日 期:2011年11月30日
投标截止时间:2012年1月11日10:00 (北京时间)
1. 本次招标公告以亚洲开发银行2008年3月10日在亚行网站商业机会上刊登的本项目总采公告为刊登依据。
2. 中华人民共和国已从亚洲开发银行(ADB)申请到一笔贷款,用于支付云南中部公路发展项目武定至昆明高速公路的费用,并计划将一部分贷款用于路面养护和质量控制设备国际竞争性招标采购下的合格支付。
3. 中仪国际招标公司(采购代理)受云南武昆高速公路有限公司(买方)的委托,邀请合格的投标人对下列货物的供货和相关服务提交密封的投标书。本次招标采购的内容包括:
第1包:包括:① 超薄罩面摊铺机,1台;② 就地冷再生机组,1台;③ 移动式冷再生机组,1台。
第3包:包括:① 分布式无线动静态数据采集系统,1套;②桥梁索力测试系统,1套;③ 桩基静载测试系统,1套。
第4包:包括:① 微机控制电液伺服万能试验机(100吨),1台;② 微机伺服控制松弛试验机(卧式),1台;③ 650吨锚固试验机(锚具试验系统),1台;④ 小型电子万能试验机(带加载工装、手动夹具、可更换传感器),1台;⑤ 1000吨微机控制电液伺服压剪试验机(含配套老化箱),1台。
5. 投标人只有提供满足以下资格要求的设备才能参加本次投标:(1)投标人应在投标文件中提交设备制造商的ISO9000质量体系认证证书或同等质量体系认证证书;(2)所有设备制造商应具有3年以上相同或类似型号、规格设备的生产经验;投标人应提供设备制造商的营业执照等证明材料供审查。
6. 有兴趣的合格投标人可从采购代理(地址附后)处查阅招标文件以获得更详细的资料。
7.有兴趣的合格投标人可向采购代理提出申请,自2011年11月30日起至2012年1月11日每天(节假日除外)上午8:30~11:00,下午14:30~16:00 (北京时间)在中仪国际招标公司购买招标文件。英文招标文件每包售价1000元,文件售后款项不予退还。如需邮购,需另加100元邮寄费用。开户行:交通银行北京分行阜外支行,开户名称:中仪国际招标公司,账号:****************43611。对于在邮寄过程中出现的任何文件丢失、破损,买方及招标代理不承担任何责任。
9. 投标人应当承担与投标书编制和投标书递交相关的一切费用,无论中标与否,买方/采购代理均不对此费用负责。
10. 在评审的过程中,将根据投标人须知的规定采用亚行的国内优惠政策。
电话: ***-********,********
Invitation for Bids
Date: November 30, 2011
Loan No. and Title: 2448-PRC, Central Yunnan Roads Development Project
Bid No.: 0703-1020CIC5Y032
(1) This Invitation for Bids follows the General Procurement Notice for this project that appeared in the “ADB Business Opportunities” in March 10, 2008.
(2) The People’s Republic of China has received a loan from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) towards the cost of Central Yunnan Roads Development Project, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this loan to payments under the four contracts for Procurement of Goods for Pavement Maintenance Equipment & Quality Control Equipment (Hereinafter referred to as “the Goods and related services”).
(3) Instrimpex International Tendering Company (the Procurement agent, CNIITC), authorized and on behalf of Yunnan Wukun Expressway Company (the Purchaser), now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the supply of the goods and related services. The main equipments are as follows: Package 1 Ultrathin covering paver 1 set,In-situ cold-recylcing mixing plant 1 set,Movable cold-recylcing mixing plant 1 set;Package 2 Slip loader 6 sets;Package 3 Stepwise wireless static/dynamic data collecting system 1 set, Bridge relaxation testing system 1 set, Pile foundation static load testing system 1 set; Package 4 Microcomputer Electro-Hydraulic Servo Universal Tester (100t) 1 set, Microcomputer Servo Relaxation Tester (Horizontal type) 1 set, 650t anchorage tester (Anchor test system) 1 set, Mini electronic universal tester (with loading tool kits, manual clamps, replaceable sensors) 1 set, 1000-ton microcomputer electro-hydraulic servo pressure-shear tester (including aging oven) 1 set.
Bidders can bid for any one or all of these four packages. And if the bidder submits several bids, these bids shall be complied, sealed and submitted separately.
(4) International Competitive Bidding will be conducted in accordance with ADB’s single-stage: one-envelope procedure and is open to all bidders from eligible source countries.
(5) Only eligible bidders who can supply equipment with the following key qualifications should participate in this bidding: (a) The manufacturer of the equipment should submit the ISO9000 quality certificate or other equivalent quality certificate;(b) The manufacturer shall have at least 3 years production history of the same or similar type or model productions, and the copies of business license of the manufactures is required.
(6) Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from CNIITC, and inspect the Bidding Document at the address given below during working time: 9:00-16:00 (Beijing time).
(7) The Bidding Document, in the English language, may be purchased from CNIITC by interested eligible bidders on submission of a written application to CNIITC at the address below between 8:30 – 11:30 and 13:30 – 16:00 (Beijing time) starting on November 30, 2011 and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of RMB 1000 or USD160. For mail order, the document will be sent by EMS at additional cost of RMB100 (for domestic delivery) or USD20 (for overseas delivery). No liability will be accepted for loss or late delivery.
(8) Bids must be delivered to Yunnan Public Resource Trade Center (No.269, Kefa Road, Gaoxin District, Kunming, Yunnan Province) at or before 10:00 a.m. (Beijing Time) on January 11, 2012. All bids must be accompanied by a bid security not less than 2% of the total bid price. Late bids shall be rejected. Bids will be opened in the presence of the bidders representatives who choose to attend the bid opening immediately after deadline for submission of the bids on January 11, 2012.
(9) CNIITC and the Purchaser will not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by bidders in connection with the preparation or delivery of bids.
(10) In the comparison of bids, ADB’s domestic preference scheme will be applied in accordance with the provisions stipulated in the instructions to bidders.
The Purchaser: Yunnan Wukun Expressway Company
Address: Fumin Hotel, Fumin County, Kunming City, Yunnan Province 650400, China
Tel: 86 871 8813329
Fax: 86 871 8813329
Attention: Mr. Li Yeqiang
Email: lyqiang618@live.cn
The Procurement Agent: Instrimpex International Tendering Company
Address: Room 1002, Genertec Plaza, 90 Xisanhuan Zhonglu, Bejing, China
Tel: 86 10 ********, ********, ********
Fax: 86 10 63373642
Attention: Mr. Niu Hao, Mr. Zhu Xiaomin, and Mr. Ye Zongping
Email: niuhao@cniitc.genertec.com.cn
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