轻质喷管绝热结构预制件注射成型系统评标结果公示 1.招标人名称:内蒙古航天红岗机械有限公司 2.招标代理机构名称:中化商务有限公司 3.招标代理机构地址:北京市西城区复兴门外大街A2号中化大厦20层 4.招标代理机构联系人和联系方式:张卓 010-59369664 5.项目名称:轻质喷管绝热结构预制件注射成型系统 6.招标内容:轻质喷管绝热结构预制件注射成型系统 7.招标方式:国际公开招标 8.招标编号:0747-2040SCCZE073 9.招标公告发布媒体:中国国际招标网、中国招标投标公共服务平台、中化商务电子招投标平台 10.招标公告发布日期:2020年7月17日 11.公示时间:2020年8月12日至2020年8月17日 12.中标候选人 本项目无推荐中标候选人 13.提出异议的渠道和方式:投标人或者其他利害关系人对评标结果有异议的,须将经授权人签字并加盖公章的书面异议函以传真或电子邮件形式发送至如下联系人,如未提供经授权人签字并加盖公章的异议函,将被视为无效异议。 联 系 人:张经理 联系电话:010-5936-9664 传真:010-5936-9782 电子邮箱:zhangzhuo02@sinochem.com 中化商务有限公司 2020年8月12日 Bid evaluation results of light nozzle adiabatic structure prefabricated injection molding system are published 1. Name of tenderee: Inner Mongolia Aerospace Honggang Machinery Co., LTD 2. Name of bidding Agency: Sinochem Commercial Co., LTD 3. Address of the tendering agency: 20 / F, Zhonghua Building, A2 Fuxingmen Street, Xicheng District, Beijing 4. Contact and contact information of the tendering agency: Zhang Zhuo 010-59369664 5. Project name: Injection molding system for lightweight nozzle adiabatic structure prefabricated parts 6. Bidding content: Injection molding system of light weight nozzle adiabatic structure prefabricated parts 7. Bidding method: International open bidding 8. Bidding No. : 0747-2040SCCZE073 9. Media issuing the bidding announcement: China International Bidding Website, China Bidding Public Service Platform, Sinochem E-commerce Bidding Platform 10. Date of tender Notice: July 17, 2020 11. Public date: August 12, 2020 solstice, August 17, 2020 12. Winning candidate No successful candidate is recommended for this item 13. Objection channels and means: a bidder or any other interested party to object to the evaluation results, should be the authorized person to sign and stamp the written objection letter by fax or email sent to the following contacts, such as did not provide a authorized person signature and build official seal of the objection function, will be deemed to be null and void. Contact person: Manager Zhang Contact number: 010-5936-9664 The true: 010-5936-9782 Email: Zhangzhuo02@sinochem.com Sinochem Commercial Co. LTD August 12, 2020 |
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