上海国际招标有限公司受招标人委托对下列产品及服务进行国际公开竞争性招标,于2018-05-24在中国国际招标网公告。 本次招标采用传统招标方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。 |
1、招标条件 |
项目概况:分析测试仪器 |
资金到位或资金来源落实情况:本次招标所需的资金来源已经落实。 |
项目已具备招标条件的说明:本次招标所需的资金来源已经落实 招标文件已完善,已具备招标条件。 |
2、招标内容: |
招标项目编号:****-********5805/01 |
招标项目名称:分析测试仪器 |
项目实施地点:中国上海市 |
招标产品列表(主要设备): |
序号 | 产品名称 | 数量 | 简要技术规格 | 备注 |
1 | 包件一:气象色谱年度维护 | 1套 | 1.◆全二维气相色谱-二级质谱仪(本项投标限价22.0万元) 1.1需采购运维服务的仪器型号:Angilent 7890B-7200B 1.2包含一年保修服务,服务内容不少于安捷伦铜牌优势服务。 1.3保修服务内容: 1.3.1仪器出现任何硬件故障,在48小时之内安捷伦工程师将赶到现场排除故障; 1.3.2承担维修中所产生的全部费用,其中包括工时费、差旅费、零部件费及维修时所需的相关消耗品。 2.◆气相色谱-质谱联用分析仪(本项投标限价8.0万元) 2.1需采购运维服务的仪器型号:Angilent 7890-5975T 2.2包含一年保修服务,服务内容不少于安捷伦银牌优势服务。 2.3保修服务内容: 2.3.1仪器出现任何硬件故障,在48小时之内安捷伦工程师将赶到现场排除故障; 2.3.2承担维修中所产生的全部费用,其中包括工时费、差旅费、零部件费及维修时所需的相关消耗品。 | 预算:RMB 300,000 预算编号:18-07445 | 2 | 包件二:高效液相色谱年度维护 | 1套 | 1. ◆超高效液相-高分辨质谱联用仪维护(本项投标限价20.0万元) 1.1 需采购运维服务仪器型号:Thermo Q-Exactive 1.2 包含一年保修服务,每年度服务内容不少于热电公司原厂年度保修服务计划。 | 预算:RMB 200,000元 预算编号:18-07446 | 3 | 包件三:二次热解析仪年度维护 | 1套 | 1. ◆二次热解析仪(本项投标限价8.0万元) 1.1 需采购运维服务仪器型号:岛津TD-20+GCMS-QP2010Ultra以及AOC-20I自动进样器 1.2 包含一年保修服务,服务内容不少于岛津公司原厂一年标准保修服务。 | 预算:RMB 80,000元 预算编号: | 4 | 包件四:颗粒物组分年度运维 | 1套 | 1. ◆在线重金属分析仪(本项投标限价20.0万元) 1.1 需采购运维服务仪器型号:Xact 625 1.2 包含仪器耗材(含专用滤带)、维修件、一年运维服务,运维单位负责仪器的日常维护、维修、配件、耗材等全部。 | 预算:RMB 280,000 预算编号:18-07448、18-z71964 | 5 | 包件五:挥发性有机物年度运维 | 1套 | 1. ◆含氧挥发性有机物分析仪(本项投标限价32万元) 1.1 需采购运维服务仪器型号:武汉天虹 TH-300B 1.2 运维服务内容: 1.2.1 仪器校准每月进行一次多点标定,如果标定后出现日插入外标响应(1ppbv)有超过6个化合物偏差超过标气本身浓度20%的,应及时进行重新标定。标定包括PAMS和OVOC共98种物质。每次外场在线试验及离线样品集中分析前后进行一次多点标定。 | 预算:RMB 320,000 预算编号:18-07465 | 6 | 包件六:超站年度运维与重点实验室移动平台运维 | 1套 | 3. 超站年度运维(本项投标限价22.0万元) 1.1 设备清单:序号 仪器设备 数量 (台/套) 仪器品牌 仪器型号 1 CO分析仪 1 Thermo 48i-TLE 2 NOx分析仪 1 Thermo 42i 3 SO2分析仪 1 Thermo 43i-TLE 4 O3分析仪 1 Thermo 49i 6 臭氧校准仪 1 Thermo 49iPS 7 总氮氧化物分析仪 1 Thermo 42iy 8 动态校准仪 1 Thermo 146i 9 黑炭仪 1 Magee AE31 10 光散射仪 1 ECOTECH Aurora3000 11 能见度仪 1 Belfort Model6000 12 气象监测仪 1 Metone 59系列 13 粒径谱仪 2 TSI SMPS 14 粒径谱仪 1 TSI APS 15 粒径谱仪 1 TSI PSM 16 大气光化通量测量仪 1 Metcon 2pi-sr-CCD 17 气溶胶激光雷达 1 Sigma-Space MPL-Lidar 18 臭氧激光雷达 1 中科光电 Lidar-G-2000 19 ◆VOCs分析仪 1 法国科马特 GC866 20 PM1.0/2.5/10颗粒物监测仪 3 Thermo FH62 21 太阳光度计 1 法国CIMEL CIMEL-318 | 预算:RMB 220,000 预算编号:18-07506、18-z71964 | 7 | 包件七:过氧乙酰硝酸酯分析仪年度运维 | 1套 | 1. ◆过氧乙酰硝酸酯(PAN)分析仪(本项投标限价10.0万元) 1.1 需采购运维服务的仪器型号:聚光 PANs-1000 1.2 *包含一年设备服务,服务内容至少包含:序号 维护内容 维护频次 维护类型 1 仪器运行情况远程检查 每日 日常维护 2 现场气瓶压力检查和更换 每周 日常维护 3 检查现场环境温度、湿度等 每周 日常维护 4 更换采样虑膜 每周 日常维护 5 单浓度点标定检查 每周 日常维护 6 数据备份和数据分析报告(包括对异常数据处理,数据捕获率、有效性分析等) 每周 日常维护 7 多点校准(至少3个浓度梯度),并更新校准曲线 每月 日常维护 8 仪器故障报修,故障器件更换 不定时 日常维护 9 更换一次AQMS-100仪器的硅胶、分子筛等 每季度 季度维护 10 更换一次载气过滤器 每半年 半年维护 11 每月提交一次月度维修维护报告 每月 / 12 每季度提交一次季度维修维护报告 每季度 / 13 每年度提交一次季度维修维护报告 每年 / | 预算:RMB 100,000 预算编号: | 8 | 包件八:气体及气溶胶组分分析仪年度运维 | 1套 | 1. ◆在线气体及气溶胶组分分析仪(本项投标限价28.0万元) 1.1 需采购运维服务仪器型号:Metrohm Marga-1S 1.2 包含仪器耗材、维修件、一年运维服务;运维单位负责仪器的日常维护、维修、配件、耗材等全部。 1.3 运维考核标准: 1.3.1 年度有效数据需要达到85%以上 1.3.2 故障响应率达到100%。 2. ◆气体及气溶胶组分分析仪(本项投标限价11.0万元) 2.1 需采购运维服务仪器型号:Metrohm Marga-1 2.2 包含一年维修与保养服务,所需耗材由设备使用方提供。 2.3 维修保养服务内容: 2.3.1 每周运维内容: 查看仪器采样流量 数据库数据检查 | 预算:RMB 390,000 预算编号:18-07467、18-z71964 | 9 | 包件九:重点实验室有机物测量仪器备件与重点实验室离线仪器耗材 | 1套 | 1. 半挥发性有机物分析仪运维服务(本项投标限价11.0万元) 1.1 需采购运维服务的设备型号:TD-100热脱附仪+TT24-7在线预浓缩仪+ThermoISO气相色谱+Markes BenchTOF质谱仪联用系统 1.2 包含一年保修服务,保修服务内容包括: 1.2.1 每月1次预防性维护,包括检查常规耗材的配备情况; 1.2.2 每6个月进行一次离子源清洗; 1.2.3 每年1次TOFMS外置真空泵维护; 1.2.4 设备保修所需的指定零件; 1.2.5 设备保修所涉及的服务费用; 1.2.6 有效期内的紧急抢修及故障检查。对于紧急抢修,乙方需在24小时内派出具有解决故障能力的工程师现场响应,在48小时内解决问题或故障判断;维修期间,乙方工作人员不能因工作其它安排暂停维修,直到系统正常工作。 | 预算:RMB 990,000 预算编号:18-07485、18-z71964 | 10 | 包件十:重点实验室氧化性测量仪器备件与重点实验室颗粒物理化特性分析仪器耗材 | 1套 | 1. ◆挥发性有机物(VOCs)在线分析仪备件耗材(本项投标限价10.0万元) 1.1 需采购配件的设备型号:Chromatotec Airmo; 1.2 配件清单:序号 项目 单位 数量 1 进口PAMS标气(1L) 瓶 1 2 进口TO15标气(1L) 瓶 1 3 内标渗透管 组 1 4 吸附柱 根 2 2. 甲醛测定仪运维与耗材(本项投标限价8.0万元) 2.1 所需运维与耗材仪器型号:AeroLaser 4021 2.2 包含现场运维服务一年,运维内容包括: 2.2.1 每周两次例行维护,包括溶液配制、溶液更换、更换滤膜与仪器状态核查等。每次更换溶液需进行零点、跨度校准以及多点校验。每周需要对数据进行审核。 2.2.2 每三周例行维护,包括更换蠕动泵管卡位、流路除气泡、数据库备份等工作。 2.2.3 如有故障发生,接到通知后6小时内抵达现场。 2.2.4 年度有效原始数据需要达到85 %以上,每年提交运维报告一份。 | 预算:RMB 830,000 预算编号:18-07504 | 11 | 包件十一:大气细颗粒物金属在线监测仪 | 1套 | 1. ◆大气细颗粒物金属在线监测仪(供货期120天,保修2年) 1.1 功能:实时在线分析环境大气细颗粒物的质量浓度以及细颗粒物汇中锑、砷、钡、溴、镉、钙、铬、钴、铜、铁、铅、汞、锰、镍、硒、银、锡、钛、铊、钒、锌等含量。 1.2 在线重金属分析仪主机 1.2.1 工作电压:220V/50Hz 1.2.2 性能指标 *测量方法:该设备需按照美国EPA IO 3.3等效方法进行设计,采用X荧光光谱法(XRF)测量环境颗粒物中的重金属。 技术认证:经国际权威机构产品技术认证,需提供相关产品技术认证文件(如:美国ETV认证)。 *检测光源:采用最大功率不超过50w的精密X光管产生X射线,分析仪配有相关特征光源过滤装置,可提供三种能阶的X光源,保证样品可以在最短时间内的精准测量。 | 预算:RMB 2,350,000 预算编号:18-07537 |
3、投标人资格要求 |
投标人应具备的资格或业绩:1)必须是具有独立法人资格的法人或其他组织,并具有相应的经营范围; 2)投标单位须为主要投标设备及耗材的制造商或经投标设备正规销售体系中唯一授权参加本项目投标的代理商(主要投标设备及耗材的制造商是指标注“◆”号的设备及耗材); 3)根据《上海市政府采购供应商登记及诚信管理(暂行)办法》已登记入库的供应商(本条款仅适用于中国境内的代理商); 4)投标人须在投标截止期之前在国家商务部指定的为机电产品国际招标投标活动提供公共服务和行政监督的网上平台(以下简称招标网,网址为:http://www.chinabidding.com)上完成有效注册。 |
是否接受联合体投标:接受 |
未领购招标文件是否可以参加投标:不可以 |
4、招标文件的获取 |
招标文件领购开始时间:2018-05-24 |
招标文件领购结束时间:2018-05-31 |
是否在线售卖标书:否 |
获取招标文件方式:现场领购 |
招标文件领购地点:中国上海延安西路358号美丽园大厦14楼 |
招标文件售价:¥300/$50 |
5、投标文件的递交 |
投标截止时间(开标时间):2018-06-14 10:00 |
投标文件送达地点:中国上海延安西路358号美丽园大厦14楼上海国际招标有限公司第一会议室(或当日14楼电梯厅显示器上显示的其他会议室) |
开标地点:中国上海延安西路358号美丽园大厦14楼上海国际招标有限公司第一会议室(或当日14楼电梯厅显示器上显示的其他会议室) |
6、投标人在投标前需在中国国际招标网上完成注册。评标结果将在中国国际招标网公示。 |
7、联系方式 |
招标人:上海市环境科学研究院 |
地址:上海市钦州路508号 |
联系人:张海蓉 |
联系方式 :86-21-********-**** |
招标代理机构:上海国际招标有限公司 |
地址:中国上海延安西路358号美丽园大厦14楼 |
联系人:徐迪、阮相儒 |
联系方式 :86-21-********×120、199 |
8、汇款方式 |
招标代理机构开户银行(人民币): 招商银行上海分行曹家渡支行 |
招标代理机构开户银行(美元): PING AN BANK CO., LTD |
账号(人民币): *************** |
账号(美元): ********81394 |
9、其他补充说明 |
附件: 招标文件.rar |
Shanghai International Tendering Co., Ltd. entrusted by the purchaser, invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers home and abroad for the supply of the following goods and/or service by way of International Competitive Bidding. The tender notice was released on www.chinabidding.com on 2018-05-24. |
1.Bidding Conditions |
Overview:Analytical test instruments |
Source of Funds:The source of funding for this tender has been implemented. |
Description of The Prepared Bidding Conditions:The source of funding required for this tender has been implemented. The bidding documents have been improved and the bidding conditions have been met. |
2.Bidding Content: |
Bidding No:****-********5805/01 |
Project Name:Analytical test instruments |
Place of Implementation:Shanghai |
List of Products: |
NO. | Product Name | Quantity | Main Technical Data | Remarks |
1 | Package 1: Meteorological Chromatography Annual Maintenance | one set | 1. Full two-dimensional gas chromatography - two-stage mass spectrometry (limited price of 22.0 million yuan in this bid) 1.1 Instruments for Purchasing Maintenance Services Model: Angilent 7890B-7200B 1.2 includes one-year warranty service, the service content is not less than Agilent Bronze Advantage service. 1.3 Warranty Service Content: 1.3.1 If any hardware failure occurs in the instrument, Agilent engineers will rush to the site to eliminate the failure within 48 hours; 1.3.2 Undertake all costs incurred during maintenance, including working hours, travel expenses, spare parts costs, and related consumables required for maintenance. 2. Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Analyzer (This bid is limited to 80,000 yuan) 2.1 Instruments to be purchased for operation and maintenance services: Angilent 7890-5975T 2.2 includes one year warranty service, the service content is not less than Agilent"s silver advantage service. 2.3 Warranty Service Content: 2.3.1 If any hardware failure occurs in the instrument, Agilent engineers will rush to the site to eliminate the failure within 48 hours; 2.3.2 Undertake all costs incurred during maintenance, including working hours, travel expenses, spare parts costs, and related consumables required for maintenance. | Budget: RMB 300,000 Budget Number: 18-07445 | 2 | Package 2: Annual Maintenance of HPLC | one set | 1. Ultra-high performance liquid-high resolution mass spectrometer maintenance (limited price of 200,000 yuan in this bid) 1.1 Purchase and Maintenance Service Instrument Model: Thermo Q-Exactive 1.2 Including a one-year warranty service, the annual service content is not less than the original annual warranty service plan of the thermoelectric company. | Budget: RMB 200,000 Budget Number: 18-07446 | 3 | Package 3: Annual maintenance of secondary thermal analyzer | one set | 1. Secondary Thermal Analyzer (This bid is limited to 80,000 yuan) 1.1 Purchase and Maintenance Service Instrument Model: Shimadzu TD-20+GCMS-QP2010Ultra and AOC-20I Autosampler 1.2 Including one year warranty service, the service content is not less than Shimadzu"s original factory one year standard warranty service. | Budget: RMB80,000 Budget Number: | 4 | Package 4: Annual maintenance of particulate components | one set | 1. Online heavy metal analyzer (limited price of 200,000 yuan in this bid) 1.1 Purchase and Maintenance Service Instrument Model: Xact 625 1.2 Contains equipment consumables (including special filter belts), maintenance parts, and one-year operation and maintenance services. The operation and maintenance unit is responsible for the daily maintenance, repairs, accessories, and consumables of the equipment. | Budget: RMB 280,000 Budget Number: 18-07448、18-z71964 | 5 | Package 5: Annual Operation and Maintenance of Volatile Organic Compounds | one set | 1. Analyzer for oxygen-containing volatile organic compounds (limited price of 320,000 yuan in this bid) 1.1 Purchase and Maintenance Service Instrument Model: Wuhan Tianhong TH-300B 1.2 Operation and Maintenance Services: 1.2.1 Instrument Calibration A multi-point calibration is performed once a month. If there are more than 6 compound deviations exceeding 20% of the standard gas concentration after the day when the external standard response (1ppbv) is calibrated, it should be recalibrated in time. Calibration includes 98 substances in PAMS and OVOC. A multi-point calibration is performed before and after the on-site field test and offline sample concentration analysis. | Budget: RMB 320,000 Budget Number: 18-07465 | 6 | Package 6: Super station annual operation and maintenance and key laboratory mobile platform operation and maintenance | one set | 3. Super station annual operation and maintenance (limited price of 220,000 yuan in this bid) 1.1 Equipment List: No. Equipment Quantity (Taiwan/set) Instrument Brand Instrument Model 1 CO Analyzer 1 Thermo 48i-TLE 2 NOx Analyzer 1 Thermo 42i 3 SO2 Analyzer 1 Thermo 43i-TLE 4 O3 Analyzer 1 Thermo 49i 6 Ozone calibrator 1 Thermo 49iPS 7 Total Nitrogen Oxide Analyzer 1 Thermo 42iy 8 Dynamic Calibrator 1 Thermo 146i 9 Black Carbon Meter 1 Magee AE31 10 Light Scatterometer 1 ECOTECH Aurora3000 11 Visibility Meter 1 Belfort Model6000 12 Weather Monitor 1 Metone 59 Series 13 Particle Sizer 2 TSI SMPS 14 Particle size spectrometer 1 TSI APS 15 Particle Sizer 1 TSI PSM 16 Atmospheric Photochemical Flux Measuring Instrument 1 Metcon 2pi-sr-CCD 17 Aerosol Lidar 1 Sigma-Space MPL-Lidar 18 Ozone Lidar 1 Zhongke Optoelectronics Lidar-G-2000 19 ◆ VOCs analyzer 1 Kombat, France GC866 20 PM1.0/2.5/10 Particle Monitor 3 Thermo FH62 21 Solar photometer 1 French CIMEL CIMEL-318 | Budget: RMB 510,000 Budget Number: 18-07466、18-07506、18-z71964 | 7 | Package 7: Annual Operation and Maintenance of Peracetic Nitrate Analyzer | one set | 1. ◆ Peracetic acid nitrate (PAN) analyzer (price limit of 100 thousand yuan in this bid) 1.1 Instruments to be purchased for operation and maintenance: Concentrator PANs-1000 1.2 *Includes one year of equipment service. The service content includes at least: No. Maintenance Content Maintenance Frequency Maintenance Type 1 Remote inspection of instrument operation daily routine maintenance 2 On-site cylinder pressure check and replacement Weekly routine maintenance 3 Check the ambient temperature, humidity, etc. Weekly routine maintenance 4 Replacement of Dose Mask Weekly Routine Maintenance 5 Single concentration point calibration inspection Weekly routine maintenance 6 Data backup and data analysis report (including abnormal data processing, data capture rate, effectiveness analysis, etc.) Weekly routine maintenance 7 Multi-point calibration (at least 3 concentration gradients) and update the calibration curve Monthly Routine maintenance 8 Instrument failure repair, faulty device replacement irregular daily maintenance 9 Replace the AQMS-100 instrument with silica gel, molecular sieves, etc. Quarterly quarterly maintenance 10 Change the carrier gas filter once every six months 11 Submit Monthly Monthly Maintenance and Maintenance Report Monthly / 12 Quarterly maintenance and maintenance report is submitted quarterly. 13 Submit a quarterly maintenance report every year | Budget: RMB 100,000 Budget Number: | 8 | Package 8: Annual Operation and Maintenance of Gas and Aerosol Component Analyzers | one set | 1. ◆ On-line gas and aerosol composition analyzer (limited price of 280,000 yuan in this bid) 1.1 Purchase and Maintenance Service Instrument Model: Metrohm Marga-1S 1.2 Contains equipment consumables, maintenance parts, and one-year operation and maintenance services; the operation and maintenance unit is responsible for the daily maintenance, repairs, accessories, and consumables of the equipment. 1.3 Operation and Assessment Standards: 1.3.1 Annual effective data needs to reach more than 85% 1.3.2 The failure response rate reaches 100%. 2. ◆Gas and Aerosol Composition Analyzer (Limited price of RMB 110,000) 2.1 Purchase and Maintenance Service Instrument Model: Metrohm Marga-1 2.2 Including one year repair and maintenance service, the required consumables are provided by the user of the equipment. 2.3 Maintenance and service content: 2.3.1 Weekly Operation and Maintenance Content: Checking the Instrument Sampling Flow Database Data Check | Budget: RMB 390,000 Budget Number: 18-07467、18-z71964 | 9 | Package 9: Key Laboratory Organics Measurement Equipment Spare Parts and Key Labs Off-Line Instrument Consumables | one set | 1. Semi-volatile organic analyzer operation and maintenance services (limited price of 110,000 yuan in this bid) 1.1 Equipment to be purchased for operation and maintenance: Model TD-100 Thermal Desorption Meter+TT24-7 Online Preconcentrator+ThermoISO Gas Chromatography+Markes BenchTOF Mass Spectrometer Combined System 1.2 includes one year warranty service, including: 1.2.1 Preventive maintenance once a month, including the inspection of regular consumables; 1.2.2 ion source cleaning every 6 months; 1.2.3 Once per year TOFMS external vacuum pump maintenance; 1.2.4 Specified parts required for equipment warranty; 1.2.5 Service Costs Covered by the Equipment Warranty; 1.2.6 Emergency repair and failure inspection within the validity period. For emergency repairs, Party B shall dispatch an on-site engineer with the ability to resolve faults within 24 hours to respond on-site and solve the problem or failure judgment within 48 hours. During the maintenance period, Party B staff cannot suspend repairs due to other work schedules until the system is working properly. | Budget: RMB 990,000 Budget Number: 18-07485、18-z71964 | 10 | Package 10: Key Laboratory Oxidation Measurement Instruments Spare Parts and Key Labs Particle Physical Characterization Instrument Consumables | one set | 1. ◆ Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) On-line Analyzer Spare Parts Consumables (The price of this tender is RMB 100 million) 1.1 Equipment model to be purchased: Chromatotec Airmo; 1.2 Parts List: No. Item Unit Quantity 1 Imported PAMS Standard (1L) Bottle 1 2 imported TO15 standard gas (1L) bottle 1 3 internal standard permeation tube group 1 4 adsorption column root 2 2. Formaldehyde analyzer operation and maintenance and consumables (limited price of 80,000 yuan in this bid) 2.1 Required Operation and Consumables Instrument Model: AeroLaser 4021 2.2 Including on-site operation and maintenance services for one year. The operation and maintenance content includes: 2.2.1 routine maintenance twice a week, including solution preparation, solution replacement, replacement of filter membranes and instrument status check. Each time the solution is changed, zero point, span calibration and multi-point calibration are required. Data needs to be reviewed weekly. 2.2.2 routine maintenance every three weeks, including the replacement of peristaltic pump tube card, flow path removal bubbles, database backup and other work. 2.2.3 If a failure occurs, it will arrive at the site within 6 hours after receiving the notification. 2.2.4 The annual effective raw data needs to reach more than 85%, and one annual operation and maintenance report is submitted. | Budget: RMB 830,000 Budget Number: 18-07504 | 11 | Package 11: Atmospheric Fine Particle Metal Online Monitor | one set | 1. Atmospheric Fine Particle Metal Online Monitor (120 days for delivery, 2 years warranty) 1.1 Function: Real-time online analysis of the concentration of fine particles in the ambient atmosphere and the fine particles in the sinks of arsenic, arsenic, bismuth, bromine, cadmium, calcium, chromium, cobalt, copper, iron, lead, mercury, manganese, nickel, selenium, silver, Tin, titanium, tantalum, vanadium, zinc and other content. 1.2 Online Heavy Metal Analyzer Mainframe 1.2.1 Working voltage: 220V/50Hz 1.2.2 Performance Indicators * Measurement method: The equipment shall be designed in accordance with US EPA IO 3.3 equivalent method and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) shall be used to measure heavy metals in environmental particles. Technical certification: After the product certification of international authoritative organizations, the relevant product technical certification documents (such as: US ETV certification) must be provided. * Detecting light source: X-rays are generated using a precision X-ray tube with a maximum power of no more than 50W. The analyzer is equipped with relevant feature light source filtering devices, which can provide X-rays of three energy levels to ensure that the sample can be in the shortest possible time. Accurate measurement. | Budget: RMB 2,350,000 Budget Number: 18-07537 |
3.Qualification Requirements For Bidder |
Qualifications or Performance:1) Must be a legal person or other organization with an independent legal personality and have a corresponding business scope; 2) The bidder shall be the manufacturer of the main bidding equipment and consumables or the only agent authorized to participate in the bidding of the project through the formal sales system of bid equipment (the manufacturer of the main bidding equipment and consumables shall be the device marked with the index “◆”). Consumables); 3) According to the "Shanghai Municipal Government Procurement Vendor Registration and Integrity Management (Provisional) Measures" registered suppliers to the warehouse (this clause applies only to agents within China); 4) The Bidder shall provide an online platform for the provision of public service and administrative supervision for the international tendering and bidding of mechanical and electrical products designated by the Ministry of Commerce before the deadline for submission of bids (hereinafter referred to as the bidding website at http://www.chinabidding.com ) Finish valid registration. |
Joint Bids:Available |
Bid without the bidding documents:NOT Available |
4.Acquisition of Bidding Documents |
Beginning of Selling Bidding Documents:2018-05-24 |
Ending of Selling Bidding Documents:2018-05-31 |
Sell biddingdoconlineornot:No |
To Obtain:On-site Purchase |
Place:14th floor, Meiyuan Building, No. 358 West Yan"an Road, Shanghai, China |
Price of Bidding Documents: ¥300/$50 |
Additional Instructions: |
5.Bid Submission |
Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (Beijing Time):2018-06-14 10:00 |
Place of Bid:The first meeting room of Shanghai International Tendering Co., Ltd. on the 14th floor of Meiyuan Building, No. 358 West Yanan Road, Shanghai, China (or other meeting rooms displayed on the display of the elevator hall on the 14th floor of the day) |
Place of Bid Opening:The first meeting room of Shanghai International Tendering Co., Ltd. on the 14th floor of Meiyuan Building, No. 358 West Yanan Road, Shanghai, China (or other meeting rooms displayed on the display of the elevator hall on the 14th floor of the day) |
6.The bidder needs to register before the tender on www.chinabidding.com. And the evaluation results will be released on www.chinabidding.com. |
7.Contact Details |
Purchasers:Shanghai Academy of Environmental Sciences |
Add.:508 Qinzhou Road, Shanghai |
Contact:Zhang Hai Rong |
Tel:86-21-********-**** |
Bidding Agency:Shanghai International Tendering Co., Ltd. |
Add.:14th floor, Meiyuan Building, No. 358 West Yan"an Road, Shanghai, China |
Contact:Xu Di/ Ruan Xiang Ru |
Tel :86-21-********×120、199 |
8.Remittance Approach |
Bank(RMB):China Merchants Bank Shanghai Branch Caojiadu Branch |
Account NO.(RMB):*************** |
Account NO.(USD):********81394 |
9.Additional Instruction |
Attachments:Bidding Document.rar |