Addendum (1)
项目名称:19CN02 广西崇左市城区生态水系修复工程
Project Name: 19CN02 Guangxi Chongzuo Urban Water System Ecological Restoration Project
Contract Name: CZ4: Naqu 1#, 2#, 3# Functional Wetlands Construction Project
招标编号/ Bid No.:****-********
All bidders:
Regarding the bidding document of the captioned project, the Addendum is made as follow:
The original Bidding Document:
“The deadline for bid submission”, “Bid deadline” , and “The date for bid opening” are 09:30 am., February 11, 2020 (Beijing Time) .
Amended to:
1.“递交投标文件的截止时间”“投标截止时间”“开标时间”为:2020年3月18 日下午14:00 时(北京时间)。
“The deadline for bid submission”, “Bid deadline” , and “The date for bid opening” are 14:00 pm., March 18, 2020 (Beijing Time).
Other contents in the original Bidding Document remain unchanged.
Warm Prompt:
1. 投标人可以通过邮寄的方式递交投标文件。收件地址:广西南宁市怡宾路6号四楼广西壮族自治区公共资源交易中心,收件人:何芮,电话:135*****127。请寄件人在邮件外包装清晰注明“广西崇左市城区生态水系修复工程 CZ4:那渠河1#、2#、3#功能性湿地建设工程项目投标文件(招标编号:****-********)”及真实姓名和联系电话。
1. Bidders can submit bids by mail. Mailing address: Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Public Resource Trading Center, 4th Floor, No.6 Yibin Road, Nanning, Guangxi. Attn: He Rui, Tel: 135*****127. The sender of the mail is required to clearly indicate "Bidding Document of Guangxi Chongzuo Urban Water System Ecological Restoration Project CZ4: Naqu 1#, 2#, 3# Functional Wetlands Construction Project (Bid No.: ****-********) ", real name and contact number on the mail packaging.
2. Bids submitted by mail: 1) The bids shall be packaged and marked according to the requirements of the bidding documents and then packaged by express delivery. If bids are not packaged as required, the tenderee will not accept them; 2) The bidder shall retain the mailing time to ensure that the bids can be delivered to the place designated by the tenderee before the bid deadline. If bids are not delivered to the designated place, the tenderee will not accept them. 3) After mailing the bids, the bidders can actively call the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Public Resources Trading Center to verify whether the mailed bids are delivered within the prescribed time before the bid deadline. The delivery time is based on the time when the documents are signed by the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Public Resources Trading Center. If the bids are delivered late, the tenderee will not accept them; 4) The bidders who have mailed the bids and didn’t participate in the bid opening shall be deemed to have recognized the bid opening result, and shall not raise any objection to the bid opening result. The tenderee shall carry out the bid opening activities in accordance with the regulations under the supervision of supervisors; 5) The risks arising from the mailing shall be borne by the bidders.
3. 请各投标人在收到本补遗后,务必于2020年3月5日11:00之前将确认回执加盖公章后通过传真或电邮发送到我公司,联系方式如下:
3. Please acknowledge the receipt of above addendum and give us your official confirmation with common seal stamped by fax or email before 11:00 am., March 5th, 2020. The contact is as follow:
Attention: Ms. GU Xiujie, Ms. Ma Ying
电话/Tel: ***-********
电邮/Email: guxj@biddingcitic.com, may@biddingcitic.com
CITIC International Tendering Co., Ltd
March 3, 2020
我方确认收到广西崇左市城区生态水系修复工程项目CZ4:那渠河1#、2#、3#功能性湿地建设工程项目 (招标编号:****-********) 招标文件的补遗(一),共4页。 We hereby confirm the receipt of the Addendum (1) of CZ4: Naqu 1#, 2#, 3# Functional Wetlands Construction Project (Bid No.:****-********), 4 pages in total. |
投标人名称/Bidder’s Name: |
签字/Signature: |
公章/Common Seal: |
日期/Date: |
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