投标人应具备的资格或业绩:投标人的资格要求如下: 1、合格性 投标人必须是依法注册的独立法人且应该是合格成员国,见第五章(合格的成员国)。如果投标人是中国境内公司,其注册资金不低于1.5亿元人民币,投标人的营业时间不得少于10年(以营业执照上的时间为准),投标文件中须提供有效的企业法人营业执照复印件。如果投标人是中国境外公司,其注册资金不低于1900万欧元或等值金额,投标人的营业时间不得少于10年,投标人须在投标文件中须提供其有效的企业营业执照或其他证明合法注册的证明文件复印件。 2、合同经验 投标人应从2015年至今(以合同签订时间为准)至少有两个外国政府贷款或者国际金融组织项目的业绩,每个合同金额不低于1500万欧元或等值金额;同时,投标人从2015年至今至少完成过(以项目验收时间为准)一个集中供热项目(须提供项目验收证明),且单个合同金额不少于500万欧元或等值金额。 投标文件中需提供上述相应的证明资料(中标通知书、合同和项目验收证明等证明文件的扫描复印件并加盖公章,注明业主联系人、联系电话及传真),并准备上述文件的原件备查(备注:附在投标文件里的合同复印件必须包括能体现以下内容的合同页:合同签订日期、项目名称和内容、合同金额和合同各方的签字)。 3、技术经验和生产能力 投标货物的制造商的技术经验和生产能力应满足招标文件要求第六章的要求。 4、历史财务表现 投标人应提交过去3 年(2015年至2017年)经第三方权威机构审计的财务报告和财务报表(包括资产负债表、损益表和现金流量表等),以证明投标人目前的财务状况是良好的。最低要求是,投标人2017年的净资产应当为正数。净资产等于总资产减去总负债。 5、业务规模(年均营业额) 投标人近3年(2015年至2017年)的年均营业额不得低于2500万欧元或等值金额,且每年的净利润必须分别为正数;投标文件中需提供近3年(2015年至2017年)经三方权威机构审计报告和财务报表(包括资产负债表、损益表和现金流量表等)。 6、现金流能力 投标人应具有或能够取得足够的流动资产、信贷额度和其他财务资源来满足合同执行期间任何可能的现金流要求,即 1000万欧元或等值金额。 7、其他 7.1投标人须提供有效ISO9000系列认证证书; 7.2投标人应提交法人代表授权委托书原件及被授权人身份证复印件(开标前查验被授权人身份证原件),授权委托书应由法人代表签字并加盖公司公章,否则将视为无效; 7.3投标人按照合同提供的货物不是投标人自己制造或生产的,投标人应按照第六章货物需求一览表的要求提供货物制造商出具的同意其在本次投标中提供该货物的正式授权书原件,并附有制造商资格声明等招标文件要求的其它证明文件; 7.4投标人开户银行在开标日前三个月内开具的银行资信证明原件,以证明其财务情况以及信誉良好; 7.5投标人开户银行在开标日前三个月内只为本项目开具的不少于8000万元人民或等值欧元的同期授信额度,投标文件中应提供上述同期授信额度的原件; 7.6承诺履行《中华人民共和国招标投标法》及实施条例、商务部2014年第1号令等外国政府贷款相关法规文件的规定;遵守国家法律、行政法规,具有良好的信誉和诚实的职业道德(投标人出具说明并加盖公章,承诺格式详见招标文件第四章); 7.7投标人应保证提供所供产品和服务所有必要的出口许可(投标人出具说明并加盖公章); 7.8投标人应针对本项目提供售后服务,对于境外的投标人可以选择通过以下其中一个方式为买方提供上述服务:A、境外的投标人必须承诺并确保在中标后三个月内在中国设立办事机构或分支机构,并提供营业执照或注册登记证复印件作为证明文件;B、境外的投标人可通过第三方提供上述服务,投标文件中须附经签字盖章的合作意向函原件,同时,投标人需出具书面文件,承诺正式的合作协议将在合同签订前签订并作为合同的组成部分。 7.9投标人近3年在外国政府贷款和国际金融组织贷款项目的招投标活动中,未有被有关政府或主管部门书面批评、制裁等违法、违规行为/记录,且投标人在近3年不得有过因投标人的原因而导致终止合同的情况。如隐瞒实际情况,投标文件将被否决(说明格式详见招标文件第四章)。 7.10财政合作融资项目采购程序的所有参与方都必须确保公平、透明的竞争,并应遵守国际劳工组织有关劳工法和的核心劳工标准。投标人应提供一份《声明》(格式详见本招标文件第四章),该声明应由投标人合法的授权代表签署并加盖公章。不递交此声明或提交的声明不符合上述要求的投标将被否决。此外,投标人应对声明内容的真实性负全部责任,在评标过程中一旦发现事实情况与声明内容不符,其投标将被否决。 8、本项目的主要制造商的资质要求详见第六章。 其他要求详见招标文件。
投标截止时间(开标时间):2019-06-26 10:00
联系方式 :/
联系方式 :***-********
招标代理机构开户银行(人民币): 中信银行北京京城大厦支行
CITIC International Tendering Co.,Ltd. entrusted by the purchaser, invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers home and abroad for the supply of the following goods and/or service by way of International Competitive Bidding.
1.Bidding Conditions
Overview:Central Heating Project in Bayannur Utilizing German Promotional Loan (Package 03: Procurement of Prefabricated Insulation Pipe and Pipe Fittings)
Source of Funds:German Promotional Loan
Description of The Prepared Bidding Conditions:The conditions have been fulfilled.
2.Bidding Content:
Bidding No:****-********3801/01
Project Name:Central Heating Project in Bayannur Utilizing German Promotional Loan (Package 03: Procurement of Prefabricated Insulation Pipe and Pipe Fittings )
Place of Implementation:Bayannur City
List of Products:
(1) Polyurethane prefabricated direct burial Insulation pipe;
(2) Polyurethane prefabricated direct burial Insulation pipe fittings;
(3) Insulation interface;
(4) Others.
3.Qualification Requirements For Bidder
Qualifications or Performance: 1. Eligibility the bidder be shall an independent legal entity registered according to law and also shall have the nationality of an eligible country, in accordance with Section 5 (Eligible Countries). Domestic bidder’s registered capital shall be no less than RMB 150 million yuan. The bidders shall be in business for no less than 10 years (date on business license shall prevail), and the bidder shall provide copies of valid business license in the bid. Foreign bidder’s registered capital shall be no less than EUR 19 million or equivalent value. The bidders shall be in business for no less than 10 years. Bidders shall provide the copies of business license or other documentary evidence for the date of their legal registration with the bid. 2. Contractual Experience The bidder shall have at least two projects financed by international financial institution or foreign government loan since 2015 (the signing date of the contracts shall prevail) and each contract amount shall not be less than EUR 15 million or the equivalent value; meanwhile, the bidder shall have completed (project acceptance certificate is required) at least one central heating contract since 2015 (the project acceptance date shall prevail) and the contract amount shall not be less than EUR 5 million or the equivalent value. Corresponding proof materials (copies of notification of award, contract and project acceptance etc., noting the contact person of the employer, contact number and fax number stamped with the Bidder's seal shall be provided in the bid, and the original documents above shall be prepared for checkup (Notes: the copies of contract provided in the bid shall include the contract pages to indicate the following content: date of the contract, name and content of the project, contract amount and signatures of the contract parties. 3. Technical and Production Experience The technical experience and production capacity of the manufacturers of the bidding goods shall meet the requirements in Section 6. 4. Historical Financial Performance The bidder shall submit financial report and financial statements (including the balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement) which audited by a third party authority for the last 3 years (2015-2017) to demonstrate the current soundness of the Bidder’s financial position. As a minimum, the bidder’s net worth for the last year calculated as the difference between total assets and total liabilities shall be positive. 5. Size of Operation (Average Annual Turnover) The average annual turnover shall not be less than EUR 25 million or equivalent value within the last three years (2015-2017), and annual net profit for each of the last three years must be positive; copies of financial report and financial statements (including the balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement) which audited by a third party authority for the last three years are required to be provided in the bid. 6. Cash Flow Capacity Availability of or access to liquid assets, lines of credit, and other finances sufficient to meet cash flow requirement which is EUR 10 million or equivalent value. 7. Others 7.1 The bidder shall provide valid quality management system certificate of ISO9000 series certification. 7.2 The bidder shall submit the original of power of attorney and the copy of ID of the authorized person (authorized person’s original ID will be checked before bid opening). The power of attorney shall be signed by legal person, otherwise, it will be regarded as invalid. 7.3 In the case of a bidder offering to supply the goods of the contract which the bidder does not manufacturer or produce, according to the requirements in Section 6, the bidder has to be duly authorized by the goods’ original manufacturer to supply the goods in this bidding project, the letter of authority shall be original and along with Manufacturer Qualification Statement and other documentary evidence required by the bidding documents. 7.4 The bidder shall provide original certificate issued by their bank of deposit within 3 months prior to the bid opening date certifying their financial status and reputable credit status. 7.5 The bidder’s bank of deposit shall issue the Line of Credit of no less than RMB 80 million yuan or equivalent value in EUR. The date of the issuance of the line of credit for this package project shall not earlier than 3 months before the bid opening date. The original Line of Credit certificate shall be provided in the bid as well. 7.6 Bidder shall not only commit to abide by Law of the People’s Republic of China on Tenders and Bids, decree No. 1 2014 issued by Ministry of Commerce, and other laws and regulations on foreign government loan; but also obey the state laws, administrative regulations, and keep good reputation and professional ethics (Statements provided by Bidder shall be stamped with company seal. Please see Section 4 for the format of commitment). 7.7 Bidder shall guarantee that products and services provided have all needed license of export (Statements provided by Bidder shall be stamped with company seal). 7.8 Bidder shall provide after-sales service of the project. Foreign bidder can choose one of the following the ways to provide the above services: A. Foreign bidder shall commit and ensure to set up office or branch in China within three months after winning the bid, copies of business license or the registration certification shall be provided as the evidence; B. Foreign bidder can choose provide the above services through a third party. A signed and sealed letter of intent for cooperation shall be provided in the bids, meanwhile, the bidder shall provide written document to promise that the office cooperation agreement will be signed before the contract is signed and shall be an integral part of the contract. 7.9 The bidder shall not have any illegal or irregular behavior/record like receiving criticism in written form or be sanctioned by the relevant government or competent authorities in recent three years during the bidding activity in projects financed by foreign government or international financial institution loan. Meanwhile, the bidder shall not have the cases that terminate the contract for reasons attributable to the bidder in the past three years. If the bidder fails to disclose the circumstances above, the bid will be rejected (please see Section 4 for the format of statement). 7.10 All parties involved in a procurement process of financial cooperation financing project must ensure a fair and transparent competition and comply with applicable labour laws and the Core Labour Standards of the International Labour Organization (ILO). The Bidder is required to submit a Declaration of Undertaking (Please see Section 4 for the format). The Declaration of Undertaking must be signed in a legally binding manner by duly authorized representatives of the bidder and stamped by company seal. Failure to submit this declaration and non-compliance with the requirements and the format will lead to exclusion from the tender. In addition, the bidder shall take full responsibility for the authenticity of declaration content, the bid will be rejected if any non-compliance with the facts found and determined by the bid evaluation committee during the evaluation process. 8. The qualification requirements of major manufacturers of this project are detailed in Section 6. Other requirements can be found in the biding documents.
Joint Bids:NOT Available
Bid without the bidding documents:NOT Available
4.Acquisition of Bidding Documents
Beginning of Selling Bidding Documents:2019-05-10
Ending of Selling Bidding Documents:2019-06-10
Sell bidding doc online or not:No
To Obtain:On-site Purchase
Place:4/F, No. 17 Unit, Su Yuan, Beijing Friendship Hotel, No.1, South Zhongguancun Street, Haidian District, Beijing
Price of Bidding Documents: ¥10000/$1470
Additional Instructions:When purchasing the bidding document on site, the following documents shall be carried: letter of instruction/letter of authorization, ID of the authorized person in original and copy.
5.Bid Submission
Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (Beijing Time):2019-06-26 10:00
Place of Bid:Meeting room of CITIC International Tendering Co., Ltd. 3/F, No.17 Unit, Su Yuan, Beijing Friendship Hotel, No.1 South Zhongguancun Street, Haidian District, Beijing 100873, China.
Place of Bid Opening:Meeting room of CITIC International Tendering Co., Ltd. 3/F, No.17 Unit, Su Yuan, Beijing Friendship Hotel, No.1 South Zhongguancun Street, Haidian District, Beijing 100873, China.
6.The bidder needs to register before the tender on www.chinabidding.com. And the evaluation results will be released on www.chinabidding.com.
7.Contact Details
Purchasers:Bayannur Sunlight Energy Group Co., Ltd
Add.:Room 411, 23 Xinhua East Street, Linhe District, Bayannur, Inner Mongolia, China
Contact:Wu Shulan
Bidding Agency:CITIC International Tendering Co.,Ltd.
Add.:4/F, No.17 Unit, Su Yuan, Beijing Friendship Hotel, No.1 South Zhongguancun Street, Haidian District, Beijing 100873, China
Contact:Zhou Yan, Ye Yanling
Tel :***-********
8.Remittance Approach
Bank(RMB):CITIC Bank, Beijing Mansion Sub-branch
Account NO.(RMB):****************709
Account NO.(USD):
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