(文件编号:SCZA2018-YS-921/1 )
An International Competition Announcement on the Conceptual Plan for the Beach
Wetland Ecological Landscape Park in the the Western China Science and Technology
Innovation Harbor of the Weihe in FengXi New City
(File number: SCZA2018-YS-921/1)
Project Location: Shaanxi Province
Ⅰ. Tendering conditions
The International Competition of the Conceptual Plan for the Beach Wetland Ecological Landscape Park in the Western China Science and Technology Innovation Harbor of the Weihe in FengXi New City has been approved by the project examination / approval / filing authorities. The project funds are self raised by the enterprise. The tenderer of the project is Fengxi New City Planning and Construction Bureau .The project has possessed the bidding conditions and specially invites potential bidders to apply for prequalification for Public bidding.
Ⅱ. Project general situation and the scope of tender
Scale: The ecological landscape treatment of the beach in the Western China Science and Technology Innovation Harbor of Weihe River in Fengxi New City is an important node for the province to build the Weihe River ecosystem. It is not only an important place for the public to participate in and display the new sponge city and river channel ecological construction, but also will become an important place for tourism, leisure, work and life in the Fengxi New City.
The project covers an area of about 370 hectares, from the Weihe River in the north to the Tiding Road in the Weihe River in the south, from the new River estuary in the east, to the Xibao new Expressway in the west (see the below picture)
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The site status is Weihe River on the north side and Science and the west China Technology Innovation Harbor in the south side. The site soil is dominated by sandy soil. The vegetation on the site is dominated by herbaceous plants living in the Guanzhong Plain, with a few trees, and some sites have agricultural crops. The site is the floodplain of the Weihe River and there are hidden dangers due to flooding. There is a flood control dam on the south side of the current site.
范围:本招标项目划分为 1 个标段,本次招标为其中的:(001) 沣西新城渭河中国西部科技创新港段滩面湿地生态景观公园概念方案国际竞赛;
Scope: The tendering project is brided into 1 bid section. The tendering process is one of the following: (001) International competition on the Conceptual Plan for Beach Wetland Eco-landscape Park in the Western China Science and Technology Innovation Port of the Fengxi New City;
Ⅲ. Bidder qualification requirements
(001 沣西新城渭河中国西部科技创新港段滩面湿地生态景观公园概念方案国际竞赛的投标人资格能力要求:
(001 Requirements of bidder's qualifications for the international competition of the Conceptual Plan for the Beach Wetland Ecological Landscape Park in the Western China Science and Technology Innovation Section of the Weihe in FengXi New City are as follows:
1. 参赛人须为具有独立法人资格的合法注册企业或其他组织或个人。
Participants should be legally registered enterprises ,organizations or inbriduals with an independent legal entity.
2. 具有较强的风景园林设计经验的设计机构均可参加竞赛申请。
All the design agencies with rich experience of landscape architecture design can apply for the competition.
3. 近三年(2015年1月1日以后)证明有设计能力的业绩材料。
The latest three years’performance materials proving the achievements (since Jan. 1st 2015, subject to the date of contract).
4. 参赛单位的拟任项目负责人须本人亲自参与方案设计及汇报。
Proposed project director of the organization should personally participate in project design and report.
5. 本次竞赛活动接受境内设计机构、境外设计机构或联合体机构或个人均可报名,联合体须满足以上规定,且必须提交《联合体协议》,并在协议中明确联合体的牵头单位。联合体各成员不得再以自己名义单独报名,也不得组成新的联合体或参与其他联合体的报名,否则报名无效。联合体成员个数不得超过2个。
Domestic design firms, foreign firms and consortiums or inbriduals are all accepted in this competition. the consortium should accord with the above requirements, and submit the consortium agreement in which the leading unit is clarified. Party to the consortium may not participate in the competition in its own name or as a party to a consortium with other design firms, otherwise the application shall be void. The number of members of the consortium shall not exceed two.
6. 信誉要求:参赛人具有良好的社会信誉,没有处于被责令停业、财产被接管、冻结、破产和重组等状态。
Reputation requirements: contestants should have good reputation without having been ordered to closure, be taken over the property, freeze account , bankrupt and recombine.
IV. Obtaining prequalification documents
获取时间:从 2018 年05月25日 08 时 00 分到 2018 年06月01日 17 时 00 分
Time of obtaining: From 08:00 on May 25, 2018 to 17:00 on June 01, 2018
获取方式:须在上述报名时间内登录中招联合招标采购平台(http://www.365trade.com.cn )进行注册,购买并下载电子版设计初审文件。[如遇平台操作问题,可拨打交易平台统一服务热线:400-092-8199,或详见陕西省采购招标有限责任公司网站公司新闻“关于中招联合招标采购平台购买标书的注意事项”http://www.sxcgzb.com]。设计初审文件每份售价500元人民币,售后不退。
Method of access: Registration must be done in the above-mentioned registration time in the China Merchants Joint Bidding and Procurement Platform (http://www.365trade.com.cn) to purchase and download the electronic version of the preliminary design approval document. [In case of platform operation problems, please call the unified service hotline of the trading platform: 400-092-8199, or refer to the website "Company News" of the Shaanxi Procurement and Tendering Co., Ltd. //www.sxcgzb.com]. The price of a preliminary design document is RMB 500 per copy, which will not be refunded after sale.
V. Submission of prequalification application documents
递交截止时间:2018 年06月07日 09时 30 分
Deadline for submission: 9:30a.m June 07 , 2018
Submission method: Paper documents submitted at 1125th Meeting Room, 11th Floor, Fengxi New City Administration Committee, Xixian New District, Shaanxi Province
Ⅵ. the prequalification start time and place
资格预审开始时间:2018 年06月07日 09时 30 分
starting time: 9:30a.m June 07 , 2018
Venue: Meeting Room 1125, 11th Floor, Fengxi New City Administration Committee, Xixian New District, Shaanxi Province
Ⅶ. other issues
Entrusted by the Fengxi New City Administration Committee, Xixian New District, Shaanxi Province, Shaanxi Provincial Procurement and Tendering Co., Ltd. organizes the international competition of of the Conceptual Plan for the Beach Wetland Ecological Landscape Park in the Western China Science and Technology Innovation Section of the Weihe in FengXi New City and invites intended potential contestants to apply for entries.
1.Project Background
Established in 2011 and approved by the State Council on January 6, 2014, Xixian New Area has officially became China's seventh state-level new area.
Between Xi’an and Xianyang, Xixian New Area has set five new areas, namely Fengdong New City, Fengxi New City, Qinhan New City, Metro Airport New City and Jinghe New City.Its planning area is 882 square kilometers. Xixian New Area is the core zone of Guanzhong—Tianshui District, and the important part of “Big Xi’an” as well.
Fengxi New City is one of five new cities in Xixian New Area, located in Xi’an and Xianyang. Its east reaches Feng River, its south is next to Dawang County and southern Mawang Street, its west expands to the planning XixianCircular, and its north is close to the South bank of Wei River. The total area of Fengxi New City is 143 square kilometers, and among that 64 square kilometers is planning construction area.
Fengxi New City is designed as a green and low carbon ecological demonstration zone and strategic emerging industrial base. As for the industry, information technology and science and technology innovation are considered as its leading industry. In terms of planning, SOM, Urban Planning and Design Institute of Shenzhen, Shanghai Tongji Urban Planning and Design Institute, CPG and other outstanding domestic and abroad design units have engaged in city design, zone planning, controlled detailed planning and dozens of special plans. On the aspects of urban construction, the infrastructures, such as Sponge City and underground pipe gallery, are at the leading level in China.
2. Competition principle
Local principle: Combine the local terrain, water, air, soil, vegetation, energy and other factors of the project with design, so as to maintain the ecological and landscape environment of the area. The design should focus on the use of local plants and building materials.
Integrity principle: City Park is a harmonious and unified organic whole, so he design should pay attention to its integrity. The landscape planning should start from the overall city, based on city space and ecology targets, to really play a role in improving residents' living environment, shaping the city image and optimizing the urban space at the macro level.
People-oriented principle: fully realizes the dominant position of people in the park and the two-way interaction between human and environment, Guarantees the healthy development of human and nature, and the balance between human and environmental landscape, emphasizes the subject status of people in the park, embodies the concern's for people to meet people's physiological and psychological needs and create a beautiful environment.
Landscape connectivity principle: Maintaining and restoring the continuity of landscape ecological process and ecological pattern must be emphasized in the park design, as well as maintaining spatial linkage of green plates in the city.
Ecological principle: According to the brersity of species, the park design should implement the mutual allocation between tree, shrub, rattan, grass, cover, and the surface configuration, the plants of different height and color, and the plants changing with seasons to establish a multi-leveled, multi-structured, multi-functioned community, forming a stable three-dimensional phytocoenosium.
3. Competition content
Project positioning, main body design, formats distribution
Project overall concept plan (including the project general layout, traffic analysis, function analysis, landscape analysis, sight analysis, buildings and other structures direction design, energy saving measures, shop direction design, plant allocation, water supply and drainage system, electrical systems, heating and ventilation systems and directions systems)
Sponge city special design (need an independent chapter to explain design concept and implement process)
Ecological restoration measures
Project investment estimation
Project operation management mode, return on investment analysis
4. Competition requirements
(1) Sustainable ecosystem
Applying the latest research achievements in ecological science, learning from the experience of international ecological urban green space construction, and using systematic scientific methods as a guide to improve the ecological pattern, focusing on good animal and plant ecosystems, water systems, landscape recreation systems, etc., a sustainable development landscape system will be built with a city-water combination , a green corridor running through , Greenland blending and structural perfection.
(2) Integration design of sports field
In the future, some important activities will be held here: 1. International-level model aircraft competitions. 2. Rowing competitions among internationally renowned universities, and providing sports and fitness venues for Jiaotong University’s Innovation Harbor. The design should focus on the actual use of the site and the use requirements, and provide a design that can be practically implemented on the ground.
①water sports base
It is mainly brided into two parts of onshore construction and underwater facilities. The onshore construction includes a comprehensive center for shipbuilding, training, and exchange. The underwater facilities include docks and navigation channels.
② Special sports and leisure sports facilities
a. 2 400-meter plastic track fields (including 11 artificial turf standard football field)
b. 6 small football fields for 3 players, 5 players and 7 players
c. 20 Standard volleyball courts
d. 6 Standard beach volleyball courts
e. 30 standard basketball courts
f. 20 standard tennis courts
g.25 x 50米标准室外游泳池2个
g. 2 25 x 50m standard outdoor swimming pools
h. 2 gateball courts.
Note: The number of sports venues is for reference only. The participating units can adjust it according to the design plan.
(3) The river beach landscape combined with disasters prevention
The design site is located at the Fenhe River floodplain and there are hidden dangers of flooding. Attention should be paid to both the usual use and the flood season, which will not only reduce the cost but also have a better practical effect.
(4) Managing and utilizing water resources
The current status of the water system should be rationalized and a reasonable water use plan should be proposed.
(5) Convergence with planning of adjacent land plots
Connection with the Diaoyutai Wetland Park already under construction (with photos)
5.Organization Form
1) 竞赛活动形式
Competition Form
This solicitation bulletin is published at home and abroad, adopts the public registration form. From the date of publication of the announcement, the application of domestic and foreign design units are acceptable.
Organizational unit will make a prequalification for the design units, including comprehensive performance, projector manager qualification, design team and other relevant information. Eight design entities ,consortiums or inbriduals will be chosen finally as inviting units to participate in the competition, and received a formal invitation and the solicitation document. Without prior notice for those who had not been shortlisted.
After receiving formal inviting, the formal invited units should fax or email conformation letter to organization unit in three days, then mail the paper conformation letter to organization unit later.
Each formal invited unit should finish and submit a scheme. Any design unit has not been formally invited to submit the proposal shall not to be handled.
To those who participate in the competition in the form of consortium, all parties of the consortium should sign a Consortium Agreement, and submit it along with other registration documents to the organizers. All members of the consortium cannot take part in the contest in its own name or combining with other design institutions as a consortium.
2) 竞赛活动的评选方式及费用支付
Selection methods and Payment of the Competition
Bonus: Based on the sum of the scores assessed by the expert review committee (occupied by 80%) and online voting (20% by weight),The design proposal submitted by the participating units who passed the qualification examination, will rank from high to low, and get compensation according to the ranking. 1 first prize shall be awarded RMB 1 million yuan, 1 second prize,RMB 500,000 yuan, 6 third prizes, each reward RMB100,000 yuan. The copyrights of the competition schemes of the design units that obtained the design compensation are all owned by Fengxi New City Administration Committee of Xixian New District, Shaanxi province.
6. Other Matters Should be Stated
Organization unit:Shaanxi Provincial Procurement & Tendering Co.,LTD
contacts :Shang LiLi Tingting
联系方式(电话/传真):***-******** ***-********
Contact information (phone/fax): ***-******** ***-********
7. Supplement
Simplified Chinese should be used in the involved current emails, files, and design works of this competition.
All prize money is pre-taxed, and is paid in Chinese dollars. The competition company is responsible for the income taxes and all other competition relevant costs.
The organizer has the final right to interpret all the rules and regulations of the event.
VIII. Supervision Department
The supervision department for this project is Fengxi New City Administration Committee, Xixian New District, Shaanxi Province
Ⅸ. Contact information
招 标 人:陕西省西咸新区沣西新城管理委员会
Bidder: Fengxi New City Administration Committee, Xixian New District, Shaanxi Province
地 址:陕西省西咸新区沣西新城总部经济园9号楼
Address: No. 9 Building, Headquarters Economic Park, Feng xi New City, Xixian New District, Shaanxi Province
联 系 人:赵工
Contact: Zhao Gong
电 话:***-********
Phone: ***-********
Bidding agency: Shaanxi Provincial Procurement and Tendering Co., Ltd.
地 址: 西安市高新二路山西证券大厦二十一层
Address: 21st Floor, Shanxi Securities Building, Gaoxin 2nd Road, Xi'an
联 系 人:尚莉、李婷婷
Contacts: Shang Li, Li Tingting
Phone: ***-******** ***-********
Email: ********4@qq.com
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