招标范围:1.1项目概况: 因生产需要,招标人拟为其临港工厂ABS装置采购一批叔十二烷基硫醇(TDM)。Overview: TDM Procurement for Tenderee’s ABS Plant in Lingang Economic Area is necessary to meet the production demand. 1.2资金到位或资金来源落实情况:自筹资金,资金来源已落实。Source of Funds: Self-Funded, Funding has been implemented.1.3项目已具备招标条件的说明:已具备。Description of the prepared Conditions: It is ready for Bidding.2.招标内容Bidding Content2.1招标项目编号:
****-********0108 IFB No.:
****-********01082.2招标项目名称:天津大沽化工股份有限公司ABS装置叔十二烷基硫醇(TDM)国际竞争性公开招标项目。Project name: TDM FOR ABS PLANT OF TIANJIN DAGU CHEMICAL CO., LTD.2.3项目实施地点:中国天津市临港经济区大沽化工股份有限公司ABS 工厂。Place of Project Implementation: ABS Plant for Tianjin Dagu Chemical CO., LTD, Tianjin Lingang Economic Area, Tianjin, China2.4招标货物列表List of Goods:货物名称ABS工厂用叔十二烷基硫醇Goods Name(TDM)for ABS Plant数量QuantityTDM350吨,以招标人实际使用量为准TDM 350MT, Subject to the actual capacity of the tenderee ★交货期Time of Delivery2021年8月至2022年1月期间按招标人时间表和需求分批交货Delivery shall be made by instalment during Aug of 2021 to Jan of 2022, according to the Buyer’s schedule and requirement.交货地点Place of Delivery 国内厂商:大沽化工ABS工厂;国外厂商:天津港。Domestic supplier: ABS plant of Tianjin Dagu Chemical CO., LTD, No. 16 Bohai Road, Lingang economy area,Tianjin, China.Supplier abroad: Tianjin sea port, China
开标时间:2021-07-14 14:00
公示开始时间:2021-07-15 10:44
评标公示截止时间:2021-07-19 16:00
候选人排名 | 投标商名称 | 制造商 | 制造商国别及地区 |
1 | 香港瑞木有限公司 | 雪佛龙菲利普斯化学公司 | 比利时 |