司拍卖招标,须持签章后的单位有效期内的公司相关资质证书:包括公司营业执照、税务登记证、组织机构代码证(或三证合一营业执照)、法人及代理人有效身份证复印件、及其它相关证明资料(所有资料必须加盖该单位公章),尽快通过邮件或现场形式到我司马淑芳女士 (电话:****-*******, email:shufang.ma@siemens.com) 处获取相关拍卖招标文件。并与2018年5月23日参加SEML在公司办公楼7楼会议室上午9:00至12:00点组织的设备招标销售拍卖会。预期未反馈者,视为无参与拍卖竞买活动意向。The auction/bidding participants shall provide some certificates within valid period for checking and copy for archiving such as business license, tax certificate, company organization code certificate (or integrated ONE business license), personal ID card of legal representative and attorney, and the other related certificates. All copies must be stamped properly. Potential buyers shall send scanned or original stamped Introduction Letter to Ms Ma Shufang (Tel: ****-*******, email:shufang.ma@siemens.com) and participate the auction/bidding meeting which is held at AM9:00~12:00 on May23rd,2018 in the meeting room of 7th floor of SEML office building. as soon as possible if intend to participate our auction/bidding. Otherwise, as no intention.

2)参加竞买投标报价者需在拍卖报价前交付拍卖竞买保证金 (必须是银行电汇,闲置设备竞买保证金为5万元、其余物品竞买报价保证金视其标的物本身价值另定)。 此保证金先交由我公司财务部保管,若竞买投标报价者未中标,SEML将保证金如数退还。在日常业务操作中,该保证金不计入货款中。待提货结束经西门子确认无异议后,SEML将保证金如数退还。The auction/bidding participant shall remit auction/bidding deposit by telegraphic transfer to SEML A&C before participate auction quotation (The bidding/auction deposit RMB 50,000 for idle machines; deposit figure for other things will be decided later based on the value of bid subject) . For the participant who does not win the bid, the deposit will be returned to the payer completely. For the bid winner, the deposit will not be regarded as the normal payment for the contractual goods and the deposit will not be returned to the payer until the contractual goods are picked and get SEML management approval without any objection.
*向如下收款人支付竞买投标报价保证金时,请在银行单据备注栏标明“FY1718_SCM012竞买保证金”,并及时通知马淑芳女士。付款单位名称必须与竞买单位保持一致。The auction/bidding deposit_FY1718_SCM012 should be marked in the ‘REMARK’ column on the bank payment bill to the Beneficiary as below and Ms. Ma Shufang shall be informed about the deposit payment in time. And the Payer and Bidder name should keep the same.

名称/Beneficiary: 西门子大型特种电机(山西)有限公司
开户行/Beneficiary Bank: 中国工商银行股份有限公司长治汇通支行
账号/Beneficiary Account No.: ****************659

3) 若竞拍投标者对于本次拍卖投标有任何不清晰或对本批闲置设备、物品的属性、规格、分类等信息不了解,竞买者应在竞买投标报价前至我司现场,与我司陪同人员一道进行设备属性了解。SEML将支持所有答疑。If bidder is not familiar with the specification, nature or classification of the idle machines and things in the auction/bidding, please come to SEML site for further understanding before submit the auction/bidding quotation. We’ll support onsite visit for the buyer’s inquiry.

4)SEML将根据首轮拍卖结果有权决定是否需要进行多轮拍卖。如果进行多轮拍卖,后期的拍卖时间另行通知,同时要求次轮报价不得低于前轮拍卖竞买报价,否则此报价视为无效报价。各竞拍者单位须在竞拍报价前将贵公司相关资质证书盖章后于规定时间内递交至我司供应链管理部马淑芳处,时间详见报价模板规定。由西门子拍卖人员评估。SEML will decide if need to reorganize new auction/bidding or not as per the first round of auction/bidding result. The next new auction/bidding time will be informed afterwards. The principle is that the price/quotation in next new auction/bidding cannot be lower than that in previous auction/bidding price. Otherwise, it’s taken as invalid quotation. All the auction/bidding participant shall submit the related qualified certificates such as business license and bank account certificate for SEML related auction/bidding organizer to review.

5) 本次拍卖投标竞买报价均为西门子工厂交货价。The quotation of this auction/bidding shall be EXW SEML for the bid.

6) 对于参加过西门子(文件号:FY1718_SCM010)招标投过标报过价的投标人,原投标报价将仍会被西门子视作有效报价, 除非此次拍卖竞买新报价高于原投标报价。拍卖人将在拍卖现场公布最低起拍价格,竞买人可在拍卖现场公开多次叫价,且每次叫价只能增加,不能下降,否则被视为无效报价,直至无其它竞买者出更高价,方可被认为竞买获胜者。随后在现场,须按照我司拍卖投标报价承诺书格式递上书面报价。For the bidders who participated bidding (FY1718SCM010) before, their previous bidding quotation will still keep valid unless new bidding quotation is higher than the previous one. The auctor/bidding organizer will publish the minimum/bottom auction price of the machines on site. The bidder may give oral quotation continuously for competition during auction meeting. Each quotation shall be higher than the previous one. The last highest quoting party will be deem to be the winner if no other bidder give a higher quotation within the time. Afterwards, the winner will submit a written paper quotation as per SEML standard template .

7)参加拍卖投标竞买者在参与本次拍卖投标前需保证已熟知并遵守SEML本次拍卖招标的相关内容,任何单位或个人违反一律取消其参与资格。The bidder is deem to be already fully understand the related details about our auction/bidding invitation, anyone who isolates our regulation, will be cancelled of his auction/bidding participant qualification.

8)本次竞买投标报价作为重要的评标标准之一,但不作为竞拍中标的唯一标准;拍卖方没有义务向竞买者解释落标原因。同时参加竞买投标的单位不能限制拍卖/招标方以包括拆分标的在内的其他方式签订合同的权力。The price will be one of the very important factors from auction/bidding evaluation side, but it’s not the only factor. Seller is not obliged to give any explanation or reason to any loser. The bidder cannot force SEML to sign any monopoly contract and SEML reserve the right to split auction/bidding and sign contract with more than one party.

9)参加投标竞买者在参加拍卖招标会前被认为已熟知所需SEML本次招标拍卖的设备、物品的属性、规格型号、分类情况等均有充分了解,不会因此而在竞买投标中标后拒绝执行。否则,SEML将有权扣除或没收投标竞买者投标保证金,作为处罚。The bidder is regarded to already know all the idle machines specification, nature and classification at SEML before submit auction/bidding. As soon as SEML announces the auction/bidding winner, they cannot withdraw. Otherwise SEML reserves the right to deduct the deposit as punishment.
10)参加投标竞买者所代表的公司是唯一的,中标后也只能代表授权参加竞买的单位办理相关业务;同时该参加竞买者在合同期限内不得代表其他任何公司参与SEML的拍卖招标活动。The representative can represent one company only and handle the related issues. The representative cannot represent other entity to handle the auction/bidding business during this period.
11)在拍卖结束后,中标通知书将通过邮件方式或当面交接方式(任何一种方式均视为有效)送达投标竞买人,发送时间视同为接受时间,中标人需在一周内与SEML签署闲置设备销售协议。The Auction/Bid-winning Notice will be sent to the bidder via email or face to face handover (either of them is valid,dispatch time is deem to be receiving time) after finished the auction/bidding review. The winner shall sign sales contract with SEML within one week upon receipt of the bid-winning notice.

12)竞买中标人自行负责中标设备的拆装、起吊及装车及其相应的费用。拍卖人不提供相关支持及服务。对后期设备的安装、调试及性能运行指标,不提供任何服务及质保。The bid winner shall be responsible for the machines/facilities’ disassembling, lifting and loading truck and the related corresponding cost by themselves. And will not provide any service for assembling, commissioning and operation performance or warrantee afterwards.

以用于业务合作的法定联系方式。The auction participant/bidder shall provide a fixed telephone number and email address or fax machine as daily operation’s legal contact information.

14)为了SEML环境卫生,竞买中标者提取货物时需要对车辆进行检查,防止出现抛洒滴漏现象;在托运设备过程中,装运结束中标者义务对现场区域的卫生负责,保持该区域的干净整洁。The bidder winner shall ensure their own truck is in good condition and must prevent any leak or dripping and ensure onsite cleaning of the field after finish loading truck.

15)若竞买或中标公司在相互合作过程中出现下列情形之一的,SEML有权提前终止合同,取消其购买SEML闲置设备的资格;SEML reserves the right to terminate contract and revoke the qualification immediately if the bidder/winner has the act as below:
A: 发生欺诈行为,损害SEML的利益Cheating and damaging SEML benefits;
B: 违反SEML相关合规规定Isolating SEML related compliance regulation;
C:不能及时提货影响SEML生产且经SEML多次督促不能改进者Unable to arrange the picking in time or impact SEML normal production;
D:税务上被税务局证明存在问题的 Tax policy problem;

16)竞买投标单位若中标后应与SEML签署包含但不限于本批闲置设备的销售协议、保密协议、安全协议等。The winner will sign sales contract including, but not limited to idle facilities/machines sales contract, confidential agreement and safety agreement.

17)在合同执行期间,如果需要,拍卖方保留再次拍卖或销售给其他方的权利。During contract period SEML reserves the right to reorganize new auction/bidding or sell to the third party for the contractual goods。

18)本次拍卖招标所有内容最终解释权归SEML. The interpretations of the contents of the auction/bidding is attributed to SEML。

附: 竞买报价人承诺书、授权委托书、竞买人报价书
Enclosed: Bidder’s Promise Letter, Letter of Authorization, Bidder’s Quotation

SEML-Siemens Special Electrical Machines Co. Ltd




标签: 销售 拍卖 物品





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