

1. 招标产品的名称、数量和技术参数:

8.3.1龙门系统 龙门系统由龙门大梁和两套带驱动系统的基座组成。这两套基座的驱动电机应采用一套同步控制系统控制,齿轮齿条传动,以确保它们同步行走。同时整个系统不能在轨道上任意滑动。龙门架上平面布置焊接电源、控制系统、保护气体瓶、焊接烟尘治理系统,气体瓶固定装置按用户给定尺寸设计,按大瓶气体供气方案设计,气瓶尺寸规格制造商中标后用户提供。预留集中供气接口。行走机构的轨道轮前、后设有防碰撞装置和轨道面清洁装置,龙门架走行装置应设有轨道盖板防护装置,保护轨道面避免灰尘污染,龙门机构纵向行走(X轴),焊接机械手横向行走(Y轴)。 在轨道两端,应安装限位开关,以防止整个系统冲出轨道。 龙门上需配备两套焊接机械手,机械手采用6轴肘节式结构,各关节臂应动作灵敏自如。带焊枪座、焊枪碰撞传感器,以及附加在机械手腕部的送丝机。焊接机械手横向行程不小于3000mm。焊接机械手行走速度范围不小于30~3500mm/min,焊接速度100~2000mm/min,焊接速度实现数控,闭环反馈精度小于1%。 设备整体系统行走速度范围不小于120~10000mm/min。非焊接状态下设备整体系统最大速度不小于10000mm/min。 设备系统在纵向的焊接行程不小于112000mm。
* 龙门内侧距≥5000mm,龙门距轨5500mm。

8.3.1系统的构架 龙门系统由龙门大梁和两套带驱动系统的基座组成。这两套基座的驱动电机应采用一套同步控制系统控制,齿轮齿条传动,以确保它们同步行走。同时整个系统不能在轨道上任意滑动。龙门架上平面布置焊接电源、控制系统、保护气体瓶、焊接烟尘治理系统,气体瓶固定装置按用户给定尺寸设计,按大瓶气体供气方案设计,气瓶尺寸规格制造商中标后用户提供。预留集中供气接口。行走机构的轨道轮前、后设有防碰撞装置和轨道面清洁装置,龙门架走行装置应设有轨道盖板防护装置,保护轨道面避免灰尘污染,龙门机构纵向行走(X轴),焊接机械手横向行走(Y轴)。 在轨道两端,应安装限位开关,以防止整个系统冲出轨道。
* 配备两套焊接机械手,机械手采用6轴肘节式结构,所有轴均为交流伺服电机驱动,各关节臂应动作灵敏自如。带焊枪座、焊枪碰撞传感器,以及附加在机械手腕部的送丝机。
* 焊接机械手可沿龙门横向移动,横向行程为10m,龙门横向走行速度0~40m/min
* 设备两轨道中心间距为11m,设备总宽度≤12.5m。 焊枪高度焊接范围不小于450mm~1600mm(均为距地面距离)。 焊枪离地面最小距离不大于450mm。

8.2.1 系统主要由焊接电源、控制系统、操作系统、移动工作台、冷却水系统等构成。
*8.2.2 系统包括焊接系统和工作台两大部分,为工作台移动、焊机固定垂直加压型式点焊焊接系统,主要用于铝合金车体端墙外板与端墙骨架之间的点焊。
8.2.3 本设备工作方式,点焊机为固定式,工作台为移动式,将工件置于工作台上,利用伺服电机控制自动移至点焊机电极处自动完成工件的点焊。
*8.2.4 工作台为移动式具有3轴(X、Y、R轴)之功能。
8.2.5 本设备为三相整流式点焊接系统,点焊机为垂直加压型。
*8.2.6 焊接能力(铝合金材料板厚组合):5000系列和6000系列,两层板:t2.5+t4;t2.5+t5。并具有焊接三层板(t2+t2+t3)的能力。
8.2.7 全套设备应具有足够的强度、刚度,在环境温度0°C~40°C和相对湿度≤95%的情况下,可连续工作20小时,并保证具有稳定的技术性能和精度,工作寿命长,并具有良好的抗振和抗噪音能力。
8.2.8 设备行程须满足端墙范围。

*8.2.1 焊接车辆最大轮廓尺寸(长×宽×高):28000mm×3400mm×3000mm
*8.2.2 系统允许的最大外形轮廓尺寸(长×宽):65000mm×8200mm,满足纵向双工位布置。
*8.2.3 该系统必须包含有用于车体总组装的车体总组装工装和用于车体总组装焊接的焊 接机械两部分,并且这两部分必须能相互协调、互不干扰。系统在高度方向上要与厂房内天车有足够的安全距离,可以保证车体焊接完成后可以从工装垂向顺利吊出,厂房内天车轨顶标高为9000mm。
*8.2.4 系统能够满足两个车体的同时总组装,并能够满足两个车体的焊接要求。

8.3 技术要求
*8.3.1 喷丸室 喷丸室钢结构房:喷砂房设计是针对碳钢车和铝车的;钢结构组成;喷丸室室体(包括地面基础)应具有足够的强度、刚度、稳定性、抗冲击、抗震性、密封性和耐蚀性能。 喷砂房墙壁上应粘贴弹性好且耐磨的橡胶内衬。橡胶内衬厚度≥5mm,高度按实际而定,寿命视实际操作而定,不少于5年,颜色为浅色。 喷丸室一端设置供车辆进出的大门。门为气动或电动门,通过操作按钮控制,可以从房体内部或外部开启。门的净宽度不小于4200mm(按轨道中心对称),高度不小于5100mm。门的内侧采用耐磨橡胶保护。门应具有较好的密封性、隔音和防止粉尘外泄的作用。在断电或无压缩空气的情况下,大门可以通过手动开启。 喷丸室两侧墙面均设有用于操作者出入的门。门装有观察窗,并且装有互锁安全装置来保证其当设备正在操作时处于锁定状态。 喷丸室的每个门应设有限位开关,各门所采用的限位开关要求符合国际和中华人民共和国相关安全标准。操作中打开任何一扇门都会停止喷砂操作。喷砂操作时通往喷砂间的所有的门都应关闭。

2. 招标文件售价:包01每包每套500元或75美元,包02及包03每包每套1000元或150美元,包04每包每套1500元或225美元,包05及包06每包每套2000元或300美元。文件售后不退,邮购须另加100元人民币或15美元。
3. 购买招标文件时间:即日起每天上午9:00~16:00(北京时间,节假日除外)。
4. 购买招标文件地点:北京市西城区复兴门外大街A2号中化大厦一楼大厅西侧。
5. 投标截止时间和开标时间:2011年12月20日10:00时(北京时间)。
6. 开标地点:将通过传真另行通知。

地 址:北京市西城区复兴门外大街A2号中化大厦21层
邮 编:100045
电 话:***-********/8926
传 真:***-********
联 系 人:耿一萌、高晗
户 名:中化国际招标有限责任公司
帐 号:****************668
户 名:中化国际招标有限责任公司
帐 号:****************01

SINOCHEM International Tendering Co., Ltd., entrusted by the Buyer, hereby carries out public bid for the supply of the following goods and related services, and now invites eligible bidders to attend the bidding.
1. Name, quantity and technical parameters of the bidding products:
Package 01: Gantry Sawing Machine (1 set)
9. Main Technical Parameters
9.1 Travel of saw head crossbeam: ≥3500mm.
9.2 Vertical travel of saw head: ≥500mm.
9.3 Dia. of sawing disk: φ810.
9.4 Sawing rate of saw head: 50-3000mm.
9.5 Sawing accuracy: ≤0.2mm/3m (linearity).
9.6 Surface roughness: 6.3.
9.7 Travel of air cylinder: ≥200mm.

Package 02: Big Component Welding Robot (1 set)
8.3.1 Portal System The portal system shall comprise a big portal beam and two bases with drives. The driving motors of the two bases shall be controlled by one synchronous control system, driven by gear and rack to ensure their synchronous movement. Moreover, the whole system shall not slide in any way on the rail. On the portal frame, the welding power, control system, protective gas cylinder, and welding smoke cleaning system are arranged. The gas-cylinder-fixing unit shall be designed in size specified by the user, be designed as for gas supplying with large cylinder; and the size of the gas cylinder shall be provided by the user after the Manufacturer is awarded with the Contract. An interface for centralized air supply shall be reserved. In front and rear of the rail wheel of the travelling mechanism, anti-collision unit and rail-cleaning unit are equipped. The portal frame travelling mechanism shall have rail cover hood to protect the rail surface from dust. The portal walks longitudinally (X axis), and the welding robots move transversally (Y axis). At both ends of the rail, limit switches shall be provided to prevent the system from running out of the rail. On the portal, two welding robots shall be provided, which shall be of 6-axis toggle-type structure, and each articulated arm shall move freely. Be equipped with stands for welding torches, collision sensors for welding torches, and wire feeders attached to the wrists of the robots. Transversal travel of welding robot: min. 3000 mm. Walking speed of welding robot: min. 30~3500mm/min; welding speed: 100~2000mm/min. The welding speed shall be CNC controlled. The closed-loop feedback accuracy: <1%. Walking speed of whole system for the equipment: not less than 120~10000mm/min. Max. speed of whole system for the equipment under non welding state: not less than 10000mm/min. Welding travel of the system in longitudinal direction: not less than 112000mm.
* Distance b/w portal insides ≥5000mm, portal gauge: 5500mm.

Package 03: Side-wall Welding Robot (1 set)
8.3.1 Structure of the System The portal system shall comprise a big portal beam and two bases with drives. The driving motors of the two bases shall be controlled by one synchronous control system, driven by gear and rack to ensure their synchronous movement. Moreover, the whole system shall not slide in any way on the rail. On the portal frame, the welding power, control system, protective gas cylinder, and welding smoke cleaning system are arranged. The gas-cylinder-fixing unit shall be designed in size specified by the user, be designed as for gas supplying with large cylinder; and the size of the gas cylinder shall be provided by the user after the Manufacturer is awarded with the Contract. An interface for centralized air supply shall be reserved. In front and rear of the rail wheel of the travelling mechanism, anti-collision unit and rail-cleaning unit are equipped. The portal frame travelling mechanism shall have rail cover hood to protect the rail surface from dust. The portal walks longitudinally (X axis), and the welding robots move transversally (Y axis). At both ends of the rail, limit switches shall be provided to prevent the system from running out of the rail.
* Be furnished with two welding robots, which shall be of 6-axis toggle-type structure. All axes shall be driven by AC servomotors. Each articulated arm shall move freely. Be equipped with stands for welding torches, collision sensors for welding torches, and wire feeders attached to the wrists of the robots.
* The robot shall be movable along the portal transversally, with transversal travel of 10 m. The transversal walking speed of the portal shall be 0-40 m/min.
* Welding speed: 100~2000mm/min
* Central distance b/w two rails of the equipment shall be 11 m, total width of equipment be ≤12.5m. The range of welding height of the welding torch shall not be less than 450mm~1600mm (to the ground). Min. distance from the welding torch to the ground shall not be more than 450 mm.

Package 04: End Wall Spot Welder (1 set)
8.2 General Requirements on the System
8.2.1 The system shall comprise a welding power supply, a control system, an operation system, a moving worktable, and a cooling water system, etc.
*8.2.2 The system shall comprise two parts, i.e. welding system and worktable, and be a spot welding system with movable worktable and fixed welder with vertical pressuring, and mainly for spot welding of end walls’ outer sheets and end walls’ frames for vehicle bodies of Al alloy.
8.2.3 For the equipment, the spot welder shall be fixed, while the worktable be movable; jobs be placed on the worktable, which is moved automatically by the servomotor to the electrode of the spot welder for automatic spot welding.
*8.2.4 The worktable shall be movable, and with 3 axes (X, Y and R).
8.2.5 The equipment shall be of a 3-phase rectified spot welding system. And the spot welder shall be in type of vertical pressuring.
*8.2.6 Welding capacity (thickness of combination of Al alloy sheets): 5000 and 6000 series, 2-layer sheets: t2.5+t4; t2.5+t5. And also be able to weld three layers of sheets (t2+t2+t3).
8.2.7 The whole equipment shall be of enough strength and rigidity, and able to work continuously for 20 hours under an ambient temperature of 0~40 DEG C and relative humidity ≤95%, be with steady technical performance and accuracy as well as good vibration and noise resistance, and also long service life.
8.2.8 The travel of the equipment shall meet requirement for welding end walls.

Package 05: Body Assembly Welding Robot (1 set)
8.2 General Requirements on the System
*8.2.1 Max. profile size of vehicles to be welded (LxWxH): 28000mm×3400mm×3000mm
*8.2.2 Max. outline profile size allowed by the system (LxW): 65000mm×8200mm. Allow layout of double stations longitudinally.
*8.2.3 The system must comprise two parts, i.e. general assembling tooling for general body assemblies and welding machine for welding of general body assemblies; and the two parts must coordinate with each other without any interference. The system shall have enough safe distance in heightwise direction from the overhead crane in the workshop, and ensure smooth hoisting out of the job from the tooling vertically after welding. The elevation of the rail top for the overhead crane in the workshop is 9000 mm.
*8.2.4 The system shall meet requirement for general assembling concurrently of two bodies, and welding of two bodies.

Package 06: Sand-blasting Chamber (1 set)
8.3. Technical Requirements
*8.3.1 SBC SBC steel structured room: the SBC shall be designed for carbon steel and aluminium vehicles; be of steel structure. The SBC body (incl. ground foundation) shall be of enough strength, rigidity, steadiness, and resistance to shock, vibration and corrosion, and of enough air tightness. SBC walls shall be placed with rubber liners of good elasticity and wear resistance. Thickness of rubber liner ≥5mm, height shall be decided as actual, with service life not less than 5 years depending upon actual operation. Color: light color. One end of SBC shall be designed with a gate for vehicles to enter/exit. The gate shall be pneumatic or electric one, controlled by operation buttons, and can be opened in or out the SBC. Net width of the gate shall not be less than 4200 mm (be symmetric about rail center), height not less than 5100 mm. The inside of the gate shall be protected by wear resistant rubber. The gate shall have good sealing, sound insulation and prevent dust leakage. Under power outage or with no compressed air, the gate can be opened manually. The wall at both sides of SBC shall be furnished with doors for accessing of the operator. The door shall be provided with observation window, and interlock for ensuring that it is locked when the equipment is operating. Each door of SBC shall be provided with limit switch. The limit switch of each door shall meet applicable safety standard from international world and PRC. Opening of any door during operation shall stop the sand blasting. All doors to the SBC shall be closed during sand blasting.

2. Price of Bidding Document: RMB500 or USD75 for each complete set of package01, RMB1000 or USD150 for each complete set of package02 and package03, RMB1500 or USD225 for each complete set of package04, RMB2000 or USD300 for each complete set of package05 and package06. Bidding Document is non-refundable (if mail order, with additional RMB100.00 or USD15.00).
3. Time for obtaining Bidding Documents: 9:00~16:00 (Beijing Time) every day (excl. holidays).
4. Place for obtaining Bidding Documents: West Side of the Lobby, SINOCHEM Tower, A2, Fuxingmenwai Dajie, Beijing 100045, P. R. China.
5. Deadline of Bid Submission and Bid Opening Time: 10:00am (Beijing Time), Dec. 20th, 2011.
6. Bid Opening Address: It will be informed by fax later.

SINOCHEM International Tendering Co., Ltd.
Address: 21th Floor, SINOCHEM Tower, A2, Fuxingmenwai Dajie, Beijing 100045, P. R. China.
Post code: 100045
Tel: ***-********/8926
Fax: ***-********
Contact person: Mr. Geng Yimeng and Mr. Gao Han
Account information for purchasing bidding documents (RMB):
Name of Account: SINOCHEM International Tendering Co., Ltd.
Bank Name: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Beijing Fuwai SUB-Branch
Account No.: ****************668
Account information for purchasing bidding documents (foreign currencies):
Name of Account: SINOCHEM International Tendering Co., Ltd.
Account No.: ****************01







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