序号 | 物资名称 | 规格型号 | 单位 | 数量 |
1 | 除尘系统 | 详见技术要求 | 套 | 1 |
巴基斯坦国际散货码头(Pvt。)有限公司(PIBT)计划建造从码头到二期煤堆区的新输送系统。 整个系统共包含两个项目,分别为二期陆域项目以及二期新线项目。二期陆域项目在合同签订后即刻执行,二期新线项目在未来执行。二期新线项目技术方案将在执行该项目前进行最终确认。穆罕默德·本·卡西姆港(Muhammad bin Qasim)位于印度河三角洲地区,在卡拉奇(Karachi)东南28海里处。 可以通过一条长达45公里的航道从公海到达港口,该航道分为Phitti Creek和Kadiro Creek。 小岛和茂密的红树林保护着港口免受公海侵害。
温度范围:5 °C到40 °C,直接光照的影响50 °C
最大可操作风速: 20米/秒
The tolerance range of the equipment is to be ± 5% for voltage and ± 2% for frequency.
The required weighted average value of the power factor is to be 0.9 or higher.
Operating Voltages
The Equipment operating voltages shall be 11 kV, 50 Hz, 3-phase plus neutral plus protective earth including:
nMotors above 200 kW 690 V, 50 Hz
n200千瓦以上的电机 690伏,50赫兹
nMotors below 200 kW 400 V, 50 Hz
n200千瓦以下的电机 400伏,50赫兹
nConvenience outlets, space heaters and illumination system 230 V, 50 Hz
n方便插座、空间加热器和照明系统 230伏,50赫兹
nPower outlets400 V, 50 Hz
nCommunication equipment, emergency lights, solenoid valves as required by the manufacturer 24 VDC/12 VDC
n制造商所需的通讯设备、应急灯、电磁阀 24伏直流/12伏直流
Small motors and the control system shall operate within the tolerances of IEC.
The Supplier shall furnish a consumer list indicating voltage, frequency, wattage and amperage of each consumer.
Material 材料 | Bulk Density(t/m3) 散货密度(吨/立方米) | Angle of Repose(Degrees) 坡度(度) | Moisture (%) 水份(%) | Grain size ( mm) 粒度(毫米) |
Coal 煤炭 | 0.85 | max 12 最大12 | 35 | 0 - 200 |
序号 | 设备名称 | 工位 | 规格型号 | 单位 | 数量 | 备注 |
1 | 布袋除尘器 | TT10屋顶 | 处理风量Q=26000m3/h | 台 | 1 | 除尘设备应包含净气检修室(含检修平台及顶部护栏)、中体箱、下体箱、灰斗、进风口、出风口、软连接和天圆地方气流均布装置、滤袋及带笼、脉冲阀及喷吹装置、、卸灰装置(含10米卸灰管)、吸风管、吸风罩、进出风口气动蝶阀、振动器、脉冲阀、补偿器、变径管、软连接、PLC控制柜、机旁箱、电缆等。离心风机、空压系统等设备全都接到除尘器电控箱中,由除尘器厂家统一提供。 |
2 | 贮气罐成套装置 | TT10屋顶 | 容积: 1.5m3 | 套 | 1 | |
3 | 空压系统 | TT10屋顶 | 容积流量:1.5m3/min | 套 | 1 | 本次招标空压机为阿特拉斯品牌一体机,含有配套电机,冷干机、过滤器、储气罐。 |
4 | 风机 | TT10屋顶 | 风量Q=26000m3/h,风压P=1710Pa | 套 | 1 | 含电机、消音器等,除尘器压损按1200Pa计算,可根据除尘器实际情况调整。含有配套电机,离心风机都应有最小95%有效减震安排,噪音水平应限制在1米内小于85分贝。风机要求防水、防爆,风机进出口带有软连接天圆地方,风机带有减震底座,电控,PLC控制系统自带。 |
5 | 其他 | TT10屋顶 | ? | ? | ? | 其他所需管路、接头、阀、钢结构等。 |
具体要求应按照附件3 PIBT项目涂漆要求执行。
(8)、设备形式:侧进风、外滤式、气箱脉冲除尘 、离线清灰
2. 技术要求
1)气体成分 煤炭
2)气体温湿度 室外环境温湿度
3)气体温度 室外温度
4)过滤风速 1m/min
5)出口含尘浓度 ≯30 mg/Nm3
6)收尘效率 >99.8%
7)设备阻力 1200~1700Pa
1)除尘器出口灰尘浓度限制在30 mg/ Nm3
4) 布袋材质:三防滤袋
5) 清灰方式:离线清灰
7) 除尘厂家应自己配带起稳压作用的储气罐。
8) 可调参数
9) 脉冲阀安装的气包底部应配有自动排水阀。
10) 因设备设于室外,机组应具有良好的防雨、防雷、防风、防腐性能,其电气控制部件应设防护罩。
2.2 离心风机
1)气体成分 净化空气
3)含尘浓度 ≯30 mg/Nm3
5)工作效率> 82 %
7)冷却方式 风冷
(2) 技术要求
1. 性能参数
1)主机形式 螺杆式集成一体空压机
2)操作方式 全自动
3)产气露点 0 ℃
4)排气压力 ≥0.8MPa
5)冷却方式 风冷
6)整机设计寿命 ≥20万小时
1)压力露点 2~5 ℃
2)压力损耗 ≤0.02MPa
3)冷却方式 风冷
1)使用压力 ≥1.0MPa
2)储气容积 与空压机配套
3. 投标人应提供下列附表:
序号 | 名 称 | 单位 | 数据 | |||
1 | 除尘器 | 1台 | ? | |||
2 | 分室数 | 个 | ? | |||
3 | 净过滤面积 | m2 | ? | |||
4 | 处理风量 | m3/h | ? | |||
5 | 过滤风速 | m/min | ? | |||
6 | 滤袋 | 规格 | mm | ? | ||
数量 | 条 | ? | ||||
材质 | ? | ? | ||||
寿命 | 年 | ? | ||||
7 | 设备阻力 | Pa | ? | |||
8 | 处理烟气温度 | 0C | ? | |||
9 | 气体入口含尘浓度 | g/Nm3 | ? | |||
10 | 气体出口含尘浓度 | mg/Nm3 | ? | |||
11 | 脉 冲 阀 | 规格 | ? | ? | ||
数量 | 个 | ? | ||||
气源压力 | MPa | ? | ||||
脉冲宽度 | SCC | ? | ||||
耗气量 | m3/min | ? | ||||
生产厂家 | ? | ? | ||||
12 | 提升气缸 | 数量 | 个 | ? | ||
? | ? | 生产厂家 | ? | ? | ||
13 | 额定压缩空气量 | m3/min | ? | |||
14 | 壳体承受负压(Pa) | Pa | ? | |||
15 | 电控系统及控制柜 | 1套 | ? |
附表2 :离心风机参数
项目 | 风量 (m3/h) | 风压 (Pa) | 功率 (kw) | 转速 (r/min) | 台数 |
TT10转运站 离心风机 | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
附表3 :空压装置参数
项目 | 额定压缩空气量(Nm3/min) | 压力(MPa) | 功率 (kw) | 台数 |
TT10转运站 空压装置 | ? | ? | ? | ? |
序号 | 名称 | 型号规格 | 数量 | 制造厂 | 备注 |
1 | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
2 | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
3 | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
序号 | 名称 | 型号规格 | 数量 | 制造厂 | 备注 |
1 | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
2 | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
3 | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
序号 | 名称 | 型号规格 | 数量 | 制造厂 | 备注 |
1 | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
2 | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
3 | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
序 号 | 招标文件 | 投标文件 | ||
条目 | 简要内容 | 条目 | 简要内容 | |
? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
1.Motor Insulation grade:F class、Temperature rise:F class 50HZ
电机绝缘等级:F级、 温升等级:F级 50 Hz。
2.The electrical components, equipment and installation shall comply with the latest revisions of IEC and standards. The electrical design shall specifically comply with IEC 61800, EN ISO 13849-1/2, Safety Rules and Regulations for Machines as well as IEC 60204, IEC 61508 and IEC 62061 unless otherwise specified.
电气部件、设备和装置,均应符合最新版本的IEC标准和DIN/VDE标准的要求。除非另有规定,电气设计还应当符合IEC 61800、EN ISO 13849-1/2的安全规则和机械设备规章制度的规定,以及IEC 60204、IEC 61508和IEC 62061的要求。
3.The electrical equipment and installation shall be designed to provide reliable power for continuous Equipment operations at the maximum specified ambient conditions at maximum rated loads and speeds with a minimum of down-time.
4.The complete electrical drive system shall be supplied on turn-key basis by a reputable electrical manufacturer.
5.Wherever possible, other electric components such as master switches, controllers, circuit breakers, limit switches and similar gear shall be of the same manufacturer, type and rating to facilitate maintenance and to keep required spare parts at a minimum. This may be accomplished by using oversized relays and conductors for the lowest rated demand.在可能的情况下,其它电气部件,例如总开关、控制器、断路器、限位开关和类似
6.The electrical installation shall comprise all necessary drive systems, transformers and appropriate power distribution as well as all necessary motors, signals, indicators, instruments, alarms, protective devices, wiring, software and all other features. All sub-systems and auxiliary functions such as cable reels, brakes, illumination, service cranes, ventilation systems, space heaters and motor blowers, etc. shall be thoroughly incorporated in the electrical design.
7.All equipment of electrical installation shall be of standard manufacture.
8.All materials shall be new and of the highest grade and quality. All materials and electrical components shall be suitable for marine environment, corrosive conditions and be de-rated for the temperatures and humidity indicated before. Material and components shall be of industrial heavy-duty type suitable for conveyor belt applications and designed to satisfactorily operate under conditions of moisture and adequately treated or protected against corrosion, salt, mould, dust, sand or other destructive elements to which it may be exposed during operation in the climate. Special consideration shall be given to avoid overheating of equipment exposed to direct sunlight. All electrical materials (components, sub-assemblies, etc.) shall be thoroughly tested to demonstrate compliance with their design requirements.
9.All enclosures of electrical equipment shall be arranged to minimise the entry of dust and moisture.
10.The Supplier shall demonstrate with his drawings and specifications and with the required tests that the material is capable of performing all of the required functions with a minimum of down-time. A complete listing and description of all electrical systems and components shall be included in the manuals called for in these Specifications.
11.Space heaters shall be sized to protect the equipment when stowed and under operating conditions at ambient temperatures as specified. Due consideration shall be given to temperatures within enclosures and to ventilation during operation.
12.All materials shall be designed and located so as to ensure easy access for repair and/or removal. In order to facilitate routine repairs or adjustments, ladders, walkways, or access platforms shall be provided as required for convenient access, and shall be fitted with handrails and toe plates as appropriate for the location.
13.All screws, bolts, nuts, washers, pins, studs, springs, and other miscellaneous fastenings and fittings for electrical installations shall be of stainless steel
14.Cable lugs shall be of copper, tinned.
15.All electric motors to be rated according to VDE 0530 in conjunction with publication IEC 60034-31. Motors shall be chosen to operate at the maximum ambient temperatures and shall have a Class F winding insulation and Class F temperature rise. Intermittent Periodic S1,Duty factor100%
所有电机的额定值均应符合VDE 0530要求,同时参照IEC 60034-31的规定。电机应当能够在最高环境温度下连续运行,绕组的绝缘等级应当为F级,温升等级为F级。间歇定期S1,负载系数100%。
16.All main drive motors shall be designed for 160% of the torque required to operate at the rated load at the rated speed for a minimum of 60 seconds. However, the required acceleration rates and torques at the rated load and speed must also be considered.
17.The ratings and design data of all motors shall be verified by the original motor supplier. The original supplier shall confirm that the motor ratings are adequate to meet the specified duty cycles and specifications. The drive motors shall be specifically designed for use on conveyor belt systems.
18.The protection class shall be IP 55 for motors installed in the machinery house/transfer towers. Motors installed outside shall be minimum IP 55. If external blowers for cooling purposes are used, they shall be equipped with filters for air entrance. Blowers shall be switched off automatically after an adjustable cooling-off period when motors are not in use.
19.Life expectancy of drive motors shall correspond to the respective utilization classes. All other motors shall have a minimum life expectancy of 25,000 hours.
20.All motors above 5 kW shall have space heaters.The voltage of space heatersare 230V,50HZ
21.All larger motors shall be equipped with re-greasable anti-friction ball bearings designed to meet the requirements of thrust and radial loads. Grease fittings for these bearings shall be of a different configuration than the other grease fittings used on the Equipment. Motors shall be completely greased prior to shipment from their place of manufacture. Small motors shall have life-time lubricated bearings. All motors shall be lubricated at the manufacturing site.
22.All motors within a frame size shall be fully interchangeable being of the same type and rating as far as practical in order to facilitate maintenance and reduce spare parts requirements. Interchangeability includes i.e. provisions for electrical connections, motor mounting, blowers, encoders, etc. Motor terminal boxes shall be located on top or as such that motors are fully interchangeable within their drive system. Terminal boxes shall be enlarged in size to accommodate increased cable sizes due to various current carrying reduction factors.
23.Galvanised and painted steel sun shields shall be provided over all motors mounted in upright position to protect against direct sunlight, ice and snow. The shields shall be of robust construction and arranged in a manner that air can circulate around the motor.
24.Silicon sealants shall not be used on or near any motor.
25.All wiring interconnection shall be made in appropriate junction boxes or cubicles with terminal blocks. The junction boxes and cubicles shall be large enough to neatly accommodate all cables and to provide sufficient room for core termination in cluding spares without interfering with one another. They have to be code-numbered defining device and location. The code shall also appear in the electrical wiring diagrams.
26.All input and output wiring shall be connected to terminal blocks. Terminal blocks shall be accessible IEC andISO. All terminal blocks shall be sized for appropriate conductor and voltage grade. The inbridual terminals have to be numbered. Only two wires are permitted per terminal, one on each side. All terminal blocks shall be arranged in physically isolated manner.
所有的输入、输出电线,均应连接接线板。接线板应当易于接近,符合IEC and ISO的要求。接线板应当具备一定的规格以适应导线和电压等级。每个接线端都应当编号。每个接线端只允许连接两条电线,每侧各一条。应当以物理绝缘的方式布置接线板。
27.All wires within the junction box or cubicle shall be installed according to numerical order as shown in the electrical wiring diagrams. Wires have to be identified whenever necessary. When connecting to the terminal blocks, ample extra wire length shall be provided so that circuits can be transferred or reconnected if required.
28.Junction boxes for emergency lighting circuits have to be identified with a red, round label showing circuit number and device number (electrical code).
29.All enclosures, cubicles, panels, local control stations and junction boxes shall be of heavy-duty and vibration-proof design. All enclosures shall be of the upright "standing" type
30.Small boxes, such as lighting switches or pull boxes may be of heavy duty industrial plastic, fibreglass or other material approved by the Purchaser, if not susceptible to damages.
31.Interior enclosures shall be coated with corrosion-resistant material and meet IP 23 criteria.
32.Panels shall be accessible and removable from the front side. Covers of machinery and panel enclosures shall be hinged. It shall be possible to open doors completely for easy removal of components mounted inside. Latches shall be provided to secure all covers when opened for servicing. The latches shall be adequate to secure covers in high winds.控制台应当易于接近并且能够从正面拆卸。机械设备的盖板和控制台的外壳应当为铰接式。应当能够轻松地完全打开门扇以便拆除内部安装的部件。应当配备插销以便在作业期间固定打开的盖板。插销应当能够在强风下起到牢固的固定作用。
33.Cable ducting shall be provided inside enclosures to adequately route all cables, with room for 30% more cables than required. Covers for cable channels must fit easily into their place.
34.Sufficient space (at least 200 mm above the bottom) shall be allowed for the incoming cable section to allow a clear arrangement of all cables. Supporting structural members shall be provided to fasten them securely.
35.The terminal blocks shall be arranged at the rear side of the panels/enclosures only. No mounting to the side walls will be accepted.
36.Junction boxes with I/O cards and all panels shall be equipped with space heaters. Large junction boxes (e.g. terminal boxes for power cables) shall be provided with internal automatic and protected fluorescent lighting and duplex convenience outlets.
37.All electrical enclosures, cubicles, panels and junction boxes have to be code-numbered defining device and location. The code shall also appear and correspond with the codes in the electrical wiring diagrams.
38.Space (or anti-condensation) heaters shall be provided for all control panels, switchboards, junction boxes with I/O cards, brakes with enclosures and motors above 5 kW.The voltages of space (or anti-condensation) heaters is 230V and 50Hz. Exhaust fan with temperature controller shall be provided for all control panels, switchboards, junction boxes with I/O cards.
The independent space heater circuits shall be energised when the Equipment is not in service. Space heaters in control panels, switchboards and cubicles shall be controlled by thermostats with a maximum setting of 30 °C. Space heaters in motors and brakes shall be automatically cut off during Equipment operation.
39.At each heater location a red warning plate or label shall be installed, warning of this independent power source.
40.All rotating bearings on the Equipment shall be of the anti-friction type in metric sizes with a nominal lifetime of 50,000 h - L10 (deficiencyBate 10%) aiwnade by manufacturers approved by the Purchaser.
设备上的所有滚动轴承均应耐磨式,采用公制尺寸,公称使用寿命为50,000小时 - L10(亏缺率10%)。轴承由制造商提供并取得买方的批准。
41.The tabulated static capacity of the bearings shall not exceed 70% under any operating conditions.
42.Bronze sleeve bearings, if approved by the Purchaser for use in certain locations, shall be designed on a conservative basis after determination of the PV-factor (unit pressure times surface velocity) and proper consideration of the operating conditions.
43.All bearing houseframe shall be of fabricated steel machined as required and securely mounted on base by means of bolts and dowels if applicable.
44.Adequate shim allowance shall be provided between all bearing stands and structural bases to permit initial alignment and subsequent realignments if required.
45.Bearing housings shall have removable caps to facilitate periodic inspection of the shafts by non-destructive methods. Closed end cartridges shall not be used.
46.All bearings used throughout the Equipment shall be standardised as far as possible.
47.Motors shall be efficiently earthed by means of copper tape or conductor terminating at a common point.
48.Proper consideration of the operating conditions.All shafts shall be based on DIN 743 and relative GB standard material and fabricated from high-grade steel and shall be adequately sized for the wheels, drums, bearings and/or gears. Complete data covering the physical and chemical properties and heat treatment of the material proposed shall be shown on the drawings.
适当考虑到工作条件所有机轴均应符合DIN 743的要求,采用高级钢材制造,具备一定的尺寸以便用于轮、鼓、轴承及齿轮。应当在图纸上标明完整的数据,包括物理性能、化学性能、材料的拟定热处理工艺。
49.Welding procedures shall come up to the requirements of DIN 18800, Part 7 in conjunction with DIN 15018 or AWS D1.1-2006.The Supplier shall include in its Bid all costs incurred in the testing and inspection of critical welding as well as the provision of test samples. All welds executed by non-qualified or non-certified staff shall, upon request of the Purchaser, be replaced at the Supplier"s expense.
焊接工艺应当达到DIN 18800第7部分的要求,同时考虑到DIN 15018或者AWS D1.1-2006的要求。供应商对主要焊接工作的测试成本、提供测试样品的费用,均应包括在投标价格中。根据买方的要求,由非认证、不合格人员完成的焊缝,均应由供应商返工,相关费用由供应商承担。
50.All components shall be supplied with a function-indicating nameplate immediately adjacent and symmetrical to the materials. The nameplates shall enable the operator and maintenance personnel to get a quick and accurate picture of the overall relationship and relative functions of the components. Additionally, each component shall be identified by its electrical code number according to the wiring diagrams.
52.Nameplates shall be provided for all devices on switchboards to identify circuit, function, indication or purpose. Nameplates for function or service shall include code number of the device as per wiring diagrams. The electrical code number shall also identify the place of installation.
54.All enclosures, junction boxes, cubicles and panels, where the function and application is not immediately self-evident as judged by appearance, location or other indications, or the service relationship to other materials is not readily apparent shall be furnished with an electric lighting arrow symbol.
56.Any special precaution, maintenance or operating instructions shall be included on the nameplates or on a separate plate attached to the materials. Any equipment over 500 kg in weight shall have it stated on the unit.
58.In addition to the nameplates provided by the manufacturer of inbridual components, each major item of electrical materials shall have a nameplate designating its function and service.
60.Nameplates for cubicles, enclosures, panels and junction boxes shall be engraved phenolic plates, UV- and heat-resistant. Lettering size shall be 3 mm minimum. Nameplates must be attached to the outer side of the enclosures.
62.Standard nameplates for motors, reducers, and brakes as well as P&I diagrams for hydraulic units must be of stainless steel, be legible and may be engraved or stamped. These nameplates shall be attached with stainless steel screws.
64.Nameplates covered with paint will be a cause for rejection.
66.All conductors shall be identified by colour codes, wire numbers and prefix at each terminal to which they are connected, in accordance with the wiring diagram. Cables to be identified at both ends.
68.Nameplates showing the manufacturer"s name, address and trademark shall be attached to both sides of the Equipment. This information shall be displayed on a stainless steel plate inside the cabin, too.
70.If applicable, a nameplate showing the CE marking symbol shall be provided.
72.The Purchaser"s logos shall be prominently displayed in size and at locations to be approved by the Purchaser.
74.In addition, the Purchaser"s identification tag shall be displayed analogue to the logo.
76.All warning and instruction boards shall bear the appropriate ISO symbols as well as the written description (first aid, fire-fighting instructions, general warning for maintenance and work on electrical equipment, danger signs, signs such as "men at work", "access for authorised personnel only", etc.) have to be included and installed at the proper locations .
78.ISO symbols for "No smoking" shall be installed at each access, machinery house/transfer towers and central control room.
79.“禁止吸烟” 的ISO符号应安装在每条通道、机器房/转运塔和中央控制室。
80.The numbering of motors, reducers, and brakes shall correspond to the electrical code numbers as specified by the electrical wiring diagrams.
82.A stainless steel plate with all lubrication points of the Equipment shall be installed in the machinery house.
84.All cubicles and junction boxes installed outside shall have laminated wiring diagrams installed at the inner side of the door.
86.All nameplates (with the exception of the manufacturer"s plates at gearboxes, brakes, motors, couplings), signs and boards shall be in the languages defined in Chapter 2.4.
88.The noise level in the machinery house/transfer tower shall not exceed 95 dB(A). Relevant rules of the series of standards ISO 3740 and ISO 11200 shall be observed.
机器房/转运塔内的噪音不得超过95分贝。应当遵守ISO 3740和ISO 11200标准的相关规定。
89.All signs, instruction boards, labels and nameplates installed on the Equipment,spare parts, maintenance and operating manuals, certificates, etc. , drawings, electrical diagrams and all calculations catalogues, original manufacturer"s product specifications and descriptions as well as all supporting documentationshall be in English.The nameplates of motors must be of stainless steel, be legible and may be engraved or stamped. These nameplates shall be attached with stainless steel screws.
90.Attention shall be given to all applicable international IEC and ISO standards regarding "Safety of Machinery", particularly to ISO 12100, ISO 14121, IEC 62061 and ISO 13849-1 and -2.
应当注意IEC国际标准和ISO国际标准中有关“机械设备的安全性”方面的内容,特别是ISO 12100、ISO 14121、IEC 62061和ISO 13849-1、2的规定。
91.All electrical components installed outside and exposed to weather, such as motors, limit switches, encoders, junction boxes, electrical enclosures, cubicles and panels, control stations, cameras, lasers, etc. shall be minimum of protection class IP 55 according to IEC 60529.
安装在室外的露天电气部件,例如电机、限位开关、编码器、分线盒、电气外壳、小隔间和面板、控制台、控制站、摄像头、激光器等,最低防护级别均应达到IEC 60529的IP55级。
92.All junction boxes, cubicles, enclosures, control stations, cable trays, etc., installed outside shall be made of stainless standard steel. Other materials or combination of materials shall be selected for maximum corrosion resistance. Aluminium or aluminium alloys shall not be used for housings, fans, blowers, motors, motor brakes, festoon parts or weather-exposed parts or components unless otherwise indicated in the specification. Cable trays exposed to weather shall be covered.
93.Ferrous components contained in weather-proof enclosures shall be galvanised after fabrication and before painting. Cadmium plating is not acceptable.
94.Silicon sealants shall not be used on or near any motor.
95.Small motors and the control system shall operate within the tolerances of IEC.
96.Unless otherwise mentioned, the design shall be based on the latest edition of the applicable design standards as stipulated hereinafter:
结构: DIN、ISO、EquivalentGBstandart
b)Mechanical: DIN, ISO, SSPC (Painting)
机械:DIN, ISO, SSPC (喷涂)
c)Safety: DIN,ISO
d)Electrical: IEC, IEEE, ISO
e)In case of inconsistencies between standards, the most stringent requirements shall be followed unless otherwise approved.
f)Furthermore, any applicable national and local rules and regulations shall be observed. Such rules and regulations may include but not be limited to special earthquake design criteria, rules of the Local Electrical Supply Authority, rules for installation and use of fire-fighting equipment and PIBT"s company rules for occupational safety and operational risks. The Supplier shall make himself familiar with all applicable national and local rules and regulations.
Applicable Standards (and Respective Abbreviations)
Abbreviation 缩写 | Organisation 机构 |
AWS | American Welding Society 美国焊接协会 |
DASt | Deutscher Ausschuss fuer Stahlbau 德国结构钢制件委员会 |
DIN | Deutsche Industrie Normen 德国工业标准 |
IEC | International Electrotechnical Commission 国际电工技术委员会 |
IEEE | Institution of Electrical and Electronic Engineers 电气电子工程师学会 |
ISO | International Standards Organization 国际标准化组织 |
SSPC | Steel Structures Painting Council 美国钢结构油漆协会 |
97.Unless otherwise specified, the mechanical design shall consider all relevant safety aspects of DIN EN regulations regarding "Safety of Machinery", including but not limited to:
除非另有规定,机械设计应当考虑到DIN EN标准有关“机械设备安全”方面的各项事务,包括但不限于:
a)DIN EN ISO 12100 (former DIN EN 292)
b)DIN EN ISO 14121
c)DIN EN 14492-2
d)DIN EN 349
e)DIN EN 13857-1(former DIN EN 294)
f)DIN EN 614
g)ISO 13849-1 (former DIN EN 954-1)
h)equivalent GB standard
101. Lubrication
Lubrication of all mechanical operating parts shall be in accordance with the manufacturer"s instructions. Oil lubrication shall be provided for speed reducers and other items needing lubrication. Drain cocks with lever and screw-on cover lid shall be installed wherever possible with sufficient space for a drain pan.
Lubrication of other mechanical parts shall be by means of high-pressure grease introduced through industrial button-type fittings DIN 3404 M10x1 of brass, monel or stainless steel. The fittings shall be centralised as much as possible and readily accessible from permanent walkways or shall be piped to convenient locations. Each greasing point must be clearly marked with a red paint spot and be furnished with red caps.
其它机械零件的润滑,应当采用高压油脂注入,适用于DIN 3404 M10x1范围内的黄铜、铜镍合金和不锈钢配件。配件应当尽可能集中,能够从永久性的人行道接近,或者应当用管道引导到方便的位置。应当用红色油漆明确标明各个注油点,注油点应当配备红色顶盖。
The Supplier shall furnish lubricants in accordance with the original manufacturer"s recommendations in sufficient quantities for initial lubrication of the Equipments. The Supplier shall provide a signed checklist signifying the equipment has been properly lubricated. All motors shall be lubricated at the manufacturing site.
The Supplier shall also supply a list of oil and grease lubricants needed for each reducer, coupling and all other equipment prior to the start of field erection to ensure that all recommended types of lubricants are available in the Purchaser"s country. Only one maker of lubricants shall be used on the Equipments and will be nominated by the Purchaser.
102. Wiring and Cabling
102.1 General
102.1 概述
Power cable shall use PVC/XLPE/YJV22 cable, optical cable will adopt a 6-core single-mode optical cable, and analog signal cable shall be a shielded cable.
MV cables, LV cables and control cables are arranged in different bridges.
All the cables inlet and outlets from cabinets, electrical panel, electrical boxer and electrical room etc shall be set with glands in PH-02
Wiring and cabling shall conform to applicable IEC and ISO regulations. Particularly IEC 60204-32, and applicable European directives for low voltage design and electromagnetic compatibility shall be observed. Cabling instructions of the original equipment manufacturer for electrical components shall be strictly followed.
电线和电缆的铺设方法,应当符合相关的IEC和ISO标准的规定,特别是IEC 60204-32的要求,以及低压设计和电磁兼容性方面的欧洲指令。应当严格遵守原始设备制造商为电气部件编写的电缆说明。
Power cables for drive motors shall be of 12/20 kV or 600/1000 V grade and be selected for use in industrial applications to withstand mechanical damages after installation. Power cables for main motors and cables for main power shall be provided with concentric copper braided amour.
Power cables larger than 35mm2 shall be equipped with an armor layer. Control cable is a multi-core twisted copper conductor cable. Analog signals are shielded cables.
All cables shall have copper conductors of the flexible stranded type. All cables external to enclosures shall be of minimum 2.5 mm2 size for power cables and of 1.5 mm2 size for control cables the latter being very fine stranded copper conductor cables. Low voltage wiring may be smaller, but minimum 1 mm2.
Cables and insulation must be selected for resistance to insect and vermin attack and shall be oil and moisture resistant, flame retardant, thermoplastic with nylon jacket. They shall be sized in accordance with applicable IEC, ISO regulations using the full load amps, adequately de-rated to suit ambient temperatures and multiple runs.
Care should be taken to match the current carrying capacity of the cable to the characteristic release curves of the protection device. The maximum permissible cable length (based on the short circuit current vs. release time and characteristic of the protection device) has to be observed very carefully. Branch circuit voltage drop shall not exceed 5% of specified voltage.
Parallel single-core cables for multi-phase systems have to be installed very carefully, bearing in mind varying impedances of every system due to specific arrangements. (e.g. single layer or trefoil layer). The maximum permissible load difference shall not exceed ± 10% of the calculated value. The conductors shall be spaced so that a clamp-on ammeter can be put around every single one.
The wiring and cabling for the lighting system and for the control system shall be kept separate from the power wiring and shall be run in a separate conduit and junction box system to avoid magnetic and electrostatic interference.
102.2 Cable Assembly
102.2 电缆总成
All cabling and wiring shall be neatly fixed in a professional manner in line with IEC regulations. Cables installed outside shall be adequately covered against sunlight and mechanical damages. Cabling and wiring likely to contact edges of any of the steel structure or any other edges shall be protected with reinforced rubber.
Cabling shall be grouped and tied in respective grades and, where necessary, shall cross other groups at right angles. All cables shall be suitably clamped, particularly on long vertical runs and on entry into cubicles. The maximum distance between each clamp and from the point of entry to any cubicle or junction box shall not exceed 30 cm. All cable ties shall be UV-proof and suitable for use in the specified ambient conditions. All cable ties used outside, even if cables are running in covered cable trays, shall be stainless steel type. Not more than five cables shall be fixed under one fastening device.
Cables shall be separated and isolated by their function, such as AC power, AC control, DC power, DC control, communications, digital signals, etc. To avoid any interference or induced noise problems, they shall not be run in the same conduit.
Voltage grades within cables shall be uniform.
Motor circuits and brake conductors shall not have common conductors. Wiring shall consist of strictly isolated independent circuits. Motor circuits shall terminate in their respective panels in the control station.
Shielded cables shall be installed as per the original equipment supplier"s recommendations (i.e. well-known 16 EMC rules). Exposed tails shall be as short as possible. In junction boxes screens shall be earthed with correct clamps and shall remain intact right up to the point of termination at the inverter and respective motors. Respective junction boxes shall be made of a material to continue the shielding effort. Cable glands shall be metallic (stainless steel or nickel plated brass) with shield connection. Plastic motor terminal boxes and plastic glands must not be used.
Splices are not acceptable in any cable tray, conduit or fitting. Bolted splices in motors are also not permitted. Splices or joints in feeders or branches shall be permitted only in junction boxes in line with IEC and ISO regulations for splices. All splices shall be made using terminal blocks. No more than two wires shall be permitted per screw terminal, one each side. No more than one ground conductor is permitted per termination point.
Wire crimping shall be used only when the copper conductor is exposed and visible on the ring side of the lug to ensure proper conductor depth. Crimping tools, approved by the lug manufacturer only, shall be used. Crimping tools shall not release until the wire is fully crimped.
For multi-phase systems using single-core cables, entry into cubicles or other devices shall be through non-magnetic gland plates. Inbridual conductors shall be fastened with non-magnetic cable fasteners.
Proper care has to be employed for the correct sequence of arranging flat washers, spring or lock washers and nuts.
Ground connections shall be vibration-proof with serrated or spring washers. Only one conductor is permitted per screw connection.
Special attention shall be paid to the installation of Bus-cables. Any twisting, stretching or squashing must be avoided by all means. EMC rules and respective shielding requirements shall be observed. The maximum length of the cable shall be selected according to the required baud rate and shall follow the OEM guidelines.
102.3 Junction Boxes
102.3 分线盒
All wiring interconnection shall be made in appropriate junction boxes or cubicles with terminal blocks. The junction boxes and cubicles shall be large enough to neatly accommodate all cables and to provide sufficient room for core termination in cluding spares without interfering with one another. They have to be code-numbered defining device and location. The code shall also appear in the electrical wiring diagrams.
All input and output wiring shall be connected to terminal blocks. Terminal blocks shall be accessible IEC and ISO. All terminal blocks shall be sized for appropriate conductor and voltage grade. The inbridual terminals have to be numbered. Only two wires are permitted per terminal, one on each side. All terminal blocks shall be arranged in physically isolated manner.
所有的输入、输出电线,均应连接接线板。接线板应当易于接近,符IEC and ISO的要求。接线板应当具备一定的规格以适应导线和电压等级。每个接线端都应当编号。每个接线端只允许连接两条电线,每侧各一条。应当以物理绝缘的方式布置接线板。
All wires within the junction box or cubicle shall be installed according to numerical order as shown in the electrical wiring diagrams. Wires have to be identified whenever necessary. When connecting to the terminal blocks, ample extra wire length shall be provided so that circuits can be transferred or reconnected if required.
Junction boxes for emergency lighting circuits have to be identified with a red, round label showing circuit number and device number (electrical code).
102.4 Colour Coding and Labelling
102.4 彩色编码和标签
Colour codes shall be according to applicable IEC 60446 regulations. All cables shall be correctly colour-coded for their intended application and shall include a green/yellow earth conductor. All colour coding shall be throughout the whole length for cables with up to five conductors. Cables with more than five conductors shall be identified by numbers.
彩色编码应当符合IEC 60446标准的要求。所有电缆均应根据用途,赋予正确的彩色编码,包括绿色/黄色的接地导线。彩色编码应当伴随电缆的整个长度,最多五条导线。五条导线以上的电缆,应当赋予识别编号。
All cables, wires and conductors, including those within cubicles, shall be identified by numbers at all ends. All wire identification shall match the wire numbers on the schematic wiring drawings for that function. Cables have to be identified by their number at every point of entry or exit to or from cubicles, devices, junction boxes, etc.
Each cable shall be uniquely identified with cable tags, which, if installed outside, shall be punched, stainless steel flat bars and attached to the cable with stainless steel ties. Cables installed inside may have sleeves with printed endurable cable labels.
Each terminal block section shall have an inbridual code or number to be labelled in accordance with the schematic diagrams.
102.5 Spare Wires
102.5 备用线
At least 10% of the control wires, but minimum four (4) wires, shall be installed on all routes and specifically labelled as spare wires. Furthermore, minimum 10% spare communication wires, at least two (2) wires, shall be run to each communications point and operations station. All spare wires shall be terminated and labelled.
At least 20% spare terminals per block shall be provided in each junction box, cubicle or enclosure. During final commissioning at the port, there may be wiring changes or additions required. However, 10% of unused terminal connections shall be available after final acceptance. Field wiring changes shall not use spare wires.
102.6 Optical Cable
102.6 光缆
Communication protocol between each remote I/O unit and PLC shall be via fibre optics. Fibre optic cables shall also be installed for communication between transfer tower, control station as well as to the port"s remote management and terminal operation system. At least 10% of optical spare wires shall be installed for every application, with the exception of the control station, where a minimum of six (6) optical spare wires have to be installed.
The MV trailing cable shall include a 9/125 μ single-mode optical fibre, as approved by the Employer, with 6 optical cores. Optical cables within the Equipment may be multi-mode 50/125μ or 62.5/125μ, with necessary switches for the single-mode optical cores of the MV trailing cable.
The optical cables have to be able to withstand the strengths, torques and speeds there are subject to due to gantry travel.
Cable jackets shall be made for both indoor and outdoor industrial applications and designed to meet the specified environment conditions.
All optical fibres shall be terminated or interconnected on appropriate patch panels by all metal style connectors, permanently bonded to the fibre"s strength member. At least two meters spare capacity of each incoming fibre shall be provided at the patch panels.
The method of marking the cable and fibres shall be the same as for non-fibre cables and conductors.
The optical cable manufacturer shall have at least three years of application experience in a similar industrial and heavy-duty environment. Recommended installation procedures shall be strictly adhered to.
103.1 Assembly
All wiring shall run in cable trays, cable ladders or conduits. Wiring and cabling exposed to the elements is unacceptable. All cable trays or ladders in areas exposed to the elements shall be adequately covered to protect cables against direct sunlight and mechanical damages.
High-voltage cable tray, low-voltage power cable tray, and low-voltage control cable tray shall be arranged separately, and cables are led out to electrical equipment with galvanized steel pipes near the equipment, and finally connected to the equipment with snake skin hoses. The galvanized steel pipe is separately laid along the belt lighting to prevent magnetic and electrical interference.
Conduit shall be made of rigid galvanized steel. For moving applications flexible liquid-tight, jacketed, spirally-wound galvanized steel conduits shall be used. All conduit fittings shall be made of hot dipped galvanised malleable iron. Rigid conduit installed outside shall be painted matching the colour of the Equipment structure that it is mounted to.
All external cable trays and ladders shall be of galvanized steel, whereas internal cable trays or internal cable ladders shall be hot-dipped galvanized.
Maximum loading of the cable trays and ladders shall not exceed 60% of the cross-sectional area with respective segregations and separators for different voltage grades, AC power, DC power, communication and signal cabling, etc.
The cross-sectional area of conduit shall be dimensioned to accommodate 15% more conductors than actually required. The conduit shall be minimum 20 mm in diameter, unless designed for a specific application.
Assembly of conduits, cable trays, cable ladders as well as installation of cables and wiring shall follow IEC and ISO rules and regulations.
Conduits, cable trays, cable ladders, junction boxes or other fittings shall not be mounted in the path of container travel and must not be routed across any access, service or walkway deck.
Where practical, cables may be installed inside the Equipment structure, but must be accessible at all points via internal access ladders, manholes and sufficient space. Cables must be neatly mounted and securely fastened to cable ladders or trays inside the Equipment structure. Free hanging cables or cables laid on the floor are not acceptable.
Conduits, cable trays and ladders shall run parallel or perpendicular to the structure they are mounted. Change of direction shall be in 90° angle turns, consisting of symmetrical bends for conduits and right angle cableway elbows for cable trays and ladders. Offsets bends in conduit shall be avoided.
Conduit and cableway support shall be made of angle steel bars or structural shapes welded to the Equipment structure. All conduits and cableways shall be mounted to the supports by means of stainless steel U-bolts, flat and lock washers and nuts, or self-locking nuts, at intervals smaller than 1,800 mm. Cable tray covers shall be fastened by stainless steel screws.
All conduits shall be reamed prior to assembly. Conduit ends shall be flared to avoid any wire damage.
Where necessary, conduits shall be made watertight employing Teflon pipe compound on all joints. Couplings, connectors and fittings shall be of the threaded type. Conduit entrances to all motors, junction boxes, enclosures, houses and cabins, etc., shall be from below by watertight hubs or threaded connection, if exposed to weather. Top entry is unacceptable. Side entry is permitted only when cables are laid with adequate water bags.
Welding on any cable tray, conduit or fittings is not allowed. When entering into the Equipment"s structural members, watertight bulkhead hubs shall be used. Penetration of cable trays, conduits or other fittings shall not weaken the Equipment"s structure.
Cable trays and cable ladders shall be designed, manufactured and mounted to avoid any damage to the installed wiring. Cable tray or ladder edges shall be protected by rubber covers.
Earth continuity shall be provided by installing adequately insulated stranded wire jumpers. These jumpers shall have a green/yellow jacket and wire ends shall be terminated in approved lugs.
104 Enclosures
All enclosures, cubicles, panels, local control stations and junction boxes shall be of heavy-duty and vibration-proof design. All enclosures shall be of the upright "standing" type.
In locations permanently exposed to the weather, all enclosures including their latches, fasteners, hoods and miscellaneous fittings shall be made of stainless steel. Mounting plates at the internal rear sides of the panel may be of mild steel. The protection class of exterior enclosures shall correspond to IP 55. Cover screws shall not penetrate the watertight enclosure. Where necessary, breathers and drains shall be provided.
永久性暴露于风雨之下的外壳,包括外壳上的插销、紧固件、顶罩和各种配件,都应当用不锈钢制造。控制台内部后侧的安装板,应当采用中碳钢。外壳的防护级别应当相当于IP 55。顶盖的螺钉不得穿透防水层。在必要的情况下,还应当配备通气孔和排水管。
Small boxes, such as lighting switches or pull boxes may be of heavy duty industrial plastic, fibreglass or other material approved by the Purchaser, if not susceptible to damages.
Interior enclosures shall be coated with corrosion-resistant material and meet IP 23 criteria.
Panels shall be accessible and removable from the front side. Covers of machinery and panel enclosures shall be hinged. It shall be possible to open doors completely for easy removal of components mounted inside. Latches shall be provided to secure all covers when opened for servicing. The latches shall be adequate to secure covers in high winds.
Cable ducting shall be provided inside enclosures to adequately route all cables, with room for 30% more cables than required. Covers for cable channels must fit easily into their place.
Sufficient space (at least 200 mm above the bottom) shall be allowed for the incoming cable section to allow a clear arrangement of all cables. Supporting structural members shall be provided to fasten them securely.
The terminal blocks shall be arranged at the rear side of the panels/enclosures only. No mounting to the side walls will be accepted.
Junction boxes with I/O cards and all panels shall be equipped with space heaters. Large junction boxes (e.g. terminal boxes for power cables) shall be provided with internal automatic and protected fluorescent lighting and duplex convenience outlets.
All electrical enclosures, cubicles, panels and junction boxes have to be code-numbered defining device and location. The code shall also appear and correspond with the codes in the electrical wiring diagrams.
105.1 General Design
105.1 基本设计
Separate floor-mounted cubicles shall be provided inter alia for each drive, low voltage power distribution, auxiliary lights and auxiliary power, communication equipment, etc. Others will be located in near substation
All these cubicles shall be installed in the control station/transfer tower and be equipped with anti-condensation heaters. Cable entry shall be from underneath. All live parts shall be covered to avoid any hazard for operating personnel. Protection shall be easily removable. All equipment mounted inside shall be easily accessible.
The cubicles have cable ducts with 30% spare capacity and be equipped with replaceable internal filters where required for air flow. Internal isolators are to be provided. External interlocking switches are not allowed.
Cubicle doors shall open by at least 95°, where possible by 180 °. Doors shall have metering devices and emergency stop pushbuttons, where applicable. Standard door handles without locks or keys shall be provided.
Cubicles shall be equipped with a convenience duplex outlet and internal automatic lighting.
Cubicles shall be easily removable, either singly or in groups not exceeding 3.30 m in length. It shall be possible to disassemble the cubicle sections from the front.
The top of the cubicles shall be braced to the a wall. Mounting plates have to be secured by chains at the top to prevent them from falling out when the panel door is opened after a rupture of the fastening devices due to an earth-quake. Also, a suitable channel iron shall be installed underneath to catch the plate and prevent further sag into the cable section in case of a rupture of the fastening devices.
All cubicles shall be from the same manufacturer and type. Standard products, such as cubicles for drives shall match those which are custom-made. All cubicles shall be exactly the same colour.
Nameplates shall be mounted on the cubicle front clearly indicating device name (electrical code), plant group number and cubicle number, consistent with all technical documentation.
106 Space Heaters
Space (or anti-condensation) heatersshall be provided for all control panels, switchboards, junction boxes with I/O cards, brakes with enclosures and motors above 5 kW. They shall operate at voltages as defined in Chapter 5.5. Exhaust fan with temperature controller shall be provided for all control panels, switchboards, junction boxes with I/O cards.
The independent space heater circuits shall be energised when the Equipment is not in service. Space heaters in control panels, switchboards and cubicles shall be controlled by thermostats with a maximum setting of 30 °C. Space heaters in motors and brakes shall be automatically cut off during Equipment operation.
At each heater location a red warning plate or label shall be installed, warning of this independent power source.
107 Structural Design
107 结构设计
The Equipment"s design shall consider the torsion forces and movements, which are developed when the motors and drive systems are activated. It shall also consider the eccentric application of horizontal and vertical forces to structural girders and components. The structure shall be designed with sufficient rigidity to avoid noticeable deflections caused by blocked conveyor belts and chutes.
Loads for structural design, wheel loads and stability shall comply with DIN 22101 for simultaneous operations and wind loads occurring in the most severe directions. The design shall also consider emergency stop situations.
结构设计的载荷,轮的载荷和稳定性,均应符合DIN 22101对操作载荷和风力载荷同时作用的最恶劣情况的要求。设计还应当考虑到紧急停机状态。
Beams, frames, columns and members subject to buckling shall be designed with regard to DIN 18800 Parts 1 to 3 in conjunction with DASt 012 and former DIN 4114. Combined effects of shear, compression, flexure and biaxial stresses shall be considered for the design of all flat plates, curved plates and plate stiffening.
承受弯曲作用的梁、框、柱和构件,设计时应当参照DIN 18800第1至3部分的要求,同时参考DASt 012和以前的DIN 4114的要求。在设计各种平板、曲面板和加固板时,应当考虑到剪切、压缩、弯曲和双轴应力的综合作用。
Bolted joint design shall correspond to DIN 18800 part 1 + 7 and DIN EN 20273.
螺栓接合的设计应当符合DIN 18800第1+7部分和DIN EN 20273的要求。
The steel quality shall correspond to EN 10025, S235JR or equivalent GB standard.
钢材的质量应当符合EN 10025,S235JR或同等中国标准的要求。
For main load-bearing structure the thickness of plates and rolled sections shall not be less than 8 mm. Unless specifically approved by the Purchaser, cast iron shall not be used for any part. All steel material shall be new, unused and suitable for the specified ambient conditions.
Most recent practice in the manufacture of high-grade machinery shall apply to all works carried out by the Supplier and all his sub-contractors. All work shall be executed by workmen skilled in their particular trades. All welders, tack-welders and welding operators shall be DIN or AWS-certified and particularly skilled for the type of material, weld and/or process being performed.
Welding procedures shall come up to the requirements of DIN 18800, Part 7 in conjunction with DIN 15018 or AWS D1.1-2006. The Supplier shall include in its Bid all costs incurred in the testing and inspection of critical welding as well as the provision of test samples. All welds executed by non-qualified or non-certified staff shall, upon request of the Purchaser, be replaced at the Supplier"s expense.
焊接工艺应当达到DIN 18800第7部分的要求,同时考虑到DIN 15018或者AWS D1.1-2006的要求。供应商对主要焊接工作的测试成本、提供测试样品的费用,均应包括在投标价格中。根据买方的要求,由非认证、不合格人员完成的焊缝,均应由供应商返工,相关费用由供应商承担。
Stainless steel items installed on the Equipment shall use 304 stainless steel.
Most recent practice in the manufacture of high-grade machinery shall apply to all works carried out by the Supplier and all his sub-contractors. All work shall be executed by workmen skilled in their particular trades.
The general design of the Equipment shall be in the metric system unless explicitly requested otherwise.
The Equipment shall be calculated with a well-proven computer program.
108Stairs, Ladders, Platforms, Walkways
108 楼梯、梯子、平台、人行道
Based on DIN EN 13586 the Equipment shall be provided with stairs, ladders, platforms and walkways for safe and easy service, maintenance and inspection of all components and structural flanges to which access is required. These platforms shall not restrict Equipment operation. The top handrail shall be not less than 1,100 mm above platform level, clearance to structure shall be at least 50 mm; provision of kick plates and knee rungs shall be foreseen. The innerof stairs and platforms shall be minimum 600 mm. The angle of stairs mounted to the structure shall not exceed 50 °.
按照DIN EN 13586的规定,设备应当配备楼梯、梯子、平台和人行道,以便保障安全,便于接近并保养、维护、检查各种部件和结构法兰。这类平台不得干扰设备的运行。顶部扶手应当高于平台表面至少1,100毫米,结构的间距至少为50毫米;应当配备踢脚板和中间横档。楼梯和平台的最小内部宽度应当为600毫米。楼梯的安装角度不得超过50°。
Handrails shall be of tubular type. Handrails shall be continuous and pre-fabricated sections shall not be connected by welded joints. Handrail ends shall be sealed to avoid water ingress. Stanchions are to be of steel angles suitably sized to provide rigid support to handrails. All stanchions are to be bolted to steel frame structures but not attached to platform gratings.
All handrails, kick plates, stanchions shall be painted. Stanchions, handrails, kick plates, platform and stair supports, ladders, backrests, etc. shall be painted. Gratings and stair treads shall be hot galvanized. All stair treads on stairs shall be anti-slip type.
All screws, bolts, nuts, washers, pins, studs, springs, and other miscellaneous fastenings and fittings shall be of stainless steel unless otherwise approved.
The machinery house/transfer tower, cable reel platform and other parts to be serviced, maintained and supervised shall be safely accessible by means of stairs and walkways.
Spiral stair cases are not allowed. Vertical ladders should be avoided, but - if absolutely necessary as a result of space restrictions - may be accepted subject to the Purchaser"s approval. Ladders exceeding 6.0 m in length are not permitted unless suitable rest platforms are provided. Ladder inside legs (if not sealed) may be continuous if provisions for fall-arrest full-body harnesses are made. The pitch between the ladders" rungs shall not exceed 300 mm, the rungs being at least 300 mm wide. Ladders shall be equipped with safety cages unless otherwise approved by the Purchaser.
Roofs shall be accessible by a ladder. Handrails along the perimeter of the roof shall be provided.
At all hazardous locations on walkways and platforms there shall be a lockable self-closing type gate. Chains shall be avoided wherever possible.
Access hatches of horizontal members with a depth of more than 600 mm shall be provided with internal ladders. Where an access hatch is positioned in a walkway, suitable means shall be provided to ensure that the hatch is closed after use.
109 Maintainability
109 维护性
To reduce maintenance down time and cost, maintainability factors should be introduced into the Equipment design whenever practical.
Restricted accessibility of modules, assemblies and other items largely contributes to the extension of repair time. The configuration of the hardware and its layout in the Equipment shall make sure that free and easy access be provided to maintenance personnel, tools and equipment required to perform the repair task.
All parts shall be designed in a way that easy assembly, adjustment, removal for replacement and accessibility for lubrication, inspection and maintenance is achieved. Major machinery shall be provided with lifting lugs.
110 Mechanical Fasteners
110 机械紧固件
All bolts, nuts, washers and fasteners shall be of metric design and 8.8 grade for normal and 10.9 grade for high-tensile bolts. Bolted joints of the main structure assembly shall follow DIN 18800 part 1 and part 7 and DIN EN 20273.
所有的螺栓、螺帽、垫圈和紧固件,均应为公制,普通螺栓为8.8级,高强度螺栓为10.9级。主结构总成的螺栓接合应当符合DIN 18800第1、7部分和DIN EN 20273的要求。
Threaded fasteners subjected to fluctuating tensile loads shall be pre-tensioned. For all high tensile bolted connection for the main structure assembly manufacturer"s instructions for pretension forces and applied tension loads shall be clearly followed. The applied tension load shall not exceed 60% of the pretension force.
Bolts, nuts and washer shall inter alias correspond to the DIN or ISO standards as stated in Table 5 below.
Table 5: Applicable Standards for Mechanical Fasteners
Description 说明 | DIN | ISO |
Hexagon high-tensile bolts and nuts 六角形高强度螺栓、螺帽 | 931 | 4014 |
? | 934 | 4032 |
? | 6914 | 7412 |
? | 6915 | 7414 |
Washers for high-tensile bolts 高强度螺栓的垫圈 | 6916 | 7416 |
Fasteners and similar parts 紧固件和类似零件 | former 267 前267 | - |
Ribe-CS bolts for slap blocks 防撞的Ribe-CS螺栓 | 7991 | 10462 |
Self-locking nuts 自锁螺帽 | 982 | 7040 |
Respective DIN or corresponding ISO norms shall be indicated on all mechanical drawings. Other international norms are subject to approval of the Purchaser.
Bolts with diameter higher than 12 mm shall be galvanised or approved corrosion-resistant alternative; bolts with diameter 12 mm or lower will be stainless steel.
Fastenings shall be secured with locking devices. If these are galvanised another appropriate method of fastening the groups shall be provided. Lock-nuts, lock-washers, set screws and snap rings are not acceptable on rotating equipment.
3、系统中的限位开关、编码器、分线盒等外装元器件,最低防护级别均应达到IEC 60529的IP55级。
34、电气供货范围:北方重工仅提供一路400V AC 50HZ电源给除尘系统,电源接入供货商提供的箱体内,箱体(包括箱体)后的所有电器设备、电缆(按照150米计算)、钢管、电缆软管等包括现场安装的所有材料均由除尘厂家提供。除尘系统需将控制信号返回到中控室中,触点容量不低于5安,AC230V。
货物验收前导致货物损坏卖方负责免费更换。产品使用过程中出现任何问题,卖方保证接到买方要求服务电话或传真时,2 小时内给予答复。重大质量问题7日内派人到达现场处理。
包装形式 | ? |
包装尺寸(m) | 长*宽*高 × × |
净重(kg) | ? |
毛重(kg) | ? |
毛重(kg) | ? |
1.附件1 机房工艺图(共2页)
3.附表2 :离心风机参数
4.附表3 :空压装置参数
6.附表5: 随机备件清单
7. 附表6:两年备件清单
8. 附表7:差异表
9.附表8 电负荷清单
10.附表9 IO清单
11.附表10 动力电缆表
12.附表11 控制电缆表
13. 附表12 仪表清单
14附表13 配套件推荐的厂家
15. 附件2 除尘系统电气接口
16. 附件3 PIBT项目涂漆要求
1.1 General
1.1 概述
All metallic surfaces of the Equipment except nameplates, stainless steel,wearing or internal surfaces of mechanical parts and other parts needn’t painting shall be painted. As used herein, "exposed surfaces" means surfaces exposed to the atmosphere; and "sealed surfaces" means interior surfaces of members sealed by welding and pressure tested.
The applicable corrosion class according to ISO 12944 is C4.
根据ISO 12944,适用的防腐等级为C4。
The paint manufacturer"s recommendations shall be strictly adhered to. The paint manufacturer shall supervise, inspect and certify all paint applications.
1.2 Surface Preparation
1.2 表面处理
All surfaces to be painted shall be cleaned by sandblasting unless otherwise approved by the Purchaser.
All plates with thickness no more than 4mm and all handrails shall be de-rusted manually reaching St3 (Se-3) grade. According to roughness requirements, proper grounding materials and tools for grain size shall be selected.
Any oil, grease, dirt or chemical contamination shall be removed using solvent washing or other suitable means before sandblasting exposed or sealed surfaces. Special attention shall be given to welding seams. Welding flux in crevices, any welding spatter, slivers, laminations and underlying mill scale shall be removed by the best mechanical means. To assure proper adhesion and build-up of coatings all exposed edges of steel shall be rounded.
The steel surfaces shall be cleaned as per SIS 05 5900 or ISO 12944 minimum to Grade Sa 2.5. The resulting surface shall be of uniform mottled grey appearance with a surface anchor pattern of 50 - 100 microns.
钢材表面清洁应按照SIS 05 5900或ISO 12944进行,至少达到近白级 (Sa 2.5)。产生的表面应呈均匀斑驳的灰色外观,表面锚纹为50~100微米。
Only dry sandblasting grit or mineral shop procedures are acceptable. The method of preparing the metal surface shall remove all mill scale, rust, rust scale, paint or foreign matter by use of abrasives propelled through nozzles. Sandblasting shall only be allowed when the surfaces" temperature is 3 °C above the dew point.
Prior to application of any prime coat, the blasted surface shall be rendered dust-free. After sandblasting has been completed, no acid washes or other cleaning solutions or solvents shall be used on metal surfaces.
Blasting and painting operations shall be strictly separated so that there is no likelihood of blasting contamination falling on the painted areas.
Application of the initial paint coat shall be applied within four (4) hours of blasting or as recommended by the paint manufacturer. Where painting is not started within this time or visible rusting occurs, the blasting of the surface shall be repeated.
1.3 Paint Application
1.3 油漆的使用
All paints shall be applied in strict adherence to the manufacturer"s instructions as to application, weather, temperature and coating thickness. Special attention shall be given to the paint specification for galvanized items.
The coating system should comprise at least the following layers for:
1.3.1. Exposed surfaces:
a) One coat of epoxy base zinc dust. The dry film thickness of this coat shall be 60 microns. The content of zinc should be not less than 80%.
a) 一层环氧基锌粉。该涂层的干膜厚度应为60微米。锌的含量应不低于80%。
b) One intermediate coating of epoxy polyamide of 160 microns.
b) 一层环氧聚酰胺中间涂层,厚度为160微米。
c) A finish coat of polyurethane enamel of minimum 60 microns.
c) 一层聚氨酯磁漆的饰面层,厚度至少为60微米。
Total dry film thickness for the system shall be not less than 280 microns. Each coat shall be of a contrasting color, except idler, which thickness will be 40 microns
1.3.2. Sealed surfaces:
1.3.2. 密封的表面:
Areas which are air-tight sealed and not accessible will be treated with shop primer.,
1.3.3. Unsealed surfaces
1.3.3. 非密封的表面
a) All inner unsealed surfaces shall be treated with primer, minimum 50 microns dft.
a) 所有非密封的内表面应采用底漆处理,最小干膜厚度为50微米。
b) One coat of epoxy mastics, min. 125 microns, of grey white color, RAL 9002 shall be applied.
b) 一层环氧胶粘剂,最小厚度为125微米,灰白色,RAL 9002适用。
1.3.4. Galvanized surfaces
1.3.4. 镀锌表面
Galvanization shall correspond to EN ISO 1461. Components to be galvanized shall be dipped in a zinc bath of minimum 450 °C.
镀锌应符合EN ISO 1461要求。待镀锌的组件应在不低于450℃的锌浴中浸泡。
Surfaces shall be cleaned from dust, any contaminants or moisture not more than 72 hours prior to the application of the next coat. The drying period of the previous coat shall comply with the manufacturer"s product specification. However, paint shall not be applied if the surface temperature is less than 3 °C above the dew point or the ambient temperature is less than 5 °C or higher than45 °C.
Generally, painting shall be done by spray application before assembly. Brush application shall be used after assembly in inaccessible areas only. The coating shall be spread evenly without holidays, runs, sags, brush marks, variation in colour, texture or sheen.
The intermediate and finish coat shall be applied only after welding has been completed. Welding after painting is not allowed. All welded attachments or brackets shall be mounted before coating. Bolted attachments and connections shall be trial-fitted before coating.
All finished surfaces shall be thoroughly protected, left clean and completely covered to avoid any further damages during assembly. Prior to application of any coat, all damage to previous coats shall be repaired. Damaged surfaces shall be mechanically wire-brushed or disk-sanded, feathering the edge and overlapping slightly onto the intact coated area. Coating repair shall be done strictly in accordance with the instructions of the paint manufacturer.
All coating materials shall be supplied in unopened and clearly identifiable containers. No mixing of paints shall be allowed. Coatings shall be thinned only as per the recommendations of the paint manufacturer.
For standard buyout components the manufacturer"s standard paint system will be acceptable if the sub-supplier can demonstrate that the paint system used is compatible with the specified marine environment. However, gantry and gearboxes shall have colours as per paint schedule.
Bolts, nuts, washer etc. should be painted top coat painting after tightening.
1.3.5. No Painting Scope
1.3.5.不涂漆设备 Embedded parts in concrete foundation have no painting. But after civil construction, it should be in the outer thread coated with a small amount of antirust grease, and the corresponding protection. Combined part of equipment and concrete shall not be painted.
预埋螺栓埋入混凝土内的部分不涂漆,但土建施工后,外露螺纹部分应涂防锈脂,并作相应防护。设备与混凝土紧密结合部分不涂漆。不涂漆设备应采取适当措施防止设备在运输过程中锈蚀。 Machined surfaces for equipment installation have no painting. If necessary, exposed surface shall be coated with antirust grease and adopt neutral waxed paper or other protective layer of protection. No paint shall be applied to surface of high strength bolt connection, and it could apply poly vinyl chloride peel varnish 60μm for protection (one layer of gauze between two layers), and then remove peel varnish before connection. In case of wrong painting, before installation it should take effective measures to ensure complete removal in order that high strength bolt connection is reliable. After installation, connecting plate and bolt exposed part shall be painted.
加工表面不涂漆。如果需要,外露加工表面可涂防锈脂并采用中性蜡纸或其它保护层防护。高强螺栓连接面不涂漆,采用在涂聚氯乙稀可剥清漆60μm,加以保护(两层之间贴一层纱布),联接前再将可剥清漆剥除。如果错误涂漆,在安装前应采取有效措施彻底清除确保高强螺栓连接可靠。安装后,连接板及螺栓外漏部分涂漆。不涂漆设备应采取适当措施防止设备在运输过程中锈蚀。 No painting for belt, rubber plate, stainless steel liner, galvanized surface, belt cover, plastic, rail, steel wire rope, oil seals, bearings. Galvanized surface as per tender
胶带、橡胶板、不锈钢、镀锌表面、皮带罩、塑料、钢轨、钢丝绳、油封、轴承等表面不涂漆。但不锈钢表面需涂聚氯乙烯可剥清漆或清漆(不包括紧固件),不涂漆设备应采取适当措施防止设备在运输过程中锈蚀。 Inner surface of pulley and idlers have not painting.滚筒托辊内表面不涂漆
1.3.6. The bought out of mechanical and electrical products, standard parts have their own painting and colors as motor ,reducer, brake, Hydraulic components, Hydraulic coupling, coupling ,maintenance crane etc mechanical components.
1.3.7 Paint Damage after Shipment
Where damage to the paintwork has occurred during shipment, removal of transit members or other incidents, the paint coatings shall be repaired in accordance with the paint manufacturer procedures. The Supplier shall ensure that this work is undertaken by qualified and experienced personnel and details of all repair areas shall be noted and properly supervised, inspected and checked at all stages of the repairs.
To avoid paint damages due to flame cutting, all lashing lugs or stiffening structure used for shipping purposes shall be bolted or permanently installed.
1.3.8. Paint and Anticorrosion Guarantee
All painting works shall be guaranteed for a period of five (5) years referring to grade Re 3 of the European Scale of Degree of Rusting for Anticorrosive Paint.
In cases where more than the 80% percentage of total coated area of each structural members, mechanical equipment or attachments such as brackets, stairs, ladders, handrails, platforms etc. become rusted, blistered or peeled, within five years after taking over the Equipment, the Supplier shall repair these free of charge.
This guarantee shall cover rusting, blistering, cracking and peeling of the paint system according to ISO 4628. Loss of gloss, discoloration, and rusting due to wear and tear or mechanical damage caused by improper use by the Purchaser shall be exempted from the guarantee.
根据ISO 4628的规定,该保证应涵盖涂料体系发生生锈、起泡、开裂和剥落、失去光泽、变色;因磨损导致生锈或因买方使用不当造成的机械损害不包含在保证内。
1.3.9 Dry Film Thickness
干膜厚度 inbridual dry film thickness shall be equal to or above 80% of NDFT
所有干膜厚度应大于或等于80% 名义干膜厚度。 dry film thickness between 80% of the NDFT and the NDFT are acceptable provided that the number of these measurements is less than 20% of the total number of inbridual measurements is taken.
2. Painting system for different parts and color codes
2.1 Main steel structure Color
皮带机主要钢结构 (桁架、支柱、板梁、漏斗及溜槽外壁、导料槽、平台、皮带机结构件)
Belt conveyors Main steel structure (Girder, trestle, truss, outside of hopper and chute, skirt board platform and belt conveyor structure except trestles of BC09 Tripper Car)
Finish coat Color: Finish coatcolour code: RAL3020
序号 NO. | 涂层 level | 产品名称 Product Name | 涂装次数 Coats applied | 干膜厚度 DFT |
1 | 底漆 Primer | 环氧富锌底漆 epoxy base zinc dust 颜色: 红灰 Colour: red grey | 1 | 60μm |
2 | 中间漆 Under coat | Epoxy polyamide 环氧聚酰胺 颜色: 灰色 Colour: grey | 2 | 160 |
3 | 面漆 Finish coat | 聚氨酯 Polyurethane enamel 颜色:交通红色 Colour:traffic red | 1 | 60μm |
干膜总厚度 Total DFT | 280μm |
2.2 旋转件防护罩(滚筒护罩、偶合器、联轴器护罩,拉紧防护栏杆等)
Guards for rotating parts (Guards for pulley, hydraulic coupling, coupling, railing for take up etc.)
Finish coat Color: Yellow with black stripesFinish coatcolor code
面漆颜色:黄色+黑色条纹(条纹宽度100mm)面漆色卡号 RAL1021+
序号 NO. | 涂层 level | 产品名称 Product Name | 涂装次数 Coats applied | 干膜厚度 DFT |
1 | 底漆 Primer | 环氧富锌底漆 epoxy base zinc dust 颜色: 红灰 Color: red grey | 1 | 60μm |
2 | 中间漆 Under coat | Epoxy polyamide 环氧聚酰胺 颜色: 灰色 Color: grey | 2 | 160 |
3 | 面漆 Finish coat | 聚氨酯 Polyurethane enamel 颜色:油菜黄色+黑色条纹 Color: yellow with black | 1 | 60μm |
干膜总厚度 Total DFT | 280μm |
2.3For Inside of Chutes and hopper
Finish coat Color: Finish coat color code
面漆颜色:灰白色面漆色卡号 RAL9002
序号 NO. | 涂层 level | 产品名称 Product Name | 涂装次数 Coats applied | 干膜厚度 DFT |
1 | 底漆 Primer | 环氧富锌底漆 epoxy base zinc dust 颜色: 红灰 Color: red grey | 1 | 50μm |
2 | 面漆 Finish coat | 聚氨酯 Polyurethane enamel 颜色: Color: | 2 | 125 |
干膜总厚度 Total DFT | 175μm |
Finish coat Color:Finish coat color code
序号 NO. | 涂层 level | 产品名称 Product Name | 涂装次数 Coats applied | 干膜厚度 DFT |
1 | 底漆 Primer | 环氧富锌底漆 epoxy base zinc dust 颜色: 黑色 Color: black | 1 | 20μm |
2 | 面漆 Finish coat | Epoxy polyamide 环氧聚酰胺 颜色:黑色 Color: black RAL9005 | 1 | 20μm |
干膜总厚度 Total DFT | 40μm |
Wheel, sheaves
Finish coat Color:Finish coat color code
序号 NO. | 涂层 level | 产品名称 Product Name | 涂装次数 Coats applied | 干膜厚度 DFT |
1 | 底漆 Primer | 环氧富锌底漆 epoxy base zinc dust 颜色: 红灰 Color: red grey | 1 | 60μm |
2 | 中间漆 Under coat | Epoxy polyamide 环氧聚酰胺 颜色: 灰色 Color: grey | 2 | 160 |
3 | 面漆 Finish coat | 聚氨酯 Polyurethane enamel 颜色:黑色 Color: black | 1 | 60μm |
干膜总厚度 Total DFT | 280μm |
Stairs, walkways, ladders, railing
Finish coatColor: yellowFinish coat color code
面漆颜色:黄色 RAL1021
序号 NO. | 涂层 level | 产品名称 Product Name | 涂装次数 Coats applied | 干膜厚度 DFT |
1 | 底漆 Primer | 环氧富锌底漆 epoxy base zinc dust 颜色: 红灰 Color: red grey | 1 | 60μm |
2 | 中间漆 Under coat | Epoxy polyamide 环氧聚酰胺 颜色: 灰色 Colour: grey | 2 | 160 |
3 | 面漆 Finish coat | 聚氨酯 Polyurethane enamel 颜色:黄色 Colour: yellow | 1 | 60μm |
干膜总厚度 Total DFT | 280μm |
2.7皮带罩彩钢板颜色:蓝色 色卡号
Belt cover color: bluecolor code: RAL5015
2.8 Walkway grating is hot dip galvanized; galvanization shall correspond to ISO 1461. Components to be galvanized shall be dipped in a zinc bath of minimum 450 °C. The zinc coat shall be minimum 70 microns.For trestles of BC09 shall be hot galvanized with no painting, The zinc coat shall be minimum 80 microns.
走台钢格板、梯子踏步板、现场导线管采用热浸锌,镀锌应符合EN ISO 1461要求。待镀锌的组件应在不低于450℃的锌浴中浸泡。锌涂层的厚度至少为70微米。BC09皮带机高支腿采用热浸锌,不需要涂漆,锌涂层的厚度至少为80微米。
2.9转运站Transfer tower
2.9.1主体结构 main structure
Finish coatColor:Finish coat color code
序号 NO. | 涂层 level | 产品名称 Product Name | 涂装次数 Coats applied | 干膜厚度 NDFT |
1 | 底漆 Primer | 环氧富锌底漆 epoxy base zinc dust 颜色: 红灰 Color: red grey | 1 | 60μm |
2 | 中间漆 Under coat | Epoxy polyamide 环氧聚酰胺 颜色: 灰色 Color: grey | 2 | 160 |
3 | 面漆 Finish coat | 聚氨酯 Polyurethane enamel 颜色:蓝色 Color:sky blue | 1 | 60μm |
干膜总厚度 Total DFT | 280μm |
2.9.2外装板 Cladding plate
a) 外面 Outside
Finish coat Color:Finish coat color code
b)里面 inside
Finish coat Color:Finish coat color code
2.9.3转运站楼面铺板 Checked plate on the floor
Finish coat Color:Finish coat color code
3.0 栏杆 Handrail
按2.6执行 Refer to the chapter 2.6
3.1梯子 Handrail
按2.6执行 Refer to the chapter 2.6
3.2 梯子踏步和钢格板走道
按2.8执行 refer to the chapter 2.8
Refer to 3.3
4.Electrical Unit
The painting of electrical system equipment shall meet the applicable environment.
序号 | 类别 | 涂漆标准 |
1 | 低压柜 | 遵循供货商涂漆标准,面漆色卡号RAL7035 |
2 | 高压柜 | 遵循供货商商涂漆标准,面漆色卡号RAL7035 |
3 | 电力室内控制箱 | 满足机械相关涂漆标准色卡号RAL7035 |
4 | 室外不锈钢箱体 | 不涂刷漆 |
5 | 电缆桥架 | 满足ISO 1461标准 |
6 | 变频器变压器 | 遵循施供货商涂漆标准,面漆色卡号RAL7035 |
7 | 现场导线管 | 热浸镀锌 |
8 | 电力变压器 | 遵循供货商商涂漆标准 |
序号 | 物资名称 | 规格型号 | 单位 | 数量 | 一次报价(元) | 二次报价(元) | 最终报价(元) |
1 | 除尘系统 | 详见技术协议 | 套 | 1 | ? | ? | ? |
合计 | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ||
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承诺供货周期: | |||||||
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