1. 招募标准:
1.1 公司注册时间:2016年1月1日前注册;
1.2 公司规模:注册资金不低于100万,垫付款资金不低于300万;
1.3 公司专业素质:具备稳定的核心团队,团队总人数在30人以上(需提供社保及劳动合同为证),项目团队包含客户经理、策略分析人员、创意及设计人员、执行人员等;具备两年以上汽车行业营销项目策划及执行经验;具备多名三年以上二手车类活动工作经验的人员(需提供社保、劳动合同或其他工作经验证明)
1.4 企业资质及经营状况要求:有效的营业执照且未超营业范围经营,具备独立承担民事责任的能力;依法缴纳税收和社会保障资金;近三年经营活动中不存在违法违纪记录,企业信用良好,财务状况良好, 处于正常生产经营状态,没有处于被责令停业、财产被接管、冻结、破产状态;愿意与一汽-大众共同预防和治理不廉洁行为,遵守一汽-大众保密及相关方安全管理规定并同意签署相关文件。
1.5 公司地点:
2. 招募须知:
2.1 签约后业务范围:一汽-大众奥迪销售事业部奥迪二手车业务部市场营销活动项目;业务包括但不限于:经销商展厅活动、车展类活动、品牌户外展示活动、品牌商圈展示活动、二手车展厅开业活动、二手车巡展活动,以及相关的活动创意设计、物料制作等。
2.2 服务范围:
2.2.2 东北区:辽宁、吉林、黑龙江、山东、内蒙古(东)
2.2.3 南部区:广东、湖南、湖北、江西、广西、海南
2.2.6 东南区:浙江、福建
2.3 商业机密保护:若招募成功,该签约公司必须遵守一汽-大众汽车有限公司公司相关保密协议。
一般材料采购部费用采购科孙亮亮 收 邮编:130011
联系方式: 孙亮亮:****-********
Email: jingfu.wang@faw-vw.com
3. 须提交资料:
3.1 申报表(请见附件) 请如实填写贵司相关信息,加盖公司公章并请法人代表签字。
3.2 公司资质:经年检合格的营业执照,税务登记证,组织机构代码证及其它证明材料;法人代表证明书或法人委托书;法人代表身份证、经办人身份证。(注:以上内容请提供复印件;营业执照请加盖公司公章并提供营业执照官网真伪查询信息);
3.3 公司管理机构、工作流程;公司优势资源介绍,包括服务能力和服务范围、服务的主要客户、成功案例、同类项目经验(请提供合同及其他证明材料为证)和单位及个人获奖情况(获奖证明材料复印件并加盖公司印章)等。
3.4 团队架构及人员介绍:团队架构介绍、人员介绍(工作任务描述、工作经历、营销项目经验),并提供所有人员近半年(2019年4月-10月)的社保缴纳证明或第三方公司社保代缴委托合同及缴纳证明;
3.5 近三年(2016,2017,2018)财务报表及所有服务客户情况:服务时间、服务范围(请提供合同为证)。
3.6 第三方资源情况简介(长期合作AV、搭建、第三方制作物等合作公司情况)
4. 招募流程:
4.1 招募公告官网公布
4.2 收集应招代理公司资料
4.3 相关资料筛选评审
4.4 如提交资料初审通过,将通知该公司下一步工作
5. 注意事项:
5.1 同一注册公司只允许申报一个区域的代理招募
注: 本公告最终解释权归一汽-大众汽车有限公司所有
FAW-VW Audi Sales Division Audi Approved Plus Used Car Marketing Activity Agency Recruitment Announcement
For company business development, we are recruiting Audi Approved Plus Used Car regional marketing activity agencies of 6 regions, northeast, south, and southeast. Please notice:
1. Standards:
1.1 Company registration time: before Jan. 1st, 2016;
1.2 Company scale: registered capital no less than 1 million, prepaid capital no less than 3 million;
1.3 Company professional quality: a stable core team with more than 30 members, including account manager, creative and design personnel, executive personnel; have more than two-year experience in automobile industry; have many executive personnel which have more than three-year used car activity experience;
1.4 Enterprise qualification and operating condition requirement: effective business license within its business scope, own the ability to bear civil liability independently; pay taxes and social security funds in accordance with the law; no illegal or criminal records in recent three years’ business activities, good corporate credit; good corporate financial condition, in normal production and management status, not be ordered to stop operation, property not be taken over, frozen, or go broke; be willing to prevent and govern corruption with FAW-VW together, obey FAW-VW confidential and safety relative regulation and agree to sign relative document;
1.5 Company location:
1.5.2 Northeast Region: BeijingShanghaiGuangzhouShenyangChangchun
1.5.3 South Region: BeijingShanghaiGuangzhouShenzhen
1.5.6 Southeast Region: BeijingShanghaiGuangzhouHangzhou
PS: Standard 1.1-1.5 must be up to mustard, if not the company will be rejected.
2. Recruitment notice:
2.1 Business scope after agreement: FAW-VW Audi Sales Division used car business department regional marketing activities (including dealer activitymotor showoutdoor showshowroom opening ceremony used car road show and so on)
2.2 Service area:
2.2.2 Northeast Region: LiaoningJilinHeilongjiangShandongInner Mongolia(East)
2.2.3 South Region: GuangdongHunanHubeiJiangxiGuangxiHainan
2.2.6 Southeast Region: ZhejiangFujian
2.3 Business confidential protection: If successfully recruited, the company must obey relevant confidential agreement of FAW-VW Company. Companies matched the criteria and willing to participate must send brief documents required in no. 3 of this announcement (sealed with company stamp) via S.F. Express to FAW-VW Automotive Purchasing Dept. before 24 o’clock, 26. 02, 2020, otherwise it would be invalid. Please send the time of sending S.F. Express and S.F. Express tracking number via email for checking.
Detailed address and contact as following:
Address: Purchasing Dept., FAW-VW Automotive Company, No. 5, Anqing Road, Changchun City, Jilin Province
Sun Liangliang, Cost Purchasing Team, General Material Purchasing Dept., postcode 130011
Sun Liangliang: ****-********
Email: liangliang.sun.sc@faw-vw.com
Used car dept. contact:
Wang Jingfu: ****-********
Email: jingfu.wang@faw-vw.com
3. Documents required:
3.1 Application Form (attachment): please fill in your relevant information with company stamp and the signature of legal representative.
3.2 Company qualification: business license approved in annual check, tax certificate, organization code and others; proof document or power of attorney from legal representative; ID of legal representative and operator. (PS. Provide copies of the above documents, business license with company stamp and information of test inquiry on business license website)
3.3 The management organization and working process of the company: description of advantages, including service ability and scope, main clients, cases (provide contracts as proof), awards of the company or inbriduals (award proof documents with company stamp), etc.
3.4 Description of team structure and members: description of team structure and members (projects, working experience, marketing programs, etc.)
3.5 Clients service status of the last 3 years (2016, 2017,2018): time and scope of service (provide contract as proof)
3.6 The third parties description (company description of long-term AV, construction, material manufacture, etc.)
All documents and information above must be true. Once a fake document or information is found, the recruitment qualification will be canceled.
4. Recruitment process:
4.1 Announce recruitment announcement on website
4.2 Collect applicants’ documents
4.3 Select and approve documents
4.4 If passed, next steps will be notified to the company
PS. FAW-VW Company reserves the right to explain this announcement.
5. Notice:
5.1 The same registered company is only allowed to declare the recruitment of agents in one region
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