



获取招标文件时间 2018年05月24日15:30至2018年05月31日15:30
采购单位联系方式张海蓉 ********-****










联系方式:张海蓉 ********-****




代理机构地址: 中国上海延安西路358号美丽园大厦14楼






预算金额:648.0 万元(人民币)

时间:2018年05月24日 15:30至2018年05月31日 15:30(双休日及法定节假日除外)


招标文件售价:¥300.0 元,本公告包含的招标文件售价总和


四、投标截止时间:2018年06月14日 09:30

五、开标时间:2018年06月14日 09:30





资金到位或资金来源落实情况:本次招标所需的资金来源已经落实。 项目已具备招标条件的说明:本次招标所需的资金来源已经落实 招标文件已完善,已具备招标条件。 2、招标内容:招标项目编号:****-********5804/01 招标项目名称:分析测试仪器 项目实施地点:中国上海市 招标产品列表(主要设备):
1包件一:环境噪声自动监测站2套1 移动式环境噪声自动监测站 1.1.12 *具有全中文操作界面,操作方便。 3) *内置GPS模块和天线,可通过GPS授时和定位,可将终端的经纬度信息自动传输到控制中心软件中。 13) *含2个声学通道。 15) *支持WI-FI通讯协议,可通过IPAD、智能手机等终端远程操作。 22) *声学仪器本身防护等级IP55。 3) *指向性:0o与90o入射角,两种指向性均符合IEC 61672-1级标准,可通过声学仪器的操作界面进行设置。 6) *具有手动校准和自动电校准两种校准方式,电校准功能能够对麦克风、前置放大器等整个测量部件进行远程校准功能,并能设置定时或远程遥控触发。电校准频点可设置为5个,每个频点的校准级别2个。 2 便携式全天候噪声监测系统(內含2台噪声记录仪和环境噪声管理软件) 2.1.11 *数据兼容并能导入常用噪声预测软件。功能。风罩顶端应有鸟刺设计。风罩设计应满足室外风速10m/s以下,测量数据有效。预算:RMB 900,000 预算编号:17-z76558
2包件二:80通道3D声源识别系统及扩展1套*2 总体要求:提供满足如下功能要求的全进口声源识别系统,并且在国内环境声学及整车或整机等方面的应用,近三年内有类似声源识别系统超过球阵列十五个同类正常使用客户。 *2. 1.1远场 Beaforming球阵列1套,该套阵列至少包括80个1/4英寸麦克风阵列传声器,直径0.55m以上;并满足如下所述精度要求。 *2.1.2 阵列传声器覆盖频率范围20Hz-20kHz,专用麦克风,频响线型度+/-0.5dB,阵列传声器动态范围28dBA-130dB。 *2.1.3球形麦克风阵列的物理特性主瓣和旁瓣的差值全频段优于13dB;声学云图分析频率范围300Hz-10kHz; *2.1.5分析频段内系统整体空间定位精度不大于10cm,典型1kHz时空间定位精度优于3cm (焦距1米时),需提供所报产品同通道阵列的测试案例证明图片和数值说明 *2.1.6 麦克风阵列的信号云图分析结果的动态范围至少20dB-40dB;必须提供所投产品同通道阵列测试的案例图片资料和数据; *2.1.12 球阵列可以放在房间内和车内测量,作用距离要求0.5-25m *2.2.9采用声源擦除法,噪声源逐一识别;高动态算法,整体声源识别系统的测试分析的动态范围30dB以上,回标时需要有案例资料图片说明。 *2.2.10 具有相关滤波分析算法,敲击响应的算法等 *2.2.11实体三维模型支持方式,软件可直接导入用户三维模型和有限元模型(或其他方式)结合3D定位功能可得到室内/车内三维分布声学云图,格式如stl,3ds等。 *2.2.13数据格式每通道输出成*.hdf文件格式。 *2.3 通过噪音分析功能模块:通过噪声室外声源贡献识别分析,具有多普勒效应修正功能;预算:RMB 820,000元 预算编号:17-z76568
3包件三:振动台测试系统1套2.3.1.3 *正弦推力:≥35KN 随机推力:≥32KN 最大加速度在正弦/冲击条件下≥100/207g; *随机加速度有效值:≥65g*一阶共振频率≥ 2400 Hz;*动圈台面直径:≥φ440mm*动圈线圈和励磁线圈上都装有温度传感器,在功放上可以显示动圈线圈和励磁线圈的实际工作温度并报警功能。*采用风冷,风机转速受振动台内部温度控制,具有降噪功能。*水平滑台尺寸:≥1000*750mm*扩展台面尺寸:≥1000*750mm * 功放波形失真度: <0.7% *随机分辨率:50-13000线 *回路时间:随机10ms,正弦5ms; *网卡接口,具有电隔离,数据传递速度快。 * 软件功能:正弦(定频、扫频)、随机、经典冲击、正弦+随机、随机+随机、共振搜索与驻留。 *加速度计:100mv/g(4只),量程50g,频率范围为0.6-6500Hz; *加速度计:10mv/g(4只),灵敏度为10mV/g,量程为500g,频率范围为0.6-10000Hz;预算:RMB 3,150,000.00元 预算编号:17-z76559
4包件四:Lima-ARC模块1套1.GIS的噪声计算 1) 本模块须基于LimA和ArcGIS软件使用,利用ArcGIS用户界面。 2) 没有冗余的数据集。 3) 使用ESRI 的 Geodatabase。 4) 使用ArcGIS 编辑工具对数据进行扩展、编辑、校正和修改。 5) 在GIS中设置参数并开始计算。 6) 自动转换噪声计算的结果为GIS的网格形式的格栅数据。 7) 结合其他的GIS数据在ArcGIS中直接使用数据进行进一步分析。 8) 使用ArcGIS的地图绘制工具。 2.三维数据演示 1) 使用ArcGIS三维分析工具能方便快速地呈现三维数据。 2) 使用可视化的特点进行计算结果可信度检查。 3) 与其他地理数据结合在一起, 能提供更好的视觉效果。可对建筑物立面声级的计算和详细分析。预算:RMB 150,000 预算编号:
5包件五:混响室试验系统升级:配套话筒、球形声源系统等1套1.1.4 *系统应与Nor140声分析仪(Norsonic)系统兼容,可在电脑上操作声分析仪,通过配置的无线蓝牙模块,形成一套无线建筑声学测量系统,在测量中避免开挖墙洞,省时方便。 1.2.2 *粉红噪声信号输出最高声功率不低于120dB(re. 1pW),50Hz以上1/3倍频带不低于90dB。 1.2.3 *扬声器有效功率≥200w;峰值:1000 w。 1.3.2 *包含无线遥控装置,控制噪声发生器。 4.2 *用于建筑声学或声功率测量,麦克风臂配置了转台和RS-232的遥控器,可与Nor140进行连接测量。预算:RMB 300,000 预算编号:17-z76566
6包件六:现场吸声系数、传递损失测量系统1套1.1 * 可用于现场实时测试,不需要在混响室测试,不需要采用驻波管,能够现场测试分析。 1.2 测试与分析带宽:300Hz-10kHz。 1.3 * 支持垂直入射和斜入射都可以测试,能够进行非均匀材料测试 1.4 * 系统包括声阻抗测试软件、声源和声卡输出通道,提供白噪声信号输出。 1.5 * 支持平面和曲面多点测试;提供组合式的球形扬声器。 1.6 * 可实现阻抗幅值计算,相位计算曲线,吸声系数曲线等;并且可以按照选定的频率范围生成吸声系数的声学云图。预算:RMB 360,000 预算编号:17-z76563
7包件七:隔声漏声扫描成像仪1套2.1 可实现声压,质点速度,声强的分布图,声功率计算等。 2.2 * 系统能够屏蔽有一定混响的环境条件,可以在非自由场环境下测试;同时支持房间内或者机车内测试。 2.9 * 输出图片和动画;云图中的扫描轨迹可以逐点回放监听。预算:RMB 300,000 预算编号:17-z76564
8包件八:激光粒度仪1套1. 原理:激光衍射法; 2. *测量范围:0.01-3500微米(湿法0.01-2100微米;干法0.1-3500微米); 4. *测量速度:每秒10000次; 6. *红光光源:高稳定氦-氖激光器,波长为632.8纳米。 7. *蓝光光源:10MW LED,波长470纳米。 12. *全量程只需采用一个透镜来实现测量,无需更换透镜。二、 分散系统: 1. *主机可以与各种样品分散系统配合使用,干、湿法样品分散系统之间的转换要求方便、快捷,并由主机自动识别及控制使用。 2. *玻璃检测窗采用插拔式设计,以便干、湿法分散器快速切换和玻璃检测窗清洗。 3. *湿法样品分散系统由湿法分散器和插拔式样品池组成,样品池带有温度探头。 4. *湿法分散器体积250-1000ml毫升可变,自动进排水,内置离心式循环泵,搅拌和内置底部平板超声; 5. *湿法分散器的离心泵速0-3500转/分钟,连续可调; 6. *湿法分散器具有内置超声功能,功率0-35W,连续可调,时间可自由设定三、 软件 : 1. *能提供同时包括中、英文版本的应用软件的光盘及中、英操作说明书。 2. *软件需具备SOP,用户报告设计,结果评估和量程扩展功能。对于范围超出仪器量程的样品,可将由其他方法(如筛分等)测得的数据结果输入软件,重新计算,然后给出全范围的粒度分布结果。预算:RMB 500,000 预算编号:18-07524
3、投标人资格要求投标人应具备的资格或业绩:1)必须是具有独立法人资格的法人或其他组织,并具有相应的经营范围; 2)投标单位须为投标设备及耗材的制造商或经投标设备正规销售体系中唯一授权参加本项目投标的代理商; 3)根据《上海市政府采购供应商登记及诚信管理(暂行)办法》已登记入库的供应商(本条款仅适用于中国境内的代理商); 4)投标人须在投标截止期之前在国家商务部指定的为机电产品国际招标投标活动提供公共服务和行政监督的网上平台(以下简称招标网,网址为:http://www.chinabidding.com)上完成有效注册。 是否接受联合体投标:不接受未领购招标文件是否可以参加投标:不可以4、招标文件的获取招标文件领购开始时间:2018-05-24招标文件领购结束时间:2018-05-31是否在线售卖标书:否获取招标文件方式:现场领购招标文件领购地点:中国上海延安西路358号美丽园大厦14楼招标文件售价:¥300/$505、投标文件的递交投标截止时间(开标时间):2018-06-14 09:30投标文件送达地点:中国上海延安西路358号美丽园大厦14楼上海国际招标有限公司第一会议室(或当日14楼电梯厅显示器上显示的其他会议室) 开标地点:中国上海延安西路358号美丽园大厦14楼上海国际招标有限公司第一会议室(或当日14楼电梯厅显示器上显示的其他会议室) 6、投标人在投标前需在中国国际招标网上完成注册。评标结果将在中国国际招标网公示。7、联系方式招标人:上海市环境科学研究院地址:上海市钦州路508号联系人:张海蓉联系方式 :86-21-********-****招标代理机构:上海国际招标有限公司 地址:中国上海延安西路358号美丽园大厦14楼 联系人:徐迪、阮相儒 联系方式 :86-21-********×120、199 8、汇款方式招标代理机构开户银行(人民币): 招商银行上海分行曹家渡支行 招标代理机构开户银行(美元): PING AN BANK CO., LTD 账号(人民币): *************** 账号(美元): ********81394

Analytical test instruments
Shanghai International Tendering Co., Ltd. entrusted by the purchaser, invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers home and abroad for the supply of the following goods and/or service by way of International Competitive Bidding. The tender notice was released on www.chinabidding.com on 2018-05-24.
1.Bidding Conditions
Overview:Analytical test instruments
Source of Funds:The source of funding for this tender has been implemented.
Description of The Prepared Bidding Conditions:The source of funding required for this tender has been implemented. The bidding documents have been improved and the bidding conditions have been met.
2.Bidding Content:
Bidding No:****-********5804/01
Project Name:Analytical test instruments
Place of Implementation:Shanghai
List of Products:
NO.Product NameQuantityMain Technical DataRemarks
1Package 1: Environmental Noise Automatic Monitoring Stationtwo sets1 Mobile environmental noise automatic monitoring station 1.1.12 * With full Chinese operation interface, easy to operate. 3) * Built-in GPS module and antenna, can be timed and positioned by GPS, the terminal"s latitude and longitude information can be automatically transmitted to the control center software. 13) * Includes 2 acoustic channels. 15) * Support WI-FI communication protocol, remote operation through terminals such as IPAD, smart phones. 22) *Acoustic instrument itself protection class IP55. 3) *Directivity: 0o and 90o incident angles, both directivity conform to IEC 61672-1 level and can be set through the interface of acoustic instruments. 6) * There are two kinds of calibration methods: manual calibration and automatic calibration. The electronic calibration function can perform remote calibration of the entire measurement components such as microphone and preamplifier, and can set timing or remote control trigger. The frequency of electrical calibration can be set to 5, and the calibration level of each frequency point is 2. 2 portable all-weather noise monitoring system (including 2 noise recorders and environmental noise management software) 2.1.11 * Data is compatible and can be imported into common noise prediction software. Features. The top of the hood should have a bird thorn design. The windshield design should meet the outdoor wind speed of 10m/s or less, and the measurement data is valid.Budget: RMB 900,000 Budget Number: 17-z76558
2Package 2: 80-channel 3D sound source identification system and expansionone set*2 General requirements: To provide a fully imported sound source identification system that satisfies the following functional requirements, and in the application of domestic environmental acoustics and complete vehicles or complete machines, similar sound source identification systems have surpassed fifteen ball arrays in the past three years Use the customer normally. *2. 1.1 Far Field A set of Beaforming Ball Arrays, which includes at least 80 1/4 inch microphone array microphones with a diameter of 0.55 m or more; and meet the accuracy requirements as described below. *2.1.2 Array microphone cover frequency range 20Hz-20kHz, dedicated microphone, frequency response line shape +/-0.5dB, array microphone dynamic range 28dBA-130dB. *2.1.3 Physical properties of the spherical microphone array The difference between the main lobe and the side lobe is better than 13dB over the full frequency range; the acoustical cloud analysis frequency range is 300Hz-10kHz; *2.1.5 The accuracy of the overall system space within the analysis frequency band is not greater than 10cm, and the spatial positioning accuracy at the typical 1kHz is better than 3cm (at a focal length of 1m). The test case of the reported product with the channel array must be provided to prove the picture and numerical description *2.1.6 The dynamic range of the signal cloud analysis results of the microphone array is at least 20dB-40dB; the case picture data and data of the tested product with the channel array must be provided; *2.1.12 Ball array can be measured in the room and in the car, the effect distance is 0.5-25m *2.2.9 Using the sound source erasing method, noise sources are identified one by one; the dynamic range of the high dynamic algorithm and the overall sound source identification system is more than 30 dB, and there is a need for case information and image description when returning to the standard. *2.2.10 Correlated filter analysis algorithm, tap response algorithm, etc. *2.2.11 Solid 3D model support, software can directly import user 3D model and finite element model (or other methods) in combination with 3D positioning function can get indoor / in-vehicle 3D distribution acoustic cloud map, format such as stl, 3ds and so on. *2.2.13 Data format Each channel outputs *.hdf file format. *2.3 Through the noise analysis function module: Through noise outdoor source contribution identification analysis, with Doppler effect correction function;Budget: RMB 820,000 Budget Number: 17-z76568
3Package 3: shaking table test systemone set2.3.1.3 * Sinusoidal Thrust: ≥ 35KN Stochastic thrust: ≥32KN The maximum acceleration is ≥100/207g under sinusoidal/impact conditions; * Random Acceleration Effective Value: ≥65g* first-order resonance frequency ≥ 2400 Hz;* Diameter of moving coil table: ≥φ440mm* Temperature coils and excitation coils are equipped with temperature sensors. The actual operating temperature of the moving coils and excitation coils can be displayed on the power amplifier and the alarm function.* With air cooling, the fan speed is controlled by the internal temperature of the vibration table, which has a noise reduction function.* horizontal slide size: ≥1000*750mm* Extended table size: ≥1000*750mm * Power amplifier waveform distortion: <0.7% * Random Resolution: 50-13000 lines loop time: random 10ms, sine 5ms; * NIC interface, with electrical isolation, data transfer speed. * Software functions: sine (fixed frequency, sweep frequency), random, classical impact, sine + random, random + random, resonance search and dwell. *Accelerometer: 100mv/g (4 units), range 50g, frequency range 0.6-6500Hz; Accelerometer: 10mv/g (4 pcs), sensitivity is 10mV/g, range is 500g, frequency range is 0.6-10000Hz;Budget: RMB 3,150,000.00 Budget Number: 17-z76559
4Package 4: Lima-ARC moduleone set1. GIS noise calculation 1) This module must be based on LimA and ArcGIS software using the ArcGIS user interface. 2) There is no redundant data set. 3) Use ESRI"s Geodatabase. 4) Use ArcGIS editing tools to expand, edit, correct, and modify data. 5) Set parameters in the GIS and start calculations. 6) The result of the automatic conversion noise calculation is grid data in grid form of GIS. 7) Combine other GIS data directly in ArcGIS for further analysis. 8) Use ArcGIS"s mapping tools. 2. 3D data demonstration 1) The use of ArcGIS 3D analysis tools can easily and quickly render 3D data. 2) Use the visual features to check the credibility of the calculation results. 3) Combined with other geographic data, it can provide better visual effects. The calculation and detailed analysis of the building facade sound level can be performed.Budget: RMB 150,000 Budget Number:
5Package 5: Upgrade of reverberation room test system: supporting microphone, spherical sound source system, etc.one set1.1.4 * The system should be compatible with the Nor140 sound analyzer (Norsonic) system. The sound analyzer can be operated on the computer. Through the configured wireless Bluetooth module, a set of wireless building acoustics measurement system can be formed to avoid wall excavation in the measurement. , save time and convenience. 1.2.2 * The maximum acoustic power output of the pink noise signal is not less than 120dB (re. 1pW), and the 1/3 octave band above 50Hz is not less than 90dB. 1.2.3 * Loudspeaker effective power ≥ 200w; Peak: 1000 w. 1.3.2 * Contains wireless remote control, noise generator control. 4.2 * For building acoustics or sound power measurement, the microphone arm is equipped with a turntable and RS-232 remote control, which can be connected to Nor140 for measurement.Budget: RMB 300,000 Budget Number: 17-z76566
6Package 6: On-site Sound Absorption Coefficient, Transmission Loss Measurement Systemone set1.1 * It can be used for real-time testing in the field. It does not need to be tested in the reverberation room. It does not need to use standing wave tube and it can be tested and analyzed in the field. 1.2 Test and Analysis Band: 300Hz-10kHz. 1.3 * Both vertical and oblique incidences can be tested and non-uniform materials can be tested 1.4 * The system includes acoustic impedance test software, sound source and sound card output channels to provide white noise signal output. 1.5 * Supports multi-point surface and surface testing; provides a modular spherical speaker. 1.6 * The impedance amplitude calculation, phase calculation curve, sound absorption coefficient curve, etc. can be realized; and the acoustic cloud image of the sound absorption coefficient can be generated according to the selected frequency range.Budget: RMB 360,000 Budget Number: 17-z76563
7Package 7: sound insulation leakage scan imagerone set2.1 Sound pressure, mass velocity, distribution of sound intensity, sound power calculation, etc. can be achieved. 2.2 * The system can shield the environment conditions with a certain reverberation and can be tested in a non-free field environment. It also supports in-room or in-vehicle testing. 2.9 * Output pictures and animations; scanning traces in the cloud map can be listened back to play point by point.Budget: RMB 300,000 Budget Number: 17-z76564
8Package 8: laser particle size analyzerone set1. Principle: laser diffraction; 2. * Measurement range: 0.01-3500 μm (wet method 0.01-2100 μm; dry method 0.1-3500 μm); 4. * Measurement speed: 10,000 times per second; 6. * Red light source: Highly stable He-Ne laser with a wavelength of 632.8 nm. 7. *Blue light source: 10MW LED, wavelength 470nm. 12. * Full-scale measurement with only one lens, without changing the lens. Second, the decentralized system: 1. * The host can be used with a variety of sample dispersion systems. The conversion between dry and wet sample dispersion systems is easy and fast, and is automatically identified and controlled by the host. 2. * The glass inspection window adopts a plug-in type design, so that the dry and wet disperser can be quickly switched and the glass inspection window can be cleaned. 3. * The wet process sample dispersion system consists of a wet disperser and a plug-in sample cell with a temperature probe. 4. * Wet method diffuser volume 250-1000ml ml variable, automatic inlet and outlet, built-in centrifugal circulation pump, stirring and built-in bottom plate ultrasonic; 5. * Wet disperser centrifugal pump speed 0-3500 rev / min, continuously adjustable; 6. * Wet diffuser with built-in ultrasonic function, power 0-35W, continuously adjustable, time can be freely set Third, software: 1. *Can provide CD-ROMs and English-Chinese and English-language operating instructions that include both Chinese and English versions of the application software. 2. *Software is required to have SOP, user report design, result evaluation and range extension. For samples outside the range of the instrument, data from other methods (such as screening) can be entered into the software, recalculated, and then given a full range of particle size distribution results.Budget: RMB 500,000 Budget Number: 18-07524
3.Qualification Requirements For Bidder
Qualifications or Performance:1) Must be a legal person or other organization with an independent legal personality and have a corresponding business scope; 2) The bidder shall be the manufacturer of the bidding equipment and consumables or the only agent authorized to participate in the bidding of the project through the formal sales system of bidding equipment; 3) According to the "Shanghai Municipal Government Procurement Vendor Registration and Integrity Management (Provisional) Measures" registered suppliers to the warehouse (this clause applies only to agents in China); 4) The Bidder shall provide an online platform for the provision of public service and administrative supervision for the international tendering and bidding of mechanical and electrical products designated by the Ministry of Commerce before the deadline for submission of bids (hereinafter referred to as the bidding website at http://www.chinabidding.com ) Finish valid registration.
Joint Bids:NOT Available
Bid without the bidding documents:NOT Available
4.Acquisition of Bidding Documents
Beginning of Selling Bidding Documents:2018-05-24
Ending of Selling Bidding Documents:2018-05-31
Sell biddingdoconlineornot:No
To Obtain:On-site Purchase
Place:14th floor, Meiyuan Building, No. 358 West Yan"an Road, Shanghai, China
Price of Bidding Documents: ¥300/$50
Additional Instructions:
5.Bid Submission
Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (Beijing Time):2018-06-14 09:30
Place of Bid:The first meeting room of Shanghai International Tendering Co., Ltd. on the 14th floor of Meiyuan Building, No. 358 West Yanan Road, Shanghai, China (or other meeting rooms displayed on the display of the elevator hall on the 14th floor of the day)
Place of Bid Opening:The first meeting room of Shanghai International Tendering Co., Ltd. on the 14th floor of Meiyuan Building, No. 358 West Yanan Road, Shanghai, China (or other meeting rooms displayed on the display of the elevator hall on the 14th floor of the day)
6.The bidder needs to register before the tender on www.chinabidding.com. And the evaluation results will be released on
7.Contact Details
Purchasers:Shanghai Academy of Environmental Sciences
Add.:508 Qinzhou Road, Shanghai
Contact:Zhang Hai Rong
Bidding Agency:Shanghai International Tendering Co., Ltd.
Add.:14th floor, Meiyuan Building, No. 358 West Yan"an Road, Shanghai, China
Contact:Xu Di/ Ruan Xiang Ru
Tel :86-21-********×120、199
8.Remittance Approach
Bank(RMB):China Merchants Bank Shanghai Branch Caojiadu Branch
Account NO.(RMB):***************
Account NO.(USD):********81394





标签: 国际招标 仪器





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