中化商务有限公司受招标人委托对下列产品及服务进行国际公开竞争性招标,于2020-03-19在中国国际招标网公告。本次招标采用传统招标方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。 |
1、招标条件 |
项目概况:低频疲劳试验机 |
资金到位或资金来源落实情况:已到位 |
项目已具备招标条件的说明:已具备 |
2、招标内容: |
招标项目编号:0747-2040SCCZQ103 |
招标项目名称:上海飞机制造有限公司低频疲劳试验机国际招标项目 |
项目实施地点:中国上海市 |
招标产品列表(主要设备): |
序号产品名称数量简要技术规格备注1低频疲劳试验机1套此低频疲劳试验机主要用于完成构件级多温度环境下的低频疲劳试验。 |
3、投标人资格要求 |
投标人应具备的资格或业绩:1、投标人必须是所投货物的制造商或经制造商授权的代理商,投标人若为代理商则需提供制造商直接出具的授权书原件。 如果投标人从中华人民共和国关境外提供货物的,一旦中标,投标人必须是与招标人签订本项目外贸合同的签约方。如投标人不具备与招标人签订外贸合同的能力,其投标将被否决。 如果境外投标人所投货物包含境内部分,则投标人须具备人民币结算能力,否则其投标将被否决。 2、1)关境内投标人须提供以下资质证书的复印件: ①加载统一社会信用代码的营业执照; ②制造商在有效期内的ISO9001质量管理体系认证证书或其他同等质量体系认证证书,且该证书的有效期截止日期自开标之日起不少于3个月。 2)关境外投标人须提供以下资质证书的复印件: ①有效的企业登记证明材料; ②制造商在有效期内的ISO9001质量管理体系认证证书或其他同等质量体系认证证书,且该证书的有效期截止日期自开标之日起不少于3个月。 3、业绩要求: 近4年(2016年1月1日至今),投标人或投标货物制造商应具有制造和/或销售与本次所投货物品牌一致的同规格或同类设备的不少于3台的业绩并提供业绩清单(清单中应列出销售时间、销售数量、设备名称、设备型号及最终用户等),同时提供相应的投标人或投标货物制造商近4年(2016年1月1日至今)签订的制造和/或销售与本次所投货物品牌一致的同规格或同类设备的不少于3台的销售合同或销售订单复印件作为证明材料。销售合同或订单的复印件须能体现签订时间,销售产品内容及数量,签订双方等关键信息,否则将被作为无效证明材料。 4、银行资信证明: 1)境内投标人应当提供在开标日前3个月内由其开立基本账户的银行开具的有效银行资信证明; 2)境外投标人应当提供在开标日前3个月内由其开户银行开具的有效银行资信证明。 5、如潜在投标人在以往投标活动中有以下行为,被招标人列入“黑名单”的,其投标将被否决: 第一条 投标人在招投标过程及中标后合同签订、履约过程中存在下列行为的,经查实后,其将被列入“上飞公司供应商黑名单”并在3年内不得参与上飞公司招投标: (一)在投标过程中非中标供应商存在挂靠、串标、围标、非法以他人名义投标的行为(被挂靠公司一并纳入黑名单); (二)联系人或参加开标活动人员为非正式员工,并对上飞公司招标进度带来影响的; (三)不遵守招投标法律法规,在招标采购过程中有恶意诽谤、诬告或陷害其他竞争对手的不良行为; (四)中标后无正当理由不按时签订合同或不按照招投标文件约定签订合同的; (五)非中标供应商提供虚假证件、资质证书、业绩证明等相关材料,没有实际履行能力但承诺商务和技术部分可达到招标要求以骗取中标的虚假应标行为和以其他方式弄虚作假骗取中标的行为; (六)标的产品交付后,多次验收测试不合格的; (七)向公司有关人员馈赠任何礼品,价值未超过200元,情节较轻的行为; (八)其他违反国家法律、法规或招标文件相关规定的,情节较轻的行为。 第二条 投标人在招投标过程及中标后合同签订、履约过程中存在下列行为的,经查实后,其将被列入“上飞公司供应商黑名单”并在5年内不得参与上飞公司招投标: (一)在投标过程中中标供应商存在挂靠、串标、围标、非法以他人名义投标的行为(被挂靠公司一并纳入黑名单); (二)联系人或参加开标活动人员为非正式员工,并对上飞公司带来经济损失的; (三)中标后,非法转包、违约分包、擅自更换项目经理的; (四)合同履约过程中不按照合同要求提交履约保证金、保函或相关凭证的; (五)合同履约过程中擅自变更、终止履约或不按约定履行合同业务的; (六)在履行投标承诺或合同过程中,出现严重质量问题或给招标人造成经济损失、安全事故以及不良社会影响的行为; (七)严重违反投标承诺或合同约定,提高价格、降低质量、拖延工期或供货时间的不诚信行为; (八)中标供应商提供虚假证件、资质证书、业绩证明等相关材料,没有实际履行能力但承诺商务和技术部分可达到招标要求以骗取中标的虚假应标行为和以其他方式弄虚作假骗取中标的行为; (九)向公司有关人员馈赠礼品、提供宴请等,价值200元以上不足1000元,情节较重的行为; (十)存在损害上飞公司利益行为的; (十一)其他违反国家法律、法规或招标文件相关规定的,情节较重的行为。 第三条 投标人在招投标过程及中标后合同签订、履约过程中存在下列行为的,经查实后,其将被列入“上飞公司供应商黑名单”并被永久限制参与上飞公司招投标。 (一)存在商业贿赂行为,如对上飞公司从事招标工作的各类相关工作人员或招标代理机构安排宴请、旅游、健身及其他娱乐活动,赠送礼品、礼金和有价证券等价值超过1000元以上,无偿或明显低价出售(租赁)、出借车辆、房产等大宗物品,以及其他可能影响上飞公司相关工作人员公正履行职务的行为; (二)被司法部门、各级行政主管部门列入经营异常名录、失信被执行人名单库或严重违法企业名单的; (三)其他违反国家法律、法规或招标文件相关规定的,情节严重的行为。 |
是否接受联合体投标:不接受 |
未领购招标文件是否可以参加投标:不可以 |
4、招标文件的获取 |
招标文件领购开始时间:2020-03-19 |
招标文件领购结束时间:2020-03-26 |
是否在线售卖标书:否 |
获取招标文件方式:现场领购 |
招标文件领购地点:/ |
招标文件售价:¥2000/$300 |
其他说明:(1)网络标书销售:凡有意参加投标者,请于2020年3月19日起至2020年3月26日,每天(节假日除外)北京时间9:00至11:30时,13:00至16:00时,登录中化商务电子招投标平台(e.sinochemitc.com)进行注册(免费),上传材料并通过网上支付方式购买招标文件。上传材料包括:营业执照或事业单位法人证书或有效的企业登记证明材料及制造商有效期内的ISO9001质量管理体系认证或同等质量体系认证证明。支付成功后,可下载招标文件及增值税电子普通发票。如遇网站平台操作问题,请拨打平台技术支持联系电话:***-********。 |
5、投标文件的递交 |
投标截止时间(开标时间):2020-04-09 10:00 |
投标文件送达地点:上海市浦东新区世纪大道1600号陆家嘴商务广场M层中化厅会议室 |
开标地点:上海市浦东新区世纪大道1600号陆家嘴商务广场M层中化厅会议室 |
6、投标人在投标前应在必联网(http://www.ebnew.com)或机电产品招标投标电子交易平台(http://www.chinabidding.com)完成注册及信息核验。评标结果将在必联网和中国国际招标网公示。 |
7、联系方式 |
招标人:上海飞机制造有限公司 |
地址:上海市浦东新区上飞路919号 |
联系人:刘玉溪 |
联系方式 :021-6875 8006/8001/8765 |
招标代理机构:中化商务有限公司 |
地址:上海市世纪大道1600号陆家嘴商务广场M层 |
联系人:杨占戈/张霄/邹雨 |
联系方式 :021-6875 8006/8001/8765 |
8、汇款方式 |
招标代理机构开户银行(人民币): |
招标代理机构开户银行(美元): |
账号(人民币): |
账号(美元): |
SINOCHEM COMMERCE CO.,LTD entrusted by the purchaser, invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers home and abroad for the supply of the following goods and/or service by way of International Competitive Bidding. The tender notice was released on www.chinabidding.com on 2020-03-19. |
1.Bidding Conditions |
Overview:Low Frequency Fatigue Testing Machine |
Source of Funds:self raised |
Description of The Prepared Bidding Conditions:well prepared |
2.Bidding Content: |
Bidding No:0747-2040SCCZQ103 |
Project Name:SAMC Low Frequency Fatigue Testing Machine ICB |
Place of Implementation:Shanghai, China |
List of Products: |
NO.Product NameQuantityMain Technical DataRemarks1Low Frequency Fatigue Testing Machine1 setThis equipment is used to complete the low frequency fatigue test under the component-level multi-temperature environment. |
3.Qualification Requirements For Bidder |
Qualifications or Performance:A. The bidder must be the Good’s manufacturer or the agent directly authorized by the Goods’ manufacturer, the original version of authorization material must be provided. The bidders must be the contract party and have the ability to fulfill foreign trade contract with SAMC if offering Goods from outside PRC customs territory, otherwise the bid will be rejected. If the foreign bidders have goods provided within PRC customs territory, the bidder shall have the ability to fulfill RMB contract directly with SAMC, otherwise the bid will be rejected. B. Various qualification certificates must be provided: For domestic bidders: ①Valid Business License (Business Registration); ②The Good’s manufacturer`s Valid ISO9001 or other equal certificates of the Good’s manufacturer, the validity should be no less than 3 months from Time of bid opening; For foreign bidder: ①Valid Business Registration; ②The Good’s manufacturer`s Valid ISO9001 or other equal certificates of the Good’s manufacturer, the validity should be no less than 3 months from Time of bid opening. C. Achievements requirement: In the last 4 years (from January 1, 2016 to present), the Bidder or the goods’ manufacturer shall have performances of manufacturing and/or selling no less than 3 same specifications of or similar machines with the consistent brand of the tendered goods and provide a list of performances (which shall list the sales time, sales quantity, cargo name, equipment model and end user, etc.), and shall provide sales contracts or sales orders for manufacturing and/or selling no less than 3 same specifications of or similar machines with the consistent brand of the tendered goods signed by the Bidder or the goods’ manufacturer in the last 4 years (from January 1, 2016 to present) as proof materials. The copies of the sales contract or the order shall be able to reflect the key information, such as the signing time, the sales content and number, as well as the contracting parties, etc., otherwise it will be regarded as invalid proof. D. Bank reference letter: 1) Domestic bidder shall provide the valid bank reference letter from the bank which the basic account was opened, issued within three months prior to the time of bid opening. 2) Foreign bidder shall provide the valid bank reference letter issued within three months prior to the time of bid opening. F. The qualification of the bidder will be vetoed if the potential bidders involve the following activities and being included in “black list”: Article 1 If the bidder are verified to be involved in the following actions during and after the bidding processes, it will be listed in the “blacklist of suppliers for SAMC” , and are not permit to participate the bidding projects of SAMC in 3 years. (1) Where suppliers who have not won the bidding have behaviors of affiliation, collusion, bid-rigging, illegal bid on behalf of others (together included in the blacklist by the affiliated company); (2) Where contact or personnel who participate in the bid opening activities are informal employees and have impact on the tendering progress of Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd.; (3) Do not follow laws and regulations of tendering and bidding and have bad behaviors of malicious slander and false accusation or charge against other competitors in the process of tendering for purchasing; (4) Do not sign contract on schedule without justified reasons or as agreed in the Bidding Documents after winning the bidding; (5) Where suppliers who have not won the bidding provide false certificates, qualification certificates, proof of performance and other relevant materials and have no actual performance ability, but promise that commercial and technical part can reach the tendering requirements to win the bidding by cheating or other fraudulent means. (6) Where multiple acceptance tests are failed after the delivery of the subject product; (7) Slight behavior of providing any gift to concerned personnel of the company, with the cost not more than RMB 200; (8) Other light behaviors of violating state laws, regulations or the relevant provisions of the Bidding Documents. Article 2 Where the bidder has following behaviors in the bidding and tendering process and in the process of signing contract and performance after winning the bidding, it will be included in the “supplier blacklist of Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd." and shall not participate in the bidding and tendering of Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd. within 5 years after being verified: (1) Where suppliers who have won the bidding have behaviors of affiliation, collusion, bid-rigging, illegal bid on behalf of others (together included in the blacklist by the affiliated company); (2) Where contact or personnel who participate in the bid opening activities are informal employees and bring economic losses to Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd.; (3) Illegally subcontract, sublet by breach of contract and replace the Project Manager without authorization after winning the bidding; (4) Do not submit performance security, letter of guarantee or relevant certificate according to contract requirements in the process of performing the contract; (5) Change and terminate the performance without authorization or do not perform the contract business in the process of performing the contract; (6) Serious quality problems or behaviors of causing economic losses, safety accidents and adverse social impact to the Tenderer in the performance of the tender commitments or contract; (7) Dishonest behaviors of seriously violating the tender commitments or contract agreement, raising prices, reducing quality and delaying the duration or delivery time; (8) Where suppliers who have won the bidding provide false certificates, qualification certificates, proof of performance and other relevant materials and have no actual performance ability, but promise that commercial and technical part can reach the bidding requirements to win the bidding by cheating or other fraudulent means. (9) Slight behavior of providing gifts and entertainment to concerned personnel of the company, with the cost more than RMB 200 and less than RMB 1000; (10) Behavior of damaging the interests of Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd.; (11) Other relatively severe behaviors of violating state laws, regulations or the relevant provisions of the Bidding Documents. Article 3 Where the bidder has following behaviors in the bidding and tendering process and in the process of signing contract and performance after winning the bidding, it will be included in the “supplier blacklist of Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd." and are permanently restricted to participate in the bidding and tendering of Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd after being verified: (1) Commercial bribery behaviors, such as arranging banquets, travel, fitness and other entertainment activities and giving presents, cash gift and securities with value more than RMB 1000 for various staff engaged in the tendering work or the tendering agency, and selling (leasing) and lending vehicle, house and other bulk goods free or at a obviously low price and other behaviors that may affect the impartial duty performance of relevant staff of Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd; (2) Where the bidders are included in the by the judicial department, the administrative departments at all levels included in the abnormal operation directory, list of person subject to enforcement for dishonesty or list of serious illegal enterprises by the judicial authority and administrative departments at all levels; (3) Other serious behaviors of violating state laws, regulations or the relevant provisions of the Bidding Documents. |
Joint Bids:NOT Available |
Bid without the bidding documents:NOT Available |
4.Acquisition of Bidding Documents |
Beginning of Selling Bidding Documents:2020-03-19 |
Ending of Selling Bidding Documents:2020-03-26 |
Sell biddingdoconlineornot:No |
To Obtain:On-site Purchase |
Place:/ |
Price of Bidding Documents: ¥2000/$300 |
Additional Instructions:Interested bidders may log in to e.sinochemitc.com from 2020-3-19 till 2020-3-26 during the period 09:00~11:30 AM, 13:00~16:00 (Beijing time) to make registration (for free), upload documents and make online payment for bidding document. Uploading documents include business licenses or Certificate of Legal Person of Public Institutions or other valid business registration certificate and certificates of ISO9001 quality management system or equivalent quality system certificates of the goods’ manufacturer. After successful payment, download Tendering Documents and Value-added Tax Electronic General Invoice. In case of technical problems, please contact the platform technical support: ***-********. |
5.Bid Submission |
Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (Beijing Time):2020-04-09 10:00 |
Place of Bid:ZHONGHUA Meeting room, Floor M, Lujiazui Business Plaza, No.1600 Century Avenue, Shanghai 200122, P. R. China. |
Place of Bid Opening:ZHONGHUA Meeting room, Floor M, Lujiazui Business Plaza, No.1600 Century Avenue, Shanghai 200122, P. R. China. |
6.The bidder needs to register before the tender on www.chinabidding.com. And the evaluation results will be released on www.chinabidding.com. |
7.Contact Details |
Purchasers:Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Co.,Ltd. |
Add.:No. 919, Shangfei Rd. , Pudong district, Shanghai |
Contact:LIU Yuxi |
Tel:021 6875 8006/8001/8765 |
Add.:Floor M, Lujiazui Business Plaza, No.1600 Century Avenue, Shanghai |
Contact:YANG Zhange/ ZHANG Xiao/ ZOU Yu |
Tel :021 6875 8006/8001/8765 |
8.Remittance Approach |
Bank(RMB): |
Bank(USD): |
Account NO.(RMB): |
Account NO.(USD): |
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