成交单位: 北京普瑞斯玛电气技术有限公司
项目名称: 中国科学院大气物理研究所施耐德BLOKSET配电柜Prisma-IPM配电箱采购项目
项目编号: GDC-****************7
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采购人: 中国科学院大气物理研究所 成交供应商: 北京普瑞斯玛电气技术有限公司
联系人: 中科院大气所 联系人: 罗智勇
联系电话: ********053 联系电话: 159*****194
电子邮件: ********@qq.com">********@qq.com 电子邮件: pursma@pursma.com
开始日期: 2013-05-17 08:51:08 送货地点: 河北省香河县淑阳镇中国科学院大气物理研究所香河站
截止日期: 2013-05-22 08:51:08 到货时间: 采购结果公告后 15 天
资质要求: 1、 投标人必须具有由施耐德授权认证BLOKSET和Prisma-IPM的生产配套产品的许可协议证书; 2、 投标人必须为具有BLOKSET和Prisma-IPM柜型的国家强制性CCC试验报告及CCC证书的专业配电柜生产企业; 3、 采购中的低压成套设备与主要低压元器件、多功能电表仪等必须为原装正品施耐德品牌产品; 4、 配电柜型采用施耐德BLOKSET,配电箱型采用Prisma-IPM; 5、 投标人必须为北京低压柜生产企业或外地在北京具有销售服务网点的低压柜生产企业; 6、 投标人必须提供服务承诺书,承诺在设备发生故障后2小时内到达故障现场进行维修服务。 7、 本次配电柜采购不接受联合体投标;
送货地点: 满足 到货时间: 满足
服务承诺: 售后服务承诺书 北京普瑞斯玛电气技术有限公司坚持以质量取胜,竭诚为顾客提供安全可靠、优质价廉的产品。企业以“专业创新、自强清醒、勤奋实在”为经营理念,以“品质卓越,满分履约”为质量目标。提供的配电产品在符合国家及行业标准的前提下,充分满足客户的要求,对产品实行终身服务。我公司特此承诺接到用户通知,以最快的速度赶到工程现场。满足要求在2小时内到达设备现场。 我们奉行“品质卓越,满分履约”的宗旨,为您提供最全面和满意的服务。北京普瑞斯玛愿与您携手为广大用户提供优质、高效的配电产品与服务! 公司电话:***-********;***-******** 公司传真:***-******** 全天候服务:139*****506 北京普瑞斯玛电气技术有限公司 2013年5月21日
供应商简介: (供应商自行录入公司简介,不代表本中心意见)
企业简介 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 北京普瑞斯玛电气技术有限公司系北京供电局定点制造高、低压成套开关设备的现代化企业。公司专业从事法国施耐德品牌高、低压成套开关设备的本地化生产,是施耐德电气(中国)投资有限公司授权合作盘厂,产品使用施耐德电气商标。北京普瑞斯玛电气技术有限公司所有低压产品皆通过中国质量认证中心的“CCC”强制性认证(27张证书)。 公司位于北京市通州区台湖开发区与京沈高速交汇处,占地面积13860平方米,建筑面积12000平方米,具备年产值两亿元以上的生产和服务能力。按照GB/T19001 idt ISO9001质量管理体系标准,公司建立行之有效的质量保证体系,制订了从研发、设计、制造、安装和服务等环节的质量控制程序文件和作业文件。强调预防和纠正措施的贯彻,严格按照国家和行业标准进行生产和验收,建立健全了产品制造的流程控制、质量原始档案、产品售后服务跟踪档案,形成内、外部质量信息管理网络。坚持对公司内部质量体系的持续性、适应性进行定期评审,以确保质量体系的持续有效运行。率先在同行业实行用于研发、设计、生产、管理全过程的ERP企业资源管理系统。 公司现拥有日本天田株式會社(AMADA CO., LTD.)进口的58工位AE-2510NT伺服驱动转塔数控冲床,“AMADA”下动式RG-M2数控折弯机;扬力集团MS8数控闸式剪板机、J21S-63型深颈压力机;昆开SJW303-三点式数控母线加工机、汇力DMX-三点式数控母线加工机及全系列高、低压检测仪。这些技术精良、业内领先的数控设备的使用,最大程度的保证了提供的产品外观精美、做工精细、质量可靠,确保交付的产品充分满足客户的需求。 公司主要产品有:Prisma ipm-FS/WM系列、Prisma ipm-UE系列、Pursma-PMS精密配电柜、Pursma-SPC机房列头柜、IP66/IP55/IP54/IP42高防护等级配电箱(柜)、Blokset低压柜、Mvnex中置柜、SM6/RM6环网柜,YBM-12型预装式箱式变电站、KYN28A(GZS1)中压中置柜、XGN15、HXGN型环网柜,MNS、GCS、GCK、GGD、XL系列低压柜,XXM、XRB系列配电箱、计量箱等。产品广泛应用于国家政府机关、工业厂矿及各类高端用户。公司产品质量可靠、价格合理、供货及时、服务周到,受到广大用户的好评。 公司努力培养具有高度责任心和求实创新精神的高素质人才,规范和提升企业管理,力求为客户提供性价比最高的产品。坚持诚信是企业赖以生存的条件,用户的认可是企业追求的目标;通过恪守“务实、合作、学习、创新”的行为准则来保障公司产品与服务质量的持续改进。企业宗旨是:立足输配电自动化控制领域,以人为本,专业创新,做中国和世界电气行业的能效管理专家;企业质量方针是:持续改进质量管理体系,提供高性能产品,不断满足顾客对产品质量的需求与期望。 公司与北京工业大学机电学院开展长期科研项目合作,倡导以企业为主体,市场为导向、产学研相结合的发展模式;加快科技成果转化为生产力,实现了科技对经济生产和社会发展的进一步推动作用。 北京普瑞斯玛电气技术有限公司热忱地期待与国家政府机关、设计单位、工业厂矿、各类高端用户合作,携手为您提供优质、高效的整体配电解决方案与服务! Beijing Pursma Electric Technology Co.,Ltd is a designated manufacturer of high and low voltage switch equipment of Beijing Power Supply Bureau. Pursma is authorized to be the cooperation factory of Schneider Electric (China) Investment Co.,Ltd and specialize in the production of high and low voltage switch equipment of Schneider brand. All low voltage products in Beijing Pursma Electric Technology Co.,Ltd have awarded 27 “CCC” compulsory certifications by China Quality Certification Center. Company located in the junction of Taihu development zone of Tongzhou, Beijing and highway of Beijing and Shenyang. It covers an area of 13860 square meters and construction area of 12000 square meters. Pursma own 2 billion production and service ability. In accordance with GB/T19001 idt ISO9001 the standard quality management system, company has established effective quality control system and formulate quality control program files and assignment files including Research& Development, design, production, assemble and service and so on. Emphasis on implementing measurement in the way of prevention and correction. Production and QA should be carry out in accordance with the standard rules made by government and industry. Company set up and well-keep procedure control system of production, original quality record and after sale service tracing record, hence formed internal and external quality information management network. Furthermore, company insist on carrying out regular inspection for the steadiness and adaptability of internal quality system to ensure quality system operating effectively and stably. We are the fist company that implement ERP enterprise resource management system among the industry for design, development, production and whole process management. Company possess 58 workstation AE-2510NT servo drive turret NC punch and CNC bending machine of type RG - M2 which imported from Japan AMADA CO. LTD, Yangli Grounp MS8 NC brake shears plate, J21S-63 Deep neck press, Kunkai SJW303 CNC machining equipment, Huili DMX-Three CNC machining equipment and the whole series of high and low measurement machine. Excellent technology and advanced CNC machine equipment equipped our products to have delicate appearance, fine workmanship and reliable quality, thereby satisfy our customer’s demand sufficiently. The following is our main products:Prisma ipm-FS/WM series、Prisma ipm-UE series、Pursma-PMS precision power distribution cabinet、Pursma-SPC maschine room line cabinet、IP66/IP55/IP54/IP42 advanced protection grade distribution box, Blokset low voltage cabinet, Mvnex middle voltage cabinet,SM6/RM6 looped network cabinet,YBM-12 preassemble box transformer station,KYN28A(GZS1)middle voltage cabinet,XGN15、HXGN looped network cabinet,MNS、GCS、GCK、GGD、XL series low cabinet,XXM、XRB series distribution box, measuring box and so on. Products are largely applied in National government department, Industry of factory and mines and some high end customers. The reliable quality, reasonable price, timely supply and well service make our products highly praised by customers. Company dedicate to develop high quality man with high responsibility, realistic and innovative spirit in order to regulate and improve enterprise’s management thus provide customer with high quality, reasonable price products. Honesty is the necessity for enterprise survival and recognition is the goal. Company ensure and keep on improving the quality of products and service through carrying out the standard rule of pragmatic, cooperation, study and creation. We aim to be based on the field of PTD automation control, people-oriented, professional innovation and become China and World’s energy efficiency management expert among electrical industry. Company’s quality policy is to improve quality system continuously, provide high performance products and meet customer requirements for product quality and expectation. Company has established long-term cooperation with Beijing Industry University for scientific research. We will step up our efforts to establish a market-oriented system for development model, in which enterprises play the leading role and which combines the efforts of enterprises, universities and research institutes, thereby promoting the translation of scientific and technological advances into practical productive forces. It is really realized that technology plays the important role of promoting economy production and social development. Beijing Pursma Electric Technology Co.,Ltd looking forward to cooperate with government, design unit, industrial mines and various types of high-end users to provide you with high quality and efficient of overall power distribution solutions and services.
报价总金额: 419,991.00
供应商名称 投标总金额
北京普瑞斯玛电气技术有限公司 (受采购人委托,采购中心确定其为成交供应商) 419,991.00元
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