Invitation forBids
1、the tender conditions:
Project description: Equipment purchased by heilongjiang ecological geological survey and researchinstitute (import)
资金到位或资金落实情况:财政性资金、自筹资金: 2,102,000.00元 ,已落实
Capital in place or to carry out the situation: fiscal funds、self-financing:2,102,000.00yuan,it has been implemented
Project: Already have
2、Date:OnOctober 8, 2019
IFB No. :SC[2019]4415、3506-194DS*******
Entrusted by proprietor,Heilongjiang dingshuobidding agency co. LTD. eligible bidders for the Institute of Equipmentpurchased by heilongjiang ecological geological survey and research institute(import):
Name of equipment, quantity, main technical specification, goodsdelivery time and delivery
招标货物名称 Bidding Equipment Name | 数量 Quantity | 简要技术参数 Brief technical parameter | 交货时间及交货地点 Delivering time and delivering and place | 采购预算(元) Procurement budget (yuan) |
水底电动沉积物取样钻机 | 1台 | 详细参数见招标文件 Detailsplease refer to the tender documents | 交货时间:合同签订后30天内交货完毕 Delivering time:Delivery is completed within 30 days after signingthe contract 交货地点:甲方指定地点 Deliveringand place:Placedesignated by party a | 400000 |
彩色复印机 | 1台 | 详细参数见招标文件 Detailsplease refer to the tender documents | 交货时间:合同签订后30天内交货完毕 Delivering time:Delivery is completed within 30 days after signingthe contract 交货地点:甲方指定地点 Deliveringand place:Placedesignated by party a | 68000 |
液塑限 | 1台 | 详细参数见招标文件 Detailsplease refer to the tender documents | 交货时间:合同签订后30天内交货完毕 Delivering time:Delivery is completed within 30 days after signingthe contract 交货地点:甲方指定地点 Deliveringand place:Placedesignated by party a | 2500 |
中低压直剪仪(四联无级变速) | 1台 | 详细参数见招标文件 Detailsplease refer to the tender documents | 交货时间:合同签订后30天内交货完毕 Delivering time:Delivery is completed within 30 days after signingthe contract 交货地点:甲方指定地点 Deliveringand place:Placedesignated by party a | 15700 |
中低压固结仪(三联中压) | 10台 | 详细参数见招标文件 Detailsplease refer to the tender documents | 交货时间:合同签订后30天内交货完毕 Delivering time:Delivery is completed within 30 days after signingthe contract 交货地点:甲方指定地点 Deliveringand place:Placedesignated by party a | 61000 |
百分表 | 34块 | 详细参数见招标文件 Detailsplease refer to the tender documents | 交货时间:合同签订后30天内交货完毕 Delivering time:Delivery is completed within 30 days after signingthe contract 交货地点:甲方指定地点 Deliveringand place:Placedesignated by party a | 6800 |
全站仪 | 1台 | 详细参数见招标文件 Detailsplease refer to the tender documents | 交货时间:合同签订后30天内交货完毕 Delivering time:Delivery is completed within 30 days after signingthe contract 交货地点:甲方指定地点 Deliveringand place:Placedesignated by party a | 68000 |
热泵机组 | 2台 | 详细参数见招标文件 Details pleaserefer to the tender documents | 交货时间:合同签订后30天内交货完毕 Delivering time:Delivery is completed within 30 days after signingthe contract 交货地点:甲方指定地点 Deliveringand place:Placedesignated by party a | 560000 |
彩色多功能工程一体机 | 1台 | 详细参数见招标文件 Detailsplease refer to the tender documents | 交货时间:合同签订后30天内交货完毕 Delivering time:Delivery is completed within 30 days after signingthe contract 交货地点:甲方指定地点 Deliveringand place:Placedesignated by party a | 550000 |
全自动注射氢化物 发生原子荧光光度计 | 1台 | 详细参数见招标文件 Detailsplease refer to the tender documents | 交货时间:合同签订后30天内交货完毕 Delivering time:Delivery is completed within 30 days after signingthe contract 交货地点:甲方指定地点 Deliveringand place:Placedesignated by party a | 250000 |
GNSS数据采集终端机 | 10台 | 详细参数见招标文件 Detailsplease refer to the tender documents | 交货时间:合同签订后30天内交货完毕 Delivering time:Delivery is completed within 30 days after signingthe contract 交货地点:甲方指定地点 Deliveringand place:Placedesignated by party a | 60000 |
大疆无人机 | 1套 | 详细参数见招标文件 Detailsplease refer to the tender documents | 交货时间:合同签订后30天内交货完毕 Delivering time:Delivery is completed within 30 days after signingthe contract 交货地点:甲方指定地点 Deliveringand place:Placedesignated by party a | 60000 |
Interested qualified bidders can getfurther information and consult the bidding documents from heilongjiangdingshuo bidding agency co., LTD.
3、The bidderqualifications required:
(1) The bidderwho participates in this project shall possess the qualification condition ofthe supplier under article 22nd of the Government procurement law; the bidderwho participates in this project shall register and record through theHeilongjiang provincial government procurement online;
(2) The bidderwho participates in this project shall be a legally operated independententerprise registered in the territory of the People"s Republic of China;
(3) The bidderwho participates in this project shall have a qualified 、the business licenseand an account openingpermit;
(4) The supplierwho participates in the project should have good social reputation and similarproject supply experience;
(5)Toparticipant in the project for nearly three years (from September 2016 tothe date of the announcement, including the announcement date) by the"Credit China" website, "Chinese Government ProcurementNetwork" site ,“Nationalenterprise credit information public system”“Information release and inquiry on thelist of those who have been executed for seriousbreach of trust”listedin the breach of faith by the executive, major tax violations of the partieslist, the Government procurement of serious breach of faith record list, Noparticipation in government procurement activities in this project;
(6) Put colorall-in-one multifunctional project total station color copier underwaterelectric sediment sampling drilling machine product bidder shall is the productof the manufacturer or its authorized agent distributors (if the agentdistributor shall provide the manufacturer for the total station project putcolor multifunction machine color copier underwater electric sediment samplingdrill the only authorized and after-sales service commitment);
(7) Otherconditions stipulated in laws and administrative regulations;
(8) This projectdoes not accept consortium bidding.
4、If a potential bidderintends to participate in this project meets the "bidder qualification requirements"of this project and decides to participate in this bidding activity, he/sheshall obtain the bidding documents from Heilongjiang dingshuo bidding agencyco. LTD. (No. 73-1, gogol street, nangang district, Harbin) within thefollowing time.Access time: from October9, 2019 solsticeOctober15, 2019 8:30-11:30 am and 13:00-16:00 PMdaily (except legal holidays), Bidders must carry a set of documents such as" Registration Form for Bidding and Purchasing legal person authorizationletter ( original ), legal person identity card ( copy ), entrusted agentidentity card ( original and copy ), business license ( original and copy ),if agents, distributor shall provide The manufacturer shallprovide one set of the above documents (copy affixed with the official seal ofthe bidding supplier) regarding the sole authorization and after-sales servicecommitment letter and other relevant materials of the all-in-one colormulti-function engineering all-in-one total station color copier subaqueouselectric sediment sampling drill for this project.This bidding documentwill be sold for rmb500 or $88 per set and will not be returned after sale(additional rmb100 for domestic mail order;An extra $20 is required foroverseas mail order.)
5、 All bids must be delivered to the actual spotwhere bids will be opened before 09:30 pm October30, 2019.(Beijingtime)
6、定于2019年10月30日09:30 (北京时间)在哈尔滨市南岗区果戈里大街73-1号开标大厅公开开标。届时请参加投标的厂商代表出席开标仪式。
6、Bids will be openedopenly at the bid opening hall, 73-1 gogol street, nangang district, Harbin at 09:30(Beijing time), October30, 2019.Thebidding representatives are invited to attend the opening ceremony.
7、supplemented by theother:
Procurement projects need to beimplemented in government procurement policies: in accordance with the stateregulations.
The proprietary parts(NO.2)of the bidding documents shall prevail when There are differences.
This project announcement is published inhttp://www.ccgp.gov.cn, http://www.hljcg.gov.cn andhttp://www.chinabidding.com.
Name of tenderer:Heilongjiang ecological geology survey andresearch institute
Detailed Address:No 29 diantan road, xiangfang district,Harbincity
Contact Person:Mr Liu
电 话:****-********
ContactTelephone No.:****-********
Name ofTendering Agent:Heilongjiangdingshuo bidding agency co. LTD.
详细 地 址:哈尔滨市南岗区哈尔滨市南岗区果戈里大街73-1号
Detailed Address:no.73-1, gogol street, nangang district,Harbin
联 系 人:赵先生
Contact Person:Mr Zhao
电 话:****-********
ContactTelephone No.:****-********
Notice: The bidder should register throughinternet work: According to the prescript of Ministry of Commerce, the biddershould register in http://www.chinabidding.com intime after has obtained the bidding documents. And will build official seal bya bidder bidding registration form and the industrial and commercial businesslicense (copy) to submit to the tender net; Foreign bidders submit locationregistration documents (copy), the bidder without seal, submit the biddingregistration form signed by the head unit.
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