项目概况:旅大6-2油田新建1座8腿中心平台LD6-2 CEPA,物流首先进入生产/计量管汇,经三级脱水、脱气处理为合格原油,经输油海底管道输至SZ36-1 CEPO平台,通过栈桥与SZ36-1CEPN平台处理后的合格原油汇合后,经外输泵输至SZ36-1 CEP,再外输至绥中终端。LD6-2 CEPA平台脱出来的伴生气,经增压后与来自锦州25-1S的外输天然气汇合,作为燃料气供给透平发电机组。LD6-2 CEPA平台分离出来的生产水与水源井水经处理合格后,直接在中心平台LD6-2 CEPA上回注地层。
Item Number | Tag Number | Detail |
1 | CEPA-SDV-1201 | 12" ANSI CLASS 900# RTJ |
2 | CEPA-SDV-1202 | 4" ANSI CLASS 900# RTJ |
3 | CEPA-SDV-1301 | 2" ANSI CLASS 300# RF |
4 | CEPA-SDV-1302 | 6" ANSI CLASS 150# RF |
5 | CEPA-SDV-1501 | 8" ANSI CLASS 600# RF |
6 | CEPA-SDV-1502 | 6" ANSI CLASS 300# RF |
7 | CEPA-SDV-2001 | 8" ANSI CLASS 150# RF |
8 | CEPA-SDV-2002 | 6" ANSI CLASS 150# RF |
9 | CEPA-SDV-2003 | 12" ANSI CLASS 150# RF |
10 | CEPA-SDV-2004 | 6" ANSI CLASS 300# RF |
11 | CEPA-SDV-2005 | 6" ANSI CLASS 150# RF |
12 | CEPA-SDV-2006 | 2" ANSI CLASS 150# RF |
13 | CEPA-SDV-2007 | 6" ANSI CLASS 150# RF |
14 | CEPA-SDV-2008 | 4" ANSI CLASS 300# RF |
15 | CEPA-SDV-2009 | 2" ANSI CLASS150# RF |
16 | CEPA-SDV-2010 | 8" ANSI CLASS 150# RF |
17 | CEPA-SDV-3001 | 12" ANSI CLASS 150# RF |
18 | CEPA-SDV-3011 | 2" ANSI CLASS 150# RF |
19 | CEPA-SDV-3031 | 2" ANSI CLASS 150# RF |
20 | CEPA-SDV-3102 | 2" ANSI CLASS 150# FF |
21 | CEPA-SDV-3105 | 2" ANSI CLASS 150# RF |
22 | CEPA-SDV-3141 | 2" ANSI CLASS 300# RF |
23 | CEPA-SDV-3142 | 4" ANSI CLASS 300# RF |
24 | CEPA-SDV-3101 | 2" ANSI CLASS 300# RF |
25 | CEPA-SDV-3610 | 1" ANSI CLASS 150# RF |
26 | CEPA-SDV-4131 | 2" ANSI CLASS 150# RF |
27 | CEPA-SDV-4150 | 2" ANSI CLASS 1500# RTJ |
28 | CEPA-SDV-5004 | 2" ANSI CLASS 150# RF |
29 | CEPA-SDV-7002 | 3" ANSI CLASS 150# RF |
30 | CEPA-BDV-3103 | 2" ANSI CLASS 300# RF |
31 | CEPA-XV-3501 | 1/2" ANSI CLASS 150# RF |
32 | CEPN-BDV-1504 | 2" ANSI CLASS 300# RF |
33 | CEPO-SDV-1502 | 8" ANSI CLASS 600# RF |
34 | CEPO-SDV-1503 | 6" ANSI CLASS 300# RF |
★ 投标人所提供的关断阀和开关阀阀体及执行机构应为制造厂家的成熟产品,买方不接受新试制产品。在投标截止日前十年内,投标人所投产品(阀门和执行机构需配套)应具有至少两个项目在海洋石油平台或FPSO上运行两年及以上(从交货验收合格日期或使用方出具的运行时间证明文件起计)的业绩,并提供相应的书面材料证明(书面材料是指:合同及相应交货验收单或合同及相应使用方出具的有效证明文件)。对于气动关断阀,每个项目应有数量不低于35台阀门和执行机构配套的应用业绩。上述文件中如未包含关断阀和开关阀所在设施的名称及使用方信息,投标人应提供有效说明文件。投标人所提供业绩的产品型式应与本次招标的产品型式相同。
3. 有兴趣的合格投标人可通过以下方式获取招标文件:
4. 投标文件递交截止时间和地点:所有投标文件都应附有按规定提交的投标保证金,并于2020年2月4日10:00时(北京时间)前递交至北京市东城区东直门外小街6号海油大厦4层第七会议室。
5. 开标时间:定于2020年2月4日10:00时(北京时间)开标。届时请参加投标的代表出席开标仪式。 开标地点:北京市东城区东直门外小街6号海油大厦4层第七会议室。
6. 本次招标公告同时在机电产品招标投标电子交易平台(以下简称“电子交易平台”,网址http://www.chinabidding.com)上发布。
Invitation for Bids (IFB)
Bid No:0704-1940JDCP0743/01
Date: 3rd January, 2019
1.CNCCC International Tendering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called“Tendering Agent”), for and on behalf of CNOOC China Limited (herinafter called"Purchaser") invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the supplyof following equipment:
Source of Funds:Yes
Description of The Prepared BiddingConditions:Yes
Joint Bids:NOT Acceptable
Overview:LD6-2 CEPA is a new 8-legged central platform in Luda 6-2oilfield. Logistics first enters the production/metering manifold. It is treatedas qualified crude oil by three-stage dehydration and degassing. It is?transported to SZ36-1 CEPO platform by submarine pipeline. After the qualifiedcrude oil is combined with SZ36-1 CEPN platform by trestle, it is transportedto SZ36-1 CEP by external pump and then to Suizhong terminal. The associatedgas released from LD6-2 CEPA platform is supercharged and merged with theoutgoing natural gas from Jinzhou 25-1S to serve as fuel gas for Turbine units.After the production water and source well water separated from the LD6-2 CEPA?platform are qualified, they are directly injected back into the formation onthe central platform LD6-2 CEPA.
Name of Goods: The?Shutdown Valves
Quantity/Technical parameters:
Item Number | Tag Number | Detail |
1 | CEPA-SDV-1201 | 12" ANSI CLASS 900# RTJ |
2 | CEPA-SDV-1202 | 4" ANSI CLASS 900# RTJ |
3 | CEPA-SDV-1301 | 2" ANSI CLASS 300# RF |
4 | CEPA-SDV-1302 | 6" ANSI CLASS 150# RF |
5 | CEPA-SDV-1501 | 8" ANSI CLASS 600# RF |
6 | CEPA-SDV-1502 | 6" ANSI CLASS 300# RF |
7 | CEPA-SDV-2001 | 8" ANSI CLASS 150# RF |
8 | CEPA-SDV-2002 | 6" ANSI CLASS 150# RF |
9 | CEPA-SDV-2003 | 12" ANSI CLASS 150# RF |
10 | CEPA-SDV-2004 | 6" ANSI CLASS 300# RF |
11 | CEPA-SDV-2005 | 6" ANSI CLASS 150# RF |
12 | CEPA-SDV-2006 | 2" ANSI CLASS 150# RF |
13 | CEPA-SDV-2007 | 6" ANSI CLASS 150# RF |
14 | CEPA-SDV-2008 | 4" ANSI CLASS 300# RF |
15 | CEPA-SDV-2009 | 2" ANSI CLASS150# RF |
16 | CEPA-SDV-2010 | 8" ANSI CLASS 150# RF |
17 | CEPA-SDV-3001 | 12" ANSI CLASS 150# RF |
18 | CEPA-SDV-3011 | 2" ANSI CLASS 150# RF |
19 | CEPA-SDV-3031 | 2" ANSI CLASS 150# RF |
20 | CEPA-SDV-3102 | 2" ANSI CLASS 150# FF |
21 | CEPA-SDV-3105 | 2" ANSI CLASS 150# RF |
22 | CEPA-SDV-3141 | 2" ANSI CLASS 300# RF |
23 | CEPA-SDV-3142 | 4" ANSI CLASS 300# RF |
24 | CEPA-SDV-3101 | 2" ANSI CLASS 300# RF |
25 | CEPA-SDV-3610 | 1" ANSI CLASS 150# RF |
26 | CEPA-SDV-4131 | 2" ANSI CLASS 150# RF |
27 | CEPA-SDV-4150 | 2" ANSI CLASS 1500# RTJ |
28 | CEPA-SDV-5004 | 2" ANSI CLASS 150# RF |
29 | CEPA-SDV-7002 | 3" ANSI CLASS 150# RF |
30 | CEPA-BDV-3103 | 2" ANSI CLASS 300# RF |
31 | CEPA-XV-3501 | 1/2" ANSI CLASS 150# RF |
32 | CEPN-BDV-1504 | 2" ANSI CLASS 300# RF |
33 | CEPO-SDV-1502 | 8" ANSI CLASS 600# RF |
34 | CEPO-SDV-1503 | 6" ANSI CLASS 300# RF |
Delivery Schedule:
Fromwithin PRC:February?27, 2021 of Construction Site of Qingdao, Shandong.
Fromoutside PRC:February?12, 2021 of qingdao Seaport, Shandong.
★Thevalve and actuator of shutdown valve and On-off valve provided by VENDOR shall bethe mature products of the manufacturers. The newly trial products isunacceptable. Since in recent 10 years to the bid deadline, the valve and actuator ofshutdown and blowdownvalves that VENDOR supplied should have at least two projects had successfulapplications in offshore platform or FPSO for two years ( From the date ofacceptance of delivery or the certificate issued by USER). For pneumatics SDV,each project should have not less than 35 sets valves and actuators applicationperformance. The VENDOR shall provide the corresponding documents (writtenmaterial refers to: contract and the commissioning acceptance documents orcontract and the effective proof certificate issued by the operator). If theabove documents do not contain the name of the facility where shutdown valveand On-off valve is located and the information of the user, the VENDOR shallprovide a valid document. The product type of the performance provided by theVENDOR shall be the same as the product type of the tender.
★Forpneumatics SDV, if the VENDOR’s product performances don’t include theapplication performance of not less than the sizing & rating of 12” 900LB and 2” 1500LB of valve and actuator, theVENDOR should provide an additional application performance of not less thanthesizing & rating of 12” 900LB and 2” 1500LB of valve and actuator. The VENDOR shall provide thecorresponding documents (written material refers to: contract and thecommissioning acceptance documents or contract and the effective proofcertificate issued by the operator). If the above documents do not contain thename of the facility where shutdown valve is located and the information of theuser, the VENDOR shall provide a valid document. The product type of theperformance provided by the VENDOR shall be the same as the product type of thetender.
3.All those who are willing to participate in the bids are kindlyrequested to : enter into website https://buy.cnooc.com.cn/cbjyweb/topurchase the bidding documents (electronic edition) on line from 3rd January 2020 to 13 January 2020 upon non-refundablepayment of RMB 2,000 or USD300 for each copy. (Beneficiary: CNCCCInternational Tendering Co., Ltd., Name of Bank: Bank of CommunicationsBeijing Branch Hepingli Sub-branch; USD A/C No.: ****************07037,SWIFTCode: COMMCNSHBJG). After completion of the remittance, the bidder coulddownload the bidding documents.
4.Bids must be delivered to Room No.7, 4th Floor, CNOOC Tower, No.6Dongzhimenwai Xiaojie, Dongcheng District, Beijing 100027, P.R. China forsubmission of bids before 10:00 a.m. (Beijing time) on 4th February 2020.
5.Bids will be opened in the presence of bidders representativeswho choose to attend at 10:00 a.m. (Beijing time) on 4th February 2020 at Room No.7, 4th Floor, CNOOC Tower, No.6 Dongzhimenwai Xiaojie,Dongcheng District, Beijing 100027, P.R. China for bid-opening.
6.The Invitation for Bids is issued on the website of www.chinabidding.comsimultaneously.
Name of Purchaser: CNOOC China Limited
Address: BuildingC, Room 1015, NO.2121,Haichuan Road,Binhai New Area,Tianjin,China., 300459
Contact Person:Zou?Yongqian
Name of Tendering Agent:China National Offshore Oil Corp. Procurement Department Procurement &Tendering Centre and CNCCC International Tendering Co., Ltd.
Detailed Address: Floor4,CNOOC Tower, No.6 Dongzhimenwai Xiaojie, Dongcheng District, Beijing 100027,P.R. China
Post Code: 100010
Contact person: YuNa
中国海洋石油集团有限公司采办部采购招标中心 关注我们可获得更多采购需求 |
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