日 期:2019年8月15日
包 号:04
1. 中化商务有限公司(招标代理机构)受中国石化工程建设有限公司(招标人)委托,以国际招标方式邀请潜在投标人就下列货物和有关服务提交密封投标:
序号 | 仪器设备名称 | 数量 |
1 | 物性测试仪二 | 1批 |
2. 有兴趣的潜在投标人可从中化商务有限公司得到进一步的信息和查阅招标文件。
3. 对投标人的资质要求:
1) 投标人应为制造商或其制造商所在集团的销售子公司,或投标人应为制造商或其制造商所在集团的中国办事处或其制造商所在集团的销售子公司授权的代理商,应出具制造商的针对本项目的授权书;
2) 投标人应具有营业执照(营业登记)/经营许可证明文件。
3) 投标人应具有2016年至今在中国境内石油化工行业或煤化工行业实验室分析仪器设备销售业绩且单项合同金额不少于人民币200万。投标人须提供业绩清单,出具销售合同关键页(至少包括项目名称、产品名称、产品型号及签署盖章页等),合同复印件不清晰或不提供均视为无效业绩。
4) 投标产品(至少包括混合器、微波灰化炉、分样器、落镖冲击试验仪、Elemendorf 撕裂试验仪、环境应力开裂试验仪、硬度计、振筛机、厚度计、切膜器、差式扫描量热仪DSC、恒温恒湿箱、粉碎机)在2016年~至今应具有中国境内新建80万吨及以上乙烯项目(不含改扩建)销售业绩。投标人须提供业绩清单,出具合同关键页(至少包括项目名称、产品名称、产品型号及签署盖章页等),合同复印件不清晰或不提供均视为无效业绩。
5) 投标人财务状况优良,近三年(2016-2018,如投标人2018年财务审计报告未出,可提供2015-2017)资产负债率均不得高于70%,投标人需提供经第三方审计的财务审计报告。若资产负债率高于70%,投标人须承诺提供预付款和进度款保函或货到现场验收合格支付货款95%,提供书面承诺函。
6) 投标人应当提供在开标日前3个月内由银行出具的银行资信证明的原件或复印件;
7) 本项目不接受联合体投标。
8) 投标人在投标前需在中国国际招标网或必联网上完成注册。评标结果将在必联网公示。
4. 有兴趣的潜在投标人可于2019年8月15日至2019年8月22日每天(节假日除外)9:00至18:00时(北京时间)在下列地点购买招标文件,本招标文件售价为3000元人民币或500美元,售后不退(邮购须另加100元人民币或20美元)。任何未在中化商务有限公司领购招标文件的法人或其他组织均不得参加投标。
5. 所有投标文件应于2019年9月5日9:30时(北京时间)之前递交到以下地点,开标仪式定于2019年9月5日9:30时举行,届时请投标人代表出席开标仪式:
户 名:中化商务有限公司
账 号:********5289
Date: August 15,2019
Bid No.: 0747-1940SCCZG288
Package No.: 04
1. Entrusted by SINOPEC Engineering Incorporation (Tenderee), Sinochem Commerce Co., Ltd. (Tendering Agent) invites sealed bids by international (competitive or invitation) from eligible bidders for the supply of the following goods and related services:
Number | Nameof Equipment | Quantity |
1 | PhysicalPropertyTester II | 1 |
2. Interested bidders may obtain further information and refer to Bidding Documents from Sinochem Commerce Co., Ltd.
3. Qualification Requirements For Bidder:
1) The bidder must be the manufacturer or the sales subsidiary or China office of the manufacturer"s group, or the bidder must be the directly authorized agents; if the bidders are agents, the original or photocopy of the sole authorization shall be provided, otherwise the bid will be rejected;
2) The bidder shall have a business license (business registration) / business license certification;
3) The bidder shall have sales performances of laboratory analytical equipment from 2016 to now within PRC territory in petrochemical or coal chemical industry and the single contract amount shall not be less than RMB 2 million. The performance list, key pages of contracts shall be provided. The performance list and photocopy of contracts shall be provided, and the contract content shall include plant name, product name, product model, signing&stamping page, etc. The photocopy of the contract is not clear or not provided will be deemed as invalid performance;
4) Bidding products (At least include mixer, microwave ashing furnace, splitter, falling darts impact tester, Elemendorf tearing tester, environmental stress cracking tester, durometer, vibrating screen machine, thickness gauge, film cutter, differential scanning calorimeter DSC, constant temperature and humidity box, crusher)shall have sales performances from 2016 to now within PRC territory for more than 800 KMTA ethylene project (revamping project is not included). The performance list, key pages of contracts shall be provided. The performance list and photocopy of contracts shall be provided, and the contract content shall include plant name, product name, product model, signing&stamping page, etc. The photocopy of the contract is not clear or not provided will be deemed as invalid performance.
5) The bidder shall be in good financial standing, the liability ratio shall be less than 70% for every year of recent three years (2016-2018). The bidder shall provide financial audit reports audited by third parties. Bidders can provide financial audit report from 2015 to 2017 if bidders have not received financial audit report from 2016 to 2018. If the asset-liability ratio is higher than 70%, the bidder shall promise to provide advance payment and progress payment guarantee or 95% of the qualified payment upon on-site acceptance of the goods, and provide a written commitment letter.
6) The bidder shall provide a bank reference letter in original or its copy issued by their account banks within 3 months prior to the time of bid opening;
7) Joint venture is not accepted;
8) The bidder needs to register before the tender on www.chinabidding.mofcom.gov.cn or www.ebnew.com. And the evaluation results will be released on www.ebnew.com.
4. Interested bidders may purchase Bidding Documents at the place hereafter from August 15,2019 till August 22,2019 upon non-refundable payment of RMB 3,000.00 or USD 480.00 for each complete set of bidding documents (for mail order, an additional RMB 100.00 or USD 20.00 for each set isrequested). Bidders that fail to fill out the purchase record of the Bidding Documents shall be rejected.
For Bidding Documents Purchasing:
Login in the bidding documents purchasing system at website of e.sinochemitc.com. At first The Bidder should make registration online (free). After payment, the bidder could download bidding document and VAT electronic general invoice. If you meet any technical problems, please contact Mr. Yu with phone number: ***-********. Working hours: 9:00-12:00 A.M., 13:00-18:00 P.M., excluding holidays and weekend. Note: Excluding foreign currency, all payment shall be done on the website.
For Project Inquiry:
Contact person: Ying Cheng /Li Liu
Tel: +86 10 5936 8987/9340; Fax: +86 10 ********
E -Mail: chengying01@sinochem.com/liuli10@sinochem.com
5. All Bids must be delivered to the following address before 9:30, September 5, 2019 (Beijing time). Time for bid opening ceremony is 9:30, September 5, 2019 (Beijing time), the representatives of the bidders are kindly requested to be present at the time.
Address for bid submission and bid opening: Multimedia Meeting room on 2nd floor, south wing of Sinopec Engineering Incorporation, Beijing, P. R. China.
Account information for purchasing bidding documents (foreign currencies):
Name of Account: Sinochem Commerce Co., Ltd.
Account No.: ********5289
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