投 标 邀 请
1. 招标产品名称、数量及主要技术参数 医用设备
床旁DR 2套
最大输出功率≥30KW; 有效功率输出≥180mAs@125kV;
阳极热容量≥122KHU; X线球管升降范围50---210cm
2. 招标文件售价: 500元人民币或75美元。招标文件售后不退,邮购或发电子邮件(限第二册)须另加付快递或电子邮件费60元人民币(境内)或50美元(境外)。请发邮件或传真说明购买的招标文件编号、详细通讯地址及联系电话、联系人,并附汇款凭证复印件及请告知拟代理的品牌。
3. 购买招标文件时间:即日起至2010年7月20日每天9:00~12:00时及14:00~17:30 时(北京时间,节假日除外)。
4. 购买招标文件地点:重庆市江北区杨河一村78号国际商会大厦15楼1501室
5. 投标截止和开标时间:2010年7月21日上午11:00时(北京时间);逾期的投标,恕不接纳。
6. 投标及开标地点:重庆国际投资咨询集团有限公司(原重庆招标采购(集团)有限责任公司)
7. 本招标文件,以中文版本为准,英文翻译版本仅作参考。
地 址:重庆市江北区杨河一村78号重庆国际商会大厦5楼和12~15楼
电 话:023—********
传 真:023—******** 邮 编:400020
联系 人:罗 双 张理荷 136*****985
人民币开户行:工商银行红五路分理处 人民币账号:****************047
外币开户银行:民生银行重庆分行 外币账号:****************
Section 5 Invitation for Bids
Number of the bidding document: ****-********0443
Entrusted by client, Chongqing Tendering & Purchasing (Group)Co. Ltd. invites eligible bidders for the supply of the following medical equipments and service by way of international competitive bidding. We now invite eligible bidders to take part in the tendering for the following goods.
1.Name 、quantity and the crucial technical parameter of the equipment: Medical equipments
Two sets of DR system beside the couch
The maximum output power ≥30KW; effective output power ≥180mAs@125kV;
Heat capacity of the positive electrode≥122KHU; Up-down adjusting range of the X-ray bulb from 50cm to 210cm
2. Price for Purchasing tendering documents:
RMB500or 75USD for each package. For express mail or E-mail (limited to Volume Two) service, an extra RMB 60 for mail(domestic). In addition, the invitation documents cannot be return after sold. Please let us know the No. of the bidding document which you needed to buy the detailed address and contact information, enclosing a copy of remittance document and let us know the brand you want.
3. Time of purchasing the bidding documents: 9:00am—12:00pm and 14:00pm-17:30pm from the date of July.20,2010 to?,june,2010(Beijing Time, legal holiday will be out of service)
4. place of purchasing the bidding documents: NO.1501, 15th Floor, International Chamber of Commerce Mansion, No.78, village NO.1 in yanghe, Jiangbei District, Chongqing
5. Deadline of submission of bid and time for bid-opening: 11AM of 21 ,July, , 2010(Beijing Time) the late bidding will be rejected.
6. place of submission of the bid and place of bid-opening: Meeting room in number 5 floors at Chongqing Tendering &Procurement (Group) Corp, Ltd which is located at International Chamber of Commerce Mansion of Chongqing .
7. Chinese version governs, and the English version will be taken as reference.
Tendering Agent: Chongqing Tendering &Procurement (Group) Corp., Ltd
8.Address:12/F--15/F, International Chamber of Commerce Mansion, No.78, number NO.1village in yanghe, Jiangbei District, Chongqing City.
Liaison :Luo Shuang Zhang Lihe Mobile Phone number :136*****985
Fax:023—******** Post Code:400020
Name of the account:The Chongqing Tendering &Procurement (Group) Corp., Ltd.
Bank of deposit in RMB:Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Hong Wu Road Sub-office
Account No. for RMB:****************047
Bank of deposit in foreign currency:China Minsheng Banking Corp., Ltd Chongqing Branch
Account NO. for Foreign Currency:****************
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