International Bidding Invitation of Feasibility Study for Anchor Attractions and Destination Development of GRAM Eco-City
(招标编号Bid No:0612-1240D******* )
一、?????????? 项目概况? Project profiles
Name of Project: Feasibility Study for Anchor Attractions and Destination Development of GRAM Eco-City
Location of Project: Hanguang Town, Yingde, Guangdong, China
Owner of Project (Employer): Guangdong GRAM Urban Eco-development Co., Ltd.
4、项目概况:为响应广东省委、省政府构建和谐广东和振兴广东东西北的号召,促进英德市当地的经济发展和提升广东北部山区的旅游产业,广东省广晟资产经营有限公司下属的广东广晟生态城股份有限公司计划在英德市投资开发广晟生态城旅游项目,初步计划建设包括温泉度假主题酒店、伊人花园、在水一方、高科技游乐项目、马术运动场、体育公园、特色酒店群、酒店式公寓、颐养社区、别墅庄园、教育培训、生态科技研发基地等项目。努力将广晟生态城打造成 “纯静唯美”的集“旅、居、业”为一体的复合型特色生态旅游休闲度假区。广晟生态城位于广东省英德市浛洸镇,占地面积 670公顷,其中规划建设用地 442公顷,农业用地228公顷。项目计划总投资不低于30亿元人民币,分三期建设,首期启动区面积约为 100公顷,计划于 2014年建成。
About the Project: ?GRAM Eco-City is a tourism project invested and developed in Yingde by Guangdong GRAM Urban Eco-development Co., Ltd. subordinated to Guangdong Rising Asset Management Co., Ltd., and a key act to boost the local economic development of Yingde City and upgrade the tourist industry in the northern mountainous area of Guangdong in response to the call of CPC’s Guangdong Provincial Committee and Guangdong Provincial Government on building a harmonious Guangdong and revitalizing the eastern northwest region of Guangdong. developed into a pure and aesthetical comprehensive recreational and tourist resort featuring ecological theme and integrating the functions including hot spring resort hotel, water park, theme park, featured resorts, hotel complex, leisure and recreational facilities, ecological technology R&D base, etc.. This Project is located at Hanguang Town, Yingde City, Qingyuan Municipalities in northern Guangdong Province, occupies a state-owned land area of 670hectares, in which the planning and construction land area accounts for 442hectares, agricultural land 228hectares. The total investment for the project is no less than RMB 3,000,000,000Yuan, three-phase construction, the first launch area about 100hectares, and plans to complete in 2014.
二、?????????? 对投标人的资格要求Qualification requirements for the bidder
1.???? 投标人须为在投标人所在国合法注册1年或以上、在其营业范围内可以从事本项目的可行性研究和咨询服务的法人或组织。投标人须提交其在注册所在国认可的能证明其具备可行性研究和咨询服务能力的文件,以及咨询团队的资格和履历证明。
The bidder shall be the legal person or organization who or which legally registered for 1 year or more in the bidder’s country, engaged in the project feasibility research and consulting services in its business scope. The bidder shall submit the files recognized in its registration country for certification of the capacity in the project feasibility research and consulting services and the qualifications for consulting team and credentials.
2.???? 中华人民共和国境内的投标人须具有国家发展和改革委员会颁发的工程咨询单位甲级资质证书。项目负责人须有高级技术职称。
The bidder in the Peoples Republic of China shall have the National Development and Reform Commission issued Engineering advisory unit qualification certificates integrated Class-A. Project leader shall have senior technical titles.
3.???? 投标人拟委派本项目的项目负责人须具有自2008年1月至今在国内或国外作为项目负责人完成过三项或以上大型娱乐或大型主题公园建设项目的可行性研究和咨询业绩。
The appointed project leader by the bidder shall have the qualification of feasibility study and consultation results in responsible for the completion three or more large-scale entertainment or large-scale theme park construction project in domestic or abroad as the main leader since 2008 January.
三、?????????? 招标内容? The content
With the bidder’s provided requirements consulting services shall start to initial assessment for the main Attractions of GRAM Eco-City project, feasibility study for core Attractions including water park and garden, project comprehensive analysis, the overall development strategy and project financial analysis, planning and consulting services, and provide feasible bidding research report for the bidder.
四、?????????? 评标委员会的组成? The composition of the bid evaluation commission
The bid evaluation committee and expert number is determined in accordance with the relevant PRC laws and regulations, and in light of the characteristics of project selected.?
五、?????????? 时间安排?? Time arrangement
1.???? 招标文件发售时间:2012年4月5日至2012年4月24日(北京时间:上午9:00~下午17:00,节假日除外),招标文件售价:700元人民币或100美元(售后不退),邮寄另加50元人民币(中国境内)或50美元(中国境外)。
Time of Selling Bidding Documents: Between 09:00 to17:00 (Beijing time), except holidays, from2012-4-5 on to the deadline 2012-4-24. Price of Bidding Documents: RMB500 or USD75(non-refundable payment), Mail plus RMB 50 (in Chinese) or USD50 (outside China).
2.???? 招标文件发售地点:广东省机电设备招标公司(广州市环市中路316号金鹰大厦10层)。
Place of Selling Bidding Documents: Guangdong Provincial Machinery & Electric Equipment Tendering Co.
3.???? 投标文件递交时间:请于2012年4月25日9:30~10:00(北京时间)由投标人委派专人送达广东省机电设备招标公司,逾期送到的投标文件恕不接受。
The Deadline for Submitting Bids (Beijing Time):2012-4-25, between 09:30 to10:00 (Beijing time). The bidder assigned the specialist to Guangdong Provincial Machinery & Electric Equipment Tendering Co. late to the bid documents will not be accepted.
4.???? 开标截止时间、地点:2012年4月25日10:00(北京时间)在广东省机电设备招标公司会议室开标。
The Deadline for Time, Place of Bid Opening: 2012-4-25 10:00PM (Beijing Time),
Guangdong Provincial Machinery & Electric Equipment Tendering Co. meeting room.
六、?????????? 费用 Fee
1.???? 投标所需费用均由投标人自行承担。
Bidding expenses shall be borne by all bidders
The Tenderee(Employer): Guangdong GRAM Urban Eco-development Co., Ltd.
地址:中国广东省英德市浛洸镇????? ???????邮编:513036
Address: Hanguang Town, Yingde, Guangdong, China
Postcode: 513036
电话Tel: ****-*******??????????????????????????? 传真Fax: ****-*******
Contact: Mr. Liu
The tender agent: Guangdong Provincial Machinery & Electric Equipment Tendering Co.
地址:广东省广州市环市中路316号金鹰大厦10楼?? ????邮编:510060
Addr: 10/F Jingying Building , 316 Huanshi RD, Guangzhou China
Zip code: 510060
电话Tel: 86-20-********,********????????? ??????传真Fax: 86-20-********
Contact: Wang Yong-Xin(for Chinese) ; Ning Xiao-Ping(for English)
Bank(RMB/USD): Industrial and Commercial Bank of China the First District Branch Guangzhou
帐号Account No.(RMB /USD) : ****************441
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