

中化泉州100万吨/年乙烯及炼油改扩建项目20/50万吨/年EO/EG装置卡塔卡勃碳酸钾促进剂(Catacarb 922A/B)国际招标投标邀请

日 期:2019年12月16日


1. 中化商务有限公司(招标代理机构)受中化泉州石化有限公司(招标人)委托,以国际招标方式邀请潜在投标人就下列货物和有关服务提交密封投标:



卡塔卡勃碳酸钾促进剂(Catacarb 922A/B)



2. 有兴趣的潜在投标人可从中化商务有限公司得到进一步的信息和查阅招标文件。

*3. 对投标人的资质业绩要求:

1) 本项目接受制造商或其授权的代理商投标,如为代理商投标,须提供制造商针对本项目的唯一授权函复印件。

2) 中国关境内投标人须提供有效的营业执照副本复印件,中国关境外投标人须提供企业经营许可证明文件复印件。

3) 投标人或其提供投标产品的制造商必须是工艺包商许可或认可的单位,并出具相应证明材料。

4) 投标人应当提供在开标日前3个月内由其开立基本账户的银行开具的银行资信证明的原件或复印件。

5) 本项目不接受联合体投标。


4. (有兴趣或被邀请)的潜在投标人可于2019年12月16日至2019年12月23日每天(节假日除外)9:00至17:00时(北京时间)购买招标文件,本招标文件售价为2000元人民币或 300美元,售后不退。任何未在中化商务有限公司领购招标文件的法人或其他组织均不得参加投标。






电话:+86 595 ********,+86 159*****627,+86 135*****726

传真:+86 10 ********-****45

电子邮件:zhuangjingcong@sinochem.com, wanglingying@sinochem.com

5. 所有投标文件应于2020年1月7日9:30时(北京时间)之前递交到以下地点,开标仪式定于2020年1月7日9:30 时(北京时间)举行,届时请投标人代表出席开标仪式,投标文件递交地点及开标仪式地点:北京市西城区复兴门外大街A2号中化大厦20层5号会议室,联系电话:+86 595 ********

International Competitive Bidding of Potassium Carbonate Accelerator (Catacarb 922A/B) in 200/500 KMTA EO/EG Plant for sinochem quanzhou 1000KMTA ethylene and refinery revamping projectInvitation for Bids

Date: Dec., 16th, 2019

Bid No.: 0747-1940SCCZX382

1. Entrusted by SINOCHEM QUANZHOU PETROCHEMICAL CO., LTD. (Tenderee), Sinochem Commerce Co., Ltd. (Tendering Agent) invites sealed bids from eligible potential bidders in terms of following commodity and associated service in the manner of international competitive bidding:

Name of Procurement


Potassium Carbonate Accelerator (Catacarb 922A/B)


(Details shall be found in Section 8 Schedule of Requirements and Technical Specifications.)

2. Interested Potential bidders may obtain further information and refer to Bidding

Documents from Sinochem Commerce Co., Ltd.

*3. Qualification and Performance requirements to the bidders:

1) The project accepts bids from manufacturers or agents. If the bid is submitted by agents, the sole authorization letter of the manufacturer for the project shall be provided.

2) The bidder shall have an effective Business License (domestic bidders) or Business Registration (foreign bidder), the bidder should provide the corresponding photocopy.

3) The bidder or the manufacturer of the bidding product should be licensed or approved by contractor of process package, and the corresponding certifications are also should be provided.

4) The bidder should provide original document of bank reference letter or its copy issued by its basic account banks within 3 months prior to bid opening date.

5) The Joint Venture bidding shall not be accepted in this bidding project.

All of the above (1)-(5) are "veto items". Any bid that fails to meet the requirements will be rejected.

4. Interested or invited potential bidders may purchase Bidding Documents from Dec., 16th, 2019 to Dec., 23th, 2019 from 09:00AM to 17:00PM (Beijing time) everyday except for weekends and holiday, the price of each complete set of bidding document is RMB 2000 or USD 300 and the payment is non-refundable. Biddings from any legal persons or other organizations that do not purchase Bidding Documents from Sinochem Commerce Co., Ltd. shall be rejected.

For Bidding Documents Purchasing:

Address for bidding documents: Zhonghua Tendering Electronic Bidding Platform


Contact person for bidding documents: Zhonghua Tendering Electronic Bidding Platform


Tel: 86+10-********

Login in Zhonghua Tendering Electronic Bidding Platform Website: http://e.sinochemitc.com and purchase bidding document by paying oline. At first, the potential bidder should registrate online, specific procedures please refer to “Help Center-Tendering Guide” on login page.

For Project Inquiry:

Contact address for the Project: 21th Floor, SINOCHEM Tower, A2, Fuxingmenwai Dajie, Beijing 100045, P. R. China.

Contact person: Mr. Zhuang jingcong, Ms. Wang Lingying

Tel: +86 595 ********,+86 159*****627,+86 135*****726;

Fax: +86 10 ********-****45

E -Mail:zhuangjingcong@sinochem.com, wanglingying@sinochem.com

5. All bids documents must be delivered to the following address before 9:30 a.m., Jan., 7th, 2020 (Beijing time). Time for bid opening ceremony is 9:30 a.m., Jan., 7th, 2020 (Beijing time), the representatives of the bidders are kindly requested to be present at that time.

Address for bid submission and bid opening ceremony: Meeting Room No. 5, 20th Floor, SINOCHEM Tower, A2 Fuxingmenwai Dajie, Beijing 100045, P. R. China.


标签: 促进剂 碳酸钾 装置





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