斯里兰卡Havelockcity商业发展铝合金模板 招标公告
斯里兰卡Havelockcity商业发展铝合金模板 招标公告
中交三公局五公司斯里兰卡Havelock city商业发展项目 The Fifth Subsidiary Of CCCC Third Highway Engineering Co., Ltd. Havelock City Commercial Development Project 铝合金模板采购公告 Aluminum Formwork Purchase Announcement 招标编号:2018-12-Havelock City-铝模板-01 Tender No.: 2018-12-Havelock City-Aluminum Formwork-01 斯里兰卡Havelock city商业发展项目根据施工需要并结合现场实际,由中交第三公路工程局有限公司作为招标人,采用公开招标的方式组织此工程所用铝合金模板的招标。有意向的单位根据本邀请书第四条规定的投标人资格要求的条件,参与本次招标,并按招标文件规定的内容,参加投标。 According to the construction needs and the actual situation of the site, the Havelock city commercial development project in Sri Lanka used the open tendering method to organize the bidding for the aluminum formwork used in this project. The China Communications Third Highway Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd. was used as the tenderee. The intent company shall participate in the bidding according to the conditions of the bidder's qualification requirements as stipulated in Article 4 of this invitation, and participate in the bidding according to the contents specified in the bidding documents. 一、 招标内容 Content of the tender 斯里兰卡Havelock city商业发展项目铝模板招标包括同系统的约1335.00 m2的旧模板的改造工作以及预估新购的2987.30 m2的同系统的新模板。最终的采购量根据厂商的深化设计和旧模板改造后的准确量来定。 The aluminum formwork tender for the Havelock city commercial development project in Sri Lanka includes the renovation of the old template of approximately 1335.00 m2 with the system and the new template for the same system estimated for the new 2987.30 m2. The final purchase volume is based on the manufacturer's deepening design and the exact amount of the old formwork. 在招标过程中,模板厂家或供销商应根据图纸编制本工程的技术方案,并提供给招标方确认最终配模方案。另外厂家或供销商需到工程所在地接受考察并且负责做好旧模板改造事宜。 In the bidding process, the template manufacturer or the supplier shall prepare the technical plan of the project according to the drawings and provide the tenderer with the final matching plan. In addition, the manufacturer or the supplier must go to the location of the project to be inspected and responsible for the renovation of the old formwork. 使用材料具体规格、型号、数量、交货地如下: The specific specifications, model, quantity and delivery location of the materials used are as follows:
备注: Remarks: 1,以上铝合金模板系统综合单价含支撑系统、方通扣、大小斜撑、PVC拉片套管、螺杆专用套管等。除此之外以上单价还包括旧铝合金模板改造的所有相关费用,所有铝模板的清洗专用设备或材料费用、技术指导人员的所有出行机票、签证及人员工资等费用(旧模板改造面积约1335平米)。 The above aluminum formwork system unit price includes support system, square pass buckle, size diagonal bracing, PVC pull sleeve, screw special casing and so on. In addition, the above unit price includes all related costs of the old aluminum formwork modification, all the special equipment or material cost of cleaning the aluminum formwork, all travel tickets, visas and staff salaries of the technical instructors (the old formwork renovation area is about 1335). Square meter). 2,以上单价包含新增铝模板部分一层的配件(包含方通、背楞、可重复性拉片、山型螺母、销钉、销片、K板螺丝和螺母。销钉、销片按10%损耗预留,可重复性拉片按3%损耗预留;其余配件不含损耗); The above unit price includes a new layer of aluminum formwork part of the accessories (including square pass, reciting, repeatable pull tab, mountain nut, pin, pin, K plate screw and nut. Pin, pin by 10% Loss reserve, reproducible pull tabs are reserved at 3% loss; the remaining accessories do not contain losses); 3,在新旧组合模板系统方案中,卖方需提前安排人员进场与买方一起确定原有旧模板及配件的清单,如因清单数量不准确,会引致模板系统最终拼装缺少模板、缺少配件等现象。双方需根据实际情况考虑提前配备充足的铝模及配件的数量。 In the new and old combination formwork system scheme, the seller needs to arrange the personnel to enter the site in advance to determine the list of the old formwork and accessories together with the buyer. If the number of the list is inaccurate, the formwork system will eventually assemble the lack of templates and lack of accessories. Both parties need to consider the number of sufficient aluminum formwork and accessories in advance according to the actual situation. 4,以上合计金额为预算铝模板展开面积计算金额,实际结算金额按双方确认实际铝模板展开面积结算。 The total amount of the above is the calculation amount of the expanded area of the budget aluminum formwork, and the actual settlement amount is settled according to the actual aluminum formwork expansion area confirmed by both parties. 5,该系统模板加工图纸应与买方及其业主方充分沟通协调并得到批准后方可进行生产,此部分费用应包含在合同价款中。 The system template processing drawings should be fully communicated and coordinated with the buyer and its owners before production can be carried out, this part of the cost should be included in the contract price. 二、 招标依据:《中交三公局第五工程分公司机械设备采购招标管理办法》 Bidding basis: " The Fifth Subsidiary Of CCCC Third Highway Engineering Co., Ltd. Management Measures for Machinery Equipment Purchase Bidding" 三、 投标人资格要求: Bidder qualification requirements: 投标人为中华人民共和国境内依法注册、具有法人资格、具有招标机械设备或供应经验、具有出口资质的生产商或代理商。 The bidder is a manufacturer or agent who is legally registered in the People's Republic of China, has legal person status, has experience in bidding for mechanical equipment or supply, and has export qualifications. 2、生产商已获得ISO9000质量管理体系认证、环境管理体系认证、健康管理体系认证。 The manufacturer has obtained ISO9000 quality management system certification, environmental management system certification, and health management system certification. 3、经税务部门注册登记核准的一般纳税人,提供企业税务登记证(复印件加盖公章)。 The general taxpayer who has been registered and approved by the taxation department shall provide the enterprise tax registration certificate (copy is stamped with official seal). 4、具有生产许可证、组织机构代码证、产品鉴定证书、产品质量检验证书(SGS检验报告)、法人代表授权书及授权代理人身份证、产品合格证书。 It has production license, organization code certificate, product appraisal certificate, product quality inspection certificate (SGS inspection report), legal representative authorization letter and authorized agent ID card, product qualification certificate. 5.在取得原厂授权的前提下,允许代理商代理多个厂家进行投标。 Under the premise of obtaining the original factory authorization, the agent is allowed to represent multiple manufacturers to bid. 6、生产厂家及供应商简介:生产厂家必须具备较强的技术能力及生产能力,具备一定的资金垫付实力、组织协调能力以及解决施工中有关技术难点的能力,根据工程需求,确保设备质量及售后服务。 Description of manufacturers and suppliers: Manufacturers must have strong technical capabilities and production capacity, have certain funds to advance strength, organize and coordinate capabilities, and solve the technical difficulties in construction, and ensure the quality of equipment according to engineering needs. After sales service. 7、读到公告并满足投标条件的供应商 。 Suppliers who see the announcement and meet the bidding conditions. 中国交建装备采购管理信息平台:http://ecp.ccccltd.cn/ecp/jsp/login/login.jsp CCCC Equipment Purchasing Management Information Platform: http://ecp.ccccltd.cn/ecp/jsp/login/login.jsp 四、招标主要日程安排、地点 the main schedule and location of the tender 1、 招标文件的获取: Acquisition of bidding documents: 投标人可在中国交建装备采购管理信息平台点击参与此次招标下载招标文件,或于2019年01月09日12时至2019年01月13日 20时 ,与中交三公局第五工程分公司招标联系人联系,获取电子版的招标文件。本次招标文件不收取标书费。 The bidder may click on the bidding document to download the bidding documents in the China Construction and Equipment Acquisition Management Information Platform, or contact the company's bidding contact of The Fifth Subsidiary Of CCCC Third Highway Engineering Co., Ltd. at 12:00 on January 09, 2019 to 20:00 on January 13, 2019, to obtain an electronic version of the bidding documents. No bidding fee is charged for this bidding document. 2、 招标文件的澄清: Clarification of the bidding documents: 仔细阅读文件后,若还有需招标人澄清的问题,必须以书面形式签字盖章后,在2019年01月11日16时前以书面形式送交或传真、扫描件电子邮件给招标人,或在中国交建设备物资采购管理信息平台中提出质疑,逾期将不受理。 After carefully reading the documents, if there are any questions that need to be clarified by the tenderer, they must be signed and sealed in writing and sent or faxed or scanned by e-mail to the tenderer before 16:00 on January 11, 2019. Or questioned in the CCCC equipment procurement management information platform. It will not be accepted after the deadline. 3. 招标文件的要求 Requirements for bidding documents 投标报价为:投标报价为铝合金模板到斯里兰卡科伦坡港CIF报价(美元报价)。 The bid price is: the bid price is the CIF quotation (US dollar quotation) for the aluminum formwork to the port of Colombo, Sri Lanka. 材料的付款方式为: The payment method for the material is: (1)合同签订卖方完成深化设计并提出方案,得到买方和业主审核通过后,7个工作日内以电汇形式支付合同总额的25%预付款,同时开出合同总额70%金额的即期不可撤销信用证,信用证条款需要给卖方确认,货物抵达现场并且完成试拼装后释放信用证款项,完成剩余的合同总额5%作为质量保证金,在顺利完成第一层铝模板施工后3天内以电汇形式支付.最终的付款方式以定标后的合同签订为准; Contract signing The seller completes the deepening design and proposes the plan. After the buyer and the owner have passed the review and approval, the 25% prepayment of the total contract amount will be paid by wire transfer within 7 working days, and the amount of 70% of the total contract amount will not be available at the same time. Withdrawal of the letter of credit, the terms of the letter of credit need to be confirmed to the seller. After the goods arrive at the scene and the trial is assembled, the letter of credit is released, and the remaining total contract amount is 5% as the quality guarantee. The wire transfer is completed within 3 days after the successful completion of the first layer of aluminum formwork. Formal payment. The final payment method is subject to the signing of the contract after the calibration; (2)预算数量和实际数量产生的金额差异须于发运前双方确认落实,合同总额、汇款金额以及信用证金额以此双方确认数量金额为准; The difference between the amount of the budget and the actual amount shall be confirmed by both parties before the shipment, and the total amount of the contract, the amount of the remittance and the amount of the letter of credit shall be subject to the amount confirmed by both parties; (3)卖方在设备集港5个工作日内向买方提供集港证明等单据。 The seller shall provide the buyer with documents such as the port collection certificate within 5 working days of the equipment collection. 4、 投标文件递交的时间、地点 Time and place of submission of bid documents 本次招标将在中国交建设备物资采购管理信息平台:http://ecp.ccccltd.cn/ecp/jsp/login/login.jsp线上招标,请于2019年01月09日12:00时至01月13日20时点击参与并下载招标文件,并在01月15日10时至12月30日20时线上投标并上传投标文件。 This tender will be tendered online at the China Construction Equipment and Materials Management Information Platform: http://ecp.ccccltd.cn/ecp/jsp/login/login.jsp, please call 12:00 on January 09, 2019. Click to participate in and download the bidding documents at 20:00 on January 13th, and bid on the online bidding from 10:00 on January 15th to 20:00 on December 30th. 5、 开标时间、地点 Opening time and place 开标时间: 2019年01月19日 08:30 Bid Opening Time: January 19, 2019 08:30 开标地点:中国交建装备采购管理信息平台 Bid Opening Location: CCCC Equipment Purchasing Management Information Platform 五、确认: Confirmation: 贵单位有意向投标后,请于2019年01月19日16时前以传真或电话送达方式予以确认,或在投标开始前在中国交建装备采购管理信息平台点击招标公示参与。 After your company intends to bid, please confirm it by fax or telephone before 16:00 on January 19, 2019, or click on the tender to participate in the CCCC Equipment Purchasing Management Information Platform before the bidding begins. 六. 招标方式 Bidding method 公开招标。综合评标法进行评标 Open tender. Evaluation by comprehensive evaluation method Seven. Tenderee information 七.招标人信息 Tenderee information 招标人:中交第三公路工程局有限公司第五工程分公司 Tenderee: Fifth Engineering Branch of China Communications Third Highway Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd. 地 址:北京市朝阳区松榆南路南新园小区2号楼2层 Address: 2nd Floor, Building 2, Nanxinyuan Community, Songyu South Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 邮 编:100021 Postal Code: 100021 联 系 人: 韦城基 电话:********14251 Contact: Wei Chengji Tel: ********14251 招标人:中交第三公路工程局有限公司 The Fifth Subsidiary Of CCCC Third Highway Engineering Co., Ltd. 2019年1月 9日 January 9, 2019 |
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