1. 招标条件
1.1 项目概况:激光增材实验系统(国际科技合作基地(光学)),共1套。
1.2 资金到位或资金来源落实情况:财政资金,资金来源已落实
1.3 项目已具备招标条件的说明:本项目经吉林省政府采购办批复,采购计划编号: 项目采购X[********]-0770号。
2. 招标内容
2.1 项目实施地点:中国吉林省长春市卫星路7089号
2.2 招标产品列表:
序号 | 产品名称 | 数量 | 简要技术规格 | *备注 |
1 | 激光增材实验系统(国际科技合作基地(光学)) | 1套 | 用于开展激光金属选区熔化成形工艺实验,解决关键零件及整体复杂结构件难以加工、甚至无法加工问题,兼顾产品可研试制,缩短试制周期,解放设计人员思维,进而实现基于功能优先结构设计。 | 交货日期:合同生效后12个月 |
3. 投标人资格要求
4. 招标文件的领购
4.1 招标文件领购开始时间:2019年6月24日起,每天上午09:00时至11:30时,下午13:30至16:00 时(节假日除外)。持(1)法人授权委托书(或单位介绍信);(2)被授权人身份证;(3)营业执照;(4)财务审计报告(2016-2018年度);(5)公司近半年缴纳社保及纳税证明材料(提供近半年完整的社会保障资金缴纳记录、完整的依法缴纳税收的记录,自行编写无效,要求内容清晰可见,否则不予受理);(6)“信用中国”网站(www.creditchina.gov.cn)列入失信被执行人、重大税收违法案件当事人名单、政府采购严重违法失信名单;(7)对在中国政府采购网(www.ccgp.gov.cn)列入政府采购严重违法失信行为记录名单网页截图。以上资料原件及加盖公章的复印件。
4.2 招标文件领购结束时间:2019年07月01日下午16:00 时
4.3 招标文件领购地点:长春市经济技术开发区浦东路与深圳街交汇虹湾国际A 座15楼招标一部。
4.4 招标文件售价:每包300元人民币或每包43美元,售出不退。
5. 投标文件的递交
5.1 投标截止时间(开标时间):2019年07月16日09时30分
5.2 投标文件送达地点:吉林省长春市经济技术开发区浦东路与深圳街交汇虹湾国际A 座15楼开标室
5.3 开标地点:吉林省长春市经济技术开发区浦东路与深圳街交汇虹湾国际A 座15楼开标室
6.1 本公告同时在中国国际招标网、、中国财经报网、中国政府采购网、中国招投标公共服务平台上发布。
地址:吉林省长春市经济技术开发区浦东路与深圳街交汇虹湾国际A 座15楼
Chapter v invitation to bid
Date: June 2019
Bidding number: 0777-194cclgdx001
Project name: 2019 procurement of teaching equipment for changchun university of science and technology
Zhongjing international bidding group co., ltd. is entrusted by changchun university of science and technology to conduct international competitive bidding for the following products and services. This bidding adopts the traditional bidding method, and now the qualified bidders are invited to participate in the bidding.
1. Bidding conditions
1.1 project overview: laser additive experimental system (international science and technology cooperation base (optics)), one set in total.
1.2 fund availability or fund source implementation: financial fund, fund source has been implemented
1.3 description that the project has met the bidding conditions: the project has been approved by jilin provincial government procurement office, and the procurement plan number is project procurement X[********]-0770.
2. Bidding contents
2.1 project implementation location: no. 7089, satellite road, changchun city, jilin province, China
2.2 list of bidding products:
Serial number product name brief quantity technical specification * remarks
1 laser gain material experiment system (international technology cooperation base (optical)) 1 set used in laser selection experiments, the forming process of molten metal and overall complicated structure is difficult to solve the key parts processing, even will not be able to process the problem, both product feasibility test, shorten manufacture cycle, designers thought liberation, and priority structure design based on functions. Delivery date: 12 months after the contract takes effect
3. Bidder qualification requirements
3.1 the applicant for bidding shall be an independent legal person with valid business license, tax registration certificate, organization code certificate or "three certificates in one" business license;
Goods provided by
3.2 if the bidder is not himself, to accept the bidder to provide the original manufacturer for the objective of the formal authorization, or power of attorney issued by the China general agent, the district or regional agent certificate bid legal sources of goods, such as, do not accept representative office, branch office is not able to bear civil liability independently, such as unit authorization format (see the international competitive bidding documents for procurement of mechanical and electronic products (volume 1));
3.3 financial requirements: in the recent three years (2016-2018), the financial situation is good and there is no loss;
3.4 whether joint bid is accepted: no.
3.5 potential bidders who have not registered with China international tendering group co., ltd. and purchased the bidding documents shall not participate in the bidding.
4. Acquisition and purchase of bidding documents
4.1 starting time for solicitation and purchase of bidding documents: from 09:00 to 11:30 a.m. and 13:30 to 16:00 p.m. every day from June 24, 2019 (except holidays). (1) a letter of authorization from the legal person (or a letter of introduction from the unit); (2) identity card of the authorized person; (3) business license; (4) financial audit report (2016-2018); (5) proof materials of social security payment and tax payment of the company in the recent half year (provide complete social security fund payment records in the recent half year and complete tax payment records according to law, which shall be invalid and shall not be accepted unless the contents are clearly visible); (6) the credit China website (www.creditchina.gov.cn) includes names of people who have been executed for breach of trust, parties involved in major tax violations, and serious breach of trust in government procurement; (7) screenshots of the webpage of the list of serious violation and dishonesty in government procurement on the Chinese government procurement website (www.ccgp.gov.cn). The original and stamped copies of the above information.
4.2 closing time for purchasing tender documents: 16:00 PM, July 1, 2019
4.3 place to purchase bidding documents: bidding 1, 15th floor, building A, hongwan international, intersection of pudong road and shenzhen street, changchun economic and technological development zone.
4.4 price of bidding documents: RMB 300 per package or usd 43 per package, non-returnable.
5. Submission of tender documents
5.1 bid closing time (bid opening time) : 09:30 on July 16, 2019
5.2 place of delivery of bid documents: bid opening room, 15th floor, building A, hongwan international, intersection of pudong road and shenzhen street, economic and technological development zone, changchun city, jilin province
5.3 place of bid opening: bid opening room, 15th floor, building A, hongwan international, intersection of pudong road and shenzhen street, economic and technological development zone, changchun city, jilin province
6. Media to issue announcements
6.1 this announcement is also published on China international tendering website, China procurement & tendering website, China financial news website, China government procurement website and China public bidding service platform.
7. Contact information
Tenderee: changchun university of science and technology
Address: no.7089, satellite road, changchun
Contact: song lei
Contact: ****-********
Bidding agency: zhongjing international bidding group co., LTD
Address: 15th floor, building A, hongwan international, intersection of pudong road and shenzhen street, economic and technological development zone, changchun city, jilin province
Contact: li bo
Contact information: 158*****066, ****-********
8. The project will be operated on the China international tendering website, and bidders shall complete registration on the China international tendering website before bidding, and the successful bid will be publicized on the China international tendering website, China procurement and tendering website, China financial news website, and China tendering public service platform.
9. Additional notes
Account name: China international bidding group jilin co., LTD
(RMB) account number: ********6
Bank of deposit: changchun branch of China minsheng bank
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