Notice on International Collection of Architectural Design Proposal for Production Scheduling Center of Guangdong Power Grid Corporation
1. 项目概况
1. Project Overview
Guangdong Power Grid Corporation, formerly known as Guangdong Electric Power Group, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Southern Power Grid Co., Ltd., with the registered capital of 48 billion yuan.
Guangdong Power Grid Corporation is an economic entity engaging in power grid investment, operating maintenance, electric power trade and scheduling, electric power marketing and electric power design, construction, repair, scientific research and supplies, and is a business entity planning, constructing and managing Guangdong Power Grid in a unified manner, and scheduling the power grids and combined power grid plants under jurisdiction according to law, responsible for the safe, steady, economic and high-quality operation of Guangdong Power Grid. It directly manages 21 prefectural-level power supply enterprises throughout the province, and 36 enterprises and public institutions engaging in electric power scheduling, communication, design, infrastructure, supplies, scientific research and education, and dominantly manages 65 county-level power supply enterprises, and manages in lieu 14 county-level power supply enterprises.
Guangdong Power Grid Corporation, with the total assets of 243.6 billion yuan by the end of 2010, is the largest provincial-level power grid in the whole country at present, with the power supply coverage throughout the province, the power supply population of 96.38 million, and the number of power supply customers of 27.84 million. Since it was incorporated into China Southern Power Grid Co., Ltd. 7 years ago, the Company has made overall planning based on the strategies of China Southern Power Grid, preliminarily formed the framework of “strategic management and systemized operation”, comprehensively launched the “striving to be advanced” pilot project, achieved rapid development, steadily increased economic benefit, obviously enhanced strength, significantly improved asset quality, and achieved the best business performance in history. The power supply for sales has ranked the first place for 15 consecutive years among the provinces and cities in the whole country.
The construction of the project is consistent with the enterprise development strategy of Guangdong Power Grid Corporation, which is the important infrastructure for perfecting the construction of power grid at provincial level, satisfying the operation and production management of power grid at provincial level and dealing with emergencies, but also the important guarantee for Guangdong Power Grid Corporation to provide safe, steady, reliable and high-quality electric power for the sustainable development of social economy.
广东电网公司生产调度中心项目拟建用地位于广州市海珠区琶洲A区A12地块,位于会展中心与华南快速干线西侧,项目总用地面积27614m2,可建设用地面积27614m2。拟建总建筑面积159410m2,其中,地面建筑面积99410m2,地下配建停车库及设备用房建筑面积60000 m2。项目总投资约160,000万元,拟于2014年建成。
The production scheduling center of Guangdong Power Grid Corporation is planned to be built at Plot A12, Area A, Pazhou, Haizhu District, Guangzhou City, to the west of Convention Center and South China Expressway, with a total occupied area of 27,614m2 and a usable area of 27,614m2 for construction purpose. Total construction area is planned to be 159,410m2, including ground construction area of 99,410m2 and underground construction area of 60,000m2 for parking garage and equipment room. The project is planned to be completed by 2014, with total investment of about 1.6 billion yuan.
建设标准:达到中国《绿色建筑评价标准》(GB/T 50378-2006)三星标准、国际先进的写字楼。
Construction Standard: the complex building will be constructed to be an internationally advanced office building up to the three-star standard according to the Evaluation Criteria for Green Building (GB/T 50378-2006) in China.
2. 活动组织单位
2. Organizational Unit
2.1 活动由建设单位组织
2.1 The activity is organized by the Project Owner:
Name: Guangdong Power Grid Corporation
Address: No. 757 Dongfeng Road, Guangzhou City
3. 征集活动方式和内容
3. Way and Content of the Collection Activity
3.1 本次征集活动采用选择性竞赛的方式。内容为广东电网公司生产调度中心初步方案设计。
3.1 The collection activity adopts the way of selective contest. The content is the preliminary design proposal of Production Scheduling Center of Guangdong Power Grid Corporation.
3.2 要求每家正式参赛单位报送A、B两个方案。方案A建筑限高100米,方案B的建筑高度限定在130米至160米之间。
3.2 Each official contestant is required to submit two proposals, i.e. Proposal A and Proposal B. For Proposal A, the height of the building is limited to 100m, and for Proposal B, the height of the building is limited to 130~160m.
3.3 要求参赛单位提交的A、B两个方案设计成果分别包括:
3.3 The design results of Proposal A and Proposal B submitted by each contestant are required to include the following respectively:
3.3.1 全部设计文本文件和图纸文件以A3(297mm×420mm)规格合并编排装订成册,一式15份。
3.3.1 A set of display drawings for review and for display purposes, whose contents depend on each contestant.
3.3.2 提供展示版图一套,用于评审及各种展示用途,内容由参赛单位自定。图纸规格应为A0(约1189mm×841mm),裱装在轻质板上,限8~10张。
3.3.2 The drawing specification shall be A0 (about 1189mm×841mm), mounted on a light board, 8~10 pieces only.
3.3.3 提供设计模型一个,模型底盘面积不宜超过1.5×1.5平方米,比例1:200。
3.3.3 A design model, with the chassis area of no more than 1.5×1.5 m2, in the proportion of 1:200
3.3.4 提供对设计成果限时15分钟的电子演示说明(含不少于2分钟动画);需要设计师现场介绍方案。
3.3.4 Electronic presentation on the design result, with the time limit of 15min (including no less than 2min of animation); the corresponding designer should introduce the proposal on site.
3.3.5 上述全部设计成果的电子文件光盘2套。
3.3.5 2 sets of electronic file discs on all the above design results
4. 征集活动时间
4. Time of Collection Activity
2011年05月06日(暂定)下午14:00时至16:00时。在中国广州举行本项目建筑方案征集文件发布会,并进行答疑和现场踏勘。2011年05月06日至2011年07月14日 开展征集活动,共时间为70天。
14:00 to 16:00 pm, May 06, 2011 (provisional) The news conference of the collection document on the construction proposal of the project will be held in Guangzhou, P.R. China, including Q&A and on-the-spot survey. The collection activity will last from May 06,2011 to July 14, 2011, 70 days in total.
5. 资格预审
5. Prequalification
5.1 有意参加本次征集活动的设计单位应按本公告文件的要求,提交报名资料。
5.1 Any design organization which intends to participate in the collection activity shall submit the registration information according to the requirements of the Notice.
5.2 择优方式:建设单位按相关规定组建资格预审委员会,对报名单位提交的《参赛报名文件》进行评价,必要时建设单位将要求报名参赛单位对有关情况进行介绍。并选出6名作为正式参赛单位。
5.2 Pick-over Method: The Project Owner will organize the prequalification committee to evaluate the Registration Document submitted by each registration organization. If necessary, the Project Owner will require the registration organization to give descriptions of the relevant situations, and will select 6 organizations as the official contestants.
5.3 参加本次活动的参赛单位在领取技术文件时应提交参赛单位及其法定代表人盖章签字同意参加本次征集活动的有效文件,并在答疑会前提交20000元人民币的保证金,保证金的形式可以是现金、汇票或建设单位认可的其他形式。保证金在评审结束后十五日内不计利息返还给参赛人。
5.3 The contestant participating in the collection activity shall, when receiving the technical document, submit the valid documents signed and sealed by the contest and its legal representative to agree participating in the collection activity, and submit the deposit of RMB 20,000 in cash, bill or other forms approved by the Project Owner before the clarification meeting begins The deposit will be returned to the contestant without interest within 15 days upon the completion of review.
5.4 未按本技术文件规定报送设计成果文件,或者逾期提交设计成果,或者在设计成果文件有效期内撤回设计成果,建设单位有权不退还该参赛单位的全部参赛保证金。
5.4 In case any contestant that fails to submit the design result document according to the technical document, or submits the design result document beyond the time limit, or withdraws the design result within the valid period of the design result document, the Project Owner has the right to refuse to return all the deposits of the said contestant.
5.5 如果正式参赛单位中途退出本次活动,建设单位有权从符合条件的其他报名单位择优选择补充。
5.5 In case any official contestant opts out of the activity before completion, the Project Owner has the right to pick over other qualified registration organization for supplementation.
6. 奖励补偿办法
6. Incentive Compensation Method
6.1 凡是按规定报送了符合本技术文件要求的方案,其制作人的每个方案可以获得6万美元的成本补偿金。如参赛人为境外单位,考虑到差旅成本等因素,每个方案可以获得8万美元的成本补偿金。
6.1 For any proposal submitted as required consistent with the requirements of the technical document, the corresponding producer can obtain the cost compensation of USD 60,000 for each proposal. If the contestant is from any foreign country, considering such factors as the travel cost, each proposal may receive the cost compensation of USD 80,000.
6.2 建设单位对正式参赛单位报送的方案A、方案B各评选出三个优胜方案,获得优胜的参赛方案将分别获得5万美元的优胜奖励金。
6.2 The Project Owner will select three winning proposals respectively from Proposal A and Proposal B submitted by the official contestant. The contestant will receive the prize money of USD 50, 000 respectively for the winning proposal.
6.3 评审完成后,建设单位有权要求正式参赛人根据评审专家和建设单位的意见进一步优化、修改所报送的设计方案;正式参赛人根据要求进行优化和修改后,每个方案可以获得3万美元的额外补偿金;如参赛人为境外单位,考虑到差旅成本等因素,每个方案按4万美元的额外补偿金。未按建设单位的要求进行方案修改和优化的不能获得额外补偿金。
6.3 Upon the completion of the review, the Project Owner has the right to request the official contestant to further optimize and modify the design proposal submitted according to the opinions of the review experts and the Project Owner; after the optimization and modification is made according to requirements, the official contestant can obtain the additional compensation of USD 30,000 for each proposal. If the contestant is from any foreign country, considering such factors as the travel cost, each they may receive the additional compensation of USD 40,000 for each proposal. The official contestant that fails to optimize and modify the proposal as requested cannot obtain the additional compensation.
6.4 获准采用的实施方案,不获得成本补偿金、优胜奖励金和额外补偿金。相应的参赛单位将被授予本项目的方案设计咨询合同。
6.4 The official contestant cannot obtain the cost compensation, prize money for winning and the additional compensation for the proposal approved to be adopted. The corresponding contestant will be awarded the proposal design consultation contract for this project.
7. 设计咨询的主要工作
7. Major Design Consultation Services
The organization that obtains the contract on design consultation has the following major work contents:
7.1 在建设单位选定方案后根据政府规划审批要求和建设单位要求完善设计方案。
7.1 Perfect the design proposal according to the requirements on the planning examination and approval of the government and the requirements of the Project Owner after the Project Owner has selected the proposal.
7.2 负责将初步方案深化设计到国家规定的方案设计深度。
7.2 Be responsible for deepening the preliminary proposal to the depth specified by the state.
7.3 负责建筑专业和可持续发展专业的初步设计。
7.3 Be responsible for the preliminary design concerning the construction and the sustainable development.
7.4 完成建筑物公共空间(包括但不限于大堂、走廊、电梯厅、会议中心、礼堂、餐厅等)的内部装修方案设计和其他区域室内装修的初步方案设计;完成室外景观和泛光照明的方案设计。
7.4 Complete the proposal design for the interior decoration of the building’s public space (including but not limited to lobby, corridor, elevator hall, conference center, auditorium and dining hall) and the preliminary proposal design for the interior decoration of other areas; Complete the proposal design for outdoor landscape and flood lighting.
7.5 承担初步设计阶段(建筑与可持续发展专业外)的图纸审阅;负责施工图设计的图纸审阅。
7.5 Undertake the review of the preliminary design drawings (except the contents concerning the construction and the sustainable development); Be responsible for the review of drawings on the construction drawing design.
7.6 为保证设计方案的原则得以贯彻,设计咨询单位需要提供重要设备、材料招标和施工阶段的技术咨询服务,以及影响建筑效果的重要设备材料采购技术条件审查、施工设计审查、参与重大问题的处理等。
7.6 In order to guarantee the implementation of the principle of the design proposal, the design consultation organization needs to provide important equipment, material tendering and technical consultation service during the construction period, review the procurement technical conditions of important equipment and materials which might affect the architectural effect, review the construction design and participate in dealing with major issues.
8. 《参赛报名文件》应至少包含下列内容
8. The Registration Document shall at least include the following contents:
8.1 参赛确认函(格式详附件一);
8.1 Letter of Confirmation (for the detailed format, see Appendix I);
8.2 所在国政府主管部门核发的企业注册登记证明或营业执照复印件;
8.2 Copy of Enterprise Registration Certificate or Business License issued by the competent government department in the country;
8.3 参赛单位简介;
8.3 Introduction to the contestant;
8.4 所在国金融机构出具的资信证明和企业保险证明;
8.4 Credit Standing Certificate and Enterprise’s Insurance Certificate issued by the financial institution in the country;
8.5 所在国政府主管部门或者有关行业组织核发的设计许可证明;
8.5 Design License issued by the competent government department or the relevant trade organization in the country;
8.6 企业工程设计业绩证明,要求是近十年(2001年~2010年)高层办公楼(高度不小于160米)设计业绩(格式详见附件二);以及近十年在中国内地类似项目的建筑设计业绩,特别是在当地的标志性建筑设计业绩(格式详见附件三)。
8.6 Enterprise’s Engineering Design Performance Certificate, concerning the design performance of high-rise office buildings (with the height not less than 160m) in the past 10 years (2001~2010) (for the detailed format, see Appendix II); and the design performance of buildings in similar projects in Mainland China in the past 10 years, especially the design performance of local landmarks (for the detailed format, see Appendix III);
8.7 国际机构颁发的质量标准认证证书(如果有);
8.7 Quality Standard Authentication Certificate issued by an international institute, if any;
8.8 参与本项目设计的主要技术人员的简历、身份证明、最高学历证明和执业注册证明(格式详附件四);
8.8 Resume, ID identification, highest education certificate and certificate of registration for practice of the major technicians who participate in the project design (for the detailed format, see Appendix IV).
9. 《参赛报名文件》装订格式
9. Binding Format of Registration Document
9.1 参赛单位提交的《参赛报名文件》应采用A4(210mm×294mm)幅面,按照本公告第8条要求的顺序装订成册,一式2份,由参赛单位法定代表人或其委托代理人签名,并加盖参赛单位公章后提交。
9.1 The Registration Document submitted by the contestant shall be bound in a volume according to the sequence required by the Article 8 herein in A4 (210mm×294mm), in duplicate, and submitted after being signed by the legal representative or entrusted agent of the contestant and affixed to the seal of the contestant.
9.2 参赛意向文件的文字说明及文字标注须提供中文版本。
9.2 The textual description and the textual notes of the intention document shall provide the Chinese version.
9.3 除文本文件外,参赛单位还需将参赛意向文件制作成电子文件,其中文本文件采用Microsoft word 格式文件,图形文件采用dwg、jpg或gif格式文件,提交以上计算机文件光盘2套。
9.3 In addition to the text file, the contestant shall also make the intention document into electronic file, wherein the text file adopts Microsoft word formatted file, and the graphic file adopts dwg, jpg or gif formatted file, and submit 2 sets of discs on the above computer files.
10. 《参赛报名文件》报送方法
10. Submission Method of Registration Document
10.1 报送时间:2011年04月 22日前
10.1 Submission Time: By April 22, 2011
Note: the work hour for registration is 9:00 – 12:00 am and 2:30 – 5:30 pm.
10.2 报名地点:广州市黄埔大道中146~150号1、2楼 广东省电力物资总公司;
10.2 Registration Place: Guangdong Electric Power Materials & Equipment Co., Ltd., Floor 1 & 2, No. 146~150, Huangpu Road Central, Guangzhou City
10.3 联系人:张小姐(020)********、黎先生(020)********、周先生(020)********,蓝先生(020)********
10.3 Contact Person: Ms. Zhang (020) ********Mr. Li (020) ******** Mr. Zhou (020) ******** Mr. Lan (020) ********
10.4 报名应对提交的报名资料及报名表的记录信息负责,如果报名表记录的信息与实际情况不符,造成报名无效或其他连带问题的,后果自担。
10.4 Registration organization shall be responsible for the registration information submitted and the record information in the registration form. In case the record information in the registration form is inconsistent with the actual situation, resulting in the registration invalidation or other associated problems, the said organization shall take the sole responsibility.
10.5 报名单位可以通过邮件快递或其他可靠方式递送文件。但建设单位不对文件迟到或不到负责。
10.5 Registration organization can deliver the document via mail express or other reliable ways. However, the Project Owner shall not be liable for the delay or the non-arrival of the document.
10.6 在报送文本文件的同时,报名单位应将《参赛报名文件》制成PDF格式(文件名为:电网调度中心报名+设计单位名称)分别发送至zhdlgs522@139.com和136*****348@139.com">136*****348@139.com 。
10.6 While submitting the text file, the registration organization shall make the Registration Document into PDF formatted file (file name: registration for dispatching center of Power Grid + name of design organization), and send to zhdlgs522@139.com and 136*****348@139.com">136*****348@139.com respectively.
附件一 参赛确认函
Appendix I: Letter of Confirmation
附件二 近十年(2001年~2010年)高层办公楼设计业绩(高度不小于160米)
Appendix II: Design performance of high-rise office buildings (with the height not less than 160m) in the past 10 years (2001~2010)
附件三 近十年在中国内地的建筑设计业绩
Appendix III: Design performance of buildings in Mainland China in the past 10 years
附件四 主要设计人员计划安排表
Appendix V: Schedule of Major Designers
Guangdong Power Grid Corporation
Guangdong Electric Power Materials & Equipment Co., Ltd.
April, 2011
附件一 参赛确认函
Appendix I: Letter of Confirmation
To: Guangdong Power Grid Corporation
Our company has studied the Notice on Collection of Architectural Design Proposal for Production Scheduling Center of Guangdong Power Grid Corporation, and is willing to participate in the collection activity for the project. We will send major designers to participate in the news conference on the collection activity document according to the requirements of the invitation letter, and implement and complete all the design work and the relevant work specified in the collection activity document in accordance with the requirements of the technical document for the collection activity.
Our company guarantees the authenticity and accuracy of the contents of the intention document submitted.
If the proposal submitted by our company wins the Excellent Award and our company is selected as the design candidate unit, our company guarantees we will immediately carry out the follow-up work such as optimization of design proposal, negotiation and signing of the design contract upon receipt of the notice on Excellent Proposal and the notice on negotiation and signing of the design contract from the Project Owner, and complete all the work in accordance with the quality and progress required in the design contract.
参赛单位:(全称) (盖章)
Contestant: (Full Name) (Seal)
邮政编码: 法定代表人或其授权的代理人
Post Code Legal Representative or Authorized Agent
电 话:
传 真: (职务、姓名) (签字)
Fax: (Position & Name) (Signature)
Open Bank Account:
帐 号:
Account No:
日期: 年 月 日
Date: ______(month)______(date), _____(year)
附件二 近十年(2001年~2010年)高层办公楼设计业绩
Appendix II: Design performance of high-rise office buildings in
the past 10 years (2001~2010)
项目名称 Project Name | 业主单位 Project Owner | 建设地点 Construction Site | 主设计人 Major Designer | 建设规模 Construction Scale | 设计日期 Design Date | 设计范围与深度 Design Scope and Depth | 设计配合单位 Cooperative Unit for the Design | 获奖名称 Award Name |
1、 上表所列项目应为与本项目类似的大型写字楼项目或大型公司总部办公楼;
1. The above listed projects shall be the large-scale office building projects or the H.Q. building projects of large-scale companies similar to this project;
2、 建设规模填写投资额或建筑面积;
2. For the construction scale, fill in the investment amount or the construction area;
3、 设计日期请注明项目建设的开始及完工时间,未完工项目请注明预计完工时间;
3. For the design date, please state clearly the commencement time and the completion time of the project construction. For the unfinished projects, please state clearly the anticipated completion time;
4、 获奖项目应提供获奖证书复印件。
4. For the awarded project, please provide the copy of the award certificate.
附件三 近十年在中国内地的建筑设计业绩
Appendix III: Design performance of buildings in Mainland China in the past 10 years
项目名称 Project Name | 业主单位(联系方式) Project Owner (contact info) | 建设地点 Construction Site | 国内合作设计伙伴 Domestic Cooperation Partner for the Design | 主设计人 Major Designer | 建设规模 Construction Scale | 设计日期 Design Date | 设计范围与深度 Design Scope and Depth | 设计配合单位 Cooperative Unit for the Design | 起始日期 Commencement Date and Completion Date | 获奖名称 Award Name |
附件四 主要设计人员计划安排表
Appendix V: Schedule of Major Designers
本项目中拟任职 Proposed Position in the Project | 姓名 Name | 专业 Major | 本专业设计年限 Design Period in the Major | 执业证书名称及证号 Practicing Certificate Name and Number | 国内主要设计业绩 Major Design Performance at Home | 国外主要设计业绩 Major Design Performance abroad | 联系方式 Contact info |
1. 项目负责人资格:一级注册建筑师(或相当于),项目负责人应为设计机构总部的在册人员,近三年主持参与高度在160米以上的超高层建筑不少于1个(需提供证明),该设计师必须直接参与设计全过程。
1. Qualification of person in charge of project: Level-1 Registered Architect (or equivalent). The person in charge of the project shall be the registered personnel of the headquarter of the designer, and shall have participated at least 1 rise building of more than 160 m high in the past three years (certification required), and shall directly participate the entire design process.
2. 其他主要设计师:必须为设计机构总部的在册人员(需提供证明)。
2. Other main designers: Must be the registered personnel of the headquarter of the designer (certification required).
3. 本项目中拟任职指设计师拟在本项目中承担的职责及任务。
3. Proposed post in this project: It refers to the duties and tasks to be undertaken by the proposed designers in this project.
4. 主要设计业绩指设计师作为主要参与人所参与的高层、超高层建筑设计业绩。设计业绩包括项目名称、地址、规模、性质、特点等。
4. Main design achievements: It refers to the design achievements of the designer where he/she acts as the main participant to participate the construction of high rise building and super high rise building. The design achievements include the name, address, scale, nature and features of the project.
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