FBAC volatile organic compounds online monitoring project
一、项目概况 Project Profile
序号 No | 项目名称 Project Name | 项目内容 Project content |
1 | 福建奔驰固定污染源挥发性有机物在线监测项目 FBAC volatile organiccompounds online monitoring project | 1. 氢火焰离子气相色谱检测分析器; Hydrogen flame ion gas chromatographydetection analyzer 2.预处理设备,样品采集和传输装置(采样探头、温压流传输管线、流量控制设备、采样泵),数据采集和传输设备; Pretreatment equipment, sample collection andtransmission equipment (sampling probe, thermo-pressure flow transmissionpipeline, flow control equipment, sampling pump), data collection andtransmission equipment 3.辅助设备(电力、数据网络连接线铺设和分析小屋及排气、冷凝空调设备、机柜、内部监控系统、测试辅助气体、防雷实施); Auxiliary equipment (laying of electric powerand data network connection line and analysis of cabin and exhaust andcondensing air conditioning equipment, cabinet, internal monitoring system,testing auxiliary gas, lightning protection implementation) 4.安全施工方案及相关措施,施工人员需要高空作业等相关证书; Safety construction plan and relevantmeasures, and construction personnel need relevant certificates such asworking at height 5.设备验收应做第三方检测比对,1年保固及运维相关项目等 Third-party inspection and comparison shall be conducted for equipmentacceptance, and one-year warranty, operation and maintenance |
备注: 选填 |
二、 报名资质要求 Registration Qualification Requirements
设备要求:可选的品牌及型号如下表:Equipment requirements: optional brands andmodels are as following 序号NO产品型号Product model产品类型Product type所属供应商Supplier1Expec 2000-115GC-FID杭州谱育科技发展有限公司Hangzhou PuYu CO. LTD2Anchor-VOCsGC-FID广东俐峰环保科技有限公司Guangzhou Lifeng CO. LTD3MODEL6000GC-FID北京雪迪龙科技股份有限公司Beijing Xuedilong CO. LTD45800GC-FID赛默飞世尔科技(中国)有限公司Thremos (china) CO. LTD1.设备应拥有自主知识产权,拥有色谱分析技术相关专利,或者是拥有非甲烷总烃、苯系物等VOCs相关检测装置之相关专利,包括以下类型(相关影印文件须加盖仪器原厂公章,提供官方查询渠道,原件备查):设备发明专利(进口设备须提供国外发明专利);实用新型专利;软件著作权。 The equipment should have independent intellectualproperty rights, with chromatographic analysis technology patent, or has themethane total hydrocarbon, VOCs such as benzene content related detectiondevice of patents, including the following types (relevant photocopydocuments must bear the official seal of a instrument factory provides queryofficial channels, original reference) : a device for a patent for invention(imported equipment shall provide foreign invention patents);Utility modelpatent; Software copyright. 2. 设备主分析仪器具备中华人民共和国制造计量器具许可证、计量器具型式批准证书、CEEP中国环境保护产品认证证书,并附加盖公章的证书影印件、检测报告复印件。The main analytical instrumentof the equipment shall have the license for manufacturing measuringinstruments of the People's Republic of China, the approval certificate formeasuring instruments type, the CEEP certification certificate forenvironmental protection products in China, and a photocopy of thecertificate stamped with the official seal and a copy of the test report 3.设备近3年机械,化工,整车制造相关安装2项业绩以上。The equipment has more than 2achievements in mechanical, chemical, vehicle manufacturing in recent 3 years 4.符合HJ 1013-2018,HJ38,HJ212-2017,HJ75-2017及相关规范、规定要求。It conforms to HJ 1013-2018,HJ38, hj212-2017, hj75-2017 and relevant specifications and regulations 5. 营业执照中至少具备以下经营范围中的一项:实验设备,仪器仪表,环保器材,环境监测器材开发销售、维护,环保技术服务,环境检测仪器及技术服务,环保器材设计及安装;The business license shall haveat least one of the following business scope: development, sales andmaintenance of experimental equipment, instrumentation, environmentalprotection equipment, environmental monitoring equipment, environmentalprotection technical services, environmental testing equipment and technicalservices, design and installation of environmental protection equipment; 投标企业必须在挥发性有机物VOC在线或烟气在线监测系统项目有2项以上相关业绩(含企业客户、政府环保系统客户)。Bidding suppliers must have atleast 2 related achievements in VOC online or flue gas online monitoringsystem projects (including enterprise customers and government environmentalprotection system customers). |
三、报名方式和截止时间:Registration methods and deadlines
本资讯发布之日起至2019年 10 月 11 日 15:00 前(逾期无效),请将如下资料发至邮箱Procurement@fujianbenz.com,邮件标题请注明“××××××项目+厂商全称”:
From the date of publication of this information to 15:00 on October 11, 2019 (overdue and invalid), please send the following information to Procurement@fujianbenz.com, with the title of "2020 Corporate Public Relations Project + Full Name of Manufacturer":
1) 公司简介(含营业执照);
2) 资质证书(若“报名资质要求”);
3) 类似业绩清单,另附部分合同扫描件(1-3份)(价格等部分敏感信息可以屏蔽);
4) 供应商报名登记表-福建奔驰固定污染源挥发性有机物在线监测项目(按附件格式填写并上传签字盖章扫描版)
1) company profile (including business license);
2) qualification certificate (if required by the registration qualification);
3) a list of similar achievements is attached with a scanning copy of part of the contract (1-3 copies) (price and other sensitive information can be shielded);
4) supplier registration form - fujian Benz fixed source volatile organic matter online monitoring project (fill in the attached form and upload the signed, sealed and scanned version)
Please provide the above information. Incomplete information will be regarded as invalid.
四、特别说明:Special description
For the enterprises registered for this project, FBAC will carry out preliminary screening according to the relevant system and process of the company, and through the preliminary screening link of the enterprise, our related personnel will make further contacts.
以上我司保留最终解释。We reserve the final explanation above.
如有任何问题,请联系:****-******** 或****-********
If you have any questions, please contact: ****-******** or ****-********
固定污染物在线监测 供应商报名登记表
厂商名称 | |||||
注册地址 | 网址 | ||||
联系方式 | 联系人 | 电话 | |||
社保号 | 邮箱 | ||||
身份证号 | |||||
法定代表人 | 姓名 | 电话 | |||
成立时间 | 员工总人数 | ||||
营业执照号或者组织机构代码证号 | |||||
注册资金 | |||||
生产规模 (供货能力) | |||||
经营范围 | |||||
公司基本简介及主要业绩: |
日期:2019 年 10 月 日
- 关注我们可获得更多采购需求 |
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